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■ptlttff. . NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. niVIDEND WARRANTS for the HT „ Half Year ended 30lh September, 1889, Sfi °? "i 8 , Keglster at that dato. Share* _£.£?-_.£?. dlsta P OB ma -** '^aye thoir warrants lorwarded by post on sending ioatruotions. .., B". W. WILLIAMS AND KETTLE, 0 ™ Agenta for Hawke's Bay. HAWKE'S BAY PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. f|_lE above Society advance Money *„* on *_oehold and Leasehold Property M^?M ns0 T tyea . rafrom2to 12 - repayable by Monthly Instalments according to new scale, which is lower than any other Society in the oolony, by which scale a considerable saving is offected as against a loan boarlnz Interest at 7 per cent por annum from other sources. Thefollowingare a few othor advantages not obtainable outside tho Sooiety, viz :- 1. No procuration or commission fees nr * obargea 2. Kxponsoa of mortgage ower. FUUHIHS of the value of property. Foi example :— lf a borrowor possesses land to tho value of £100, tho Sooiety will advance an amount np to tho extent o £300 for building purposes. ° i. In case of sickness or other causes pay ments may bo suspended for terms of from 3 to 6 months, intorest on balance due only being payable. ' 5, Loans may be paid off at any time by giving 3 months notice. Applications for Lonns may bo mado. Circulars and Prospectus, and all information obtained at tho Socihty 8 Oflico, Tounyson street* Oflico nours : Daily, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2.30 to 5.30 p.m ; Saturday. 10 a,m. to 1 p.m. J. B. FIELDER Secrotary HAWKE'S BAY FANCY GOODS BAZAAR, DINWIDDIE'S BUILDINGS, HASTINGS-STREET. EVERY ARTICLK MARKSD IN PLAIN FIGURES, From which no Abatement will bo mado. SHILLING AND HALF-CROWN TABLES. BEST VALUE IN NAPIER. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND PRESENTS A SPECIALITY. We challenge comparison with the Prices charged for similar Goods by ANY HOUSE IN NAPIER. HAWKES BAY FANOT GOODS AND DIPT BAZAAR, DINWIDDIE'S BUILDINGS, Hastings-stbeet. 628 j «! _ I THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE HOUSE. SIDEY "& BAIN Hjve just received New Beason s Supply of LAWN TENNIS AND CRICKETING WARE, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS Including HAWCRIDGE'S ' "Gold Medal," "Wavorley," "Olympia " Avenue,' Lady's Avenue" and Wonder TENNIS RACKETS. ! Tennis Bails.— Match, Practioo, Covered, ] aod Groy Ruboer. ' Tennis Sets. Poles, Nets, Measuring Tapes Presses, and Lawn Markers. /3T Hawcridgo'a Rackets and Balls nro specially recommended by the leading ■ournals in Great Britain, and have been specially selected on account of their superiority In tho LATEST Tournament Contests. CRICKET BATS IN VARIETY. Balls, Stumps, Leg Guards, Batting Gloves, ] and Gauntlets, Sec, &c, &c. INSPECTION IS INVITED. i Comparison will prove the superior quality Of HAWCRIDGE'S GOODS, for whioh we , havo been appointed SOLE AGENTS. • SIDEY ~& BAIN, HASTINGS-STREET NAPIER. 161 HAWKE'S BAY BOOK AND STA- ' TIONERY WAREHOUSE. NOW LANDING, EX MARGARET GAL BRAITH, IONIC, AND OTHER LATE ARRIVALSLARGE SHIPMENTS OP PLAIN & FANOY STATIONERY, Consisting of Account Books, all sizes and rulings (somo lines at special priceß to clean, Envelopes, Note-paper, Letter-paper, Foolscaps, Deed Papers, Copying Papers, Parchments, Traoing Papors, Tracing Cloths, Whatman's Perfect Drawing Papers. All kinds &o. Sec. DIARIES. Letts', New Zealand, Collins, Marous Ward's and Churchman's Remembrances. ARTISTS' MATEEIALS. Oil, Moist, and Wnter Colors, Brushes, Prepared Canvas and Paper, Mounting Boards, Sec. Sec NEW BOOKS. Fino SeleoUona of tho Nowest Books of the doy by ovory direot steamer. SOHOOL BOOKS. Full supply of School Books and School tntlonory. Prize Books in ondlesa varioty, DISTRICT LIBRARIES All tho ohonp Colonial Sorieß of Novels In oloth nnd halt bound alwayß on hand. Country Storokeopors, Sohool Committees, and other largo buyora troalod on moat liboral torms. JOHN CRERAR, BOOKSELL-B AND STATIONER, HASTINGS-STREET, NAPIER. m SCIENCE LECTURES (Undor the approval and patronago of tho nawken Bay Eduoation Board). A COURSE OF LECTURES IN J ELEMENTARY SCIENCE J (PHYSICS) Will be glvon on SATURDAYS at 11 a.m. in tho Counoil Chambor, Naplor, by FREDERICK D. FERGUSSON (Headmaster, Makotuku District School; late Junior Master, Boys' High Sohool, Christchurch ; Associato in Arts, Oxford ; and late Exhibitioner in Chemistry, Owen'a Collego, Victoria University, Manchester). Tho socond session will begin on SATURDAY, August 31st, and will end on SATURDAY, Doeembor 21. Fee kob Tns Session.. „ £2 1 Half Session .. .. _ £1 (Payable in advance). Tho scientiflo apparatus ordered by the Eduoation Board from England has now arrived. Tho Leotures, whioh will be fully illustrated with experiments, will preparo candidates in Sclenco for tho Matriculation, Teachers and 1 Civil Service Examinations. } Tbreo prlzeß, namely, £3, £2, and £1, will ba 1 offored for competition at tho end of the r Bossion. ..... For furthor partioularß sco printed oiroular, which may bo obtained at the Education Office Napier 121 HOUSEHOLD LINENS. ATTENTION is specially drawn to our largo and well assorted Stock of >• Household Drapery. Ac overy Hne is sold at I genuino Wholesalo Prices and for Ready Money only, it Ib groatly to the interest of all purchasers of these goods to inspect our splendid stook. Wo havo a grand range of Unbleached and „ Croam Table Damasks, by tho yard; any la length cut at Is, ls 3d, ls 6d, ls Dd, 2s, 2s 6d ; ,1 all linen and oertaln to give satisfaction. / ' In Bleached Tablo Damasks wo hold a com- ' ploto rango. all new patterns, somo of them especially the better qualities, beiug quito '*** artistio. Wo can out any length ot 2s, 2s 3d, " 2a6d,259,1,356d, ls6d. Of course they aro all > v linen, and Bre vory Buperlor goods. iv jhe Table Napkin trade Ib a specialty with us. We soil an enormous quantity, couse- " v euently wo imnort very largely, and doing ov only a striot Cash Businoss give our customers the very best value obtainable. Our prices are Ss 6d, 6s 6d, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 0s 6d, 10s 6d, 128 6d, 15s 6d, and we hove no hesitation ln ~~ saying these are not to bo obtained elsewhere. We nave a specially choice parcel of Linen it* Afternoon Tea Cloths, at the low prico of 4s ,„ lld ond 5s Hd eaoh. Exceedingly nioe goods, l " A now line in Counterpanes is the Satin SR Quilt, an entire change from the ordinary honeycomb or covers ; their rich appearance Ib only equalled by their wonderful oheapneßS, which is only 12s 6d and Hs 6d each. We have the Toilet Covers to match at 2s lld each. Some very pretty seta of ToUet Mats for the dressing table, in various oolored Bilk and Tl wool embroidery ; prices Ib 3d, Ib 6d. Is 9d the .'. set of four. Vory nioe goods Indeed. By the " Tainui" we received a choice lot on* of Lace Antimacassars, newest designs, and ite yory large sizeß, suitablo either for ohairs or i»- sofas, at genuine wholesale prices— namely, IS". 7d, Ib 3d,and ls 9d each ; woll worth Beeing. •ies Pure Washed Sheetings, "Dacca" mflce. iof As theßO goods have a world-widercnutatlon, of* it 13 only necessary to say that we oiler them -W at the real Wholosalo Piices, ls, is 3d, and Is X*-, 6d per yard. Being mado of the very best *« cotton, and absolutely Iree from any dressing, they cannot fall to give entire satisfaction. •jDttAPERY COY. TW -* 6_

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8526, 22 November 1889, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8526, 22 November 1889, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8526, 22 November 1889, Page 3