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CB. HOADLEY & CO.'s Advei • tisomonts will bo found on the Four! Pago. . i BAKER & lABUTEAU'S SALES, LAN D" S ALE. s. , ,AT AUCTION. '■I ON SATURDAY, 28th APRIL, At 2 o'clock. \{ IN THEm PREMISES. TENNYSON- {} STREET. d BAKER AND~TABUTEAIT Havo beon favored by W. Hobinbon, Esq to disposo of ' 1 Ok BUILDING ALLOTMENT! _fl_£F AND 16 SUBURBAN SECTIONS In the Township of MAKATOKU, Adiacent to the Railway Station. '» * j A splendid opportunity is now offered to ot ,z tain a freehold in this risintr township. Terms—} Cash, J in 3 months, balance in years nt 8 per cent. ! BAKER AND TABUTEAU, 1 3il Auctioneers. LAND SALE. ' • AT AUCTION. , BAKER sTtABUTEATJ > Havo beon favored by P. H. Dickson, Esq. to disposo of a portion of his fine j TESTATE AT PAPAKURA : XU which is within easy distance of lowi and free from floods. I Lithographs of the property aro now boißj , prepared. ' BAKER & TABUTEAU, . ■ 179 Auctioneers. ! ONEPOTO GULLY. A BARGAIN. 4 -ROOMED COTTAGE, Lot 14. of Napier Suburban Section 14. Insured for £150. . Prico £210. Easy terms. BAKER & TABUTEAU, 463.. LandAgenis. BUSINESS FOE SALE. COUNTRY STOREKEEPER. CJTOCK on hand, £300; Average K3 Yaluo of Stock required to be kept, £400; Value of Buildings, £250; together with 3 acres of Land. Post-oftlco and Telephone connected with Store. Carry on Business as well. Prico £590. Terms to suit purchasor. BAKER AND TABUTEAU, 336 Land Agents. LEASEHOLD, GREENMEADOWS. Af\ ACRES, Sections 10 and 11, \f fenced, good road, well watered ; rental £40 per annum. BAKER & TABUTEAU, 276 Land Agents. OFFIOESJTO LET, LOW RENTAL, with Strong-room K ow Brick Building. 277 . BAKER & TABUTEAU. BAKER AND TABUTEAU, TKNNYSON-3TREET, NAPIER. LAND, ESTATE? HOUSE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS SURVEYORS AND VALUATORS, INSURANCE AGENTS. Estimates preparod for tho subdivision nnd Bale of properties. Land Transfer and every other description of aurvoys undertaken. Road surveys nnd specifications of works prepared for local Boards. Mortgaitos on Freehold and othor securities negotiated. Information snpplied concerning tho Crown Lands in tho Hawke's Bay and other Districts. Meetings of tho Land Board attended for selectors and others. Applications and othor business transacted for solectors of Crown Lands. Maps of Townships, Villages, and Rural Districts are filed for reference, and are open for inspection free of charge. Mr Baker is prepared to mako selections and to givo full information concerning tho Crown Lands in the Hawko's Bay, Povorty Bay, Wellington, and other Districts, that will bo thrown open for free selection under tho Land Act of 1887. 184 LYNDON AND SIDEYS SALES. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. -i^i T AAA~TO INVEST on d&JL 4 y\7 \J\7 Freehold Seourity. Ojie sum of £10,000 One sum of £5000 Othor^SumsMsuit Borrowers. LYNDON & SIDEY, 186 Land and Estate Agents. LYNDON AND SIDEY, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS. VALUATORS AND ARBITRATOR& Mortgages Negotiated on Froohold and other Securities. Brokers under Land Transfer Aot, AGENCIES: ' South British Firo and Marino Insurance Company of New Zealand Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Dixon Investmont Company. Capital, £100,000 187 MR P. A. HERMAN'S SALES. AUCTIONEER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. T BEG to announce to my numerous JL Patrons that, owing to tho increase in my AUCTIONEERING AND GENERAL of late. I havo found my old premises too Email for tho accommodation required. I have therefore leased THE ADJOINING PREMISES, recently occupied by Messrs Pirie and M'Kay, and those havo been added onto my promises, and tho whole forming ono of the most CENTRALLY SITUATED AND COMMODIOUS SALEROOMS IN NAPIER. ■ Whilst thanking my customers for their patronage in tho past, I have great pleasure in informing them that I am now in a position to offer them far greater facilities for disposing of PRODUCE. FURNITURE, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE, &c, To Advantage. Liberal advances always given on all Goods sent in for absolute safe. Account sales at conclusion of salo. P. A. HERMAN, 407 Auctioneer. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY to Lend in any sums on Freohold and Personal Securities. Advances made on Consignments. All Applications strictly confidential. P. A. HERMAN, 190 Box 159, P. 0., Napier. MR H. P/COHEN'S SALES. SALE OF CONTRACTOR'S PLANT HORSES, DRAYS, HARNESS, &O. H. F.~OOHEN Has received instructions from Mr W. Put ford to soil on his promises; Taradale, on WEDNESDAY, 25tii AMUL, At 1 o'clock, The whole of his Valuablo PLANT AND HORSES, Consisting of 10 Powerful Staunch Draught Horses Tho Racchorso "Crlnolette," by "Papapa " out ot Paeifio maro 1 Groy Buggy Ilorso. guaranteed staunch and koocl trotter 3 Till Drays i Wool may • . 1 Horso Powor Chaff-cutter 1 Singlo Plough 10 Sots Dray Harness (complete) Tho Auctioneer may stato that the whole of tho above are for absolute solo and Mr ' Pulford's teams aro too well-known to need comment, and will bo on viow at Taradalo on and after Monday next, when Mr Pulford will bo glad to afford intending buyers every information. H _ p> CQHEN) Auctioneer. . REGULAR SATURDAY'S SALES OF FARM PRODUCE AND FURNITURE. f^ OODS intended for these Sales VDT can bo scut in at any time during tho Week . Advances, when required, mado upon all Goods sent in for absolute Salo. Account Salos rondorcd immediately after tho Sales. I H. P. COHEN Has ou Salo a Uhnico Lot of 1y 1 A N O S And intends to sell thorn rognrdloSs of cost, 1 Piano by Frcderich Wober (Leipzlo 1 Piano by Ollcndorf (Stuttgart) 2 Pianos by Haako 1 Piano by M. Leitner (Dresden) FINANCIAL. HP. COHEN is prepared to ad- • vanco monoy in largo or small sums on Froobold or Personal Security. Sums from £5 up to £500, to bo had on the shortest possible notice. Bills Discounted daily. Interest and ropaymentß on a most liberal SOal0 ' H. P. COHEN, TO FARMERS, DAIRYMEN, MERCHANTS, ETC. HP. COHEN is now prepared to • rcceivo all kinds Of Farm and Dairy Produce, Merchandise, &c, for salo by Publio Auction, nnd hns great pleasure in intimat-'. ing that he will hold his firs ; sale of Produce, &c, on SATURDAY, tho 13th of Auguet, 18R7. Liberal advances will bo riven on all goods lacod for absolute sale. j Aocount Saleß and cash paid over 24 hours •aftersale, r .^^ 105 Auctioneer, j

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 3