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CHEAPEST, HANDIEST HAYWARD'S safest POWDER SHEEP DIP. FULTON AND SOUTHWELL, Depot Agents, Olive Square, Napier, HAVE pleasure in introducing the above Dip ta flock owners, and assuring them that they will find it on trial tha most convenient and economical Bpecific yet submitted to the public. . ■ • Hayward's Powder Dip is the matured result of Mr. C. P. Hayward's 7 years o£ active oxpcricnco through New Zealand, Australia, and South America, where he has etudied every economy in Sheep dipping to provide . • THE BEST SHEEP DIP IN THE WOEI/D. \ The Proprietors, Messrs. Tomlinson and Hayward, have spared [no| expense in - buildings and machinery to secure uniform quality and strength in the preparation of "' this specific, allot which goes through a process of manufacture ocoupying nearly one,. . '-'■ month to prepare a single case for market, Hayward's Powder Dip has been thoroughly proved by two seasons' operations in •-\ South America under the charge of Mr. C. P. Hayward, and in England it has secured ample testimonials from stud Stock breeders. . ' ' * ' PRICES AND ALL PARTICULARS ON. APPLICATION.. IT MAY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH , MESSES. TOMLINSON AND HAYWARD'S GLYCERINE SHEEP DI P. Of which wo are in receipt of fresh supplies. ■-. '-,-..' PERFECTLY SAFE IN USE. TESTIMONIALS. ' From Messrs J. R. and R. K KIRKHAM, Breeders of Puro Lincoln Sheep, Bisca- ' . thorpe, August I7th, 1887. ' : We consider your Powder Dip a splendid one for large sheep owners. We have used it on our Furo Bred Lincoln Long-Wools, and it gives the Wool a nice appearance while not injuring it. It is a good (ill-round goneral purpose Dip. -#s, f From N. MELBOUKN, Eaq., Fillingham Qastlo, August 18th, 1887. Dear Sirs,— l find your Powder Dip exactly what is stated of it, viz. : handysafe, and thoroughly efficacious preparation, which does not injuro the Wool* or other, wiso interfere with the well-doing of the animals. From ROBERT WRIGHT, Esq., Breedor of Pnre. Lincoln Sheep, Nooton Heath August 16th, 1887. Dear Sirs, Your Dip is all ye»v maintain for it — cheap, safe, economical, and very handy for largo Flockownors. It is specfaliy uesful for Fly ; and as it gives the Wool such a nice appearance without injury, should take the leading place amongst Sheep Dips* FULTON AND SOUTHWELL,, CLIVE SQUAEE, NAPIEB. GROWN MOLESKIN TROUSERS, WHITE AND PRINTED. IN STOCKMAN'S, ORDINARY AND RIDING GUT, CAN BE PURCHASED RETAIL FROM ALL DRAPERS AND STOREKEEPERS IN THE COLONY, AND WHOLESALE FROM ALL WAREHOUSEMEN AND IMPORTERS. EACH ARTICLE BEARS^THE TRADE MARK OF ONE | OR MORE CROWNS ACCORDING TO QUALITY. V 1 <mm „ -. i ■ I ■ lIMBII-l I II

Chokta vs fifooxft ojs %vxe, "to ctwt as Suwm«v \.s,. vsßaxvoexous Awd often Tc&xY. * Jlfi£YotjP#£PAߣD for itt coming? \\ <W\y <*{ y ouv -f awWy ftti ftftacfodL^PßOMPT Action on\y Tn&y SCW<LA\fe.»ToY• aI LA/ P A?) C ONtwwtotttrt k» Cholera»Choier/iMorbus Diarrhoea, Dysentery*^ , t-mwcycarrtakt "it WitK Jitrfeet safety/,. "This medicine is ~Roun Killer. To b c oxC^ c a>»Se cUe g cV* eew4 HOW a-aA tmva, l"t on K<Vrvcl , For Saleb/allJrug^jfa. IN USB 100 YEARS. SKIN DISEASES Aro of two kinds : firstly, those which ore only skin deep (which aro not now to be considered) ; secondly, those which aro caused by n bad state of the blood, and which attack various parts of the body in different ways. Skin disease shows itself in tho HEAD, sometimes in. the form of Dandruff which no amoant of brushing and combing will get rid of, and sometimes in the form of Scaly Eruptions. •In the NECK, by an enlargement of the glands (commonly called Glandular Swellings), which if unchecked becomo very unsightly wounds. In tho ARMPITS, and the insido ot the ELBOWS, by an inflamed Roughuess of the Skin, which is very painful when washed. In the HANDS, by deep Otack or Fissures which, if healed lor a few days, speedily open again, or by hornj -looking patches. In tho LEGS, by Hard, Shiny and inflamed Swellings, or br wounds more or less deep. And on the BODY, in Red Scaly Patches,' which as often aB rubbed off form again, or in tho discharge of a thin, watery fluid of a very disagreeable nature. In all the. cases the treatment must he twofold. Aiv Ointment is required to relieve I telling, and Medicine must be taken to change toe state of the Blood, and render it pure. Both these requirements are buppled by Dr. Roberts' Celebrated Medicines, The OINTMENT called "THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND," And the ALTERATIVE PILLS. Called "PILUL/B ANTISCROFUK/E." Those two Medicines' have now stood the test of 100 yoars 1 trial, having being introduced to the public in tho later part of tho last century They may bo obtained at all chemists, or of the Proprietors, BEACH & BARNICOTT, Bridport Dorset. Prico Is. ljd., 2s. 9d. Us. and 22a. oach. Postage cxlm. STEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDER, FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Tlio valuo of this woll-known Family Medicine has been largely tested in al parts of tho world, and by all grades of society for upwards of Cfty years. Its wellearned extonsivo Balo has inducod BPUBIODB imitations,, eomo of which in odtwabd appeabanoh so closely rosomblo tho original ns to have deceived many purchasers. The propriotor thoreforo feels it duo to the public to (give a spooial caution against tho USD Of BPTJBIOTJB IMITATIOKB. Purchasers .are therefore requested carefully to obsorvo the four following distinctive ohar&cterißticß, without which nono aro genuine ! — lat. — In overr case tho words JOHN RKSTDMAN, CHEMIST, WAI WORTH, BTJRREY, aro engraved or tho Government Stamp, affixed to KAOH PACKET. . 2nd. Each singlo powder has direction! for Iho dose, and tho -words, John Steedman, Ohoinist, Wulworth, Surrey. 3rd. — The namo Steodnmn is alwayf spelt with two ee's. 4th. — Tho manufacture is carried or only at Wajworth, Surrey. Sold in Paokota by nil Chemista nnc Mcdicino Vendors, at Is l£d aud 2s 9doncl Sold by Kompthorne, Prossor, and C( Dnncdin, Otiifi 0 - BLAIR'S GOUT SPILLS. Tho Great English Remedy for GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCATIC/ AND LUMBAGO. All sufferers from the above complaints either of recent or long standing, an advised to use BLAUVS GOUT & ANI RHEUMATIC PILLS. They can be re lied upon as the most safe and effectua remedy ever offered to the public, anc have been universally used in Europe am America many years with the greates bucccss. . • Her Majesty's Commissioners havi authorised the name and address o "Thomas Prout. No. 229, Strand, London' to bo impressed upon tho Governmen I stamp, affixed to each box of the gonuim mcdicino. Sold in Knqland at Is l^d and 2s 9d po box. Obtainable through any Chemist o: Stores in the Australian Colonies,

ilßno's "Fruit Salt," A Health-giving. Refreshing, Cooling, Sparkling, and Invigorating Summer Beverage, or for any Season, and a oenue o Xaxatlve and Tonlo in the various forms of Indigestion. 3 (Guaranteed to bo Prepared from Sound Ripe Fruit) TT acts as siuiuly yet just as powerfully on the animal system as sunshine does on the r JL vegetable world. It haa a natural action on the organs of digestion, abaorp. j tion, circulation, respiration, secretion, and excretion, thus removes and hinders ii „.,. I, , . n, uiir-gi (by natural means) the Unnatural and DanV*■ <tfB®r«^ gerous Accumulation of Fat ; it keeps the. • V 1 *§«>£. l bod y '" Hcaltn y Trim by preserving and js\ d *^jti restoring health. Instead of being lowering B ' vJ^jl^^Ty^^JS t° tne s >' stem > this Preparation is in the v^^k-ja>*>f*t * highest degree invigorating. It supplies the »^. 3^Gt want of ripe fruit, so essential to animal 8 /^tiLS^ economy, mid may be taken as an invigorating \ xft&^aCMp&L aud cooling draught, uuder any circumstances ■ 3 ffiiiji^J'y from infancy to old age, and may be continued tjjr* / iff } for any length of time, and looked upon as * I ffl _^ being PURE "FRUIT SAI/T," the produce of '• j 'ft r 'l'° fruit. It is impossible to overstate *its 0 1 W v *^^^v value ; on that accouut no household ought \'A StiLiJiffl to bo witnout it. for by its uso many dis\4'^ir astrous results may be entirely prevented. In V' & vTOI t ' 10 TuKSEUY ifc ' s bB y° ud praise. \ i. %mk It is tho best Preventive and Cure for V 'm, mm Biliousness, Sick Headache, Mental De- \ ?&!%//$& presslon, "Want of Appetite, Skin Brup- \ lions. Pimples on the Pace, donstipation, ■ K^-yjZ&m. Vomiting, Giddiness, Peverishness, Sfi'f VEk Thirst, &c, Unnatural Excitement. \ (^^w9k A B °° N IN THE NURSERY. i \ i Wfmi HEADACHE & DISORDERED STOMACH.—" Aftor I \ '^X&ylitUffl \ suffering for nearly two and a half years from severe 1 } hciuiiicho und disordered stomach, and after trying 1 \'\ wMsffiy almost ovcrytliing aud spending much money with- _ in \ /f«fMßf\. out. ftndiiii: any beneflt, 1 was recommended by a £ W\\ /MJMS>&M» /riend to try your " FRUIT iJALT," »nd beforo I had 3 (VvX ■^V^M^SS-r*- r finished one bottle I found it doing mo a great deal i. ' \^ / -7ww^mW :^. of pood, and now lam restored to my uaual health; 'i V- — > X\ s /flMlsmtiU«S- / Si lin<l "t' 1 " 1 ' 5 I klluW H <at have Ivied it have not ouj ii^, '&il3&o£r!li'fi?** joyed such good liealth for years.— Yours most truly, « |VV zSS™K?iBs l!oin;rir Humphbevs, Post Office, Barrasford." '* 15^ \ -~£vmtfrßrfe : -LZ^'fi& C* Blffhts are protected in every V "^sSBWmWSV^IM *-* civilised country. Kcad the following :— ln tho c ->^4SKiipSIW Supromo Coiut of Sydnoy (N.S. W.) an appeal from a ,f S^^^M "leered of Sir W. Manning perpetually restraining tho ii W>2£@OTj««X»fS3;^S l)cfondiint(HogK)fromBoUinKafrauduknt imitation S?^ffi«Sffl W-s^Alias?'iSJli v .l«f of Kno's'Trnlt Salt,' 1 and giving heavy darongos to it Wn'M^^^P^«B*ls?«i;jM] tho l'laiiitlflf, Ims, nfter a most- exhaustive trial of /PIIfKV «W/P^ ,4Si<ff^>?BlvSlrS'i»W!Sor two diiy»' duration, been unanimously dismissed TOft™'lß7»Js^7?SOT»A™flOTi' W 'U> i-oits.— "Svdnoy Moniinu Herald," November linpv^r J ' . ■!':, vft^CilSraSSK S«th,lSS3. Srid by nil ChcmWs. I , PMMHEO AT END'S "FRUIT

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 1