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HAWKB'S- BAY INLAND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTORY & DEPOT WAIPUKURAXT. TO FARMERS, AGRICULTURISTS, AND SETTLERS GENERALLY. T^iito^a V L^h C^StP^ n a f t th a p hit^ erto a t tended our . efforts in supplying a First-class Article at a Fair Price, is our nnmarmft pnSf J,^s Wr ?n^? Genuineness of our productions ; and has inSacetl us stUl further to study tho various requirements of K l ZtgSSte^Ui^^^S£Si^i fte Sal 9 Agrioultuml Impiemcnte of every description, suitable for the district, and at G»ln^«M£33^^ PLOUGHS, Single, Double, and Three Furrow, Disc Harrows, P. AND D. DUNCAN! OF CHRISTCHURCH, Thn ,in™rin^ cs,^^ noo t£o? k' hic^. be " e K v .? lu o in {hese Unes were nevor before offered to the Public of Hawke s Bay. cotoni * B^^^&mtohF&^m^to&F^? 0 !? o*^!**™0 *^!**™ °« f l<£°y™™ ranks them amon ? tho foremost Implement Makers of the coiony. ueing soio Agents lor this mrm in Hawke'a Bay, Goods sent for through us will bo delivered at any Railway Station cheaper than is T , , , sent for Direot to the Firm. If you have noUn tha undersignedA . . , " ARE ALL GUARANTEED, Are desomng of a visit from those in want of Vehicles, from a WHEELBARROW to a BULLOCK DRAY, and from ft SPRING CART to . HANDSOMK or an Artistically-finished BUGGY, your wants can be supplied, 'fhese OUR WHEELWRIGHT AND OOAOHBUILDING DEPARTMENTS And made of the very host Material and Workmanship, Lightness, with STRENGTH and DURABILITY, being ourlSpeoiality. Being In the hands of a MABTERFARRIER, Customers can rely upon having every care oxorclsod towards the feet of their Steeds and at the LOWEST PAYING PRICE. We have also, for the benefit of our Patrons, added to our Establishment an IRONMONGERY STORE, Whero.Customers can procure almost ever/ Requisite required on a Station. All tho Leading Line 3 kept In Stock. Galvanised Corrugated Iron from sft to 10ft lengths Fenoing Wire, Staples, Barbs and Barbing Tools, WiroWs fromllin to Gin, and Spike Nails, Seaming TTOjies^mding Twine specially for fcornsby's and Samuelaon's Machines, Tarred Twine for Thatching ' ! Maohine Fittings and Aprons, any maker : Pumps, f orce and lift, and Pipe 3 suitable for Shcep-dip3. „„ ,„ , „ , INSPECTION INVITED. Oils and Painta, all colors, and Lubricating Oils for the flnest Machinery, Turpentine and Stockholm Tar. Lamp-black and Ruddle. ] N.B.— TIMBER JACKS Supplied and Repaired m the shortest notice, likewise ALL SAWMILL REQUIREMENTS ALEX. JONES & SONS, 31 [ WAIPUKURAU. ■ __ - £pwrt 'SW. %Vwl $*Ut. WOOL SALES. SYNNOT BROS. ARE PREPARED TO RECEIVE CONSIGNMENTS OF WOOL FOR SALE IN MELBOURNE, OR SHIPMENT TO LONDON. ! WE WILL BRING WOOL FROM ANY PORT IN NEW ZEALAND FOR i 2s. ©ca.. I TWO SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE PEU BALE. IN EVENT OF NON-SALE WILL SHIP TO LONDON FOR (gD) KIVEEIGHTHS OF A PENNY PER LB., WHICH MEANS NOTHING TO BE CHARGED BETWEEN NEW ZEALAND AND LONDON, THE FIVE-EIGHTHS OF A PENNY FREIGHT COVERING ALL CHARGES. | WOOL AUCTIONS EVERY FRIDAY, HIDES, SKINS, TALLOW, &c, THREE TIMES A WEEK. GttAJnsr jb:r,o:k::e:r,s. VENDORS' INSTKUCTIONS FAITHFULLY CARRIED OUT.

gWrffoltW. MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO.'S SALE. j MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO, I Have been instructed by the Registrar, at Napier, of the Supremo Court of New ZuaI land, to offer for sale on THURSDAY, 12th JANUARY, 1888, At the CRITERION HOTEL, NAPIER, At 2 o'clpck in tho afternoon, At tho request of the Mortgagees, that FREEHOLD PROPERTY ■*- known a3 "INNISMORK" situated about nine miles from Waipukurau Railway Station, on the Porangnhauroad, and consisting of 1325 acres, being Sections 8, 17, 18, 22, 25, plan of the Arlington Estate, with good Hojiao, Woolshed, outbuildings, &c. together with tho goodwill of 900 acres Loasohold, known as "Mungnpoka," at a low rental ; 20 yeai-s to run. PAUL A. F. BIRCH, Registrar Supremo Court. On the Day of Salo tho Flock of Sheep depasturing on above Property will bo Sold, consisting of between 5000 and 0000 Ciossbrod . Ewes and Wethers. Further particulars of the property may bo obtained from SAINSBURY & LOGAN, Napier MCJRRAY, ROBERTS & CO., Napior ; or A. D. CRAWFORD, on the Property. RAMS. MESSRS MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO. have received particulars of Rama tor private sale during the coming season from the following well-known flocks, and as a ready salo is expected intending purchasers will greatly oblige by communicating their requirements early. MrJ. B. Reid, of Messrs Reid, M'Lean and Co.. Dunedln, will bo glad to select Hams if desired. On account of N.Z. and Australian Land Company— I 25012-tooth Lincoln Ranis, at 3 guineas each On account of JoriN Reid, Esq., of Eldorslie, Oamaru— 200 2-tooth Lincoln Rams, at3guineaa each 200 Romncy Marsh Rams, at 3 guineas oaoh On account of E. Men Tote, Esq., of Windsor Park, Oamaru— Lincoln 2-tooth Rams, at 3 guineas each On account of non. Matthew Howies— Lincoln 2-tooth Rams, at 3 guineas each Romney and Border Leicester, at 2J guineas each On account of Messrs R. Campdkix anu ! Sons, Limited— | 250 2-tooth Morino Rams (Gibson type) at 3 guineas each j On account of Messrs A. A. and R. M'Mastek, Toka-Kahi--20 01-topth Rams (Fisher typo), at 2 guineas each 1 100 2-tooth Rams (Fisher type), nt, 2J guineas each On account of G. L. Sise, Esq.-r---100 2-tooth American Merino Rams, nt £3 103 each On account of W. Shennan, Esq., Pukotoi— 200 2 and 4-tooth Merino Rams, bred from Messrs W. Gibson and Sons' Merinos, 2 guineas each On account of T. Tanner, Esq., Riverslca— 2-tooth Lincoln Rams, at 3J guineas each Also, Stud Rams at various prices All the above f.o.b. noarc3t station. Apply to MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO., Napier Or MESSRS REID, M'LEAN & CO., Dtinodin. MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO. MAKE Liberal Advances against Wool and other Produco for consignment to their London House, Messrs Sanderson, Muruay and Co.. or for sale in the local Market. Are Cash Buyers of Wool, Skins, &c, at full Market Prices. STOCK AND STATIONS Bought or Sold on Commission, and somo desirable Properties nre now in their hands for Salo. STUD FLOCK OF MERINOS, Consisting of about 1 fi(ii\ EWES, with Lambs at JL\FS.Fif foot; also. Stud Rams, tho property of tho N.Z. and A. Land Company, Levels Station. • Further particulars on application to tlio undersigned. MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, Havo placed on their bonks for salo for the season 18S7-8, 2, i, 6, and 8-tooth Cro33brcd Ewes 2, 1, S, and 8-tooth Crossbred Wethers 2, 4, 6, and 8-too;h Half-bred Ewes 2, i, 6, and 8-tooth Half-bred Wethers 2, t, 6, and 8-tooth Merino Ewes 2, i, 6, and 8-tooth Merino Wethers Pure Lincoln, Merino, Romney, and Leicester Rams murrayTroberts and co. J. R. LANAUZE, Auctioneer and Stock Agent. 116

I .^^^^a^. ... Hi ■!■■ THE PHARMACY P BAITS COUGH LINOTUS — For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, &o. CORN PAINT— A Cure. INDELIBLE MARKING INK-Roliable ' VASELINE COLD CREAM -For the Skin. CHILBLAIN LINIMENT - Immediate Relief. LOCOCK'S LOTION — To promote tho growth of the Hair and provent it falling out. WELSMAN'S CELEBRATED BAKING POWDER. J. S. WELSMAN, 1 ASTINGS-STREE.T. 81

LANG-LEY AND NEWMAN, TENNYSON-STREET, nAVE Received a Shipment ov {BORODINIS CELEBRATED OVERSTRUNG TRICORD PIANOS, WHICH THEY ARE OFFERING AT VERY LOW PRICES. VERY] SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTS. LANGLIiY AND NEWMAN HAVE REMOVED TO THEIII NEW PREMISES IN TENNYSON-STREET. 143 REID AND GRAY'S BROADCAST FORCE-FEED GRAIN ! GRASS, AND TURNIP SOWER j Sows uniformally regular under all conditions, and can bo entru3todlto3tho)guidincß of>! boy Also their NEW ZBAEAND TWINE BINDERS CAMBRIDGE ROLLERS, all sizes, at reduced pricos COMBINED SEED AND MANURE DRILLS I GRASS SEED STRIPPERS DOUBLK DRILL TURNIP, RAPE, AND MONGOLD SOWER PATENT DISC HAItItOWS STEEL ZIG-ZAG HARROWS ACME HARROWS RIDGING OR DRILL PLOUGHS, £0 DOUBLK-FURROW PLOUGHS, over 8000 made; taking a Gold Medal at Melbourne Ex hibition, and beating all others (Including: American and English Exhibijs) in excellence o workmanship. Judges Report. : "In finish and construction it Is far suporior to any others, AMERICAN FAN MILLS, at low prices I P ATKNT STANDARDS for folding sheep to eat off turnips DROPPERS, extremely simpl e nnd cheap I TRIPLEX PERMANENT WIRE-STRAINERS, at low prices CHAFFCUTTKRS AND BAGGERS HORSE GEARS. &c. &c. NEW PATENT MOLE DRAIN PLOUGH, SISOD Testimonial: " I have cut 150 mile 3 Of drains, from 20 to 21 inohos deep. It does its workwcll, and can safely recommend it.— (Signod) Thos. Miller, Oroti Flat, Southland." AGENTS FOR CLAYTON & SRUTTLEWORTH'S MILLS AND ENGINES. Illustrated Catalogues on'Applicatiou SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT . • FOR CHEST & THROAT COMPLAINTS — -^gjMiMii "' m ""'^b^ TESTIMONIALS. # I A Cheap, P>-eaßantmß Frora REV . C ~ ES Pm o£ j AND , iiWiMfmA Wellington. i Effectual Remedy l^^Bi Your lung preserver; nrI wr r *• v ' r ftu nt Wl fc UY. / O rded my wife and children almost $/ s > Wm!fflmin' mmc dint<i relief in Coughs and <f liilJgJEfflal Colds, and many to whom I had the ijKgj V/mMMMisk pleasure of recommending your Vl?&\ f(^lg^^-^v~~~~r>^Tvrvjv^^^^^MMa spociflohavo spoken o£ it as invnlu--9331 wm llu— J-JLu.n 1 " » ■ 'L^L"~"i=f°ijf«TO«W«&l able In one case, when overy remedy IP I llffy'rrr mii'm >i mi 1n i 1 \HIF WW& t riod wns powerless to give relief ithe / W\\ WIV /*Mv M?<nlP Wir BID) fi=£t@affl Wmmh cough was so distressing) tho first 'I V/J^SKVffiT*./a^ UJ WL RCX^^^^MdosoofyourElixirwasmostoffectivc. r^M '^^^^^P ntiontroßOlved t0 tako nothin B else ' ~MIS!kS W d M^ui vm fe wjf v« •" /*^ ,S) f ' m y° u that I have experienced i SlrcK, SSa 2^ JE* JH( if K K f < 2nt ncncflt from its uso. I shall f ct^ y V9V * *** &w wf IvA w^ 4* T &■! ftainly recommend its uso to nil k§ BftONCHrrfSj Asthma, .*j I From dr. ewaht. W ° Dl^Swite!ATM°«S IM ' Tn cases of Asthma it nuick,y cuts U UIFFICUJ.TY OF BREATHING , 1 [ffi art tho paroxysm. In ChronioßronAMD ALL Afffatiawq ncvue I hum i'JL itia or winter cough it is useful; fSoAu-u «? • . . LUNC * i*;^""' discharge of mncus is greatly I ORONCHIjE, TRACHEA, & LARYNX * 3&m assisted, anf the wheezing anl diffl"l - * ffl*ffffi oulty of breathing aro greatly rstit in.. . r,, , „ . * T& Hoved by it In Aouto Bronchitis it f HEAL tRIEM iTOrtU PIt£A6H£B,SIMQn U- Jt M is also honofioial, and whilst it tonds I AND Ptlßlie SfSAH£R. 'tp^lm to check inflammation it promotes ' ' • - (I 7 r Affilexpectsration, and thus relieves tho ■a, . , _ 3 ,j*Bffllaborions nnd difficult breathing so rncfi- JSod, 2s6d. 4fi fldiL Ss r S*t:fflHßonoral in thoso attacks. Asa Cough ! ' " ** jt »JHModioino for persons of all nges it is I PREPARED ONLY BY 1 1* fflJoxceUent. . I <3* BAXVER, jfl'Jaß Hall, Victoria Street; Err jsi; sold by all chemists and ' ISTOREKEBPERS IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS. Purchasers aro requested to sco that onch packot of Lung Prcsorvor offered for salo is a fnc-similo of the above dr owing, and that tho words Baxter's Lung Preserver, " Christchuroh nro blown on the bottle. _^- Further, that tho wrapper of each packot of fe. 0 A. Jr> 1 "LUNG PRESERVER' #SS&\ Jh^O <^O Qri/jW\ Bears tho Proprietors Trade Mark and' Ailto- //t %M » r~ ' -~ r r graph, nlong with tho late Proprietor's Signature U, j J\\ yj __ — , hU <Sr REFUSE ALL OTHERS AS COUNTER- Ol&U~'. lV^Ct/%/rf^\ FEITS. <s^*=s: ** Agents pob Napier:— Messrs BOWERMAN & OWEN, CHEMISTS U2

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7914, 1 December 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7914, 1 December 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7914, 1 December 1887, Page 4