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:' / ADVERTISING ' CHEATS !! ! "'■-T- ' ■■ fit has become so common to Begin an . •v ; '-article in an elegant, interesting style, ;.-. , ' "Then run it into some advertisement -■'.'. -\ that we avoid all such, ;'-',- ' --. "And simply call attention to the _•-.,!', merits of Dr. Soule's American Hop -1 Bitters' m as plain, honest terms as pos- '-" Bible, ■' •". -' ." To induce people '.-■•'- "To give them one trial, which so ;-v. - proves their valne that they will never ■: .- use anything else."- -■'■•-- ■ ..-." "The Remedy so favorably noticed in all the papers. Religions and secular, is ■ •._ ■ "Having a large Bale, and supplanting all ' " ''■ ." " There is no denying tho virtues of tho Hop -plants, and the proprietors of Dr. Soule's American Hop Bitters havo shown great y" ' shrewdness and ability .... "In compounding a medicine whose virtues . ' are so palpable to everyono's observation. > ' DID SHE DIE ? ■„'■ • "No! .-.;■■ '?She lingered and suffered along, v ■'" pining away all thactime for years," i y " The doctors doing her no good ; " ■"And ai: last was cured by this Dr. Soule's American Hop Bjtters the papere -' ; *'• say so-much about." ' , ; ■„'.- .'! lndeed! Indeed!" „ ' -. . ." How thankful we should ho for that medicine." AjDAUGHTER'S MISERY. " Eleven years our daughter suffered on ■ ■- ■ a Led of misery, "From a complication -of kiduey, liver, - . rheumatic trouble and Neryous debility, " Under the care of the best physicians, \ " Who gave her disease various names, '-; " r "Bnt no relief, -- ■ ".And now she is restored to us in good •■''•. . health hy as simple a remedy as Dr. ■-•"- '. Soule's American Hop Bitters, that we ; "-■ .. had shunned for years before using it." — .•• .' The Parents. . "■-'_-' FATHER IS GETTING WELL. " My daughter says : "How, much better father is 'since he . ' ." used Dr. Soule's American Hop Bitters " ■ .' ' . "He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease declared incurs/able." "And we are so glad that he used your ."-,-., Bitters."— A Lady of N.Y. ■ ' iST None genuine without a bunch of . . _ green hops on the white label, and Dr. Soule's name blown in the bottle. BeTVAKE of all the vile poisonous stuff made . to imitate the above. 469 The butcher's bill for the Bnrmah cam- .', paum-has been received from Simla. The .■ British' army has lost from disease and in action 35 officers dead, 54 wounded, 125 .."•- invalided. Soldiers: 624 dead, 111 : ''. ■wounded, and 1592 invalided. Natives of' all ranks: 1004 dead, 335 wounded, and '2595 invalided. Children starving to death on account '. of their inability tp digest food, will find ■I - a most marvellous food and. remedy in - ' ' Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil ■with Hypophosphites. Very palatable >;\ .", and easily digested. Read the following '- . " testimonial :*-s" 1 have prescribed • Scott's U-- /Emulsion' in gases .of children suffering -;Zl' from wasting/and ma] -nutrition, "and can .' . report most faovrably of its gootl effect ; has been in each case taken most : V>;r.readily.— W.- Perkins, M.R.C.S., Medi- ';*.-.' cal Supt., Burleigh Hospital, Eng." ;•. ,- Large, and small bottles at all Chemists, 4s6dand2s6d. 89 '." When Tonkin is. costing France .-■ 20,000,000 francs a year, it is surprising '. that for the sake of a sum of 323,000 francs revenue should be raised by licensing a;aming-honses._ Yet this is what is ■ ■ being done. The right of opening gaming tables has been let by tender for this . . . amount. Henceforth, if -the Prince of Monaco, is reproached with living on the . proceeds of the gaming-tables, he will - . twit France with the beam in her own eye. " "Rough on Corns."— Ask for Well's ■ ''Rough on Coras." Quick relief, com- > plete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, minions. Alchemists and druggists. 104 ■ From Belgrade it is reported that the commission appointed to investigate the , .state of the finances of Servia has dis- , . covered defalcations in the public accounts ; of such a serions character that the present Finance Minister has ordered the ■whole of the property of his predecessor : - in the same Ministry, M. Petrovitch, to ■ be sequestrated. Equally heavy defalcat ions haye also been found in the accounts of the Arsenal and Ordinance Depart--1 ments. Skinny Men:— "Wells' Health Renewer " restores health and vigor, cures r Dyspepsja, Impotence, Sexual Debility. At chemists and druggists. Kempthorne, Prosser and Co., agents, Wellincton'. 105 SPECTACLES. TVTRS D. LEVI, Hastings-street, begs JLvJL to call the attention of tho public of Hawke'B Bay to tho lar«o nnd varied Stock of .. Spectacles of nil kkds nnd sights. Real Pebbles, best Optical and Ordinary Glasses, in gold, silver, ste^l, nnd nickel frames, end PinceNez. Rid ing and all sights in Concave nnd Cataract Glosses. Just received for tho . summer trade a large assortment or Smoked . (neutral tint) nnd Colored Spectaclo3, Folders, Goggles, anu-Dust Protectors, at all prices. Tho new Pansodonoptio Spectacles, specially recommended for weak eyes. Every care taken in properly fitting ana testing thesight. All kinds of repairs, now frames, pcbble3 and glasses fitted. Orders viken for Oculists' Proscriptions. Poor peoplo suited free of ••'• ' chareo. 838 - "JVJES D. LEV! has lately received X7A. ox " Arawa "an excellent selection of -WALKING STICKS. Among tho assortment arosomo magnificent Sil ver-mounted Miilacca . -. Canes and Ebony Sticks, very suitable for Chrißtma3 Presents. Hollies. Hazel, Ash, Sussex Thorn, Orange, Olive, Laurel, Ceylon ■ . Vino, Rattan, African Oak, Malaccas, &c, &c, with knots, nickel li'.nda and crooke. Also, somo very handsome Silver-mounted F.P.I 1 . Wooden Pipes and Tobacconist, Sundries. A largo and varied Stock of . Miiticn] Instruments, Banjos, Flnteß, Piccolos, Nickel, Bras* and Wood Fluseolets, Violins and Bows, Violin and Banjo .Strings and Fittings, Concertinas, Accorrtcons, and - - ~ Tutors. Cut. Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes Cigarettes. H3j MFE AND HEALTH. HOLLOWATS PILLS AND OZNT TUB BEST FAMILY MEDICINIfi EVF.t KNOWN JHE PILLS ASSIST nature by PURIFYING THE BLOOD, thus renovating tho very SPRINGS OF LIFE. They sustain the NEHVOUSENEROY in youth, and restore it as ago advances. Thoy promote DIGESTION by acting certainly but gontly on tho •IVER AND BOWELS, '•-' And they can bo confidently recommended to FEMALES OF ALL AGES as a euro and secure remedy in tho manifold complaints : incidon al to the sex. Dropsical Swellings , _" and J£ hey Diseases quickly yield to their - alterative nroportic, 111K UINTMB iT. - /-'■» Ab experience has clearly prjved— for tho ': , tast 10 years— is unrivalled as a healing agent in every kind of ULCERATION BAD LEGS, BAD : ' BREASTS, OLD WOUNDS AND SORES. When rubbed into tho skin, ns salt is into meat, it search?* out and removes inward ■■■ INFLAMMATION, CONGESTION AND . SWELLINGS. Its application to any alTocte Dart removes and Boothcs . NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATIC PAIN 3. For Soro Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds Abscesses, and all Skin Diseases it has no '- ... equal. r ' • ' Manufactured onJy at PROFESSOR HOLLO „'■!■■■ ■ . WAY'S Kstablishtnent. ''■- i -~- 533, OXFORD - STREjET LONUON, -iS.""*- And'sold at las l}d, 2a Ski, 4s Gd. 11s, 225, ana ■': each Box and Pol, by all Vendors of Merti- ■».', • oiues throughout the civilised world, with ■-■>.' directions for lisa in almost overy language. '$!'.' I ' liar PurchasQlpßhould-look to the Laboi on £■'- the Pots andjisSea, If the address is not I ~;fi '-"'. Pstord-Btrcct, London, they nro spurious, 110

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7913, 30 November 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7913, 30 November 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7913, 30 November 1887, Page 4