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|Mt v ' t IIL^^W II i~ ■ I - gtflvkuHunU I HAWKE'S BAY INLAND ! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTORY & DEPOT I WAIPUKURAU. TO FARMEKS, AGRICULTUKISTS, AND SETTLEUS GENEKALLY. ryti \i OREAT STJCCESS that has hitliorto attended our efforts in supplying a First-class Article at ft Fair Price, if „„. „,?, ,'"° f, 0 , 0 ' °! 1 ° l ' t X"",™" 100 of th " Gcimiuencss of our productions ; and has induced us still further to study the various requirements of ; nrir^ Jim lll^fv P<n, r, • r !lV0 " 0W On linI J d and for slUe Agricultural Implements of ovcry description, suitable for tho district, and at , prices I lint Defy Competition, of our own manufacture. ' frnin niHl"f>«liiSf. t 1 0 0 call . s P«°,' (ll . AUont . ion *■? oul ' importation of IMPROVED PLOUGHS, Single, Double, and Three Furrow, Disc Harrows ! diain and farnHS bced bowing Machines, & „ &c., manufactured by ; P. AND D. DUNCAN OF CHRISTCHURCH, i Ti,n „,„,,■. i « . fjian which better value in these 1 incs wore never before offere to the Public of Hawke s Bay. !„„ I~IU tiMn. \ I 1 > 113 , a ! t -en;lcd .the Products of this Firm of Into years ranks them among tho foremost Implemont Makers of the . colony. Being bole Agents for this Firm m Hawke's Hay, Goods sont for through us will be delivered at any Railway Station chcapor than is scut for Direct to the Firm. If you have not an Illustrated Catalogue already send for one to tho undersigned— : A. JONKS & SONS, WAIPUKUHAU. i OUR WHEELWRIGHT AND COACHBUILDING- DEPARTMENTS Are deserving of a visil from those in want o f Vehicles, from a WHEELBARROW to a BULLOCK DRAY, and from a SPRING CART to a HANDSOME or an Artisticnlly-finishd BUGGY, your wants can be supplied. Thoso ARE ALL GUARANTEED, And made of tho very best Material and Workmanship, Lightness, with STRENGTH and DURABILITY, being our Speciality. ■ . . v „ , , OUR HORSTJ-SHOEING DEPARTMENT | Being in the nnnds of a MASTER FARRIER, Customers can rely upon having every care exercised towards tho feet of thoir Steeds and at ! Hie LOWEST PAYING PRIO'E. I v\ c have also, for the benefit of our Patrons, added to our Establishment an j IRONMONGERY STORE, Where Customi'S can procure almost, every Requisite required on a Station. All tho Leading Lines kept, in Stock. Galvanised Corrugated . Iron torn oft to 10ft lengths. Fencing Wire, Staples, Barbs and Barbing Tools, Wire Nails from Uln to (Sin, and Spike Naiis Seaming I wines, Binding Twine specially for Hornsby's nnd Samuelson's Machines, Tarred Twine for Thatching Machmo Fittmga and Aprons, any maker ; Pnmps, forco and lift, and Pipes suitable for Sheop-dips. , „, INSPECTION INVITED. Oils and Paints, al colors, and Lubricating Oils for the finest Machinery, Turpentine and Stockholm Tar. Lamp-black and Ruddlo. , N.B.— TIMBISR JACKS Supplied and Repaired on the shortest notice, likewise ALL SAWMILL REQUIREMENTS. i ALEX. JONES & SONS, : 60 WAIPUKURAU.

gWtiOHCffii. MURRAY, ROBERTS &COS SALE. MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO. TITAKE Liberal Advances against - LTJ - , Wool and other Produce for consignment to their London House, Messrs S.\ndkhson, MuniiAV akd Co., or for sale in the local Market. Arc Cash Buyers of Wool, Skins, &c, nt full Market Prices. STOCK AND~STATIONS Bought or Sold on Commission, and some do suable Properties arc now in their nnnds for Sale. LOANS ON STATION PROPERTIES NEGOTIATED. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE { EKKKOTKD AT CUUBKNT KATES. j AGENTS FOR- j North British and Mercantile Insurance Com- . pany I Universal Marine Insurance Company, Limited „ Scottish and New Zealand Investment Coin- | pany. Limited ■ Little's Non-Poisonous Sheep Dip | Little's Powder Dip | Little's Phenylc Disinfecting Powder ; Osborno's Reapers and Binders Indo Coope and Co.'s Ales i Patterson nnd Hibberl's Ale and Stout i Booth, Macdonald nnd Co.'s Agricultural Im- j plcinonls Courvoisier's Brandy '■ Nelson Hematite Paint ; Hilton, Anderson and C'o.'s Cement i FOR SAIiK. GRASS SEEDS. -A large and etirefu ; selected assortment of all sorts of faced | on hand , . ' FENCING WlßE.— Johnson'sand Oval Steel and Barb Wire, 2 and 1 points Staples, Wiro Netting Fencing Posts : Barbs and Barbing T,ool 3 „ , „ GALVANISED IRON. Rudclille and Morewood ' Ridging, Spouting, Piping Roofing Felt ; Carbolic Acid, Blucstonc : Arsenic. Linseed Oil Sheen Nets, Rope SALT.— Coarse, Fine, and Rock Turpentine nnd Castor Oil Wire Nails-Round and Grooved ■ CEMENT.— Hilton, Anderson and C'o.'s Tobacco—" Welcome Nugget," 12oz plugs Cigars— Manilla and Havanna CAPE BARLEY i SEKD AND FEED OATS I SEED POTATOES WHlSKY.— llcatlcy and Laidlaw : AIo and Stout— lndo Coope's, and Patter°on ■ nnd Hibbert's Port, Sherry, and Australian Wine , Blandy lire's Celebrated MADEItIA WINES , agricultur"allmplemen ts. ! REID & GRAY'S Disc and Zigzag Harrows, : Seed Sowers, Cambridge Rollers, Ploughs, and Bxl ra Parts BOOTn, MACDONALD & CO.'S Ploughs Disc Harrows, and Carlyle Windmills.

\ NEW ZEALAND^RAILWAYS. | | NAPIER SECTION. | IMM I M E TABLE,! ( J, On and after , | MARCH 22M), ISB7, \ WEEK DAYS ONLY. i ._ _^ | soui'n. I j STATIONS. A,3t. A.M. I'.Jt. P.M. P.M. I'.JI Spit, dep .. .. 11.15 2.15 .. 1.0 S.. " | fnr .. 11.23 2.23 .. J. 13 .. T Napier < S Up 7.20,11.35 3.0 1.0 1.15 G. 50 A | " Awatolo .. * j " ' * *I*S i i Farndon .. 7.40,11.58 3.22 1.22 0.0 i 7.10 S I I 'Whakatu .. " * -" * * | • :j , "Tomonna .." * * * * i ' SS Hastings, ar 8.0 12.30 3.13 1.12 5.23,7.30 d.» ■ dp 8.5 3.50 5.31 = S | "PnkiPnki.. • .. " .. ' ! ,%d \ "Poukawa .. * .. * .. " ""1 I ITe Hauke.. t y. S a i TeAulo ar 8.5S .. T1.42 .. 0.23,0 _,-. dp 9.7 -. 1.50 .. 8.28..^_.0» "Pukchou .. * .. • .. .. ;t> V- '-■■fj I Kaikora .. 0.39 .. 5.21 .. 7.v 2i <_ = 1 Waipawa.. 9.63 .. 5.37 .. MO.hS'S^" I iTapairu .. t v°^. dS . ! ! Waip'k'r'u ar 10.12 .. 5.55 .. .. I „ dp 10.20 .. 0.5 .. 7.3S '/{tfi f 3 ! *Woburn .. * .. > ig S-:i ! j 'Oruawharo " .. * Q 3o ' Takapau .. 11.10 .. 7.0 g' , "Konua ..«..« ' SS ; 'Pnpotu ..'..* 5^ Ormondville 11.45 .. 7.30 r» Makotuku.. 11.55 .. 7. IS i -S'.S ; "Jtatamau ..*..* ! S» 1 "jWnngatera v .. v I ; tni; Danncvirko 12.30 .. 8.28 i i,- 35 'Tahoraito .."..' | -3 ; "l'amaki ..*.." l , _ ! "Oringi .. • .. ' I ' y "Matahiwi ..•"..' I I ■% i "Victoria ..*..• I ! a I Woodvillo ar 1.28 . . 9.30 I fo S J_. . ... ! .,._L. I ._. NORTH, I STATIONS. i.I.M. A.M. A.SI.IP.M. P.M. P.M. i J ____ _____ | ____, _____ ______ I W'odvillc,dp' .. I .. G.IOJ .. .. 2.10.I ..'..!. * .. .. ' s I 'Mntnhiwi .. : ..:..<'.. .. y 3 I -Oringi ..; ..:..|*.. .. * f 1 I -Tainaki ..' .. .. I " .. .- ■ S i "I'uhoraili ....'..'• j.. .. * •■* < Dannevirke ;.. .. ] 7.53 .. .. 44 -d , 'Mangatera i.. .. ' 'j .. .. v g ! v Matamau ..'..'..' ' ' . . 1 Makotuku.. 1 .. , .. - 8.111 .. : .. .23 Sg ! Ormondville . . : . . ' 8.51 .... 30 di- | "I'upatu ..'..,,. j •i .. .. • •o'g I "Kopua .. .. ;.. '1..'.. ♦ *.§ Takapau 9.3fi; .. .. 5.0 ■" j •Oruawharo „.i .. v!.. i.. *■ ijc "Wohurn ..!...,! *! .. .. * g » Waipiik'rau , C.35 1 .. |10.30j .. .. CO tTapairu .|..j..i .. i.. .. t ! Waipawn ..■ 6..J5 .. '10.1G .. | .. (i.17«0 ■ Kaikora ..'■ 7.S ■.. .11.0 1.. .. 6.30 ?.% ! "Pukchou ..'*,..(•.. .. ♦ SC i TeAuto, ar 7.4O 1 .. 11.30 .. .. 7.3 j> = dp' 7.15^ .. :u.3,i .. I .. 7.10 »g j ITcHauke ..i .. .. „. .. 1.. i I.3'E 'Poukawa ...*'.. i " .... * g«« i M'ukiPaki..! * ... I " . |.. - W ! Hastiugs, ar) 8.37 .. 12.251 .. I .. 8.0 ■>> dp; 8.15; 10.012.30! 3.0 i 5.13 8.5 ]g - * i'omoana ..'•"• * 1 * i * *S ! -Wlmkatu ... " i • x i - - H"S Farndon .. 3.5 lO.SifjlS.ol' 3.22 0.8 8.20;. a Wwatoto ... * i • *• I * * "i far: 9.2510.13' 1.171 3.12 C.30 8.15,'S i V'iniPt* J . ' — ' « Up 0.30,10.50 1.25 ! Ij Spit ar, 9.3^10.58 1.33, | jo 1 t'llns tram does not stop at To Hauke or ■ Tapairu. t This train does not atop at Tapaivu or Te : Hauke. •Flag Stations— Trains do not stop unless : required. Notice should bo given lo the Guard at the previous slopping station by any passengers dosiringto alightat.FlnK .Stations. SUNDAY TRAINS SOUTH. A.M. A.M. pImTTp.mT I Spit .. .. dop. 9.5 10.J5 2.20 6.17 Napier 9.15 11.0 2.30 j 6.25 "Awatoto .. .. " .. " Farndon .. .. 9.35 .. 2.50 •Whakatu .. * .. I * I "Tomoan.i .. .. ' .. ' Hastings arr. 9.55 .. 3.10, NORTH. A.M.; A.M. P.m7T~p7m Hastings dop. 10.0 .. 5.20 *Tomonmi . . * * * Whakatu Farndon .. .. 10.20 .. 5.10 ! * Awatolo .... " • Nnpier 8.50 10.12 2.5 0.2 I Spit arv.Z.9.o 10.50 2.13 (i.lO j J I •Flag Stations.— Trains do net stop unless | required. Notice should bo giveu to the i Guard at the previous stopping Station by ; any passengers desiring to alight nt Flag Stations. 129 ________________________________________ i \ HT7WBBAL3 FURNIBHKD / \ \ ._n\ From th« very Chtspeit /£'> V*\ to th« most /Jr/ sill MJj/'w. naxMn xwaitm* \v \ 103 !

BENTALL'S Corn-crushers and Chair-cutters SAMUWLSON'S Mowers and Reapers, with extras HOItNSBY'S Single-furrow Ploughs EVERY STATION REQUISITE KEPT IN STOCK. MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO. NAPIER AND HASTINGS. 120 VEGETABLE SEEDS (Carter's), In Boxes containing 45 Varieties. 374 MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO. LOUail'S PATENT WOOL PRESS. COMPACT, .Strong, Durable, and Cheap ; easily worked : rapid nnd powoi'ful in action ; handy for sewing and releasing the bales. Full parl iculnra trom MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO., 2G9 Agents. MADEIRA WINES (In Case), Blandy's Pole Dry Blandy's Rich Old Boal Blandy's Cam a do Loboa 122 MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO. POTATOES. TO ARRIVE PER~"MARY WADLEY.' *>(\ TONS La^gi Dei- wonts. 10 U\r Tons Seed Dorwcnts (picked). Will be Sold to arrive at a Low Figure. 520 MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO. SEEDjOATS. Sparrowbills Canadian Danish White and Black Tartarian Dun Whilo Tuscan Seed Wheat Hunter's While Sued When I 121 MURRAY, ROBE UTS & CO. NEW ZEALAND HEMATITE (O.XIf)K Of IKO.V), THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PAINT. Stone Color, in all Shades nod, in all "Shades MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO., 373 Agents, ploughing Pittrlu rrARADALE AND HASTINGS X PLOUGHING MATCn SOCIETY. Committee: W. Ncal, J. M'lntyre, C.Codd, G. Rymcr, .1. Gilligan, .1. Drummond.H. Monlcith, W. He-slop, P. H. Diekson. J. M'Vay, T. Sidey, R. Smith, A. Joucs, C. Dinoy, P. Ramsay. THE ANNUAL MATCH Will take place on August 31bt, at Mr W. Kittow's Paddock, Waiina, Oinnhu-rond. To start at. 9.30 a.m. sharp. Time for llnishing, 3 p.m. PROGRAMME. Class A.— Entrance- 10a Od ; must compet e Cor Champion. Open to nil comers ; nny plough, First prize £a, second £3, third Class 8., Single Furrow.— For men who have never won a llrst prize. Entrance 7a Od, or 10s 6d to compete for Champion. First prize £5, second £3, third £1 10s. Class C, Douhlk Furrow,— En 1 ranee 7s 8.'., or 10s 6d to compete for Champion. Open to all comers. First prize £10 or the Agricultural nnd Pastoral Society's prize of £10 10*, second £5, third £2. Class D., Douulu Furrow.— Entrance 7s (i'J, or 10s Gd to compete for Champion. For mon who have never won a llrst prize with a Double or Treble Furrow Plough. First prize £5 or the Agricultural and Pastoral Society's prize of £10 10s, second ,£.S, third £1 10s. Class E., Any Plough.— Bojb under 18. Entrance ss, or 7s Od to compete fcr Championship. First prize £2 and silver medal, second £2, third £1. Class F., Any Plough.— Natives only. Entrance 7s Gd. or 10s (id lo compete in Champion. First prize £1, second £2. third £1. Entries will be received by Mr Binnio up to Monday, August 29(1i. After that 2s Ud extra will bo charged up to 9 a.m. on the day of the match. All Classes open to Natives. Ex-Champions must cntor for Champion. The Society's Champion Cup will bo awarded to the best ploughing on the ground for which the entrance of 10s (id has boon paid. The Society will give Special Prizes for the Best Toam of Three or Four Horses, and for the Best Matched Pair. Gentlemen intending lo give Special Prizes or subscribe, or who have subscription lists, are requested to communicate on or before August 20th with the Secret ary. A Public Dinner will lake place at Ihc Wuverley Hotel on tho sninc evening. Tickets, 7s Ud. LOUIS BINNIK, 191 Hon. Sec.

|tti.SCCU»I»OUff, ! DRINK -~i 4j!Otryiyi Oft 1 116 / \ex\** OTs |IT| i \IV /\ «l A ' 2 INDUSTRIE GAZETTE i ■VC OT llli^iC Ji' #ll\ •■ The lilcniliii)} is I'litirel.v attended to IH f | J|l|""^^jr #ll \ vk liv Mr N'cKoii lii»)Si.'lf, nho is a LI VUL E ViCAkJA' #A\ » i'nMcr f>l great. uV|H'iicnre, and haj *~" '^ w * w*g # V lint! a sjiccial tvainintf in the art " t iV* THt JET ,Jk^i.sJ^a. ''This Crm ilescr\ey th* 1 sup- 1 Mjw j+ Jff x*t*?''t<Ww*& r * w^ port of all puiclmsevs of Tea. w^ IIP* 1 \l^ /fl#Jg32!§«B \ supeiiot- to an> thing «olmv. THOUC3,H# /tf J^^p^ 1 o\ \ pR| CES copied B / 'USsisaCl S ■ \ \ 2l- r 214- 7 PURE BLENDEU TEAS AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCHrDUMEDIN, AGENTS EVERYWHERE ROBJOIINS & 00,, AQBNTS NAHER. 136

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7825, 18 August 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7825, 18 August 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7825, 18 August 1887, Page 4