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[ESTABLISHED 1880.) HOT LAKES ! HOT LAKES ! NAPIER TO ROTORUA. Thrco days' drive through Lovely Scenery. f^IUFMTH'S (Late Taupo Royal vj maim COACHES Leave Lho MASONIC HOTKL, NAPIER Every Monday Morning at 0.30 o'clock, for Taupo, Ohino'mutu, arriving nt Tarawera snme evening. Tnupo on Tuesday, staying nt Tnupo all 'Wednesday, leaving for Rotornn on Thursday, nnd on to Auckland by Saturday night. Returning from tho I'nlnco Hotel, Ohincmutn. every Tuesday morning nt 6.30 o'clock, arriving nt Tnupo same evening, (Tourists enn break tlicir journey nt Tnupo for 3 or 1 days, or n week, ns there will he n conch (o convey them on to Napier when they want to continue their journey), leaves Tnupo llmrsdny, nt G. 30 a.m., and arrives at Napier on Firdny nt 3 p.m. Tourists from Melbourne find thn South by breaking their journey nt. Nnpier, instead of going on to Auckland, sec some of the finest scenery in the North Islnnd, by so doing they savo both trouble nnd expense of Return Journey. Special arrangements cnu be effected for Private Pnrtics nt nny time, therefore two or more pnssongers enn leave whatever any they like. P.P Lunch nn<l chancre of Horses first day nlPohni; second day at Runnngn (between Tnrawera nnd Tniipo) : nnd third day nt Atinmurn (half wny between Innpo and Ohincmutu). Farm:— Single— Napier to Tarawera .. •• «-' 'JJ Tnupo 2 10 „ Rotorua 15 ReturnNapier to Tnupo £< Ju Nnpier to Rolorua £7 10 Available for Onn Month. Spccinls on application to F. W ATKINSON. Mnfonic Hotel, Nnpior, 50 '* Palace' Hotel, Ohinemutu. ROYAL MAIL COACTIES. HOT LAKEsTIIOT LAKES NAPIER TO~IiOTORUA. pEOWTHETt. Tnt> M'CAULTCY'S V 7 Tnupo Kloctric Lino of Roynl Mml Conches leaves the Clarendon. Club ITolcl Booking Office every Monday nl. G. 30 a.m.. calling nt the Criterion Hotel, for Tnupo and Rotorun, arriving nl Tnrnwe/n snu.n evening. Taupo on Tuesdny, slnyiife nt Tnupo on Wednesday, leaving for Rotorua on T hursdny. rotoruaTtcT naptkr. Leaves Lnke House, Ohinomutu, oycry Wednesday, al. 0.30 a.m., Culling at the Pnlnce Hold, nrrivingnt Tanpo nnd running direct to Mr Joshua's Sanatorium same dny; leaves Taupo on Thursday, at. fi.3o a.m.. arriving at Tnrnwcra same evening; leaves 'lnvawcra n.30 a.m., nrriving nl Napier at 5 p.m. snme dny. TAUTCSJ-SlNfiM 1 .: £ s. d, Napier to Tnra worn .. -• '» " Tnupo .. ..100 Rotorun .. .. 110 0 Spccinls as per agreement , Mil T. PEDDIE 51 Clarendon Hotel, Agcn COBB AND CO.'S ROYAL MAIL COACHES. FUOM this date my CWhes leave Woodvillc on arrival of 7.20 Trnin from Nnpier for Pnlmerslon in time for Wellington nnd Wnugnuui Trains dully. Also leaving Palmerston on arrival o£ Trains from Wellington nnd Wnngnnui, reaching Nnpier same night. J. MACARA, Proprietor, Rooking Ofllce: Clarendon Hotel. 52 TELEGRAPH LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHES Leaves Waipukurau every Monday nnd Thursday, after arrival of first trnin from Nnpier, for Wnllingford nnd Pornngnhah, returning on Wednesdays nnd Saturdays, in time for train leaving for Nnpier. Parcels carried on the most rcnsonahlo terms, nit P. NEILSEN. MACDONALD'S COACH TO PATEA. DURING tho"Wiiitor Months tho Conch will only leave the Mnsonic ITcrful, Nnpior, every THURSDAY MORNING nt. 8 n.m., returning from Kuripnpnngn every MONDAY. Parcels left nt the Ofliee will bo forwarded. All Information given nnd scats secured by apptying to F. W ATKINSON. Masonic ITolcl, Cornet" of Kmerson-strcct. and Murine-iHU'nde. 51 OVERLAND ROUTIC TO WELLINGTON. petereFlFoaches COACHES leave vVoodvillo upon the nrrival of 7.20 a.m. train from Napier each day, conveying passengers through to PnlmersloH nnd Wangnnui mid Wellington. Specials nny time. Commercials' Luggnge carried. Travellers by these Coaches reach Welling(on nnd Wnngnntti snmo day ns lenving Napier, nnd have half hour to spnre nt Woodville nnd Palmerston. Parlies wishing to view the beautiful scenery at the Manawntu Gorge enn have special conveyances of any description by writing to A. Peters, norse Bnzanr, Woodville. Five and twenty yenrs' experience on the rond. Booking Ofliccnnd fullest information given by applying to P . , yATKIMBOI?> Mnsonio Hotel. Napier, N.8. --Passenger.? by the above Line of Coaches arc landed in Pnlmerston hnlf-an-hour before tho Train depnrts for Wellington, which nllows of dinner being partaken nt Wai.kmjv's Commercial Hotel, Pnlmerston N. which is close to the Stntion. 55 KTJRIPAPANGA AND PATEA ROYAL MAIL COACHES. HPHE undersigned lieinc; thesuccessJL ful tenderer for the Paten mnil hns slnrlcdn Line of Coaches, and will leave tho Chief Pos-t . Office, calling al. Johnstonc's Slnr Hotel. Nnpier, every Thursdny morning nt 6 o'clock, for Pukctnpu, Woodthorpe, Konini, Waikonini, Manga whare, Ulowhard, nnd Kuripnpanga. nrriving at a o'clock snme evening. Rktuhx Trii". Leaving Kiiripnpnnga every Monday morning nt 7 o'clock, nrriving at Napier same evening by I o'clock . doods nnd Parcels left nl Ibe Star Hotel, addressed per Jones' Paten M.iil Conches will be punclually attended to. W. J. JONKS. Proprietor, K. W. nuGHES. Driver. 50 TO TRAVELLERS AND THK GENKRAL PUBLIC. CL-rAMRIiITSTG will be in attond- • nucc. Nt the \Voodvillo Slnlion with Conch or Express on the nrrival of lho 7.20 n.iii. Train from Xnpicr, to carry Passengers or Goods to Woodville or nny other parl. AH Goods addressed to tho undersigned W'H be punctunllv nticndcd to. Goods carried through to Pnlmerston. C. IIAMBLING, 57 Proprietor, RYMEK'S KOYAL MAIL COACHES UKTWKKN" NAPIKIi. MEANICIC. TARADALE. PUKE. TAPU OMAHU. & FERN HILL, Established over 20 ycnr3. DAILY TIME TABLE. Lciivo Newton 3 Corner for Tnvndnle— lo, ll, 12, X i, 5. Leave Tnrndnlu— 8.30, !), 10, 11. 2. 3.30. Leave Piikctnpu— B n.n>. Nnpier for Piikelapu daily :i and S also on Tuesdays, Thursdnjs, nnd Satuvdnys nt II nnd return from Pukelnpu same days ,\{ 1. Fern Hill Coach leaves at R a.m.. and leaves Nnpier nl 'J p.m. for Omalui and Fein Hill. ! SATURDAY XJIJHT COACH. Taradalc for Nnp (i p.m. Napier to I'mnda 0.30 p.m. Fnri'fi to Mcnnce and Taradnle, Is each wny. 'I'o Pukclapu, '.'s each way. Tc Fern Hill, 2s lid each wny. Spccinl t'oai'hcs for lncnic iiailics auction snlcs, or trips to any part of the Islnnd, &c. Buggies nnd Saddle Horses can be had at l'arndale at any time. ,iS (SKORGK i'll'iMKli, COTTON'S OMNIBUS LINE. ON and after MAY Ist the Timetable will be as follows:— >ir."l 'Bus Ic.ivrs SPIT nt a quarter lo It, ■nin,' L'OOI'KR'H nl n (lunrlur-pasl !i tor spil. Ni'xl. ll\i« leaves SPIT nl a quarter pun.; !!, caving lor M'lT again nl. n quarter lo 10. l'liis Timetable will be kept up the entire day \\ii*<out interval. The Inal 'Bus leaves lownt Sundnysanrt Holidaysexceptcd. £*-* TO A?/i per dny to he made iW-f. .-^^tt by persons of cither sex, in their own localities, at. work for us. New business. All meet, with wonderful success. Anyone can d« the w.rk. Cnpi'.nl not roquircd. Wo will stnri you. Cntllt worth £1 maili'd free. Tlie employment is particularly adapted lolhc region in which this publi nl ion circulntcs. hoys nnd girls earn ncnrly ns much ns men. I'ull pnrticulnr nnd instructions ninilcd free. Now is the lime— don't delay, but write k> us nt onto. Address Stixson AiNU Co., Portland, Maine UniloilSl'iles. B 0

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7825, 18 August 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7825, 18 August 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7825, 18 August 1887, Page 1