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IHEEEBY give notice that I will not be responsible) for nny Debts contracted by my Wito, Emma M'lntosh, from this date. JAMES M'INTOSH. Hastings, Juno 23cd, 1287. 1180 HASTINGS FANCY DRESS BALL. ASPLENDILMTariety of Fancy find Character Dresses ore on Hire at A. J. M'Ewan's Drapery Warehouse. 1178 POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. THE SALE of Hastings Property advertised for today by order of the Registrar o£ the Supremo Court, has been Postponed until a later date, full particulars ot which will be duly advertised. BANNER & LIDDLE, 1169 Auctioneers. NOTICE. A NY Persons trespassing on the ix Okawa or Whaua Estates, in search of game or otherwise, will be prosecuted. 625 N. E. BEAMISH. POSTPONEMENT OP SPORTS. IIAWKE'S BAY AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB. THE SPORTS~IvTeETING which was to have boon held on the Recreation Ground on Saturday noxt, the 25th in St., has been Postponed on account of the wet state of the Ground. Due notice will be given of the date on which the Meeting will ho held. JNO. PARKER, 1150 Hon. Seerotary. FISH OVA can be obtained on application to tho Undersigned,' in quantities of not loss than 12,000 ova. Prices as under, tho Society delivering tho Ova free of other charges :— Brown Trout Ova at 40s per 1000 Loch Levcp Ova at 60s per 1000 ' Fontinali3 Ova at 60s per 1000 Early appliciaton to the Hon. Seerotary is I requested. . A. S. BIRCH, ! „._ ■• Hon. Secretary 915 H.B Acclimatisation Society. HAWKE'S BAY COURSING OLUB. All-Aged Doa Stakes.— For an unlimited number of dogs ; of 50 soys, second doer to receives 10 soys, and third and fourth dogs • 5 sovf each from tho stokes. Nomination 10s, on Friday. 10th June. Final pay- ' ment 30s, on Friday, 17th Jnne. REGULATIONS. Atrthe time of nomination the name of the dog. pedigree, and color must bo sent to the Secretary, at Kelly's Hotel, Hastings, with the fee. At the time of flnal payment the names of the dogs intended to De run must again bo stated, dominations, &c., close at 8 p.m. on their respective nights. ALF. T. DANVERS, 921 Secretary. TO ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, AND CONTRACTORS. FINDLAY AND~CO. (LIMITED) have much pleasure in announcing that they have purchased tho DUNEDIN IRON AND WOODWARE COMPANY-S (Late Guthrie and Launacii) Extensive Lines of woll-seasoned Imported Timber, which, together with their own carefully Selected Stock, enables them to promptly supply the increased demand for „ KAURI AND BALTIC DOORS AND SASHES. PRICE LISTS of abevo, SPECIAL JOINERY, Estimates, and other Lines of Building Material on application to FTNDLAY AND CO. (LIMITED). TIMBER AND IRON MERCHANTS; Door and Sash Manufacturers, Cumberland, Stuart, and Castle Streets, DUNEDIN. 86 HORACE BAKER (Late Chief Sur\eyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands), SURVEYOR, LAND ESTATE & COMMISSION AGENT, VALUATOR. Estimates prepared for the Subdivision and Sale of Properties. • Land Transfor and evory other description of Surveys undertaken. Mortgagees on Freehold and other Soouritioa negotiated. Information supplied^ concerning Crown Lands in every District in tho Colony. Meetings of Crown Land Board attended. If required. Applications made for Selectors of Crown ! Lands. Correspondence invited. Temporary office: TENNYSON-STUEET NAPIER. THE WATERBURY WATCH Will be found a Marvel of Simplicity, Accuracy, and Cheapness." SIMPLEBccauso it is composed of less than ono-half the usual number of parts in a watch, which are so arranged aj to be easily cleaned or repaired. ACCURATEBeeauso it will run twonty-eight hours with one winding" and keop timo equal to tho better grados of Watches. CHEAPBecause it will wear for years, and is offered at a price within tho reach of everybody. Price, 13s 6d each. Post frco 13s 9d, RUDDOCK& FRYER NAPIER AGENTS. [See advertisement on fourth page.] THE GENUINE Waterbury Watch is sold by the Agents, who are the only Firm authorised by the Waterbury Watch Company to 801 l their Watch, and the only Firm to whom they supply them at 13s 6d each, and the publlo will do well to confine their purchases to them. The Company regret that it is necessary to warn tho public against purchasing worthless imitations at a few shillings less. There is only one genuine Waterbury, and its price is 13s 6d. Many imitations, however, are so close that tho publio arc frequently deceived, to their immediate loßs and disappointment. SOLE AGENTS : RUDDOCK AND FRYER, NAPIER, 950 TO THE SHEEP-FARMERS OF HAWKE'S BAY. /ZJ.ENTLEMEN,— It is now nearly a VX year since your combined effort was made to settle definitely a fixed rate of meat freight, when you appointed Mr Dobson to carry out your wishes. The rosult o£ your action has been the formation of tho "Colonial Union Company," with which Company we are glad to be able to inform you we have made arrangements that have. enabled us to take up the contract which you authorised Mr Dobson to mako on your behalf. The most interesting provision in.' the contract is that which provides that for the next threo years wo have to take delivery of your sheop, "kill, freeze, bag, ship, insure, pay freight, store, sell, and render account sales " at the rate of 23d per lb, instead of 3Jd, which was the best wo could undertake for you this timo last year. This will show a reduction of from 2s to 2s 6d per head. The minor details of the contract will be put bofore you shortly. Wo think it only fair to ourselves to point out that the whole expense ot Mr Dobson's mission to England has been borne by us, and although we naturally hope to benofit by the reduced rate, wo think wo are entitled to the support of every Sheepowner in the Provinco, whether his name is on the guarantee or not, as had it not been for our action taken at tho request of a number of tho guarantors tho rate would certainly not now luivo been reducod, and should the Shipping Company, whoso business we have undertaken, not be supported to tho fullest extent, we may look forward at the expiry of our contract to a return of the old rates ; if not worse. In answer to numerous questions recently asked us wo beg to make the following statements :— 1. "Wo are prepared to deal (when offered) with every available sheep in tho Province, whether on tho guaranteo or not, provided they are booked sufficiently early to allow, freight ar- . rangements to bo concluded." To help you in forming an opinion ns to tho accuracy of our statement, we may tell you that our works are now of such proportions as to enable us to freeze comfortably THIRTY thousand (30,000) shoep per month, and if pressed, and shipping space bo procurable, we can freezo thibty-six thousand (36,000) per month. These figures show that should it become necessary wo can freeze all available sheep in the Provinco during tho spaco of five months, but as experience has taught us that sheep are ottering from October (o June, we have eight months instead of five to get through our work, and it is improbable that any ono month's requirements would oxoeed 3ti,000. Before leaving this question we may add that tho past season has been held up to us as a proof that wo can not do all the work required o£ us. Our answer to that is, that in the past season we have taken ovory sheep booked on the day fixed by the owner, and in many cases earlior, but. where sheop wore not booked tho detlcionoy of freight space became a difficulty. This difficulty has now been ro-' ■moved by your own action in introducing tho ' Colonial Union." We would also point out that the exceptional diftlouitios of tho past season were reduced to a minimum by our providing additional machinery and storago accommodation, and that wo did so with a full knowledge that owing to tho non-existence of freight we should have to keop 28,000 sheep stored for a considerable period. 2. " We are not proposing to use sheop owned by non-guarantors (as ifhas boon put to us) as ' stop-gaps," but wo are at the prosent moment prepared to absolutely guarantee to tako any shocp owned oy either guarantors or nonguarantors in any numbers or at any dates that may be desirod, and on tho same terms, with the one condition that all bookings for the coming season shall bo made by the 15th July next, a provision found necessary by all companies throughout Now Zealand to prevent risk of failuro in procuring freight and to cnnblo shipping companies to allocate their apuce. Wo would call your special attention to this mattor, as this has really been tho source of much dissatisfaction in tho past, so many of our friends leaving all arrangements for disposing of thoir stock to chnnco. If sufficient bookings are received by us tho ■ " Colonial Union " will n't up tho "Cambodia" and "Enorgia'V-tho first two stonmorsto bo put upon this borth— to carry 30,000 carcases Wo llopo that you will put us in n position to have this carried into oft'oet, as by making tho new lino strong, wo shall prevent tho repetition of tho "oppressive action" against, which you wcro forced, to combine to obtain relief.— Yours truly, 1113 . NELSON BROS., LIMITED.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7779, 25 June 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7779, 25 June 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7779, 25 June 1887, Page 3