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KEEP PACE AVITH THE TIMES ; '.• . ' :. \ J. H. DALTON, TAILOR, TBNNYSON-STRBET, NAPjER. AND ViCTORIA^STItEET EAST, AUCKLAKB. jF-ip , PATTERNS of CLOTH -\j^'' Goods aro sent Cak - I^~sl' jr rv *'^v FOR fey ItiAOE Paid, j and i£ not -^ggisffip^k ft- - L GENTLEMEN'S ■ ■ ; >^^H """"^ ™ °™ h ™ SQil ' BsSskL /Jp v clothing, ■ '■firnH"'-- """T 1 *™ 1 ■ &-j.\ :p ■ Post Free, with Price Lists. J3 s. d.- iß^rfci^Sf^ /If ■': Wl Heavy Diagonal .. 4,15 HWt Trousers '.. " '.'. 0 12,6 H^^ Gentleman's ' Gentlemen's Gentlemen s 1 Moknino Coat Tweed Sack Suits Covert Coats. akd Vest. • . NEW PRICE LIST FOR 1886-87. ' LATEST FASHIONS IN GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS'^CLOTHING, &C, And Easy SoU-measuremont Forms aro sont GRATIS A&D POST FREE, ON APPLICATION. Cheques, Postal Orders, &c., to bo crossed J H. Dalt'on. EXTRA PAIR TROUSERS GIVEN AWAY WITH EACH SUIT OVER £3 15s. TERMS CASH . '

JJUccjr Sty^ \ PEACOCK'S jUBRIOANT SHEEP DIP £3 PER THOUSAND GALLONS. A' SO PEACOCK'S IMPROVED DIP, £3 10s, Containing alarfjo proportion of Glycerine, ,nd guaranteed to bo entirely free from soda ittlimc, both of Whioharelargelyused in somo iftho dips now ill tho market, ami more espotally in those sold in the form of a powder, vhioh have Iho effect of loaving tho wool dry ;nd harsh, causing tho winter rains to poi'uoato the skin, fcbing,thns a frequent source if lungworni witn hoggets in low condition. Owing lo a long range of experiments caroully camed'out for somo years on my own lock my Dip is now'as near perfection as it is irissible to obtain, and during tho last thveo •cars it lias glvon goncral satisfaction, and ibtamcd a Imjo number of Testimonials rom thoroughly reliable and practical Klockiwnera and Sl-.cep Inspectors. Sco my ciriiilars. This Dip doos not kill so quickly as the soialled non-poispnous'sorts, but is permanent n its effects, having tho. wool soft, white, nnd uslrous, and thoroughly cleansing tho skin. 3eing much heavier than water it is desirablo -ho Dip should bo well stirred up from Iho jottom bofcro each lot of sheep aro run ;hrough. For this purposo a common vat •ako is the best, which' is made with a piece >£ board 9 inches long with nn auger hole ihrough thu for, polo Bor 9 feet long. - Th,e l)ip is very easily mixed in cold water, ml Is packed in Sealed Tins containing 3 jallons aiiit Drums of i and 5 gallons, with printed directions for use on each tin. Kaeh gallon will charge 100 gallons of water. Price 6s and 7s per gallon. Special quotations r large quantities.. "DAVID PEA 'OCX. Agents for Hawko's Bay :— ' KINROSS & CO., Port Anunmr. TESTIMONIALS. Marton, 18th October, 1881. David Peacock. Esq., Homowood— Dear Sir,— l have examined sovoral flocks of sheep that have been dressed in your now Dip and have inuoh. pleasure in testifying to its efficacy in destroying both Ticks and Lice. It is also most beneficial to the wool, leaving it beautifully white and soft.— l am, yours faithfully, Robert K. Simpson, Inspector oE Sheep. Rangitikei Junction, Bonny Glen, Ist Seplembor, 1881. Mr Peacock— Dear Sir,— Your Dip is by far tho best and cheapest 1 have evor usod. I does not stain or inako wool dry and harshli ke many of the English dips, but puts on a beautiful gloss, and cleansos away all filth, killing all insect life, and is lasting in its effects.— Daniel Stevens. Bonny Gton, Rangitikei, August 30, 1885. D. Peacock; Esq., Marton— Dear .Sir,- 1 this year tried your Dip, and found it very efficacious for Lico and Ticks. 10 is much cheaper than any other I ever used, and leaves tho wool and skin beautifully white and soft, without staining Yours truly, Jno. P. Lktiibridqe. Mr Peacock— Dear Sir,— Wo dipped our sheep in March last in your dipping mixture, and found it to answer woll, killing c 1 the

Lico and Ticks, loaving tho wool neauutuity soft, white, and oily, and thoroughly cl 3 rosing the skin. Our sheop wore Very lousy lipr ing but at present dato are perfectly freo fion\ Lice and Ticks.— R. and It. E. Johnsto 124 —■ ~ i IMPORTANT. '< rpHOMAS' SHEEP-DIP. ' The Wool consigned to Holmuth Schwartz ( and Co., London, by tho Pastoral Society of Hawke's Bay, Now Zealand, was reported upon hy their Valuor to bo "of FrccStaplo , and Sound, oE Great Lustro and Sott Feel, nnd with Littlo or No Smell."— Dated Juno, ISBJ. Sheep Dipped with this Specific aro not only IfRBED FROM ALL TICKS AND LICE, but tho WOOL is actually inVproved by ONE PENNY to as muoli as THREEPENCE per pound. Mr Carter, of Scale Park, Victoria, took ISO FIRST AND SECOND-CLASS PRIZES, and nearly SIX HUNDRED Pounds Sterling: in MONEY PRIZES this last Season; and Mr Carter authorises us to say that he considors the use o£ THOMAS' SPECIFIC had much' to do with tho unprecedented Beauty and Quality of his \Vool. TESTIMONIAL. . [COPY.] ' Scalo Park, Chines, Victoria, I • 20th January, 1887. I Dear Sir,— l have very much pleasuro in Bonding you a tcalimoninl of my high apprccia tion o£ Thomas' Snoop Dipping Specific, with which you supplied me. I have'fouud it answer -woll. The complete failure of an English poisonous dip to kill -the ticks induced me to try the ahovo.l am glad to state, with tho greatest success; tho eradication of tho ticks and ova was so complete, that on sevoral occasions I havo challenged inspection in my SUid Sheep andgencral Flock to find a living tick amongst thorn ; and as for the condition of tho wool and tho health of the sheep, tho fact of my taking so many first prizes at each of tho Agricultural Shows, viz., Melbourne, Ballarat, Echua, Sandhurst, Rochester, Kynoton, and sevoral othor shows, sufficiently testifies; and my sheep woro entirely free from ticks at shearing. I have now much -pleasure. in giving in writing my opinion of tho quality of your . Specific, -which I never hesitate to express publicly whenover the subject ot dip is referred to. I havo tho honor, &c, Lenard R. Cauteu. Tho prizes referred to amount in numbor to 157, and in valuo to nearly £800 sterling. BANNER ANDLIDDLE, AGENTS, ' NAPIER. THO MA S A. N D CO. Manufacturers, Somerset-place, 'Melbourne. 125 MURTON AND WHITE'S HAWKB S BAY ■ ■' • ■ ■ • CjHEEP-DIPPING FLUID Can now bo obtained from WILLIAM WHITE AND CO., AT TIIEIR WORKS, SPIT, 126 ZEALANDIAJSHEEP DIP. HPHIS DIP, prepared by ourselves, .1- is an ontirely difforont artiolo to anything now offered to Sheep Owners, and all wo ask is A TRIAL TO PROVE ITS VAST SUPERIORITY OVER OTHER DIPS. Wo guarantee it to absolutely Destroy all Inskcts infestinj? sheep, to improvo the condition of tho Wool, and to bo quito harmless to the person using it. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER AND CO.'S Now Zealand Drug Company, Limited. 127

' %feflfafl. pLEASE MAKE A NOTE IST.-.OUR SPECIAL CORN CURE acts like a charm. Prico, Is Gd. 2ND.-OUR WORM SYRUP is infallible all Stomach Worms. Prico, Is 6d. 3RD.-OUR COUGH LINCTUS never fails to give relief. Try ono bottle. Prico, 2s Gd. ITH.-OUR ASTHMA CIGARETTES work wonders. Prico, 2s por bottlo. sth.— OUß RHEUMATIC OIL is a ready roliof for pain, " A friend in neod." Prico, Gtil-OUR CONDITION POWDERS for Horsc3 quickly gets thorn into good fottle, and gives the coat a silky gloss. Price, 2s 6d per lb packet. 7Tn.-OUR POULTRY POWDER, health improving, and ißßtrengthcningf or Chickens, Ducks,' &c, &c. Price, Is Gd. BTH.— OUIt EGG FOOD, ''It pays to uso it, as immonsoly is the laying augmented. Is Gd per Dacket at THE HAWKE'S BAY PHARMACY AICKIN & CO., ED. C. COLLINS, MANAGER, Hashnos-stkeet. Noto.— Opposite Bank of Now Zealand. lOi THE PHARMACY. TUST RECEIVED FEOM tF LONDON— SAVAR.S— Tho now Salino for Biliousnoss Headacho, &c. Also, Now and Choice Porfumos, and a large supply of now Drugs, Chemicals, and Sundries. . Superior Syrups, Cordials, and Lhno Juico J. S. WELSMAN. 105 LIFE AND HEALTH. HOLLOWAY'S. PILLS AND OINT . MENT. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE KNOWN THE PILLS ASSIST nature by PURIFYING X3L THE BLOOD, thus ronovating tho very SPRINGS OF LIFE. They sustain tho NERI VOUS ENERGY in youth, and restoro itaß. ngo advances. They promote DIGESTION by acting certainly but gontly on the LIVER AND BOWELS, And they can bo confidently recommended to FEMALES OF ALL AGES as a sure and secure remedy in tho manifold complaints incidon al to tho sox. Dropsical SwoUinqjs and K ney Diseases quickly yield to thoir altorativo properties. ■ THE OINTMENT. As experience has clearly proved— for tho past 10 years— is unrivalled as a healing agent ' in overy kind of ULCERAIION BAD LEGS, BAD •BREASTS, OLD WOUNDS AND SORES. When rubbed into tho skin, as salt is into meat, it, searches out and removes inward INFLAMMATION, CONGESTION AND SWELLINGS. Its application to any affected part romoves and Boothos NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. For Soro Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds Abscesses, and all Skin Disoascs it has no equal. Manufactured only at PROFESSOR HOLLO- ' WAY'S Establishment, 533, OXFOKD • STREET' LONDON. Ana sold at Is, lja, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, 225, and 33s each Box and Pot, by all Vendors of Medicines throughout , tho civilised world, with directions for uso in almost overy languago. K3T Purohnsers should look to tho Labol on tho Pots and Boxes, If tho address is not 8 Oxford-streot. London, they are spurious. 72 NOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS. WILLIAM DOWLING having taken tho management o£ the Milk Business carried on under tho namo of "Dowlingßrothors, Moanco, is no~" prepared to supply Milk, Butter, and Eggs to all Customers. Milk supplied every morning. Orders can bo left at Miss Dowxing's, Shakespeare-road, which will receive prompt attention. Now Customers solicited. Nothing but Puro Milk served FRKSn Butter Twice a Week' 38 W. DOWLING.

i PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL W S£ A* At international fisheries exhibition. PETER HOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL, - *. A ONLY ONE AWARDED TWO GOLD MEDALS. PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL Dr ;t b -- s A "MORE BENEFIT THAN THE OTHER KINDS." PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL **!#. A writes:- 11 ALL THAT COULD BE WISHED." At CHEMISTS,^^B^^^jK^^ EVE^YSTORES,&c. WHERE. <t> ONLY in Capsuled Bottles of Boz. and I6oz. © Offices&Warehouses,Christiania&43,SnowHill, London, E.C. . - - ■ . 281 ,-. _„, _. ffl j^*s^v\ ysk TIUARtI HERALD t IN Int Jar .Jw#gtsoK?p7 m " Tllis fil '" 1 llcscrvcs tllo Bll l'Jiff Mjf £^3SE!3SfIi«-i t&L I lol '' "' "" | >111 ' c ' lilsors ot Ten, _~^\ MB ff TTnLllliX'^iri \ "Jlr. Nelson is a pro- ■> . \\y ffl ff ~J$jR&~&--s» \ m. fcssioiml Taster and ' " \l^ if % Blonder' O^ THDuaH£ /? : !^@K! |\ \ PRI CES C B°Y P ALL "/ / £ \\ 2 /~' £ AUCKUND.WELLINGTON.CHRISTCHURCH.DUNEDIN, AGSNTS EVERYWHERE BOBJOHWi: & CO., AGENTS NAPIBB 132

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7718, 15 April 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7718, 15 April 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7718, 15 April 1887, Page 4