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' ffititntfoitis W«Ktc<VanA Wacaut; : ■•> - WANTED, a Young Gjrl as ? Genera l' '% Servant ;' aloo, a'Eoy tb'aissfsi at table. . : Apply sharp Tempekance Hotel' to-day. 1155 ' WANTED, a Parlor 'Md{l. .Apply ■•""".• to aiBS Sydney. JonNSTOK, Takapau. -.-, " ■•- , ■■■ .-1168;, ' TSTANTEDi " after' Cliristinas, lay . ' ' • TT 1 ' First-dlass Baker 'and' Sniall Goods ■-. ' hand;'re-'engagoment. , 'Apply. Hekald Office. - ' .. ■ , , ."•- ;■ ■■0,-,;'--ii« . . "117 ANTED- a ' good Plojighman, ' : • YT' • usecl 'to hill WorK. , -Apply at once 4. .W.Skerman, Uplands, To Aute... ■ 1100 "WANT|!p,,Ta ; Bullock-driy'er. - foiv ;: ■ ~Y Motiiotavafa ' Station,' married ;"or -< single. 'Hoferences required; lAppiy.-to'ROAT. ,■; Johnstone, Motuotaria, .or:MDKRAV, Ro^ • •>-• berts' & Co.,'Napier. '."> • •>'. , , i V • • ■'■■', 103? , „' WANTED,' 'Generai- Servant;. .>vMv "•;'■. some, knowledge of cooking. '. Apply ■ •'; Mfis-W.' F. 'Knight, Tahoraito. ■ .. \\i ; :IQ35> , '•'. ' fa TiADYj expeiienced in Tuition, ye- '< . ■." xi , quires, ?f ter tho holidays, a Reerigago^.; ' ment ub Resident Governess."Apply'Dß'. Stuart, Dunedin; pr.Risy. D. Sidey, Napier., f , - ' . , - ■.'■,.-. ~ \ ,'-■'''.:'' •" aOx . ..' , TTtTANTEDV ' h'y. 'a : Ymmf LaSy,' a '.'". W -situation, as Nursery^ Governess ; or. - , Companipn ; can toach Eiiglfeh , Music,. Sing-- ; ■•; ing.rFanoy: Work, &0.- 1 Apply to L.S.L, 1 ;- Potono.'. HighostTeßtimonials.-;. ; . : ...'i -.->'. 785 . W" ANTED'; hy Mrs Hoi^'Assiatant ; , ' •.Drdssmakdrsi alsp^lmprovers/and..-. -. •Apprtntices foe the Dressmaking Departmcn • ;'6.'.- ;.'..;'-'■■- •■'•"•"■•,',-' ',- : .-!" : '"V; „. ' '1'|i.i...n,^.,,,-,,^^W««.ii.''i......"1, : ,. , ';; '■;:■; -••;>••;' •;- ■'Wtiti&i : ". ■■:j.,?r x i[-**f') • WANTED to. Puvchasei'a'Fn^ '•'•YV ' class Riding 1 Horse, ;upvto"l7- Stone;- ; ;r Address, • with full "particulars ■';; ■ ; •Palmer's Livery Stables; Napier. \i -■-:■-' :lUS- -!;s '■\Hf PREBBLE has to' land', this: I *-'.' '•• YV. « weok— 6o cases; 'Island. and Sydney .'; . OrangesJO cases Lomoiis, GO cases Calif ornian ■„ Onions, Preserved Bananhs and- Cocoanutai .„ • „ Aloo,achoic6lineof Haddo^.niaßarracouta.;'. . A-reeular supply of HOT-HOUSE CUCUM*, '• ,'BERS. NewJPotatoes; &o."Strawborrlea and-. ■FKESH'CREAM^niIy. , \ '.-- •.' u ?f953 v. ; ',., "WANTEfi : KNO^VN— B,o L &d .and.: ", : V V ,. Reaidcnce. J Yaeancy. f,or<two .singlo; '-■■.-: i'gcntlomon. Apply' .Clarendon Cottage, r : .' j Herp,chcll : BtfccE- :/ . -■/■•' . ■> ■■/, ,9?l y W~ STTED .'. ,■ • (tor sale), 1 acre },4-milo Irom ceiitro "•.',.-;. of town. 'For 'tbrnis.&e:, iipply. JAS.. -A..^. ■••.' Tdrner, Rccent-streot, Napier.-.;- y^'u^h^;:. ffliO LET— Office, •Markofestrecit;''ad^ J'-'^ JL joining Napior Pdi-k Racing ' C1ub'3 ...1-" Office Also, Sample Room, .wolKlightert ; ! ; 1-i grpundfloor.. Apply N.Jacobs. . .'..;^Bi3 -, ; ; ; :. T ETTERPRESS PRINTINGS— Tie".;-.;^ JIJ HERALD Jobbing Depiivtment is the, ,.-y\ ■■ Most Extensive and Completo Establishment . -„ ? inHawke'sßay. Non bu iFirst-class Work - • turned out.. Prices as Low as any in New ; , Zealand . . ' • . . • ' : "-'•,> ; WANTED -KNOWN — That "C,;-. : ■ . SAM6ON', Tinsmith and Plumber, dooa • •.. , all kinds of Repairs as good as new. Goods v mado to order at tho most reasonable rates ;.,,' : , milkmons utonsils^a- speciality. .Hastings;. • streot, next Cohen's Little Dust Pan. ■ . • • '. , „• 1 /OOOKBLNDING.— At the Hebaix '"" J3 Offlco all classes, of Bookbindings i -. ,- oseoutcd on the premises in first-class stylo. . -.. All books hand 'sown, ensuring strength and " .,; -wear. -. • ' ■ . t >;■"__ ■'■ '■•■' WANTED .KNOWN f- For Sale,, , ', a" few Tons of -first-olass Eating - . Potatoes. KNIGHT BKQS., Hastings.,,, .. 15S, .r r J. ITHOGRAPHIC, PRINTING.— '"■ iJLJ The HERALD Lithographic hnd Copper- ... Plato Dopartinent is tbo Only -'Estabiisbment : v. ' n the Pro^'incoin■which these classes of work,' •:: are turned out. Colored Labels and Planar • Specialitdeo . . _^_ ', ;, ■-'_;■■• • W~ r ~ AN TED KNOWN— That P. ..; .'. 'Barry has started a Wooa-and Coa. .. • Yard on tlio White-road at Lowest Current Ratcu. Ordera left at the Parcel Dolivory,.. . ' Offlco, Tennyaon-sti-eet, or given to any of my.", expressmen; -ivill ,be punctually attended. ... „ Tolqphone No. 17. . * •' •- . " ' MASONIC HOTEL, ' . ' . ■ NAPIEK. _...-. E. SMITE, late of. Maungatoro, ■' : • has entorcd into possession of tliis well-known Hotel, which has recently been >.<■ , enlarged and re-furnished' until it will boar , • , comparison with the best hotels in Now: - Special attention has been paid to tho pro- -■' vision of accommodation for Families, and a .--,-- separate privato entrance has been provided, . - Commercial men will find woll-lighto . Sample-rooms, and the best .CommoreiaL . ' room in' New. Zealand, well supplied with Home and Colonial papers and books. Any communications addressed'to tho Pro „ prietor strictly. attended to. r ..• . . • '.' ' " 'E.,-SlnT'H.' ■ 96 '- "MTIS HASTIE having entirely.-" ■ 'IYJL renovated Hooper's old Saloon has reopenod it and engaged Mr J ames.M'Kay as < .. : Hairdresser., Soparale Hairdrossipg Saloon,, 'or 'Ladies.: -Ladies' Hau'-work. in. all its aranohes. .New stock ■of best Tobaccos. •' ;- % Cigars,' Pipes; Perfumery, &c. Satisfaction.' guaranteed/..;-.; - '^^3^5. > - .-/, .' -V. 979 •• , • , Hastinga-streot, Napier. ; NOW. PU BLI SHE D . 1 AND ON SALE.. „• . . '--• ' ' .THE . ■ HA WEE'S BAT, ALMANACK-. ; -'< .'" ■ AND ' ' " ' ' . BUSINESS DIRECJTORY \' /■■ • • . : for • ■ •~ ■ 1887 : ■ ,■..,•■■•;, Can be oafained from all Booksellers and Stu . • 1 tionorS in Town, and at tnq HERALD OFFICE, 'NAPIER, / , . I'■ . And from R. T. Smythe, Book3ollcr and Stationer, Hastings •'• •. .'''•'• E. HABWOOD, BooksoUcr and Stationer, Waipawa . • ■ And from all Country Agents of Hie Herald. , ' Early application should bo made in order 1 to onsuro a supply. ' ''"'"", WOW IN THE -PRESS,. And will bo issued in ii few days, ■ MAP OF THE BOROUGH. OF! ' ' NAPIER, -' ' Hawkb's Bay, N.Z., ' _' . , ' \ Showing all Subdivisions and Road Lines '. according to Mr Rochforfs Survey, ISBO. . : Scalo: Four chains to an inch, • , •'.. '• Orders should bo forwarded at once to ■ DINWIDDIE, WALKER AisD CO. OjIMITED), ' • ' .". .-• PußiisnEKS. ' ''. "NERVOUS DEBILITY:/ ' l)r K. 6. ;Wkst's 1 'teAiir -.' ', Treatsiknt, a guaranteed spcelllc for Hy- , . storia, Dizziness,. Convulsions, Fits; Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration _v '. caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakcfulness, Mental Depression, Softening - of tho Brain resulting in insanity and leading;, , to misery, decay, aud death, Prpmatnro. Old '■ Aeo Bareonnoss, Loss of Powor in eithor sex,' Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-oxertion of the brain, souabuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 5s Gd a box, or sis •■: boxes for 27b 6d, sent by mail prepaid on ro- , coi'pt of price. ' -We guaiuntke six „ ' cuke any CAijE. With each ordet received 'by us for six boxes, accompanied with 255, wo ■ will sond tho purchaser our written guarantee) ■ to refund the niouey if tho troatment does not offoctaoure. Guarantees issued only by >• • : JOHN C. WEST AND CO., B 5 Makket-street, Sydney.' . , ' W. C. Fitzgerald, Chemist, Solo Agont, - Wellington, N;Z. ; ■ ' ,■. . . Circular scut free on application. .' ' ';'_; £100SEWARD! •, 'Y. ,' We will pay tho above reward for any, case \ of liver complaint, dyspepsia.'slck hoauacho, ';-,. indigestion, constipation. or,. costiveness,. wo , cannot euro with West's Veoet able Lives* PILIB, when' tho directions aro strictly com- ; .;. plied with. They are purely vegetable and => . novar fail to givo Hdtiafaolion. L"nrgo uoxoa.r containing 30sugar coated pills, ls"d. Forsalo ■• by all druggists. Bewaro of counterfeits and' . ' imitations. Tho genuine manufactured only by" ■'.'■■ ,' ' ■ . . '• ■■' "--.. ". JOHN C. WEST AND CO., '. 65 MaRKET-STBHISTv, SXDXEV, N.S.W.' _;,. „'■■• Sold by W. C. FrczGERALn," Chemist; : Wol--- ,'.. lington, N;Z. - - .;-. ' '.'.'-., Sent pi'epaid by post in .receipt, of is 3d, pot!.; .',' 1 ' dos in stamps. ■'- *.■.'■:' . •'• -w w w ." : : ', ■"• ■" ; -v v - ' WEST'S WORLD'S , WONDER, , . .'-,." .. ' OK FASULY. LINIMENT. ', ".,-/.. "Infallible remedy.f or ,fthcmnnusm. Neuralgia, Lumbago, Gout, Sprains. Cuts, Burns, Scalds, ; Bruises, ■Headache," Mumps, Hip Disease. Whito Swollinpr, Felons, Chilblains, \Vhltlow9, Chapped •■Hiinds, Jrojen Feet, - . Bites of Insects, Soro Throat, and all ■ diseases , : requirinc oxtornnl application, faojd by, all, Chemists and dealers. :';•'.'•.. • Pried, ls3dand2s6dporßott!o. . ;"'; \ ■ '. _, JOHN. 'C. : .WEST .AND-.Ca.r." ■:'■'.- ... Sows Puoi'JUETORs/ !■•..;-,■ •' ' ',v SYDNEr, CHipAG.O.'AIto'TCORONTp.,;. ;;,:,'- Sold by W. |C. PiTzb'BiiAiib,",6]JoraUt,' Woi.";',-;^ . "' -.-..v 1 .;. Uiurtou,N.Z,"( .-, ■..:. 532.;'?"; „■ ,■' ',"'■;.:' ''•■;■■ '- .', ( -'.;-'' J. "-;V'.f -

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7620, 18 December 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7620, 18 December 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7620, 18 December 1886, Page 1