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WANTED, after Christmas, -by .-.: First-class Baker and 'Small Goods ' .' hand, re-ongagemont. Apply Hebald Oillco. '■'.' .-■■-■ ■ ■ - ' ■■ : ' ll«."f, WANTED, a .good. Ploughman, S used to hill, work.' Apply- at once ,<' A. W. Skebman, Uplands, Te Aute. . .H08; >;,,. WANTED, a Biill'ock-clrivev- .'for. ■£ Motuotaraia.. Station, ' niame'd,' or" :.:„ single.^ Roforences required. Apply to ROBT.' •..•,'-» ■Jounstone, Mptuotaria, or Murray; Ro-.-^y-behts & Co., Napior. . - -. , r;1089..V!: fG TXTANTEDJ General. Servant, with--;?; Y.T somo knov.'ledgo Of cooking., Apply : . ' Mns W. F. Knight,: Tahoraite. ; ■ : . ■ • 1085 -; .^ 3 > A LADY, experienced in Tuition; re- ' '!■;■ \ xX quires, after the holidays, a Re-bngagc-'. •>-. ? ment'aa Resident Governess. • Apply 'Dft."- r i Si'i/iBT, Duucdin, or Rev. D. Sidev,. Napior. <■ - t \ WANTED, Tjy. a Yoiing'Lady^fAi situation as Nursory Governess, or :.'; v, _ Companion ; can teach English, Music, Siugr "' '■'• tr ing, Fancy Work, &c. Apply, to L;S.L.,/ .4.; Fofone. Highest Testimonials., ;; '785- v -.; WANTED, by Mi's Hope, -Assistant --r i) Dressmakorsi also, ' lmprovers. .and'-'. ;: Apprentices for the Dressmaking Dqpartmon ;: y at.NEAL and Close's. \ "• '. .' ' ;'f , l . .i'V^i WANTED to Purchase; "a Krst^t-^I class Riding Horse, up to 17 Stone. c : -:.y Address, with full ' particulars' "Hoese."- '.'^ <5j Palmer's Livery Stables, Napior. .-> . JfJJUo'.^ SVS TX7- PEEBBLE^has .to:lahd';this):Al VY » -week— Bo cases Island. and Sydneyif '>;',- Orange3 r 10 cases Lemons, GO cases California Onions,'- Preserved. Bananas, 'and Cocoanutß.<-y>"if ■Also.achoicolirioof Haadock.aiidßaiTacduta." iCKs A regular supply of.' HOT-HOUSK CUOUM-,'..''.&1 BERS, New Potatoes. &c" Strawßerrles and' : .;^v." 1 . FRESH CREAM daily. . '• : ■'; ■> V ,-'-, 953^. '^f W" ANTED KNO\VN— Bo ; ayd : and-?!vl Residorice.' Vacancy foi', two- single;- ,.'■»?; gontlomcn. Apply Clakendon-. Cottage;:' -;,s( [orßchcll-3treot. . '■ .-v' • i :-.!.,,\951;. 3^/; ANTED KNOWN -Wopdrille^ (for sale),lacro; J-milo from 'centre.' it: .-/ ot town. For terms, &c, apply- ; JAS.'. Ai : . -'fij; Tuiineb, Regent-street, Napier., '.»-£ ' ' , .:853. : >,v:\' . , i '■ — '-^ — I—l^-..";'';,';1 — I^-.." ; '';,'; jr. LET— Office, Markei>streei r ad-;;r;| ; v > JL joining Napier Park Racing* Club':: >'■;-"• Oiiico; Also, Sample Room, well lighted :'•;::•■ ■:; ground floor. Apply N. Jacobs. •', ,:, ■ 843 -V,--!> LETTERPKESS PRINTING.— The^V? nERALD Jobbing Department is the ..*;',>« Most Extensive and Completo EstabUshmenf . ' ~: ■/ in Hawke's Bay. Non bu IFirst-elass Work -;, --M turned out. Prices as Low- as any in'New>'-' f ';',;- Zealand .',.-' -, ■>'-, -a -.-• 'A-lfi WANTED KNOWN ;-That,. C.<- ,\ Samson, Tinsmith nnd Plumber,' docs .r;-i; all kinds of Repairs a3 good as 'new.. Goods ;v. v o. made to order nt tho most reasonable rates i , y'Vmilkmen's utensils a speciality. HaathngE '■■>.".'' strcot, next Cohen's Little Dustpan. .., ■■. .; ■/,',:■£'s] ■OOOKBINDING.-At ■ the HifiALP^ J-P Offlco nil classes of Bookbinding i-i' v' >;! executed on tho premises in first-class style. \.. 'n All books hand sewn, onsuring strength and!" ",-< .; wear. ■ . . ■■ ,' ; i- ; „l''/'-=/;'^y:vi , lirANTED KNOWN- Br; .Salotf® II V " ' a few Tons ot- first-class- Ealinfe -,"/;', Potatoes. Knight' Bros., Hastings.- '. .158- ;M -' 1 , -■ ■■;" ..-_' '..•,') \ „ T ITHOGRAPHIO PEINTING>^^I^ 8 JJ The HERALD LiUiomaphio anfliCopper v • ;. •;?.: i)lato Department is the Only Establishment :,/,/■•: in tho Provinco in which these classes 01-worls - ; --.y { :4 are turned out.. Colored Labels iuid;PlanS;r.'V "i Speeiau'ties . .• ■ ... ' ■'■ - .--.'.; };--;+ : 'p% WAN T E D ' K NO WN--That ■!?£.#s Barry has started a Wood' and -CoaV;.':".^:'?; Yard onHhe Whito-road at Lowest *r,?-j$ Rates. Orders left at tho Parcel Delivery Y"-'.--1-Office, Tonnyson-Dtrcct, or given to any_of my ;., .r-f-; expressmen, will be punctually attended ;•..■.-'.;=■".:», TelephonoNo.l7. -• ' ; - 1., ';'->'.■: ■v l '^ > . .- ....-,■:■■ .;,.' fj}::?^ MASONIO : 10 TBh, ; ■■'<.;, - : ;'v?s - A-AfißK. ■.. ; -.„.■¥ -,',;;-• ;=a-|j I TJ -SMITH, laie~of Mauugatdro,^^! X»io has entered into possession' of-tMB.;'.jS, well-known Hotel, which has recently been .'(?. \<s:.' , enlai-ged and re-furnished until it. will bear,--. .3 .;» f comparison with tho best hotels -in H6W.--;.v<:v/;-; J Zealand. ■ , •■'■■; ' "..".• •■' : 1 H ■ Special attention has been paid to the pro-. -:"},. J vision of accommodation for Families, and' a- , - ;J/i ; separate private entrance haabeen provided, r- :V.,/1 Commercial . men -will find well-hghte ,:. ;'.->■,- Sample-rooms, and, the best Commercial .;.-., :,„ room in New Zealand, well supplied, -with--.-"'':/- '■■ .Homo and Colonial papers and books. „, - ; '?••■>:' P.-. [ Any communications addressed to tho Pro ■ '..f-' ' , prietor strictly attended to., '.i..;.c'; b. sWite. ;'■ ? Neevqus 1 debility;^ Dr E. C. WE3T'S iSIEB\'B AND .«BA]K 'V^'l*: Treatment, a guaranteed' specific for Hy>;\ ;l^-.. steria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits,Nervou3 :.-^i,., Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration ..;.,/; caused, by the xiso of alcohol or' tobacco, •■>. •■„ Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening . :'.:\ of tho Brain resulting in insanity and leading .-.' J .-,:^ ,- to misory, decay, and death, Premature 01d '..,». • ..; Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex,", -J'-j: Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea ,-V. ; -'; caused by ovor-oxcrtion< of the brain,. swf- i... abuse or over-indulgence. Each hox contains ,. ,- "! ' j, one month's treatment. 5s pd a box, or, six „."^ boxes for 27s 6d, sent by mail prepaid on re-.- - ■ ..* ceiptof price. We quar a'ntee six boxes to .• ' ',-.-..; core any case. With each ordor received ;.>;■, by us for six boxes, accompanied with 255, wo .. • will send the purchaser our w'itten guarantee ',<;■ to refund the money if the treatment docs not „ r 5 - effect a euro. Guarantees issued only by- ,'...; ! JOHN C. WKST AND CO.; „'•' : -~ •-"-/; I fio Market-stheet, Sydney. ;.'V'-".i j ! ' W. O. FiTZGERATJ), Chemist, Solo Agent, '.£ \\--'- --1 Wollinston.N.iS. . „ , ■^•'.;; ' ■ Circular sent frco on application. \ ', ' > -;\\ ■ £100 REWASD! v --' . " r ':i- 1^ I Wo will pay the above roward foranyt\i«jo-.\ \*r '. of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, ..,;>.. inditrcstioii, conatipnlion or co3tivcnes3, "\v,o ■ '• -': ' cannot euro with West's Vegetable Livkr, ', ; f, i : Piils, when tho directions nre strictly com- : •- ;,-. f plicdwiUi. They nre purely vcgotablß.aud „.-*■-■ never fail to give satisfaction. Lavgc boxes . v;v containing 30sugavcoatedpilfsjs3a. ForsalO" ,:-: „ • by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and; v , ?.\ imitations. Tho genuino manufactured only. by . JOHN C. WEST AND CO.,- _' ' -W;..'! 65 MARKBT-STRBBT, SYDNEY, N.S.W. ,: . ' ... %$ Sold by W. C. FrrzaEUAiai, Chemist, Wei- •. 1 ' iV: liugton, N.Zj •"•, ,-■'.: >V. ■.?:■.,.-/. Sent prepaid by post in receipt of la 3d.~pcrr-'_i : .'/~ box in stamps. ■ \ ■ ',■■•.. ■?$• www',-. -■" '- ' y :■:'-:■-'< WEST'S WORLD'S VfQWOEK,) ' ■(?/* OR FAH«LY LINIMENT. „ , , i ' '^; lnfalliblo romedy for Rheumatism, Neu- ■ a ■'?• , ralgia, Lumbago, Gout, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, ■ ;.,- .^., L Scalds/ Bruises. Headache. Mumps,. lUp „ ,;?) Disease, Wbito Swolling, Felons.-.Chilblama,' v '■:$ Whitlows, Chapped Hands, Frozen . Feet, > ,v' : . ' Bites of Insects, Soro Throat, and all diseases ■; ..; ... . requiring oxtevnnl application. Sold by, all .-;jr , Chomi3ts and dc;ilers. . . . -, „7:,-;- -; Prico, Is 3d and 2s Gd por Bottle. - - i;---,' f JOHN C. WKST AND CO., '-... ;.-.i' f SOLK PROPKIETOBS," , ','. ;' SYDNEY CHICAGO, AND TORONTO. ' ,\ A?;- - ■» '.~~ t :'•';' -.- -1 Sold by W. IC. Fitzsehamj, Chemist, Wol- .".-.; -ViS-.i Hnirlon, ■ .. S3 ;•/-'-.■ ' ' - " •'■■•- ■ ■''-' "■— ; ' f - , THE SAWATORIIIM^ (U- MILK FROMLAKIS TAUPO). " ".- '-X-, f : 3. Joshua . ■■'SYyZ Has much pleasure in announcing' to tho -'«-' c v;j 1 Public of Napior and Hawke's Bay that the ; -.^ ■ extonsivo additions and improvements to tho . ■ )' r J v ' Sanatorium aro complete. ■ ' _\ ,':\:..;/. 1 1 Tho Establishment is now ready- for tho^:, ,;j t reception of Tourists, noliday-seekors, and ■,yf : ' Tho choicest Brands of Wines and Spirits" , ; '}:j,_ 3 always in stock.' ■ , ' 1 - ' ;v---1 Table d'Hote Dinner at 60 'clock. ■ .-. -•,.,:.'; Tho Sanatorium is situated on tho banks of > — c tho Waikato Rivor in aiovcly sheltered and. ■';:■; fovtUo Valloy, planted with forest trees. .■ ' ,- .:;*«;■ Tho Valloy abounds In beautifuVwaUis, and', : ■ ,-v . tho grounds nro tastefully laid out in-, -.t' ■ ! \ :.-'■; £ FLOWER AND KITCHEN GARDENS;-^ij^ • ORCHARD, AND TENNIS LAWN.- .•■',-> Tonrists and Invalids vrill flnd the Sina ,. : -v,v 1 torlnm the most ■ . ■ liii '" "v COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN THIS WHOLE .-..>,: t LAKE DISTRICT. '. ; ."'.,, f'l Tho Establishment is arranged on the Con- '"• -iv tinontal system, virtually \ :\ ■ r THE SPA OF NSW ZSAIiAND.^^; The Table is always liberally supplied with' -v/Vli-- :- tho finest meats, fresh vegetables, and, (rultß :,'•<. '-tj ■ m |<^ s °»- ot lind Colt j swimwingßath" is"a"-',',-^ % inm-vel of luxury, being completely sheltered ■■ w<; . from sun and mm by beautiful creopers. -; .; ; V- >A „ Tho Sulphur. 'Alum. ' Vapovir., and ,yonn«f^: - r ± „■ Baths' are unsurpassed for thoir wonderful,;, j.,:Sfi ," romodlal qualities in cases of Rheumatism, ,-. -W*.I Lumbago, Spinal and Skin Disedscs.&o., SO. r-:rnw El The places of interest to bo scenfroin th0,%.!.^ Sanatorium include ". , ''V%S The Mammoth -Geyser of Now Zcalandv*;.*; [1 - (Tho Crow's Nest) ; .- , „ ■-,",. "vV s6| n ■ Tho Witches' Cauldron ,-> „ -.^r^j'jsM > Satan's Glory ■ ... .-.. „ ,'V- ; , • • .-.' V;i • Tho Litdo Craw's Nest • ' . \ ! V- Ayri; Tlio Moiling Pcrndge Pots ,' .. :^, 1 ;. v.- . Wheel Ben! .■ r ,--'-.-''S-''---i;lrSo% KotolCawn. or Bno Great Bitter Lako l -r.- (js!& ' , Tho-HuUftPftils ,' ' • s '\,.-.-.:, ,' ;: '„' i-X-A-'Si ■ Wnirakei, &c., &c. '•■• . '„. ■■ , -y^ ; :,-^'| 1, Splendid Grass Paddooks <md Stabling? %-~'i*M II • Saddlo Horses and Buggies ottHiro^.'.jj^L--^ is A Carriage. meolsUio Nnpiei'iCoaqh'ttlitu'a^^ >c Post-offlce.. ', " ".■ '. ; '.: .':';. v.^^T'. r,-- f*?:^ d' ' ■• ' "■ '■ • '•-. — :—>■■•■£ •.<■'•* ..•■:;■■'.■:-;:;.■; foV-^J? •'. - ■'-. •■■/:-;,PROpßmTOß:;>;i;;'^wvl§i - . •• : - ■>-yj':rt&&Z?%sWsrlsss>

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 1