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; gJwvifliUural ffmirttmcnt ffitnnttfitMyii rtmt gjepf. . „ ; '. . ' HAWKE'S BAY INLAND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTORY & DEPOT, WAIPUKURAU. TO FARMERS, AGRICULTURISTS, AND SETTLERS GENERALLY. N THE GRJ^AT SUCCESS that has hitherto attended our efforts in supplying a First-class Article. at a Fair Price, is quil i) good enough guarantee of tho Genuineness of our productions ; and has induced lis still further to study the various requirements of our numerous .customers. AVehavo now on hand nnd for sale Agricultural Implements of every description, suitable lor tno district, and at prices thai. Dofy Competition, of our own manufacture. „. _ We would beg to call Special Attention lo our importation of IMPROVED PLOUGHS Single, Doublo, and Threo Furrow, Diso Harrows, Grain and Grass Seed Sowing Machines, &c, &c, manufactured by P. AND D. "DUNCAN, OF CHRISTCHURCH, ' Than which better value in these lines wore novcrboforo offered to the Public of Hawko's Bay. The unvaried Success that hits attended the Products of this Firm of late yoara ranks thorn among tho foremost Implement Makors ot tho colony. Ucins Sole Agents for this Firm in Hawko's Bay, Goods sent for through us will bo dclivored at any Railway Station cheaper than if sent for Direct to tho Firm. • s If you havo not an Illustrated Cataloguo already send for 0110 to the undersigned— A. JONES & SONS, WAIPUKURAU. . OUE WHEELWRIGHT AND COACHBUILDINa DEPARTMENTS " . Arc deserving of a visit from those in want of Vchiclos, from a WHEELBARROW to a BULLOCK DRAY, and from a SPRING CART to a HANDSOME or an Artistically-flnishd BUGGY, your wants can ue supplied. These ARE ALL GUARANTEED, And mado of tho very best Material and Workmanship, Lightness, with STRENGTH and DURABILITY, being our Speciality. OUR HOIiSE-SHOEING DEPARTMENT ' Being in the hands of a MASTER FAURIER, Customers can roly upon having cverv saro oxcrcised towards the feet of Ihoir Steeds, and a . ■ the LOWEST PAYING PRICE. . Wo liuvc also, for tho benefit o£ our Patrons, added to pur Estublislimont an ' ■ IRONMONGERY STORE, ' . Where Customers can procure almost every Requisite required on a Station. All tho Lending Lines kept in Stock. Galvanised Corruftatod Iron from sft to 10ft lengths. Fencing Wiro, Staples. Barbs and Barbing Tools, Wiro Nails from llin to Gin, and Spikes, R O po Seaming Twines, Binding Twino specially for Hornsby's and Sixmuolson's Machines, Tarred Twino for Thatching, Machine Fittings and Aprons, any maker ; Pumps, forco and lift, and Pipes suitablo for Sheep-dips. INSPECTION INVITED. Oils and Paints, all colors, and Lubricating Oils for the finest Machinery, Turpentine and Stockholm Vox, Lamp-blaok and Ruddle. N.B.— TIMBER JACKS Supplied and Repaired on tho shortest notico, lilcewiso ALL SAWMILL REQUIREMENTS. ALEX. JONES & SONS, ■ . WAIPUKURAU. , 877

TEN THOUSAND WATCHES TO SELECT FROM. Guaranteed the Best. Timekeepers in Ihe World! KNOfl N EVERYWHERE APPRECIATED BY ALL", TIIIS "JpNGLISH. LEVEIt WATCHES JMarnif aoturcd by STEWART, DAWSON AND CO., LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, Have been proved to Snporsedo all othors. THE ONLY WATCH MANUFACTURERS In tho Colonies Trading direct with the Public. ' Balos larger than all tho Retail shops in New Zealand put togothor. BUY DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS. STEWART, DAWSON AND CO ■ Comparo ours with the usual retail prices, and romoinber that wo sell 500 Watches where 'a retailor soils one— henco tho dilt'oronco and saving to Customers. £3 15s-S. D. and Co. s well-known English v Silver Hunting. Lovers, tho very bost. Worth £7 7s. „ . &i 15s— S. D. and Co.'s English Silver Hunting Lovers, chron. balanco, extra jowolled. Worth £8 Ss. £5 10s— S, D. and Co. 'B now Excelsior 3-plato English Lever. The Model Watch, woll worth £10 10s. £3 los-S. D. and Co. s Ladies' English Silver Hunters, fully worth M 7 7s; Will last a lifetime. , Tr „ £0153— 5. D. and Co.s Suporb Hunting Chronograph Lovors, worth £12 10s; or Crystal Glass, £0 15s. £B 10s— S. D. and Co.'s Silver Keyless Hunting Lover, value for £10 103. Opon face, £1 Ilia— The wonderful Sterling Silvor Dciianco Hunter, worth £3 103. Open-face, £fi 10d— S. D. and Co.'s Official Railway English Keyless Lover, unequalled at £10 10s. ;Gl2 los, £15 10s, £18 10s. and £25— S. D. and Co.'s Suporb 18-carat Gold English Levers and Half Chronometers, never equalled under dO per cent. moro. £6 10s and £7 10s— S. D. and Co.'s Ladies. IScarat Gold Keyless Watches, perfect gcm3, worth £10 10s. £8 103 and £11 10s. and £11 lOa-S. D. and Co.'s Ladies IS-caralGold English Luvovs. Save at least 50 per cent, by purchasing from the makers. iEH'IO3 and £12 lOs-In Silver, worth £30, nnd £27 and £30-18-carat Gold, worth £KO, S. D, and Co. 'a New Patent English Doublo Chronographs, with independent, start, stop, and fly back minute and second hands. For quality and accuracy never equalled al. any price. Obtained Prizo Medal Inventions Exhibition lost year. Special pamphlet on this watch, post free, for 2d stamp. EVERY WATCH FULLY G UARANTEED Sterling Silvor Half-marked Alberts, Us (id,j 12s tid, Us (id. and 153 Ud, newest patterns, at nearly half usual prices. The Wcalomcfna, in Sterling Silver, 12s Cd 1 By simply passing it over a surface tho , exact distance in feet and inches is recorded on t,ho Dial. Also forms a splendid appendage for the Albert. GOLD ALBERTS, LADIES' and GKNTS. Newest Styles, Wholesale Prices. All Illustrated in Pamphlet. Rclail dealers aro amazed at our prices-, and at Uio unbounded popularity our syslom of business has attained. In vain have they omulatoour success by the closest and most servile imitations, bnt with tho -Imitation the resemblance ends. HERALD, NAPIER. Forward a P.O. Order, payable to S. D. and Co., Auckland, with 2s 6d added to pay post and registration, or send cash,, in registered lottor, and wo will forward Watch on a week's free trial by first post. IJotk.— All Letters to bo addressed— STEWART, DAWSON AND CO.. 01 QUEISN-STREET, AUCKLAND. Write at onco for a copy of our Splend.d New' Illustrated Watch and Jcwolloiy Pamphlet, and read full particulars aud most Wonderful Testimonials. A copy will be sent per return post for id in stamps, the cost f postage only. Other Colonial Branches in MELBOURNE SYDNEY and DUNEDIN A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECIIAirS PILLS. Are admitted by Thousands to bo worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind nnd pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness nndswcllingaflormcals, dirtiness and drowsiness, cold chills, Hush ings of hcat3, loss of appclilo, shortness of breath, costivoness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sloop, frighlfiildrenms.undallnervousand trembling sensations, &c. Tho Ilrst doso will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they havo done it in thousands of cases. Every suit'orer is earnestly invited to try one box of theso Pills, and they will bo acknowledged to bo WOSTH A GUINEA A BOX. For lomalcsof ullages theso Pills aro invaluable, as a fow tloscsnf thorn will carry oil' all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No fomalo should be without them. There is no medicine to bo found to oqual BEECHAM'S PILLS • for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system.. If taken according to llio directions given with each box thoy will soon restore l'omales of all ages lo sound and robust hcallh. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, nnd all disorders of the liver, they act liko "MAGIC," and a few doses will bo found lo work wonders upon tho most important organs in tho human machine. Thoy strengthen he wholi) niusculnr system, restore tho long-lost complexion, bring bade tho keen udgo of iinpctilu, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the wholo physical energy of the human frame — Theso are "FACTS " admitted by thousands, embracing all classes ot society; and ono of tho best guarantees to tho nervous and dobilitatod is, BEKOHAM'S PILLS havo llio largest sale of any patent medicine in tho world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As 11 remedy tor Coughs in genera , nstiuna. dlfllculty in breathing, Bhorluess of breath, tightness aud oppression of the chest, wheez ing, &<;., these Pills Btand unrivalled. They .speedily remove Mint suimo of oppression nnd dlllleullv of breathing which nightly deprive tho patient of veal. Let any person givo BmsoiUJi'S Counii Pills a trial, and thomost violent cough will in a short timolio removed. Caution. — Tho public aro requested to natieo that llio words " Bisuchaji's Pills, St. nolons,"ureonthoGovernmentSLinip,alnxod to each box of Uio Pills. If no on thoy are a forgory. ' Prepnred only and sold wholesale and retail by the Proprietor, T. Beoclmm, Chemist, St. liolons. Lancashire, England, in boxes Isljd and 2s Od each. Sold 6;/ all Drwjyhte and l'aleut Mctlktm dealers throughout the Colonies, N.B.- Fu directions lire given With caoh I box -M

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 4