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. ■^v&mmxm mmmtiff& - • — = — = — ";,, ..v... "te^Sg WANTED, - for the. Fraier^wn^ School, Wairoa, a trained oertlflcatod'-^ Master, capable of tcadhing thoroughly. aU tKo^:?'; subjects under tho now standard regulatlo-iSi;rtS-5 Presont avorago, U. . Salary depends on l aver->*>i '-if. ago. It is now about £140 por.annum; with y~*£'. • house; bonus (If any grarit*ed by Board) upon'ft7fc standard rosults, andf 'payment for trau_i_iiß_>'r_.?i pupll-toaohcrs. Applications must be In 'tho 5%-j , hands of ' the. 'undersigned not"- later than*.. >.if. [ SATURDAY, September llth, 1886/ ' William Couper, Chairman Sohool Committee, Efwer-:-;* 1^; town.*-, yy -j-yr ■'•'y .'"-'.i'.'.-v.-v.*??^'^ — ~ — ■: — ~ —^ '■ — - *"-i • ,",' -J-fsri^ WANTED, by a' Married- Couple,^ in Hotel as Working Manageryand';7£|i Manageress ; ton years' colonial expei-onca.;. I*^-./1 *^-./ . No enoumbranoo. ' Capable solo charge'tasrw.:;; ■■- Overy department. Firet-cl_£sreforonccß_rom'«y*-".i Leading Hotols. Both thoroughly up to bus!- '..4-f/_ • ness; wife first-class housokcepor. '-*- Address ■-■%&•■ X.Y.Z., Herald Offlco * - ■ •: ■'i ■*-- ' ' -.914.--^ 7 :*...;: -..-.7?.-?: WANTED,' 'a Young.* Ma n; .miisfc.'r:^ bo ablo to Milk and make *- hlmSelf "..'•,& . genorally usoful on a. farm.,. Apply to,*T,, A'.:-.!^--'SHiRLEY.JVpnsIey. " ""'*' y, '. *7 •■- MJljjj^fJ, WANTED, a Married Couple withvlH , out children; man to do station work;;' *-; .*s£ wifo as cook and genoral; servant. Applyrto ..,*^s MrsOROSSE, Porangahau. _ ' -y „ r:'.?o6^| WANTED, ai G6od v ',Clei_eraV'S.efjS||| vant. Apply.atonoe to Mrs fy Qooxn-t^.uS mo, 'France-road, near Reservoir. **' . .;',-• 899 ... a"! , '__ ; * ... ■ - ** — -.-.p-.-.ft WANTED, , 'a , y-Ma-ftea'-vghepfie'_'tfs^ Wife. ,to r Gook- toij-yii about six men;- Apply Herald OfHce,-'or\W.<,y«; ' F. Knight, Tahoraite. 7 - y-'oyy-OfSHfyfi i= — ' I'■ — , {"*-'., .'." "','V-c^'' WANTED, as soon' as 7possib].ej' %v so Ormondville School,-.70-Mil6*'Bush',7a*r7.';^ ' : Tralnpd Certificated Masto..';'. Good-.tesUv.-^ monials required as to, teaching powors andy^ moral' character.* Marriod man. preferred. :-*s_j,v; ' Salary according to regulation' of Educatipn:*;^ Board; ' Good house and' garden.;-'- AvoragoyjivJ attendance. last quarter .82.. *„ OnJiboksiiaTi^S** Two candidato3 to-be instructed.-'' Applica- j; *>.-;.;{: ' tions to bo sont (not lator than September.,, ..j." 15th) to - Chairman' - School" Committee; -f,;^ ■Ormondvillo.- ' ••-'- '"•'-':-.'--f ; ,k-'."- : "^i?-..vSs .- ■ ■' -.-...-■■ ■'-■■. -yy-. WANTED, -the 'b^gin'iiingyof^l > . Octobor, "for * Norsewood:-. SchooL j»_b>£ .Soyenty-Milo .Bush,:a Trained (..Certificated ;':■_£; Master, capableof teaching thoroughly all. tho*. y, . . subjects uuder.tho new,standard;regulation_.'_ ~ '-y. Ho must also bo an oxcellont organiser and an -jr y; efflciont discipUnarian. Prosont average about yy one hundrod and'twenty.' and capaule of large -r/Vn. increase. Salary depends on ayoroko. ,--,lt is,.;-^ now over £175 por year, with good'housoi-TT; j-, bonus (if any grantod by Board) upon standard r .^s results, and payment for training - pupil *-r:to. . teachers. The oponing is on oxceUonc ono lor^V;.^ •' a capablo man. Applications' in' tho V- '■•".v.; hands of tho undersigned . not ■later^tnan-rStfj August 28th, 1886. C. E. PETTEnsEN,.Cha_r<v.;i: v man School Committee, Norsowood, y.-; ■-„r .GSl^yy. WANTED, for" a"- Station "•nSM.^i ;Napior, a smart, actlv.e Man,.',to.'ftiUk:y7*;i;- . *3 or 4'cows, cutflrowood, nhi^ attbndrto.-f.w £ardon. References required. Apply. to F; D.?y ,-.* iUCKie, Commission Agent, Hastings.,;:..;. 888U •*.&•$ . '. : — - '.. ' -j. yMr, WANTED : to 'Purchase/- Team4f^Kv| Eight. Bullocks, with ; Dr^'Ydl.e.ife"*-. Bows, and Chains, comploto. Apply - toE'.-'D. x ,*"-ft; Luokie, Commission Agent, Hastings. -y ; ■*,-,-: m^tSfooo-ffi^M W, . PREBBLE ;: has . lapded.^:thiS^ • -- day -Sydney -Oranges;. Mandai*ins,>!7,';,:: Lemons, ' Passion . Fruit, Bananas, '.Keeping,- .iyj% Cooking, - and Eating Apples, and Preserved Zjji-fi Bannnas; also, Smoked Schnappor, Haddock,' jv, -ysand FRESH OYSTERS. ;•.•_ ~ -_-. ,- <';•' 916 WANTEDKNOWN— ThatßiHoLT*^ has now rombve'd to his Nb\v. Promises ,v yr. in Tliaokora? and' Carlylo Streets,* ;OfQ-e-m7,. >& Tliackory-stroottwomlnutes'waUcfromNapler y ;*. Railwa/Station. ■' *' • " ■■■■'.; y -'-yfiOO^y; WANTED, ;. a .Hundred^^oun^*.^|i Fowls , (Roosters). Apply, atfone'eito '-y!) •Masonio Hotel. ••--.'' ■ -'' 7 yj-mvyry WANTED . KNOWN^fe, Jacobs I ,^ has just recoived a new stbok of -lavm-yyi Tenuis Bats, just received ox lonio,' direot i-.'.-v, from London. - . '. ■• ' r- O y.j&tyyy.. "D OOKBINDING.-At the HKHALii{ M X>. Offico all classes -of . Bookbinding aro.^r^ ' oxeouted. on tho promises in. Ili*sPolas3 styloj y.t.f* r'AU* books hand sewn; ensuring strength" andi y;**i woar. ■■:■':■."■ .',' :.7.- ■ '.'■'.' 7 oyy-jJij -'- — : ry~, — '-. ~ — r^rT-'rv*;?^ WANTED, a ; first - class. , Femalß- ; .Bg Cook, for an hotol ih tho country;.:;-.^ good wages. -Apply George NEAi^TLabor .- w-r? Agent. .. .-;. 1. , .', . -, ; , .--'•'. ."■'• '•>;:'■>&-?•* ANT.ED, a, good ,Fepa^e,^Q(.ByS;i for a* station ; roforouce , requirddy;,-,! J. Apply George Neale, Labor Agent. fyJifrfz WANTED,' Housemaids, .7,'Nwse:>;;*^ . girls, -and. General Sorvants.' Apply 7*;-^< George Neale, Labor Agent, . ■ ,; 719 -yy ACCOUNT. BOOKS.— The Herald .':^ Offlco is fitted with ruling and paging--;'- 1 machinos, and all appUances necessary. fpy *y'-S flrst-clas3 work in account books.. All booJfs7.';.;s hand sewn. , „.., -■ .-. ..- ... ■!.f-yi'--yfy_. WANTED KNOWN-J. S. BLAiß^lf Hastings-street, has just opened up. a" 'y- j largo consignment of Plain and Fancy , .;-.-.■. Crookory, consisting of Breakfast Sets, -Teai-v-i <~.i ■ Sots, Plain and Fanoy Toilot Sots,- Jugs,. Cup s;. -_y ; and Saucers,' Lamps', Vases; Ornaments, ; v :■"■ Plates, Dishes, Glasses, Fancy Goods, &c. 77-.7.7?; WANTEI) KNOWN^nitJ^Gro:.-/^ - cory Trado J. S. Blair, has a-large .".'--'.j: supply of ovory housohold v requisite." ; Hia '.^ib: rapidly increasing trado in 'the -faco --'or .-bo '• -vA' r; much" koon opposition shows the" conndonco •-- _ytho public placo in him in' his ondciivor ioTJjiK givo good value. • -'-:-._ ."_.- i.'/frfy ■ - -. -. — 7* y-ijr WANTED KNOWN-Intheßobt;^* and Shoo Department J. S. Blair only. -..-.-.■•-.■ keeps tho bost of English, Colonial, and Zmi-y.r-landia Boots. - : - . . • -*.*. :;-; -.?'' . : ■■_-.-yr,- _Oyi WANTED KNOWN-JEveryhouse-^S hold requisito on tho shortest possible • *:'-,*,. notico. In fact tho public can' be supplieav, y - with almost evorything, and bo treated with:- _-y courtesy and oiviUty, at tho Wholosalo and ■.*■ Oj. Retail Stores of J. S. Blair, Hastings-street, ry. y .- '-* -*"•• -■ -.-.-•-•-• - - -•-• - : -i- T yresoy:y.\ COPPER -PLATE PRiNTmd'^r 4 - XJ Visiting Cards, Bill-heads, and nUkinds ■": '.. : df Coppor-platoPrlnting_are oxooutod at tho .-',- •_..... Herald OlHco; Only Coppor-plato Printing ,-,;•■ i-i • . estabUshment in tho provinco. -. *. -*/.y ; . — ■ — — .^ — . -.>.... WANTED KNOWN — Tli^ '-Rail-^7 .way Storo, Mal_atoku,.is'now 'Open; ... J. aiid'stockodwith'a good assortmont of Gene-".-./. ral Morohandiso. Inspoction invited.— A.~y- ■-.-. HEywARD, Proprietor. •• ,* ' *'"- • > ,' ; *. :-&!:■:. iff f ITHOGRAPHIC : PRINTING^ W Jui ThoHERALDI-ithograpWoandCoppcr- ;..,.; "platoDopartinontis tho Only Establishment ••.-• c in tho Provinco in which those olasses of work --■; ! .-: aro turned out. 'Colored Labels and Plans'^,.7; Specialities ' ' ,-J ~i '■■ "> jrfjj, ' OYSTERS. ' ' [ffy'/j ROCK . Oysters,'- Fi*esh by every, ".•;-. Steamer straight from the gatherers 7- "c sold by tho Bag, Plato, Bottlo, or Kit. , *„ Ladies' Reitieehment Rooms.? : -"..,-.'• AT ALL HOURS. „ - ' ...... Hot Pies and Coffeo, Toa, or Cocoa.. Ham y-" Sandwiches, Pastry, &c, .'-'-iy;;: : J :"-".' Fruit and Confections of tho vory bes '; -i ■ quaUty. . ■ . --.', ■-;.-':■ '..7-".* TnE .Cafe, Hastings-street, • ,- - '. ., :- . -- •..*.". - ' RULE & GLASSFORD ' - ,-, ■■<? "83 * * , •'•-- 'J- ' 'Proprietors, 'iy-0 WANTED KNOWN-That %fy Barry has started a Wood, and Coal, 1 ' . Yard on tho Whlto-road at Lowost Curront - -;*,: Rates. Orders left at tho Parcel Dolivory- -.-,. ' Oillco, Tonnyson-stroet, or given to nny of my ,' 7,---oxprcssmon. will bo punctually attended, to. ' > „ Telephono No.* 17. i- ••->;.-.< . ,92. .i*' LETTERPRESS 'PRINTING.— Th-^ : ; . f •HERALD Jobbing Dopartment-ia'thor.'-L- v Most Extenslvo and Complete EsT<ibJ!shWento"y:. "•.' ln Hawko's Bw Nono burl'JirsUl'^s.wprk :;i.;. turned out. Prlcos aa Low as.*anyJn=No,*jf'.,,;.s . Zealand.'*':*" •• r-'jyy.j'-'- .0 J ryOfj ' : — : — ■" '. ~^- y y- ' '"- , f-J ! f.f-WAN-T-SD^imO^-^-That^M-r^g Cobb has reoolved from 'Dr? ; Julius r?,y } ' Von'Haast tho following communicatlou :—;.>-:. , . ; V Colonial and Indian Exhibitionin&. •..-,..>« -. Londoivlß_6. - ■ .-,'.-.-.•'#{;•? '.-• :,'?■ " Now Zoaland Comrrilssionbric'ui ..'•'•_ -^ . "Christohurch, 24th'Sept.';18-5.-V-'7..^ . "Madam,— BoUovingthatyour Exhibit now ---->7. ih tho Industrial Exhibition at..WoU_ngj»n*,7;.;v would be a credit to tho colony If It were. .*•■;. ;. shown at tho Colonial' and'Tndian ExhibitloniyxJ* to bo oponod in London in May noxt, I shouldv-;. jy I bo glad if you would allow mo to forward W' : ;-- I or a BimUar ono, for that purposo. ' "• 7 "•*■•«-. ,y "I havo tho bo 7'; i.. "Madam,- • • -.-- **.-;• ■ .-,,-:- v " Your ohodio'nt servant, *. ". v^-'.'y '■-'■■ -J "(Sgd) JuliusVonHaast,. ,-• yv''.'7 „. " ; _>. "_. ■ Mrs Cobh will not attond tho Studio at _**brt-: 7JJ Ahuriri during tho Winter. Portrait Studloy ,- in Hastings, opposito Paolflo Hotol. . . ' ." \" . ;\ . ' v J. E. Cobb is prepared to oxcouto orders for ' •*. outdoor photography in aU ite branchos.':' ?"- •-.- ' --; ~ Postal address-Hastings. '. -';"'■ , 7.7 f. 7. 7 1; ; ! - ' ." =^^j . MASONIO jEOb&Lfffyf NAPIER.'. I •■ ;-. ffoff K SMITH, late of Maxingatoro, : -yy » has ontored* into possession of this;-. y. well-known Hotol, which has reoently. been:';' : o enlarged and ro-furnished until it wiU bear '.'.-''. comparison with -. tho best hotols-ln Now.V: Zealand. -•'-' ' ■--. * ' • .' -ry y Special attention has boon paid tothepro-r.' >".',>■ ' .vision 'of accommodation forFamlUes,*nnd-i";' ;..', separate privato rontranco has boen provided. '--'.. "j -t ! Commorolal men will Hnd. woll-lighted: :'=.-•.: . Sample-rooms, . and<tho. best:, Commercial- yi>s I room in Now, Zealand, -woll suppUcd .with, r-'y ■ Homo and Colonial papers and bdoks.y_,'. 'C. ■_'•;■ . x; ',' ■■■■ Any communications addressed to tho Ero-7-.-y ; priotor striotly attendod t0.7 v." ' v;{'"«y,£v§;%', ■ , ;, : ' : >. r f B_Wif^^f^£m§i 'i - ' - ' •'■■'** '.-i' - '„'H>i:V,'..;.Vdi - _^A»C«ili''l»»IIIIIW«« , l«MMg*-WM__W_B_--W----_Mi|IIW|-:^'. r ~*~ . * „ ".'" *; • ■ -'.-*. .^.'--'..-'M*''-"'-!-,-; .' PETANE iE^LIO/.LIBRARMBn^I FREE READING - BOO]H^fi^S_« fi nnHE -:*R^_ngT-*b6mfi_n^sSmty^|| r - -JL,* ,'°aro opoii to.tho p-abU6,FßEE"'froraßiumv* ! .-Si ! to 10 p.m. ,. Subscribers .can bav.o.volumea-forS^ 1 homo perusal. on application to tho Etbrtu-ianxgls . •Mr w.-viuors; cj-^yyo ;yyfy^ymasm -■; Catalogues now roady.' yyr^'4pd£i^Wgg& ■ . -j. ■ .. ■„ . 7, --,*-. - yr.-. /.y-j-^j-^^xmymm^m

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7528, 31 August 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7528, 31 August 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7528, 31 August 1886, Page 1