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CARTER &C(VS D.I.C. and X.M.D.C. We mean to tako the public ontirolj; into our confidence ovor this D.1.0. business. D.I.C. in our caso stands for Direct Importing Company, and wo aro the only Draporsin Hawko's Bay Who can honestly lay claim to. tho title. Wo will prove it • To import from a Homo wholesalo House is, of course, Inv porting, but tho Homo wholesalo House gets a proilt. Tho tradesman horo has to pay 161 per cent on the profit, and then tho tradesman's customers have to pay him a good profit on both. Now, wo avoid all this by Importing- DIRECT from the manufacturer, thus saving a double profit and double duty, and this is why wo can soil so much chcapor than our noighbors. All our .Hollands, Diapers, and Linen goods are shipped DIRECT from tho largest and best Manufacturing Finn in Bolfast. All our Calicoca, Shirtings, and Shootings como direct from tho Gorton and Manchester manufacturers. All our berges como direct from a first-class manufacturer at, Slaithwaito, near Hudderanold. All our Floorcloths and Linoleums como direct from tho mills at.Laneostor. AU our Flannels como direct from Rochdnlo,- and tho Welsh from Nowtown. All our carpets and Hearthrugs como direct from Halifax and Dundee. All our Hosiery direct, from Leicester and Nottingham, and so on riijht through tho Stock, even down to our Pins and Needles, which wo get respectively direct from Birmingham and Rcdditch, and when the Goods arrive horo wo soil at less than hall the profit Credit Drapers havo to obtain, as wo.seu only for READY MONEY. If anyono disbeliovcs us wo will willingly allow them to inspect our Invoices, and thoy can boo for thomsolvcs that wo stato only tho Wo'havo been established in Napier exactly a yoar, and during that timo have takon only a few pounds short of £12,000 in Cash. This largo trade has boon done too by an entire stranger, who eamo hovo without any local help' ov influence and ono half killed by tho Dunedin olimato at that,- and this wo say satisfactorily proves that tho public know whon they get good value given thorn, and tako good euro to go whero thoy can got it; and it is solely on tao ground of the one word VALUE that wo asked for and havo obtained the liberal support of tho Hawke's Bay Cashpaying Public. Wo stato those facts not with any desire to blow or boast, but simply to place the matter fairly and truthfully before you at a time whon the nowspapors are deluged with misleading assertions and palpable puff. In consequence of tho splendidly successful results of tho past year's business we shall start tho next with a general reduction in profit, and havo commonood with the New Goods ex Aorangi, which are now marked off at 7J per cent (or 13 6d in the &l) less profit than tho scale wo have hitherto adopted, and wo shall trust ontiroly to the public to help us through another yoar on this oasis. Although wo aro soiling ohoapor than any* body else we shall not lay down any ridiculous or prohibitory rules to frighten our customors Wo shall bo happy to oxchango any articlo In the future (as wo havo always boon in tho past), or if desired wo at all times return tho monoy,'os wo nover wish a customer to koop an article that thoy find unsuitable. In the caso o£ Millinery and Drossmtiking Orders, wo aro so certain of boing ABLE to plcaso that we absolutelyguaranteo to rofund any money paid if perfect satisfaction is not given. Wo aro tho only firm in the colony whoso customers can claim this great advantage, the too' frequent result with many housos boing to have tho dress spoilt and havo to pay a very high prico as well. You can dopond on being served with ovory attention and civility by a largo staff of competent assistants of both sexes. The Millinery Department is undor tho charge of a taßtotul and successful Milliner from tho leading Auckland Housos. If not absolutely tho bost in Napier, at any rate thore aro no better, and our charges aro considerably less than you have hitherto had to pay. • Tho Dressmaking Department is undor tho personal management of MRS CARTER, formerly Head Dressmaker for Herbert Hayncs and Co., and Carter and Co., Dunedin, whoro she loft a Dressmaking Trade omploying over thirty hands, which had boon built •up entirely by her own ability. Our most convincing proof of having given satisfaction in Napior is tho fact that several ladies, who formerly sent to Auckland, Wellington, and oven London, to got thoir Dresses mado, now place thoir orders with us. During tho coming season wo shall strain overy norvo to givo our customers tho vory bost valuo obtainable in every department In tho House, and although some thoro aro, wo know, who do not liko going into now shops, still, if they would favor us with ono visit or inspection, wo would bo satisfied to leave tho result to thoir own judgraont. CARTEK & CO., READY -MONEY DRAPERS, DIRECT IMPORTERS, DEVONSHIRE HOUSE, NAPIER. 790 THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE HOUSE SIDEY ~& BAIN (Late Hardy & Sidey), IRONMONGERS AND SEEDSMEN, Solo Agonts for Hawko'a Bay. THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT t THE "ZEALANDER" RANGE (Colonial Mado), 3ft. Gin, 3ft, and 2ft 9in Sizes. npHIS Eange embodies improveJL mentsonothor Colonial mado Ranges, and tho public aro requested to inspect tho "ZEALANDER" boforo purchasing oldfashioned and only partially satisfactory rangos offered in tho market. /t3T Tho "ZEALANDER" is no imitation' but an improvement on other Rangos. REQUIRES NO SETTING. .'COLONIAL" COOKING RANGE 3ft. Din. and 3ft. sizes, with Boilers ; 2ft, Gin. size, without Boiler, SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR BURNING WOOD. Universal satisfaction is expressed by those who have those Ranges in use. SIDEY "& BAIN, THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE HOUSE. JUST "LANDED, Direct fioin tho Bost English and American Manufacturers, ELEOTRO-PLATED WARE, Containing Tea and Coffee Service's (spocial valuo), Tea-pots, Coffoo-pots, Biscuit Barrols, Cruet-stands— out glass and American revolving; Breakfast Cruets— wedgeware, Derby ware, and cut glass ; Jam Dishes, Marmalade Jars, Claret Jugs, Water Jugs, Toast Racks, . Hot-water Cans, Candlesticks, Card Trays, Salvors, Presentation Cups, Pickle Frames, Egg Frames, Napkin Rings, &c, &c. All now and unique •patterns, •> and EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. Tablo, Dessert, Tea Spoons, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Tablo and Dcssort Forks, Nutmeg Crackers, Sugar Slftors, Marrow Spoons, Buttor Knives, &o. CUTLERY-TABLE" AND POCKET, By Best Sheffield Makors, Ivory, Ivorino, and Bono Handled Table and Dessert Knives, Carvers, Round-of-Beef Carvors, Gamo Carvers, Tablo Steels and "Victor" Stools, Buck, Stag, and Rosewood Handled Sots of Knives njid Forks. Pockot Cutlory, in ondlos3 variety. A full lino in Lockwood's "Pampa Knives. LAMPWARE. ~~ IS hhds and 5 casesEngllsh and American Lamps and Fittings, Hiuk's Duplqx, Silbor-round wick, Ecllpso, Anucapnic, DieU's Lipped and Slip Burners, and "Good Night" Lamps. BISMARCK LAMPS. Special valuo in American, Hanging. Library, and Hall Lamps. Bracket Lamps with Mammoth Fonts. Lamp Globes, Glasses, and Fittings of all descriptions If opt in stock. IJS&. Lamp Burnors. Old burners replaced with now burners. FENDERS— Drawing-room, with brass and nickel plated bars, Dining-room and Bedroom Fondcrs. Firoirons, with Oinalu and nickol-plated handles, and bright stool. Coal Vases, Coal Scuttles, Firo Shovels, &c. THE FURNISHING" DEPARTMENT Made a Specialty. INSPECTION INVITED. Tho otock is very replete, nearly ovory lino being roprosentod. SIDEY &" BAIN, THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE HOUSE, HAVE VOn SALE, RANGES sft to 3ft (Jin, with hiijlf-prdssnro'ol'Bidoboilors,. Garton'and King s unparalleled Rangos. Amorlcan Cooking and Heating Slaves. Rpgistcr • Grates, Tile, Ground, and Fino Cast." ' (Tho 13ost Valuo over offored in Napier). SIDEY ~& BAIN, HASTINGS-STREET, NAPJER, Solo Agonts Tho "Hay ward Igand Grcnadp Firo Extinguisher,' 25s PER HALF-DOZ. CASE. Tho Albo-Carbon Gas' Burner secures tho most brilliant light known, combined with a largo saving in consumption of gas. 229 SADDLERY! SADDLERY! HAYING purchased Mr J. L. Sterry'b Sriddlcry Business at Wai? pukuraU, I -beg to inform my CustOiUOTB in tho surrounding districts that tho Stock "Jiaa Ijoon vcrylargoly increased; and is iibwvdry complete in all linos, aii(J purchasers will find A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERY AND HARNESS OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK, norao Covors of our own noted mako in nil 'specially on voful attention will bo given to ronairs, and all orders oxecuted without dolay. Prices will bo tho sumo as charged at my HArter Kstabllshmont, which ore as low, if WJFWyjr^an any in tho colony JOHN M fc YAY, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, WAIPUKUIUU, .^nd Kastingssljrcet, Napier. 277

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7527, 30 August 1886, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7527, 30 August 1886, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7527, 30 August 1886, Page 2