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gtafctl.. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, SHAKESPEARE-ROAD, NAPIER. WILLIAM HENDERSON (late of Danevlrko) desired his Mends and the publio to know thnt he has taken tho nbovo well-known Hotel, to which ho is making great improvemonts and additions, and that ovorything will be dono to ensuro perfect Comfort and Satisfaction to Visitors. Spaoious Billiard Snloon. Moals Ready for tho Early Train. The Best Brands of Ales, Wines, and Spirits. WILLIAM HENDERSON, PnopßiETon. 65i RAILWAY HOTEL, SPIT. F. H. STEVENS, Proprietor. THE ahove Hotel offers special advantages to the travelling public. It is situated closo to tho landing stago at tho wharf, and persons arriving or doparting by steamer can dopond upon attontion and civility nt modorato chnrges, The Hotol has been thoroughly renovated, and the proprietor gives special attention to tho cuisino and liquors. The bed-rooms nre well furnished and ventilated, and thoro is ample sittingroom accommodation. Tho proprietor makes tho comfort of travellers a special nnd personal oare. Good Stabling Accommodation. RAILWAY HOTEL, (Noar tho Wharf Landing Stage), Port Ahuriri. 54 PETANE HOTEL. W. VILLERS, Proprietor. A. HANDSOME~NEW HOTEL, on tlio main rond to Taupo, nn easy distanco from Napier, and replete with every convenience for Boardors and Travellers. •Privato Rooms for Families.' A Coach runs betweon tho Hotel nnd Napior twico a day— from tho Hotol at 8.30 a.m. nnd 2 p.m., and from Napier at 11 n.m. and 4.30 p.m. Tho Coach between Nnpior and Taupo passes tho Hotol evory Monday. Good Paddocks and Stabling. Loose Boxes for horses iv training. Cricket and Lawn Tennis Grounds ndioining tho Hotol. 7 PLEASURE GROUNDS, BEAUTIFULLY LAID OUT, in the rear of the Hotol. Tho Proprietor will at all timos do his utmost to meet the wants and' convenience of j visitors, SUNDAY 'OAOHES are now added to tho S resent weok day line, leaving tho Post-oiU«e' apier, at2_j.m„ roturning in tho evening 1 W. VILLERS, 55 Proprietor. DANEVIRKE HOTEL. JAMES ALLARDICE, Proprietor, HAVING niade Extensive Additions to his Promises, can now conflfldcntlv guarantco SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION to Visitors and Families. Tho Houso is now repleto with overv Convenionco and Modorn Improvement. Well-furnished suites of rooms for families. Spacious and well vontilatod bedrooms. HOT AND COLD BATHS. First-cIassBILLIARD SALOON, containing TWO NEW nnd SUPERIOR TABLES. WINES and SPIRITS of tho BEST BRANDS. ■ Porsons wishing to pay a fow days' visit to tho country will find Danovirko ono of tho most healthy and pleasant places in Hawke's Bay. SG t. : f. CRITERION PAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. P. GORMAN Proprietor. si A Fac T. ARTHUR HAS takenover the CALEDONIAN HOTEL, where Wines nnd Spirits of tho Best-known Brands will bo kopt. ENGLISH AND SWAN'S ALES ON DRAUGHT. Dinner from 12 till 2, and ns per usual, Is. Tho Retail Prices will romain tho samo as those quoted by my Predecos?or. . 88 RAILWAY HOTEL, HASTINGS. T. MORGAN, rnopiUETon. THIS Old-established and Favorite Hostelry is too well known to neod speoialploading— "Good wino needs no bush." — and T. Morgan still keeps on draught Swan's ronowncd XXXX Ales, and only tho Vory Bost Spirituous Liquors and Cordials are dispensed. Tho Railway Hotel was tho flrst public establishment in Hastings, has progressed with tho district, nnd T.M. intonds to go right straight ahead, for Hastings mttit bo R .Tho City of tho Plains." RAILWAY nbTEL, HASTINGS, T. MORGAN. Proprietor. 59 TAVISTOCK HOTEL, Waipukurau. proprietorTpeter gow. THIS Well-known Hotel has been recently very much enlarged, all tho appointments boing in tho most modern stylo. i A commodious Billiard-room is attached, with ono of tho bost Tablos, fitted up with all tho latest improvements. Visitors and Families desirous of sponding a holiday in tho country will find the accommodation oqual to any Hotel in Now Zealand, and ontiro privaoy can bo onsured, as separate suites of npnrtmonts are available. Tho surrounding oountry is highly picturesque, and ns a hoalthy resort for tourists Waipukurau cannot be surpassed. The largest and best appointed Stablos in tho Province, whoro Horses and Vehicles can bo had at all time 3at vory rcasonablo charges.; CO , . . . | THE PLAOE TO GET A GOOD DRINK. EXCHANGE HOTEL, CARLYLE-STREET. THE Proprietor has spared no expense to mako tho EXOHANGE moro than worthy of tho namo it already enjoys. The houso has boen entirely ronovatod ; now rooms havo beon nddod, ana it can now claim to ho ono of tho best managed and most comfortablo hostclries in Hawko's Bay. WINES and SPIRITS of tho BEST BRANDS ONLY kont. Thoso wanting inferior had better not call. _ „ Expresses for romoval of Luggago or otlior Goods can be obtained at any tune! HARRY BEAUMONT gi Proprietor. TAMAKI HOTEL, TAItORAITE, W. STEWART Proprietor. Travellers through tho Soventy-Milo Bush will And this ono of tho most COMFORTABLE HOTELS ON THE ROAD. It is repleto with ovory convonionco. MAIL COACH STOPS DAILY To onablo passengors to partako of refreshments. A FIRST-CLASS DINNER PROVIDED AT A MODERATE CHARGE. Good Stabling nnd Paddookß. 02 ROYA© MAIL HOTEL, Wallinqford. DENNIS RYAN .. -■ •• Proprietor. Thoabovo newly-eroctcd Hotol is now open, and aftords ovory accommodation for travellers. First-class Paddocking. TELEGRAPH LINE OF COACHES. LEAVES Waipukurau every Monday and Thursday, nfter arrival of first trnin from Nnpier for Wallingford, returning on Wednesdays. nnd Saturdays in timo loi train leaving for Napior. . „_ Pnrcols^carried on tho most rcasonablo {jf" 13 ' D. RYAN. BEACONSFILD HOUSE, Near Railway Station, Makatoku. MR D. SMITH having taken the abovo houso intonds kooning tho bost accommodation for boardors and travellers. N.B.— Good SUibling and seouro Paddooks. Saddlo horses alwa . bon and. 61 GREENMEADOWS HOTEL, TARADALE. WLORD begsto notify that he a has taken tho nbovo Hotel, and will bo glad to meet his old frionds and tho public. Wines and Spirits of the best brands only kept. Swan's Sparkling Ales on Draught, Good Stabling and Paddock accommodation. Wl W. LORD, Proprlotor.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 1