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■ - ■ j.U.pptttfl. 1 PENINSULAR I ANI <_^^_?K?f?» JL ORIENTAL STEAI _3^_SM__S NAVIGATION COM PROPOSED SAILING ARRANGEMENTS For London, &0., with Mails and x, Pabsenoers for Europe and the East via Bomday. is Namo Tnn Date Dato Date of JpJL leaving loaving leaving Steamer. aag0 ' Sydney. Mol- Adebourno. laide. Shannon .. Il89" "jiily 'J July 13 July 15 ■ Ballarat .. 4752 July 21 July 27 July 29 Romo .. ..5013 Aug. 4 Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Ciydo .. .. 4124 Aug. 18 Aug. 24 Ang.2fl Sutlei .. .. 4191 Sept. 1 Sopt. 7 Sopt. 9 - Thames .. 4101 Sopt. 15 Sopt. 21 Sopt. 23 Ganges.. .. 4190 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 CdrtWo -. «)13 Oct, 15 Oct 21 Oot. 23 Massilla .. 4903 Oct. 29 Nov. _ Nov. 0 Plaoe of Departork— 2 Sydnoy .. Ciroular-quay Melbourne.. RaUway Pior (Williamstown) Adolaido .. Gionolg. 1 ■ For furthor Information, apply to 7 (KINROSS & CO.. j 711 Agonts for Hawko's Bay. *— ——^— *■"— *^"^— *^ • guff i»e, i. gMtoi. . f JOHN ORR AND CO., 1 GENERAL MERCHANTS,' PORT NAPIER, HAVE Regular Monthly Shipments of Nowcastlo and Greymouth Coal and ' Coke arriving. Have on Han-d for Same— Flour, Bruco's and Duncan's, Bran/Sharps, Oats, .VTioat, Barloy, Beans, and ChafKSugar, Tea, in i-Chcsts. Boxos, 51b Tins, and Packets compressed, nnd Groccrios in variety. Coarse, Fino.-and Rook Salt. . Foncing and Bnrb Wiro, Staples, Corn Sacks, and Twine. ' Hobart Pailings, 5 nnd 6ft. at Reducod Prices. Hobart Timbor, Shafts, Spokes, and Naves, AGENCIESTho Royal Insurance Company Tho Auckland Brick and Drain Tilo Company _ ■_„ , _ James nnd John G. Scott, White Lead. Paint and Color Manufacturers, Oil , Morchants and Refiners, Glasgow. Also— » TO ARRIVE, a few Tons of Wilsons Hydraulic Limo, for which theiindersigned aro Agonts for Hawko's Bay. 7 ON HAND AND FOR SALE, SUPERIOR Locally- ground Silkdressed Flour, Bran, and Sharps ; also, Wheatcn Meal in 501 b and 1001 b bags.; 313 JNO. ORR & CO. HAWKE'S BAY' SHEEP-DIPPING FLUID. GUARANTEED. A CONDENSED FLUID PREPARATION FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL PARASITES INFESTING SHEEP. THIS PREPARATION is Entirely Soluble and MIXES INSTANLY IN COLD WATER. It does not disturb tho NATURAL LAY OF THE WOOL, nor in- . torfero with tho YOLK. Tho SKIN IS THOROUGHLY CLEANSED, and tho Growth of tho Wool Improved. For full particulars and instructions, &0., sco Circular. Manufactured by .MURTON AND WHITE, Inventors and Solo Proprietors. Address, Napier. Homowood, Kaikora. Sth July, 1888. To Messrs Murton and Whito. Gontlemon, —I have much ploasuro in bearing testimony to the thorough efficacy of tho Sheop Dip propared by you. I hnvo givon ita fair trinl this season, and shall bo pleased to recommend it to my frionds ab tho best Dip in my, opinion yot produced. It has one strong recommendation independent of its efficacy— it loaves tho wool as soft as silk, and has no discoloring property. You can mako what uso you ploaso of this., lam, Gontlomon, Yours, &c, . • • (Signed) James Lawrence. Kaikora, July sth, 188 G. Messrs Murton and White. Sirs,— Ro tho Sheep Dip I had from you, I beg to say that in my opinion It has two strong points of recommendation— tho oxtremo facility with which it ia mixed and its thorough ofllcacy whon mixed. I used it as directed, viz. , lin 100, and found it destroyed all insect lifo on tho sheop. (Signed) Tnos. Howard, Tho Park, Kalkora, July, 1886. Mossrs Murton and Whito, Napior. Gentlemen,— l have much pleasure in stating that I have used your Sheep-Dipping Composition, and that the result is perfectly satisfactory. I can oonfldontly rccommond it to flookowners. It is easily mixed, offectually destroys nil parasites, and loaves tho wool in a soft nnd silky condition. I am, yours truly, (Signed) James Tod. Kaikora, July 7th, ISBO. Messrs Murton nnd Wliito. Gentlemen,— l havo used your Dip this year, nnd nm very pleased with tho results. It not only kills nil parasites, but leaves tho wool quito soft. It 13 in porfoct solution and does not injuro tho shoop, and I shall rccommond it to all my friends. I am, yours truly 60 E. Watts. DANEVIRKE STEAM SAW MILLS. THE undersigned aro prepared to. supply Contractors and others with Totara Timbor, any sizos, at tho shortest nollco. HENDERSON BROS. & WRATT, Danovirko, A. D. NEWTON, AUTHORISED SURVEYOR. Liconsed under tho Land Transfer Aot. Ofllco— Newton's Building, c HASTINGS-STREET, NAPIER A. FAIL, (Late Boyce & Fail), O.ENERAL COOPERS, VT WEST CLIVE. Tallow Casks, Churns, Buttor Tubs, Choeso Vats, and all kinds of Work connected with tho Trado turnod out with despatch,! land 10 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. 12 TO THE 'MACHINERY & STEAM USERS OF HAWKE'S BAY. HAVING taken over the Engineering and Iron Foundry Business latoly carried on at Port Ahurirl, nnd known ns tlio Hawke's Bay Foundry, wo havo muoh pleasure in intimating that wo arc now propared to oxecuto any ordors entrusted to us, and hopo, by strict attontion to business, Moderato Charges, and Good Workmanship, to merit a share of your favors. We aro, &o, 75 GALLOWAY & NIVEN. ■OOOTS ! gOOTS ! ! gOOTS ! ! ! t I, tho undorsigned, having Romovod from my late Premises in Hastings-stroot and opened up Busincssin Emorson-streot, opposito Messrs Hoadloy's Stores, wish to Btato that it is my intontion to inform tho Public that Boota Mado to Ordor will bo turned out in tho same Mastorly Stylo that has mado my namo famous In Hawko s Bay. My Imported Stock of Ladies', Gcntlomon's. nnd Boys Boots and Shoos is of tho vory Best Quality, therefore Customers can roly with . conlidonco on boing supplied with flrst-olass Goodß, combined with Fashion and Durability at tho Lowest Prices, ' williamTtuokwell, EMERSON-STREE^ 31 [ __ 3 TREES I TREES I TREES! ' TARADA LE N U RBE R V H. J. "GILBERD Has on salo this Planting Season a very largo and woll-grown stock of FRUIT, FOREST, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, &c. At as Low Prices as thoy can bo obtained at 0 from any Northern or Southern 0 Nursery. p. j. n, J.G. would point out thnt by purchasing 'a from him tlio troos can bo proourcd dnrinc suitable woathcr nnd planted at onco without any of tho extra dolays, risks and costs of sco 0 voyages. Catalogues and prices post freo on appllca tlon. Orders promptly attonded to, and all goods carefully packed. ,h Inspection invited at tho ii- TARADALE NURSERY. HARDWOOD FIRFAVOOD Dollvered to Napior at w 4-foot ongths por cord of 3 tons .. £1 10 ( A ' 9tolo-in „ 117 ( Tto in 2 0 1 ,v H. J. GILBERD, ;{. Taradalo Nursor: oor . at THE NORTHERN INVESTMEN' 10 X COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (Lishtkd). lo ig Oapitai. .. £500.000. Offleos— Emorson-streot, Napior. Tho Colonial Board is propared to mak Advances on— Freehold Securities m. Leasehold Securities Stock and Station Mortgages At Modorato Rates of Intorost. W For proposal forms apply to PAT. STIRLING M'LEAN, 22 Manegor.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 1