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Jj.l_ilVfl-i_ll_/ a OdlU-Vl-J. S. BLAIR, ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STOREKEEPER, Hastings-street, HAS always on hand a large supply of all kinds of GROCERIES, nAMS, BACON, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, VAbES, &C. Full supply of ENGLISH AND COLONIAL BOOTS Including tho famous Zealandia brand. J. S. BLAIR, Hastings-street. 651 H. NESBITT, 18 years with Mr E. W. Knowles, nas oponcd tho shop lately occupied by Mr Ecclos, Hastings-street, with a NEW AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OP p ROCERIES, "OOOTS, ifcc All of tho Bo3t Description. Prices will be found to Comparo with any House in Town. Customers waited on for orders. Goods dollvored with punctuality and despatch. BEST CANTERBURY BACON, WOODVILLE CHEESE, &c., IN STOCK. 7_ TRAFALGAR STORE, WAIPUKURAU MRS F. H. DROWER has just opened up a Largo and Choice Assortment of DRAPERY— Dross Goods, Flannels, Calicoes, Shirtings, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, &c» CLOTHING— Men's and Boys', English and Colonial — Moleskins,' Shirts, Vests, and Pants, Ties, Braces, Collars, Socks, &c, in splondid variety. BOOTS — Every Sizo nnd Shapo in Mon's, Ladies', and Children's. GROCERIES OF THE BEST QUALITY, IRONMONGERY AND SADDLERY. OATS AND CHAFF IN ANY QUANTITY, | FIREWOOD, POSTS, STRAINERS, AND HOUSE BLOCKS, I AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, A. P. WILLIAMSON, Manager. 307 HAWKE'S BAY PAWN, LOAN, AND DISCOUNT OFFICE, HASTINGS-STREET, Near Faulknor's Coach Factory. CASH advanced on Jewellery, Wearing Apparel, and overy description of Personal Property. For Sale, English Levers from £3, Horizontal Watches from £2, Ladios' Watches from £2, Alarm Clocks 8s 6d, Timo Ploce, 7s ; Albums, Violins, See., at prices that cannot bo beaten iv Napior. Any article guaranteed ; may bo purchased on Time Payment System, H. NAPHTALI, 402 Licensed Pawnrokbor. QANVAS HORSE COVERS w. _Toyd, SAILMAKER, &C., SPIT, ■Wishes to call tho attention of Country Settlors to his Superior Stock of HORSE COVERS, which for quality and price cannot bo equalled in Hawke's Bay. PRICES-15S, 17s 6d, 20s, 23s each. Also. OILSKIN CLOTHING, A Largo Slock on Hand of Best Qualit OWN MAKE. W. BOYD, PORT AHURIRI. 33 SEEDS ! SEEDS I SEEDS ! JOHN FEE GU SO N, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRUITERER AND SEEDSMAN, Hastings-street, Napier, HAS just received a large consignment of Sutton and Sou s Vogetablo and FloWer Seeds. Also, Colonial and European Seedß from the bost growers.' Tho above Seeds aro tho vory best in tho trade ; thoy can't bo boat for quality. Seeds put np in 3d and 6d packets to suit customors. Got my £1 Is collection of 50 Enckets o£ Vegotablo Seeds ; this will crop alf an aero. Half tho abovo 10s 6d, smaller collection 5s 6d, oxtra chargo for carriago, Cabbage and Cnuliflowor Plants on hand at market rates. Splondid Lawn Grass Seed on hand, Is lb. Seod Kidnoy Potatoes by tho ton, bag, or stone, lid per lb. All Garden Ironmongery at trado prices. Agent for John Goddard Nurseryman, Havelook, Fruit and Forest Trees. 736 IMPROVE THE UNDERSTANDING! This can bo accomplished by calling on JAME-. BOYD, PRACTICAL BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, Emerson-street (Two doors from tho Prcmior Halrdresslng Saloon), Whero all sorts and conditions of Mon,Womcn, and Cliildron can bo fitted with Hand or Machine-sewn or Pegged BOOTS AND SHOES, At lowest possiblo pricos. Fit and Workmanship in every caso guaranteed. J. 8., in thanking the public for past favors, hopes by strict nttontion to business to recoivo a liboral sharo of thoir patronage in tlio futuro. Ropairs of every description dono on tho premises. Charges Moderato. A Clearing Sale of present Stock, at vory low prices, commences TO-DAY, to mako way for fresh consignments. 653 ZEALANDIA POULTRY FARM, KARORI, WELLINGTON. SITTINGS of "Egg 3 fl '<> ra varieties of Prize Poultry. Tho Breeding Stock hns just beon imported from England, having beon cnrofully selected from tho Yards of the most successful Breeders and Exhibitors in Great Britain. Sevoral varioties of Fancy Pigoons and Cnnariqs also kept. Many of tho Birds in our possession took prizes iv tho Largest Shows held iv England and Scotland last January and Fobruary. A largo assortment of Poultry, Pigeon, and Dog Medicine kopt in stock. Prico Lists nnd further information on application, F. ROGEN & CO., WELLINGTON, «82 WATOHES! CLOCKS! JEWELLERY ! IHAVE great pleasure in announcing to my thousands of frionds and the public generally throughout Hawko's Bay that I havo again opened tho old nnd wellknown Watchmaker's and Jeweller's Shop in Emerson-stroot lately occupied by N. O'Neill,' whero Jewellery of overy description and quality, and of tho Moat Elognnt Designs, Workmanship, and Exquisite finish, can bo seen and bought at pricos hitherto unknown in Nnpior. Note.— My Stock is imported dlrcctfrom tho Manufacturers, QUITE NEW, and comprises English Hunting Silvor Lovor Watches, from £3 3s, guaranteed for two years. , , , Theso Magnificent Watchos complotoly defeat and nnnihilato all opposition, from Stewart Dawson upwards. They aro unapproachable for prico, finish, and durability. I have already sold ovor 800 Watchos In Hawke's Bay. Evory art clo at oqually low rates. All Repairs to Watches or Jewollory executed by thoroughly practical tradesmen on the promises, and guarantood 12 months. V. JOTEI.. THE OLD SHOP, Emerson-street. 176 P. E. COLLEDGE, WATCH AND CLOCKMAKER. JEWELLER, AND ELECTROPLATER, (Next Williams', Ironmonger). WHY should a man always wear a Watch when ho trdvols'in a watorlcss desert?— Because ovory"watch' has n spring in it— especially thoso purchased at Colledge's I A lady writing vorses says that kisses on her brow aro tbo richest diadom hor woman's soul aspiros to wear. AU right I Bring on your brow, and tako your diadom. I am roady if you aro young and handsome. But wouldn't you profer a nico Bracolot or Ring, or something out of Colledge's shop 1 The Bank of Now Zoaland is still obdurato, and will not grant me n ponny accommodation; thoroforo I will continuo to soil nt EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES, in order to induco the public to buy, so ns to cnablo mo to pay my bills without ha ving rccourso to tho Oflleial Assignco. My stock is too largo ! I must reduce it !!-P. F. COLLEDGE. What thoy mean (continued).— Garnet, constancy and fidelity in overy ongagoment; Amethyst, proventivo against violont passions ; Bloodstone, courage, wisdom, and firmness in affection ; Sapphire, freefrom enchantment, denotes repentanco ; Emorald, dlscovors falso frionds and ensures true lovo ; Ruby, discovers poison, corrects ovils resulting from mistakon friendship.— To bo oontinuod, Eharlmrdt's English Lovors .. ..£3 .0 0 Pcop o' Day Alarm Clocks, bost quality 8s Ladies' Silvor Watches, warranted 35s P. F. COLLEDGE, JEWELLER. 158 NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. SEED WAR EH Q USE, HASTINGS-STREET, N.AnEU (Next to'Faulknor's Carriage Factory.) OE. GIBBONS gratefully thanks • his numorous friends for tho kind patronago givon to him since lio commonoed business, nnd begs to inform llicm that ho has taken into partnership his brother, HarrY Clipton GinnoNS, whoso valuablo exporionco, obtainod in tho United States and with tho Emlnont Firm of Chnrlc3 Shnrpo nnd Co., Slcaford (the contro of ono of tho finest agricultural districts in England), will, ho hopes, materially assist him in tho furthor proaross of this business, which from this date will bo carried on undor tho address of O. It. Se 11. GimiONS; • '■ ■ '■ OUR. SPECIAL PRICED LIST OF VEGE- . TABLE AND FLOWER SKEDS, HORTICULTURAL. SUNDRIES. • &0„ POST FREE, ON APPLICATION. . C.E.G. having had considornblo oxporionco in the Nursory department both'in England' and' in Now ZcalaiuLis propared to reoelvo' orders for all klnds.of Ornnmontal Troos -and Shrubs aiuL Fruit give advlco to parties. laying out or roforming thoir grounds, and superintend tbo samo if required; „ i Agents for Mossrs Kerr nnd Burnett, Nur- • sorymen, Christchurch; and 11. J. Wlbcrd, ' Taradalo Nursery;- Napier, • ■ id E. AND" 7 !? GIBBONS, Ilona _Wo 'Garden and Farm Sce^sma^i, ' x " ' 'HASTpJOS : _TREET, NAPIER (Npxt'Faulkvjor's Carriage' Factory.) I Napiori Oth Aiisust, 1880, OW

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 3