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CARTER & CO.'S Wo moan to tako tho public entirely into our confidence ovor this D.I.C. business. D.I.C. in our enso stands for Direct' lmporting Company, and. wp aro tho only Drapers in ■ Hawko's Bay Who can honestly lay claim to UialiUb. wo will prove it. To import from ;a Homo wliolosale Houso is) of course, Im,porting, but tho Homo wholcsalo_Houso gets a profit. Tlio tradesman hero hastopaylOi per cent. on. tho prollt, and then tho tradesman's customers havo to pay him a good profit on both. Now, wo avoid all this by Importing DIRECT from the manufacturer,: thus double profit and double duty, aiid • tßis is why wo can sell,so much cheaper , than our neighbors.- All ovir Hollands. Diapers, nnd Linen goods nro shipped DIRECT from tho largost nnd best Manufacturing Firm in Bolfast. All our Calicoes,; Shirtings, and Sheetings como direct from tho Gorton and Manchester manufacturers; 'All our Sorges como direct from a flrst-clnss manufacturer at Slaithwaito, near Huddersfiold. All our Floorcloths and Linoloums como direct from tho mills at Lancaster. All our Flannels como direct from Rochdale, and. the Welsh from Nowtown. All our carpets and Hearthrugs como direct from Halifax and Dundee. All our :Hqsiory direct from Leicester and Nottingham, and so on right through tlio Stock, even down to our Pins and Needles, which wo got respectively direct from Birmingham and Rcdditeh, and whon tho Goods arrivo hero wo sell nt loss than half tho profit Credit Drapers havo to obtain, asr wo sell 1 only for READY MONEY. If anyono disbolieves us wo will willingly allow thorn to inspect our Invoices, and tboy can sco for themselves that wo state only the truth. Wo havo been established in Napior exactly a year, and during that timo havo taken only a fow pounds, short of £12,000 in Cash. ,This largo trndo has boon dono too by an cntiro stranger, who came hero without any local help or influence and ono half killed by the Dunedih climato at that, nnd this wd say satisfactorily proves that tho public know whon thoy got good vnluo given thoin,' and take good caro to go where thoy can got it: and it is sololy on tne, ground of tho ono word VALUE that wo asked for and havo obtained tho liboral support of tho Hawko's Bay Cash- ' paying Public. Wo state thoso facts not. with any desire to blow or boast, but simply to place tho matter fairly and truthfully before you at a time whon tho nou'spapors are doluged with misleading assertions and palpable puff. : ■• - In consequence of tho splendidly successful results of the post year's business we shall start the next with a general reduction in profit, and havo;commenccd with tho Now Goods ox Aorangi, which are now marked off at 7i per cent, (or Is Gd in the £1) less Profit than the scale we have hitherto adopted; and wo shall trust entirely to tho public to help us • through another yoar on thi3 oasis, K Although wo aro selling cheaper than anybody clso we shall not lay down any ridiculous or prohibitory rules to frighten our customers With. Wo shall bo happy to exchange any article in tho futuro (as we havo always been in tho • past), or if dosired wo at all times return tho money, as wo novor wish a customer to kcop. an article that thoy find unsuitable. In tho enso of Millinory and Dressmaking Orders, wo arc so certain. of being ABLE to pleaso that .Ye absolutely guaranlco to rotund any money paid if perfoct satisfaction is not givon. Wo arc tho only firm in the colony whoso customers can claim this great advantago, tho too frequent result with many houses being to havo the dross spoilt and havo to pay a very high price as well. . You can depond on being served with every attention and civility by a large staff of competent assistants of both sexes. Tho Millinory Department is under tho charge of a tasteful nun successful Milliner from tho lending Auckland Houses. If not absolutely the best in Napier, at any rato there aro no bettor, and our charges aro considerably less than you have hitherto had to pay. The Dressmaking Department is undor tho personal management of MRS CARTER, formerly Head Dressmaker ■ for Herbert Hayncs and Co., and Carter and Co., Dunedin, where she left a Dressmaking Trade employing ovor thirty hands, which had bcon built up enliroly by hor own ability. Our most convincing proof of having given satisfaction in Napier is tho fnct that' several, ladiC3 who formerly sent to Auckland, Wellington, nnd oven London, to get their Dresses mado, now place thoir orders with us. During tho coming season wo shall strain ovory norvo to givo our customers tho very best value obtninablo in ovory department in tho House, and although somo there aro, wo know, who do not like going into now shops, still, if they would favor us with one visit of I inspection, wo would bo satisfied to leavo tho i result to their own judgment . ] carter" & c 0. ,: EEADY -MONEY DRAPERS, DIRECT IMPORTERS, DEVONSHIRE HOUSE, NAPIER. 700 tf ... THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE HOU SE SIDEY ~& BAIN (Late Hardy & Sidby), IRONMONGERS AND SEEDSMEN. 1886 ' SPORTING SEASON 1886 I Boing nearly ovor, tho Balance of tho Wollassorted Stook o£ GUNS— Breech-loading, doublo nnd singlo barrol, Muzzlo-loading, doublo and single barrel. RlFLES— Martini-Honry and Snider. POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, CARTRIDGE CASES, AND SPORTING REQUISITES GENERALLY Will bo offered at GREATLY RE£UOED PRICES SSTTho season being a very poor ono, tho Balance of Stock is consequently much heavier, so that the capital assortment in Btock at tho commencement of tho season will bo found but little decreased. NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED. SIDEY "& BAIN, THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE HOUSE. JUST "LANDED, Direct from tho Bost English and American % Manufacturers, 6 GASES ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, Containing Tea and Coffee Sorvicos (special value), Tca-pota, Coffee-pots, Biscuit Barrels, Cruet-stands— cut glass and American revolving; Breakfast Cruets— wedgowaro, Derby ware, and cut glass ; Jam Dishes, Marmalade Jars, Clarot Jugs, Wator Jugs, Toast Racks. Hot- water Cans, Candlesticks, Cnrd Trays, Salvers, Presentation Cups.Picklo Frames, Egg Frames, Napkin Rings, &c, &c. All new and uniquoiiattcrns, and EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. Tnblo, Dessert, Tea Spoons, Mustard nnd Salt Spoons, Tablo and Pessert Forks, Nutmeg Crackers, Sugar Siftors, Marrow Spoons, Butter Knives, &c. 2 OASES CUTLERY, By Best Sheffield Makers, Ivory, Ivorine, and Bono Handled Tablo and Dessert Knives, Carvors, Round-of-Beef Carvors, Gamo Carvors, Tablo Stools and "Victor" Steels, Buck, Stag, and Rosewood Handled Sets of Knivos and Forks. Pockot Cutlery, in endless vnrioty, A full lino in Lookwood's "Pampa Knives. LAMPWARE. 18hhds and 5 cases English and American Lamps and Fittings, Hiuk's Duplex, Silbor-round wick, Eclipse, Anucapnic, Dietz's Lipped and Slip Burners, and " Good Night" Lamps. BISMARCK LAMPS. Special value in Amorican, Hanging, Library, and Hall Lamps. Bracket Lamps with Mammoth Fonts. Lamp Globes, Glasses, and Fittings of all descriptions kept in stook. «3i. Lamp Burners. Old burners roplaoed with new burners. Fondcrs, Drawing-room, with brass and niokcl plated bare. Dining-room and Bedroom Fenders. Firetroiis, with Omalu and nickel-plated bundles, and bright ; stool. Coal Vases, Coal Scuttles, Firo Shovols, &o. THE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Made a Specialty. INSPECTION INVITED. Tho stock is very reploto, nearly ovory lino boing represented. SIDEY &"-BAIN,. THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE HOUSE,HAVE FOB SALE, RANGES— Loamington, oft to 2ft Gin, with higfl-prossuro or sido boilers. Garton and Kings unparallolcd Ranges. Ainorican Cooking and Heating Stoves. Register Grates, Tile, Ground, and Flno Cast. (Tho Bost Value ovor offered in Napier). Solo Agents for Hawko's Bay for TUB "ZBAI/ANDBB" RANGES. A f ui'tlior improvement ; 2ft Oin and 3ft sizos, with Boilers. Require 110 setting, and nro greatly recommended by thoso who uso them. SIDEY "& BAIN, HASTINGS-STREET, NAPIKR, ' Solo Agents The " Ilayward Hand Gfonado Firo Extinguisher, 253 PER nALF-DOZ. CASE. 229 SADDLERY! SADtiLERY l HAVING purchased Mr J. L SWHRY's Saddlery Business at Watpnknrau, I beg to inform my Customors in tho surrounding districts that tho Slock lias boon vory largely increased, and is now vorv complete m all linos, and purchasers will fln'd i A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERY AND HARNESS OF ALL : KINDS IN STOCK. Horso Covors of our own noted make in all sizes. Specially careful attention will bo givon to repairs, and all orders executed wlthoutdolay. Prices tt'lll bo the samo us charged at my Napier Establishment, which are as low, if not lower, than any in the colony JOHN "M k YAY 5 ■SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, Waipukubau, And Hustings-street, Napior, 277

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 20 August 1886, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 20 August 1886, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 20 August 1886, Page 2