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;; [rEX UNITED PRESS "ASSOCIATION.! ■ _ Auckland; Thnrsday. . Numerous signatures are being obtained to a requisition to Sir Dargayille, M.H.R. for City- West, expressing dissatisfaction with Ins attitude . on various questions, especially the Stark land purchase, "and stating that, as. the electors have lost all .confidence, inliim,.he, is requested tp re--sign his scat at once. '' ' ' '■' - . Clarke, charged with arson .in .connection with the recent, fire at Eden-terrace, appeared <it the. Police Court^hismorning, arid was again remanded.'-- Bail was refused."-'. '■■'•" . . /; ' .", ;, r ; A case of alleged swindling by. Government contractors camq rip at -the -Police Court- to-day. ' Maurice Casey,, of. :the firm of Casey and Lovetfc, coal merchants, and' Edward Short, carter,' in their em-ploy,-.were-charged with ■; forging and uttering, weighbridge. tickets J also witb. i.the,]arceny,'ot, tickets.' The allegation is i, that the fivmrnnmedjiwho have the contract to supply coal to the ' Government institutions and offices, sent short weight to the , Kohimirama Industrial ' " School. Weighbridge tickets were delivered, pur- • porting tp show-full \veighis, ;f bnt it was I found that the tickets; Hattbeetf stolen arid forged. The proceedings arose through , Mr-Hog«.n, the master of-thesclioolrsus-■pecting, short weight jind. going, to Hammond and Cai'pcnto'r'sjweighbndge'tq enI qnireabout the matter. .There Tie found that the cbalhad not beffi : p|asfed' over the weighbridge, nor had any tickets been issued. The prisoners were remanded till . Monday next. 'Bail in £100 was allowed. By the Janot Niccol, which left, for .the, Islands to-day, the Bishop of Nelson was ,a passenger; on a visit toTonga. Samoa, and other islands,.iri corinccliofl wifcltfSUe Anglican Church. At a largely attended meeting of the Auckland Rugby Union to-night the following resolution' was carried]:'—'' That the secretary bo instructed to write' to tho secretary of tho Wellington' Union/ asking for an apology for the .statements; which appeared in the Wellington newspapers rt the Jate.niatcliAuckland versiis: Wellington and the umpiring of Mr Cotter;, also, that an apology be obtained/, from ..the „ Poneke Club by the Wellington Union for . the club's action in hanging tho. Auckland umpire in effigy.". " , ■'. •.;■./■,■■{ A counter petition ;w being . signed me- . ins Mr Dargavillo not to.resigirhis* for .City. West; Ho Svill- address -',tl£j& Unemployed in'the'.CityHall'oii^turday Dveriing . to explain: his.' actjOA>.in.';Parlia,ruentto themi , •. ■« ■■■< ■;■■. ■■■_ \ >■'/ ■ /•;■_.' -"'

/fHAMESi'.l'hiireday. . •'• . George Harcburt,\the' legal manager of \ several mmmg -'companies, -and' 'Deputy ; ; Assignee in'BnnkniptpjvloftUh'e'Thanios _-■ somewhat' abruptly on the 10th. instant... ; and suspicions using aroused that he hail :. left Auckland by the; Rotomahaba, for -'\ Sydney, a variant was'^is3ned','for r liis ■ arrest on a charged the.emoezzlement of - \ ■ £75 of the funds of the NowEureka;Gum . ._; Company. The police have. received a '^ cablegram stating' that he.'- had been^r- ' rested by the Sydney police and i^raandea .. to the 25th • instant; -Deteetire- Doolan . will proceed to Sydney to^lmng'-tho-ao- . cusedback to the' Thames,' 'Harcourt's. . books, are said in,a tnpstiiinsajiisfac- „ . . "to'iy state.- '■.■''".•,;': I'AhY.lft- -\ :'■■'■ 'V.

.- . ••;• ■ ■ Gisborne, Thursday, v,.. The following circular, dated Sydney, ;. August 7th, 188(5, has. beou forwarded by ;: ; ... : Mr W. Fleming, chairman of; the SouMi c>£ ....-■■• ■' -----V--.-' :;, ; ,*«;.-:;-!'cctt, ; fe !

"- - " Pacific Petroleum Company, to the share- ' ' holders;— JlYour direotors have much ; " pleasure^in^ informing you' that at ' the "-'<■' doptli of 1140 feet a band'of payable oil ■ rr* :sand has been.reaQhed,"which. : Mr;>Veaver .- "' ' estimate's ' will yield qs at present (the •-• ••-•• bore being orilyone foot into thedaiid) from ' .CO barrels (200 gallons) per day, and when ■ another six or ten feet is bored theyiold may bo. larger. , . Further operations have ("T'viilieen- suspended until the arrival of the ; v ;. i -necessary appliances for pumping and : X : '"'(it i l . tanks for -.tho storage, of the "'■■ '•■' oil, _:. which have "been ordered -from San Francisco. The oil tanks ordered M • ; are such as. are' usually used in America;' $„- .:..-. land have a total capacity of 1000 barrels '[ ' ' (40,000 gallons), which your directoradcem ; ' ; ' 'sufßcieiit to demonstrate tho pcrhimency .'• 'of the supply. Pumping should commence early in November." . •'•"■•

■ ' . ' . Wellington, Thursday. •■••'■-" : "At the X.M.' Court to-day. William ,'*■" '.Agno\y, on a chargo of annoying the Pre- "' . 'raver in tho street, was bound over to keep the peace for three months in sureties or -'". " £25. Agne\y refused to find bail, and was ' •'■' committed to gaol for three months. '- ■ ■ The electric light display at Fort Bal- ■■■'■ lance last night was fairly successful, but . ,Bomo of the machinery, worked .a .little

• ;< >' , stLSly. ■ • ; i; ' A collision which fortunately was not ■' ■*•; attended with .any serious, consequences ■'■'.'•". occurred on the Wellington-Masterton '' Mine at Petone this morning between a '.'■'■ train and an engine and three ' "-, , onipty trucks, which by some means came ' ■■ out from a 'siding just as the train 'was :•.<■ passing. One empty track was thrown '• • ;;i off the rails,' and. the.othor two had their .j ...... bottoms forced up by the violenceiof .the ,■•'■'"' jerk. irThe accident only delayed the traffic •'-■'. fpr'aboiita 'quarter of an hour. '.'■ \\ f '-'''.' The' Premier . leaves 'for South to-mor- ■':;. jo w,' and Mr Reynolds will follow in a few days. . None of the other Ministers -arc : v leaving Wellington at present.- •. i "''-'<. Blenheim, Thursday. ; ' '" 'Two lads named William Barker and •■•'.,. George, Harn'ey were committed tp-dayfor: // . trial- at the Supreme Court on a charge of hoj-se:stealihg andjitteririg a forged, order .•;,t.': : at Flaxbou'rno station. '-. " : .-.-•' ■■;■■■. ,:. OHnisTCnoßtin, Thursday. 'I." Rain ceased at', about. 11 o'clock last ' J night, and the weather is now clearing. There has been no important damage done ''•"'•'by tlio floods;', exoepfc. to the Little River :,'■ 'railway, a . portion of which was washed ', ."<> '/ away,'and which will take a week to repair.' •' , ■'"•' A peculiar and painful case came before '■'■ ! " th 6 Magistrate's Court tb : day. Itappeared- ...'. that, a farmer .At Lincoln had. 150 acres ■;"■ : -entirely bate 8r fdbd, and tliat/35 bend of : ;.' ' 'battle hdaUeehßtai-vingiipontheland. Five '.[ j i'/dfcllie'cattiehad.diedrccentlyo Oneof the '■ ■ .-•i\ r neighbor's ;Uadgiv'pn.sbnietiay, which had 1 : ■been.dolddout.tb'tlicpoor beasts,, but had •""■'" iiol'Been nearly sufficient for them, arid „'.. sbriie days .they were entirely without •'■■ ; food. ' The farnier was proceeded against s' ; •' Jrjctr. • 'allowing , the cattle to, starve. ;In; .'.', 'defence lib ; pleaded . poverty. ■ Mr; J. :■'' .Olliyer;. R,M., held that the farmer had '•• Been culpable in riot dispossessing himself' : " 'bf the cattle, oven at a loss, rather than - ;,'■ , allow, therii td starve; A fine of Is vjith i: "■ '£3 5s costs was imposed. . ' • ■ V :,'•' Messrs Hay Bros.' house, woolshed, and y :. '.; -butbuildings, which were destroyed by a :■"!;": landslip and fire. at. Pigeon Bay,, were insured in the South British office for -„y £ 2G(X). :. ■.'• ■ ■ ■ •-. ;. ■" ... : 'At Eyreton, North Canterbury, 25 acres .'i ''are reported to bo 1 under water in conse- .,,., fluence of. the overflow ot the Eyi-e. river..' ■ 'There is no sign of the Wanaka to:.i> flight; ; : ... •■; ';' .' ■;■■'■ .. "'"' i ' "'-At' a meeting of , shareholders, in the' : Red , Hill (Big Bay) -Mineral , Company ; ■ held to-night reports were -received from : Mt Du'rward, who has had charge of a "•':. ' prospecting party, and from Dr Hector, '■'."', Who analysed' the ■ specimens; .The. former did not 'give a very encouraging ■•' • "account of the prospects of tho district as agoldfield, and the latter had not found '■" " any gold by his analysis. Among the' /r . specimens there .were asbestos and a form . of, iron. Dr Hector, arrived at the cbn- ; . ' elusion that the character and prospects • of the district were analogous* to the • ".. Dun Mountain mineral belt, lying to the ;',",, east of Blind Bay, Nelson. The share- ;. holders resolved to hold another meeting ' to consider the desirableness. of further " prospecting the Big Bay district. ' ■ ' . .'. : . . LATER. ■■ "■•■■ Further details to hand with reference • -to the landslip at Pigeon Bay show that , r tilG r \vlioie of Messrs Hay Bros; l'Annan-•-dale'station has been swept away. Mr ; , Thomas Hay heard the slip coming about 9.15 a.m.' on Wednesday. He called his Wien to take out the four children. Mrs Hay also had' to be carried. They ran as • fast ■ as . they .could for the road. Mr - Thomas Hay stayed to see all. out of the 1 ' house;' and then ran himself as fast as he ..' could, the slip nearly overtaking him., ".'Another slip .followed, shifting the chimneys ana setting fire to theliouse. -'" pome time after a third slip carried awaythe -whole of the buildings into the sea arid ' tiie creek. The slips came from the top of ': the range, about 1A miles from the house. The beach and bed of the creek are strewn ,■ • with debris. About 20 men were working ■ ; . to-day picking xrp what they could out ; of : -' the silt. Mr Hay estimates his loss at 1 £8000. .':. • ■■ . The weather is again thick and rainy. :. : . . . ■ Oamaku, Thursday. . ■It is still raining, and there is no sign of it stopping. Railway communication with '•■■the north is suspended. 'The morning ' ; train' was unable to' reach Waitaki river, 1 owing to the flooded, state of the line. On the south line there is no communication ■ beyond -Hampden, though it is hoped the • !;j slips will he removed 'to-day. Tho rail- '' way bridge over the Maraewhonua dyer : „'at Duntfoon, on tho Kurow, is partly • carried away, stopping communication on • that 'line. It is possible that' the bridge may collapse altogether, and in any case \ repairs' vail entail heavy expenses,, ami j'i .' traffic will be i suspended, some time. On- .•. " the Ngapara branch ; line communication : -. is s.tillopen, but in places the water is up to the rails. The sea last night, which was' tho heaviest known here for many years, caused. a breach iv the breakwater. -' . ; Two Mocks forming the top of the founda- ■ - tion were driven in, but the monolith re-' • mains in position. . The damage is not of '•'■ '-a serious nature, and' as the sea is moder- . .' : ' 'atingifis hoped po further injury will bo • . occasioned,

' ■';■,:, . - Dunedin, Thursday. ' ' Intelligence has been received by the agents of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion : Company that after the completion of v, ;con tracts' in May next the company will only charge three-half pence per lb for ;. ■. frozen meat by their steamers. - The sea roiling into the harbor to-day ; J Was' so severe that Captain Popliam, of tho ' decided not to venture out. The /".■,. Arawata's. sailing is also delayed. The Grafton, however, crossed, in wards from ' the North. ( The wind has gone down today, and this evening rain ceased to fall ; '• , for some hours, but it is still threatening. - • The bursting of the embankment below Outram has relieved that township from danger, Tho Taieri plain is covered for " ' miles with water, but it is now subsiding. '.Railway communication with' the south .';';ri>yill not bo restored for some days yet.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 20 August 1886, Page 2

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Telegraphic. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 20 August 1886, Page 2

Telegraphic. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 20 August 1886, Page 2