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TOWN AND SUBURBAN RACING ' CLUB. ••/; SP R I N. G Tlf E E T I N G , ..: ... To bo hold at tho - ; T.&.S. RACING AND SPORTS COM-; PANY'S (Ld.) GROUND (Botween Taradalo and Redolyflb Bridge.) 22nd SEPTEMBER, 1886. - Judgo, R. WoUwood : Starter, W. Heslop: Clerk of Scales. John Joffares; Clerk of Course, J. ■ Lorrigan ; Handicappcr. A. T. Danvors: President, W. Hcalop ; Vica'Prosident, W. Broughton; Stewards, Messrs M. Ryan, T. Joifaros, W. AVm. Lord, P. O'Shannossy, T.. Lawton,-F, Pencook, L. ■" Binmo, G. Rymor, J. lorrigan, E. Brough- ; ; ton, J. Joffnres, Wm; Stocks ;.; .- ■; . ■ .', PROGRAMME. ' • No.. l.— Maiden Hurdle Race, 15 soys, second horso to saye 1 his Btakes; woight, lOst up: ontranco, lsov; over s flights oi hurdlos3ft6ininhoight; distonco, ljmilo. No 2.— Town and Suburban HANDioAf . ""Hurdle Race, of 40 6ovs; second ■ horse to rocoivo 7 soys and third horse 3 90V8 from tho Stakes ; nomination 103, ' acceptance' l soy; over not loss than t flights of hurdles 3ft Gin high y distance, 2 inflos. . '.>■! ■No. 3.— Maiden, Flat Race, of 15 soys, second hor&o to sayohis Btako ; for horses thathavo . never won nn advertised raco of affjwind i .woight, lOst up; entrances I' bovt distance, i mile .. - ' No. 4.— Handicap Pon* Kaoe, ol 10 soys, " second pony to' rocoivo 1 soy* from tho stakes; fourteon hands .or under; nomination ss, accoptanoo iOs; onoo round the course, ' - • No. s.— Tarabale Handicap,' of 50 soys, . socond horso- to -receive 10 soys, third ■ horse 5 soys, from tho stakes : nomina- - tiqn .1 soy, accoptanco lsov; distance, 1] milo. ' ■ - - . No. 6,— Selling Raoe, of 15 sovs; winner to bo sold by auction immediately after tlia . - race for W aovs, surplus, to go to too Gtab V .. Funds;- ton weight, Osti Wb^ allowed tor • ' ovory £5 off soiling price ; . entrance, 1 soy ; '.. distance, li milo '„,:..." '" ,'". No. 7, I rLADiEa' Ptmaß, a Handicap of 20 sots, second liorso to rooolvo 5 soys from tho ' stakes; nomination, -10s ;' acceptance, 10s; minimum woight, Bst; gentlemon ridors, - horses to be -nominated by Ladies ;' dis- '. tanoo.llinilo, ' .'^ . ■<; - , ■ No. B.—FLYIN& Handicap, 'of -20 soys, second - " . "horso to receivo 5 soys from stako; nomination 10s, accoptanco ' 10s j distance, 3mile • ""',■,■ GENERAL. CONDITIONS, '• All the races at this meeting are confined to' hacks only.- All horses 'that are nominated for a Derby, Guineas, w.ta.; or 'Handicap ' Race, up to tho date of nomination for this mcobng, will not be oligiblo to compete, Hack Handicap oxcopted. ' In the event of less than three horses starting for any race 50 per cent, of the stakes only will bo paid.' , AU horses to - ' bq ridden in distinguishing colors. . No entry will bo received for any race except on condition that all claims, disputes, 1 and objeo- • tions arising out of tho racing shall bo settled by tho Stewards or whom they may appoint, ' and their decision, shall be final; .Rules and woights as adopted by tho T. attd S. Racing . ' ' Club will bo strictly, adhered' to; 'Any protest ' . ' ' .must bo entered within -five minutes of tho .' . raco to which it roforß," ana accompanied by a 100 of £— .to bb rotnrnod if the torotdst is sub- ■ tamed; Five per conk will bo deducted from " all winnings. First- raw to-fltart at 12 noon sharp. „.. .; '. r .- i . .- •. . -■' ' . . Nominations for T; and S. Handicap Hurdles Handicap Pony Raco, Taradalo'Fiat Handl cap. Ladies' Purse, and Flying Handicap, with pedigree, age. and performances, to bo in the hands of tho Secretary oh or before SATURDAY, 14th August,' 1888,' hot. Inter than 10 - p.m. - Woights will bo declared on Saturday, ■ 28th August, 1886. ...: -■•. ';,-', . • Acceptances for above -Handicaps and Entries for Maiden Hurdles, Maiden Flae Raco, and Selling Raco willcloso 'on tho night of lltli Septomber, 1888, not later than 10 p.m, . Colors of ridors in all events to bo.Bent in on same date. . . " Winner of the Taradalo Handicap to carry , 71b penalty in Ladies' Purse and Flying Handicap. All nominations, acceptances, and entrances, accompanied by tho nocossary fees .to bo nddressed v to tho.Seoretary at Ryan's - ' Hotel, Taradalc. ' '"■ - •: , Admission, Is; one-horso trap, Is; vohloles drawn by two or moro horses, 2s ;. passengers, Is eaoh. Admission to. Saddling: Paddook, 2s 6d. ' : ■:•.''.■ >■:■ •■ _. ];-■' . No horsemen allowed' on tho grpttinAbut provision will bo mado for horses. ' «■! - '^ , ; WHiLIAM B. TTTT.T,, . > : ..'".■•'' , Secretary. . Taradalo, July 17, 1880. ."' . 171 NAPIER PARKRACING CLUB. gPEi n a ' ;m.,ee!t,.i n g. " y . : To bo hold on tho : ' NAPIER PARK RACECOURSE ' • • . ON ' . '. . FRIDAY, IST, OCTOBER, 1880. President: JdhnCloso. Vico-Presidont: John : Heslop. " Troasurer : E. W. Knowles. Stewards: James Irvine; D. Glondinning, John ' M'Vay, A. M'Cartnoy, William Heslop, John Bennett, J; Heron, H. Montoith.' Judge: John Bennett. Starter: A. M'Cartnoy. Clork of tho Scales: Colonel: Whito. .■ ' ; , PROGRAMME. (Races run undor the Metropolitan Club Rules of Racing.) ■ .' ':'• HANDICAP HURDLE, RACE, of 80 soys. Nomination, l soy, on Tuesday, 7th Sep- . tombor. Woights declared on' Friday, 10th September. . Accoptanco, 2 soys, on Fridny, , ' 21th September. About 2 miles. MAIDEN PLATE, of 40 sovs/ 'Weightfor age. Open to horses that have never won an advertised race at timo of entry. Entrance, lsov, on Friday, 24th Soptembor. Onomile.- ■. . - • INAUGURATION STAKES, of 40 soys. For two-year-olds— Colts, 7)3t 121 b; fillies and geldings; 7st7lb. Entry, 2 soys; on Friday, 24tJi Septembort Four furlongs. ■ PARK STAKES HANDICAP, of 225 soys. Second horso to receive 25 soys from tho stakes.- Nomination, 2 soys, on Tuesday, ' 7th Septomber. Weights doolared on Frid ay, loth September. Acceptance, i soys, on Friday, Septomber 2Sth.: The winner '•• 'of any handicap of 200 soys after deolara- : . tion of woights to carry. ,7lb penalty. Penalties not accumulative. -One mils . and a half., ....,;. • . ■ , ■ DISPOSAL STAKES, of 20 soys. Winner to ... bo sold immediately- after the race for 30 . , soys : surplus, if any,, to go to tho funds of. ' tho Club. 'No weight under Ost "Entry. 1 soy,- on Friday, 24th September. One mile. - TRAMWAY STAKES (Handicap),'oflodsovs. Second horse to receivo 10 soys from tho' . stakes. Nomination; 1 soy, on Tuesday, ,7th Soptember. ;• Weights declared on Fn- ' day. 10th Soptombor. Acceptance, 2 soys, 'on Friday, 2Jth : September, ■■ Six furlongs. GRAND STAND' HANDICAP,, of" 75 soys. Nomination, 1 soy, on Tuesday, 7th Sop- . tombor. Weights declared on the course after the flnisu of .the Park Stakes. Acceptance, 2 soys, within fifteen minutes after declaration of woights. One milo and a quartor. •- ' • ' • ■ ,\ • • DATES OF NOMINATIONS,', JENTRIEas' ACCEPTANCES, &0., with amb.Tiats,-to-~ bo forwarded to tho Seoretary of the Napier ■ „. Park Racing Club.- ■-,- • .' . ">'"•".. N.B.— All oyonts . close at 0 p.m. 'on their " . .-• • ' respeotivo dates— . i -, TUESDAY, Vm SEPTEMBER— Nominations: Handicap :Hurdlo Race, 1 boy; ;• Park Stakes, 2 soys; Tramway Stakes ■ i Handicap, 1 soy; Grand- Stand Handicap, ;'. - FRIDAY, lOth SEPTEJIBER-Weighte declared. ' . ■ • ' . FRIDAY, 21TH SEPTEMBER— Acceptances ■ andgenoralontrios. ■',>'• '■• ;766 . . ''".."■■',,',- -tedtCiCi- '.'■ -■" . ".. TIME-TABLE OF GRIFFITHS' TAXJPO ROYAL MAIL COACHES. T EAVES the- Criterion Hotel at 6 JU o dock evory MONDAY MORNING, for Pnssongors previously booked,, and finally leaving tho Post-ofnco at 0.30 a.m: for' . : TAUPO, OHINEMUTU, TAURANGA, ' ■ CAMBRIDGE, AND THAMES, Arriving at Tardwcra on Monday, Taupo on Tuesday, -staying at Taupo.on Wednesday, leaving for Ohinemutu on Thursday ' arriving that night, and leaving for Tau- • ranga Friday, arriving that night, Thames Saturday, leaving Ohinemutu Friday for Cambridge,, arriving that night, rail to - Auckland from Cambridge Saturday. All Parcels by this Lino will not bo taken- ■ .unlosspropaid,, .-. .' .-".-. i; Special Conveyances can i>b' obtained afc any timo by arrangement with'th'o Agent, who will givo any further information that may bo required. Agent for E. Robortspn's Ohinonmtu Coaches . Passongors can now bo booked through. -. . ■.-:-•. F. WATKINSON, ' . . 133 " Criterion Hotel, Napior. COTTON'S OMNIBUS LINE. ,•, ' ON- and after MAY Ist the .Time- • table will bo as follows : — ' First 'Bus leaves SPIT at a quarter to leaving COOPER'S at a quarter-past 9 Spit Noxt 'Bus loaves SPIT at a quartorj past o,'loaving for SPIT again at a quartor to 10. This Timq-tnblo will bo kept up tho ontiro day 'without intorval. Tho lost 'Bus leaves town nt 5.45. Sundays and Holidays oxcopted. - , ' ' 181 NOTIOE, G. XT AMBLING'S Coach will • ; '11 loavo Woodvilto for Tahoraito daily at 0 a.m., till furthor notice. All goods addressed to the' undbrsignod will bo punctually attended to. Goods through to Palmerston. ■ - ' ■^'• / '- C. HAMBLING, 135 -■■ • Proprietor. CURRY'S COACHES A' COACH will .leave Hastings for Napior Daily at 8.40 a.m., returning fromNaplerforHastingsat3p.m. Allparcela delivered within }-mile of Railway Station. AH orders and messages punctually attended to< ' JAMES' CURRYV' 136 • . . Proprietor ON and after. TUESDAY, the 11th . ; - August,- a Coaoh will rxin Daily from ■ Tahoraito on nrrival of. tho 7.25 Train for Mastorton and Palmerston. .■•.;. ■ . •>' 'JAMKS MACARA, Proprietor 137 . . PEDD Agont.. , ,■--.., M. D. SPRIGGS Bogs to announco that ho, has commonced ' . . . the . • : . f, . •- - ■ .•- ' pABINETMAK IN G '" '- \J - ■ AND i ;• ; ■ " . ••'-■' UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS,. •. --. A.'. N- THE- PKEMIBE3 SITUATED ; ; ! NEXT TO \- ' Murray, Roberts & Co., -Tennyson- „- •'."' ■ STREET. " . :■." _" .. ' •;.' Ho hopes by strict-attention "to business . "'.' ; Hood AVorkmanship, and- Moderate Charges tomorltafairßharoof publlo support ' - ■ " M.D.S. trusts that his varied oxporionop in 4 tho tho trado (as well as -having been for 1-1 , rears foroman to tho ilrm of Messrs Largo and. will ho n sufficient guarantee that ill orders will bo turned out in flrst-olass stylo " ," md finish. . .. . ■ 272 "■•,; ; ■

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 4