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■ ■ LANGLE¥ "& " NEWMAN,- ' . CABINETMAKERS . GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, UNDERTAKERS', &o. ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN NAPIER. 118 REID AND GRAY'S IMPROVED NEW ZEALAND GRAIN DRILL. Drill your Grain and Savo your Seod from Birds, and ensure a bettor crop than liy any other. Jmethod. Fitted, if desirefl, to Sow Turnips in Drills or Rows. OUR NEW BROADCAST SOWER IORCE-FEED, FOR GRAIN, GRASS, AND TURNIPS, IS SIMPLY PERFECT. The discharge with both of nbovo Machines will not vary moro than 10 ounces to tho aero, whilo tho best cup food varies from 7 to 101 b per acre. OUR CHAFFCUTTERS Still maintain tho load, fltted with now Wrought Steel Mouthpiece. OUR: PATENT BAGGERS (Single or Double) ARE. A COMPLETE SUCCESS. Copy of Testimonial :— . ■ Tho Grovo, Irwell, 2Gth March, 188 G. I havo thoroughly tried your No, 1 Chaffcutter and Bagger, which I bought of your Christchurch house, It has given mo greatest satisfaction, and I frequently havo much pleasure in recommending this mako to my friends who want a thoroughly {rood Chnflbuttor. HORSE QEARS, ALL SIZES. PATENT DISC HARROWS, WITH BALANCING SCREW. Double-Furrow Ploughs,- Harrows, Grubbers, Iron and Steel Fencing Stnndards; also, Gray's Patent Standards, for Folding Sheop and Fixing, Wiro Netting, reduood, prioos; Fencing and Barbed Wire (best brands). SOLE AGENTS FOR WALKER'S PATENT STRAINERS. 6d EACH. 11 TAN GTE.B. LIMITED, 119, BATHURST-STREET, SYDNEY. v FOB ALL KINDS 01 ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS, AND MACHINERY APPLY AS ABOVE. ENGINES IN STOCK FOR WINDING, PUMPING, SAWING, &c|J From 2 h.p. to 40 h.p., with Boilors to suit. " TANGYE" DIRECT ACTING STEAM PUMPS, all sizes • " TANGYE" PATENT CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, 2in to 18m discharge "TANGYE" GAS ENGINES ' ' . CRANES, CRAB WINCHES, PULLEY BLOCKS, &c, in ondlc33 variety. T A N Q y E S 3 LIMITED, 119, BATHURST- STREET, SYDNEY. . G. T. CROSS, AGENT FOR NAPIEIJ. 469 DERANGEMENT OF THE LIVER i|l|||iiillt THB OAUSE 0F DISEASE, STOMACH, K^^^^ KIDNEYS, NERVOUS SYBTEM.I Below will bo found a briof summary of a Lecture upon the Liver, doHvorod boforo tho Eoleotic College of Medicine by D B : J.. H A YD ° ° K Tho Liver has boon known ns tlie great Blood Makor and Blood Pnriflor of tho Circulation. From its sizo and spongy structure it plays iv most important part in tho animal economy, as regards assimilation and nutrition. Food taken in the mouth and actod upon by the digostive organs of the stomach is converted into Glucose nnd Poptono, nnd in thesoforms enters tho portal voin. Ilore, by tbo action of tho Liver, thoso substances aro converted into a form of sugar, and pass out of tho Liver by n. largo voin, called tho Hopatio Voin, into tho goneral circulation. Tho now material now formed serves two purposos, viz., tho maintenanoo of heat in tho body, and assisting in tho coll growth of tho system. , Dr Murehison says :— " Tho composition of bilo and its secretion is very complox. It is constantly being secreted by tho Livor, and, increasing suddenly beforo eating, gradually decroasos as soon as tho appetito is satisfied and feeding ceases." Now, if this most important organ of tho body becomes torpid, or tho passago of bilo interfered with, omaciation and discaao onsue. I noto eight marked peculiarities that now occur, and which wo all jjuow of — 1. The patient complains of a fooling of weight and fulness of tho stomach. 2. Distension of tho bowels by wind. . 3. Heartburn. 4. A fooling of weariness, pains in tho limbs, and great slcopinoss af tor meals. 5. A bad tasto in tho mouth, especially in tho morning, and furred tonguo. 0. Constipation, with an occasional attack of diarrhoea. 7. Headache in front of head. 8. Depression of spirits and groat melancholy, with lassitudo, and a disposition to leavo ovorything for to-morrow. All of tho abovo symptoms go to show functional derangement of tho Livor ; nnd now comes tho groat importance of any error mado as to tho condition of the pationt. Ho should immediately provide himsolf with a Livor Stimulant, tho niO3t common form of which i 3 a Pill. Daily oxporionco shows that this, when tho Pill is compounded properly, is tho readiest modo of inciting and promoting tbo action of tho Livor, and can bo almost always roliod on. I havo dovotca many years of my lifo, as many of you now boforo mo know, to compounding a Pill that will act readily and systematically as a Bilious Romody. Ido not boliovo in great purgatives, and thoroforo havo made a Pill, ono of which is anactivoand thorough dose. I have called it DR. HAYDOOK'S NEW LIVER PILL SUGAR COATED). Ono Pill is a Dose I One Pill is a Dose ! Ono Pill is a Doso ! For all Diseases of tho Kidneys Dr. Haydock's Now Livor Pills are a Perfect Cure. Ono Pill will satisfy tho most sceptical. For Fomalo Disoases, Norvous Prostration, Weakness. Goneral Lassitudo, Want of Appetito, and SickHeadacho, Dr Haydock's Now Livor Pills will bo found an Effectual Remedy. They aro univorsal in thoir effects, and n, Cure can almost always bo guaranteed. Each phial contains Twenty Pills— One Pill 13 aJDosc. . Price, Twonty-flvo Conts. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Every Pill is Sugar Coated. If your druggist does not keep them wo will mail them freo to any address on receipt of 25 conts. Fivo phials for 1 dol. Buy at once. Do not delay. CAUTION.— To sccuro tho Gonuino Haydock's Pills obsorvo that the signature of J. H. Francis, Agont for tho United Statos, is written on overy dozen packages. Purchaso nono without this. • , As Dr Haydocks Liver Pills aro ontiroly ; different from tho 212 kinds now in tho market any scoptio can have a Sample Bottlo sont him Frco on rccoict of his namo and addross. LTAYDOCK & QO., TVTEW "YORK, U.S, & IN THE M ■J&^Tsnrs^-r \a "T'" 3 fivin fa"™ (I 'o suplaS EsS "UJ!wS!SfL__ j P ort oI a " p» r> * nS(irß o* Teiv > v <f O Ml I LJsdk Ks22p4^. \ «k lessioiml Taster and lk\* £s? /^ryP" 6 yIA Blonder.* «v \S^THdUwM /p-ri^Mip l\ \ P RIC ES copied M /g ' I^^S^K! £• \ \, 2/- t ZI4-' T AUCKLAND ,WELLI NGTON, CHRISTCHURCH,DUNEDIN, eobjoh'Js & 00., AGENTS, NAPIER 122 PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL 2£ *• AT INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION. PETER lOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL ». the *■ ONLY ONE AWARDED TWO GOLD MEDALS. PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL Dr^ s A " MORE BENEFIT THAN THE OTHER KINDS." PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL Or^> i writes:-" ALL THAT COULD BE WISHED." At CHEMlSTS,,^^^^^^^^ EVERYSTORES, &c. f^^^^^^^^^ WHERE. e> ONLY in Capsuled Bottles of Boz. and I6oz. $ Offices#Warehouso6,Christiania&43,SnowHill, London, E,C.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 4