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Hawke's Bay Herald. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1834.

On the fourth page will be found the following reports : — The proceedings at the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday, the meeting yesterday of the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club, and the cricket match at Hastings last Friday, H.B. County C.C. v. ! Banks and Law. A leading article and several letters from correspoadents are unavoidably held over. A number of cases against Volunteers fur absence from Government and other parades will be heard ab the iiesidonfc Magistrate's Court next Friday. Messrs Murray, Roberts and Co. received yesterday the following cablegram from their London house : — " Antwerp market for Australian wools |d below closing rates of last London sales." It will be seen by our advertising columns that MrW. M'Ginnity has leased the billiardroom at the Provincial Hotel. From the genial nature and attentive business habits of the lessee, there can be little doubt that his venture will prove a success. At Mr E. Lyndon's land sale yesterday the following prices were realised for subdivisioES of Woodville suburban section No, 27 : — Subdivision No. 4, £140, Tanner; Ho. 5, £140, Tanner j Ko. 9, £35, Kirker ; No. 10, £33, Tanner; No. 30, £25, W. Miller; No. 33, £35, Tanner. i The report of Mr W. C. Smith's address to his constituents at Waipawa last evening was wired through very rapidly. The message numbered about 5000 words, and occupied four-and-a-half hours in transmission, from 9p m. till 1.30 a.m. Mr Weaver, the telegraphist at Waipawa, and Mr Nicholas, the operator at Napier who received the message, deserve much credit. Considerable amusement was caused last evening at Mr Brown's lecture in the Protestant Hall by some questions that were put to the lecturer by a well-known Napier resident. One of the questions was whether Mr Brown thought that the various parishes would do well to have less ministers ? "Decidedly," replied Mr Brown, "and some of them would be better without any minister." Our Ormondvillo correspondent writes with regard to the inquest on Monday on the bodies of the murdered wife and children cf Eoland Edwards : — The inquest was held before Dr Reid. Mj B. JR. Groom was chosen foreman of the jury. After hearing the evideace, which was very conclusive, Edwards having admitted to several witnesses that he had committed the erime3, tho jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against ■ the prisoner, who seemed cool and uncon- I cerned. He was taken by the evening train to Makatoku, amid the groans of the bystanders. During the inquiry J£dwards answered all questions that were put to him in a clear andrational manner, giving the names of the children and the dates of their birth, tho date of his marriage, his wife's maden name, and the name of her former husband. Our Hastings correspondent writes under yesterday's date:— Mr J. N. Williams celebrated his harvest home last night by Igiving a supper to his workmen. Aboub 69 sab down in his woolshed (which wa9 tißtefuUy decorated for the occasion) to a substantial spread, for which, I believe, Mr Vaughan was caterer. In the unavoidable absence of the host Mr Gregory occupied tbe chair. After supper Mr Wall, with that brevity which is the soul of wit, proposed Mr -Williams' health, which was drunk with musical honors. Mr Gregory in response thanked the guests on Mr Williams'a behalf for the way in ! which they had received the toast, and for tho goodwill which they had put into the harvest work. Other toasts and eongs followed. Then tho tables were cleared away and the guests gave their minds (and bodies) to dancing till a lafce hour, to the soul inspiring strains of a stentorian concertina.— The Hastings Moad Board has done a most useful bit of work in building a bridge over the big drain in Murdoch-road, greatly to the convenience and satisfaction of residents in that neighborhood. Mr G. A, Brown gave his second lecture in the Protestant Hall last evening, the subject being " Is Man Immortal by Creation or Redemption?" The audience was fairly numerous, and paid close attention to the various contentions of the lecturer. Mr Brown explained his subject in a very lucid manner, and argued that, taking the Scriptures as a guide, the greatest weight of evidence was in favor of immortality by redemption. The lecturer stated that nowhere in the Gospel could it be found that life immortal was taught, and in support of this statement he asked what would be the necessity for a resurrection if man never died ? Of course there would be no such necessity if man were immortal, because those hadalready been provided for in the " Golden City " or else in a " warm corner," according to the orthodox teaching. Immortality of life was never taught except by redemption. • The lecturer gave it as his opinion that hell was only an imaginary place, and that those who disobeyed the great trust reposed in them when given the breath of life returned to eternal sleep. Several questions were asked, and answered satisfactorily. The usual meeting o£ llio Napier School Committee was held last evening. Present — Messrs Laws (chairman), Keirfe, lhomas Sidoy, and Parker. Tho head-master reported the attendance during the previous week was 676— senior school 436, and infant school 239. An application from tho head-master for books for the teachers was referred to the visiting committee for their report. A code of regulations for the management of the school library, suggested by the hoad-masfcer, was adopted with tho exception that it was decided that the administration of the library should be conducted out of school hours, and should be under the control of the head-master. On application from Mr 0. H. Laws for the use of a claas-rooin for a night school was granted subject to his paying 2s per evening. Mr vipers was allowed to leave a fortnight before the termination of his term to enable him to be in Wellington at the required date for attending the Normal School, and the secretary was instructed lo write to Mr Alpers, expressing the committee's satisfaction with him while a teacher in the school, and wishing him success. It' was decided to accede to Miss Reid's request to forward a letter from her to the Education Board requesting that she might he placed oh the same footing with regard to the bonus as other teachers in the district holding a like certificate, and it wa« agreed to earnestly appeal to the Board to place Miss Reid" in a fair position in the matter. It was decided to forward to the Board the names of the Eev. D. Sidey, Mr W.White, and Mr B. Harding, as those for -whom the committee^ would vote -as: members of the 'Education 1 Board. , ■ Several' 1 accounts were passed ; for ' payment, and the committee; ad journed; •'■"■ : ' A committee meeting of the Hawke's Bay Jockny Club was 1 held yesterday afternoon at the 'rojams of, the club, Tennyson street^ present—jCaptai'ft Russell (chairman) ."MesKß C. B. Winter, S. Wellwopd, W. TJ. B.ark&lO. tyMurriy, Wf SKriinptoi}, ■ Allan : $.%<&&, 'and Douglas. A ciroolar J wa#7'md from

from Messrs P. Gh Whetham (" Beacon ") and T. J. Walker ("Mazeppa") offering to publish annually a'• Turf JbCeeord ", for New Zealand, providfld the several Jockey Clubs would support the publication by subscription according to the amount annually given away in stakes, and pointing out that on their basis of calculation the Hawke's Bay Jookey Club subscription would be £LQ. It was resolved that the subscription be paid. A letter was read from Mr F. P. Cohen, making suggestions respecting working the totalisator. It -was resolved that the letter bo acknowledged with thanks. It was moved by Mr Murray and carried, that for the autumn meeting there be three totalizators on the ground, but that ifc be optional -with the machine owners to work two only. It was moved by Captain Bussell and carried, that an aivertisement be inserted calling the attention of owners and trainers to rule 61 (engagement of lads.) On the motien of Mt Winter, it was resolved that the secretary's salary be raised to £150 per annum. Tho programme for tho Steeplechase meeting, to t)e held at the end of June, was then arranged; as follows : — Maiden Steeplechase of 100 soys, 2 miles ; Ladies' Bracelet, value 50 soys, with 30 aovs in spe ie added, li mile, on the flat (gentleman riders) ; horßes to be nominated by ladies; open to all horses that have never won an advertised race exceeding 25 soys in value either on the flat or over country. Hawke's Bay Bteeplechas3 Han r icap, of 400 boys, second horse to receive 50 soys from the stake, 3& miles. Hack Steeplechase, 30 soys. Consolation Steeplechase .Handicap, of 100 soys, distance 2 miles. It is impossible to remain long sick or out of health where Hop Bitters are used. See another . 188 Good Words ~l<rom Good Authority. — • . . We confess that we are perfectly amazed at the run of your Hop Bitters. We never had anything like it, and never heard of the like. The writer (Uonten) has been scliing drugs here nearly thirty years, and ha 3 seen the rise of Hostetter's Vinegar an.l a'l other bitters and patent medicines, but never did any of tbem, in their best da)'s, begin to have the run that Hop Bittera have. . . . We can't get enough of them. We are out of them half the time. . . Ex'ract fr^m letter to Hop Bitters Co., August 22, '78, fr ,dj Benton, Myeiy and Co., wholesale druggsts, Cleveland, O. Be sure and see. 165 Dr Sinclair, the eminent Dentist, will arrive sb.ortly.Bee— Advertisement.— [Advi\l 372 August Flower. — Themost miserable beings in the world nre those suffering from Dyspepaia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-five per cent, of the people are afflicted with theßO two diseases and tbeir effects ; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heartburn, Waterbrash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue, and disagreeable taste m the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, &c. Cro to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower. Thie valuable medicine has cured thousands and thousands of sufferers, and is known in all civilised countries. Two dosos will relieve you. It costs only 39 6d a bottle. Sample bottles 6d. 1O7( SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Messrs Hoadley, Lyon and Co. insert th< catalogue of their wool sale to-day at the Hawke's Bay Wool Stores. Messrs Banner and Liddle will sell at their rooms on Friday next a quantity oi olobhiDg and drapery ; also, crookery, groceries, tumblers, &c. Messrs M. R. Miller and Potts add 50C crossbred wedders to the list of sheep thej will offer next Friday at Beecroft's jards, Ha&tings. Messrs Banner and Liddle will sell at their rooms next Wednesday afternoon a number of ffagier town sections. Mr Ben B, Johnson will sell at the Tavistock Hotel, Waipukurau, on the Ist oi March two sections at Waipukurau with buildings thereon. Messrs Charles Pownall and Co., Wellington, have any amount from £3000 upwards to lend on station property. The Bon Marche insert a business advertisement over the leader. William M'Ginnity lias taken the Provincial billiard room. Tenders are invited for alterations to a shop and addition to a cottage at Hastings. Messrs Murray, Roberts and Co. have a large number of merino wethers and ewes for sale. lh.e G-o-ahead will steam for Wellington at 3 o'clock this afternoon. A committee meeting of the Horticultural Society will be held at the Council Chamber next Saturday afternoon. Several new advertisements of vacant situations are inserted in the " wanted " column on the front page. To clear surplus stock of drapery, clothing, boots and shoes, Neal and Close are selling cheap. SALES, &C.-THIS DAT. Ale, potatoes, furniture, plated ware, pictures, breech-loader, &c, Mr Edward Lyndon, at his rooms, 11. Wool, Messrs Hoadley, Lyon and Co., at the Hawke's Bay Wool Stores, 2. Supreme Court in Bankruptcy, application by W. E, Woods and S. G. Radford for orders of discharge, 11. Tenders close with Public Works Office, Wellington, for timber contract, Auckland passenger station, 12. Call of threepence per' share in Southern Cross Petroleum Company, payable at Christchurch. Artillery and Rifles parade for daylight Government battalion drill, front of Athenseum, 5.45. Band to attend. Mr G. A. Brown's lecture, Protestant Hall, 8.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6781, 13 February 1884, Page 2

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Hawke's Bay Herald. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1834. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6781, 13 February 1884, Page 2

Hawke's Bay Herald. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1834. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6781, 13 February 1884, Page 2