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> We omitted to 'mention in our reportf df yesterday's Supreme 1 C^dui'S 'jprofceedings i that ' th 6: Urand' Jury' t b m s ' 4 : 'tMo'-'bill !

Two more criminal cases* besides jJMt of M'Lenuau, $$$* fomaiii to bo tfjecli The p^onei\s arejJkneryig, charged jvisi ai\sonMiia : |ißavfcl'§tfc/ ! .:cH£l ! rgecl v^itli; slipo'fcr ing WilTTipfpt to^p4# I&iiervigtj: ease^^.qx^cfc'l to .^il-kJ'Il? morSurigY aim" as the£6||||i sixj^^S' spr eclks^ei!^etain64pPHM/Ilcfei};oes' it will proDabl/'occupymc Court all day. Dr. Hectors lecture. on the geology of *tl»e HsUvko's Bay District will bo deuliyeredoO^Euesday eveningr-»in»tlie« read-* ing-roqui- of >the Athenajumsr >r/j?he lecture - iHna{£qfJ^^ , T)clegat6S jrom tiia- yar^is^ieiidly soci6ti6s J ._wifllV tlis*; v VxcepU'<in.._ of Jhe. Ftires'ters-j met l&s"fc night to consider what jattitHdii snould be adopted relative to the (foresters' fete. .Welhavelbeen unable to ifiud out what resolution was come to, lexcept that it is ri6t : 'likely! tb.lead~tq£aV ; moro friendly feeling between the n6w£ "diSimitbdT s»tfe¥ T T Ypsterday ttioririin^ Vhe Municipal Engineer" Cdiidmenced in Emerson-street, ! opposite the Caledopiul Hotel, the alteration of the levels. I A number of lady and gentlemen ama'toursv'.niejf-' %£' Sft "wdhn" ts. "'schbßli^oiil' 1 oh Tuesday evening, to ddniide 1 *: tile pt'eSeiltatidn Of v H;M.S\ Pinafdi'e H by an iamatetti? .company. It was docided tjiat ■if h ptfrinid&Sofi' cbtild be 1 obtained' t6 r pla£ r jthe piece, which is copyright, it should be jgiven at an early "date, and the meeting jthon adjourned until Friday. ; It is notified by Major Boutledge that in cpngequepoe qf the- dangerous state" of they jftutts at the Napier^ rifle range, personal jwillnot be'premitted to practise there lUtttil ropairs . are i ■effected'. 1 / o Major Kout;ledge has received a sum of money from ■the Government to spend on impairing .the butts* -*-' ; ' -'"■'• -•-<>*■-^- .■■■-■■-■— «• i.- ■• -- •■■ I The notorious biishraiiger ]Vtd6rilite Iwho'hfs reedfttly: /been .-(iAu^red^in JV&. itoria, wAs fdi*nierly a resident in Hawlce's jßay, and was at one_tijne employed in the Herald office. He subsequen tly joined the Armed^p^stabulary.iaiidfwas/jifter^ards ; sent on detachment duty to Wairoa, where ihc distinguishediJiinisplf fts ascout against ithe Hauhaus. When on the Herald he %?£ ift/^tPWiy andjiVf.elb-cqndueted^youii^ jnian.. SjA. ttiS)Bt 6xfraordinary fatalify appears jJtO have "attended ,, peach trees this year. •Hundreds of tree's "of all agOS, and ap^ parjentilyinvtheimpsfr.rtourilJhipflNoouditionjto^S; nave diel off all pve? Wd prd^ jvince, and we heat tt.'similarnOpSlpfatnt" jfrom the Wairarap-a and Wellington. No 'blight is visiblejhnp.rrcttniothevoSttdden "Wilting" bf the trees be d^ciiilted fol* jWith any idegr^a-.irbi/icertaintyinr) (jne (suggestion is that the winter was so mild jand free from^osfc^hatHhe^isap'^s not 'struck-back, and thdt this weakened the ititea&nd : caused f: tm3m tfo^'with^er:' : " 7i ; i.fThejt programme .p^thej.n.spoijts at the '^Foresters' fete appers in another column. 'It contains several noYeltiesrihcluding the !"tug-of-war," which with tvrogood teams is productive of great .amusement. An egg-aiid-spoon race, stone-and-bucke race, aud-.^ther ii^ms>; rtp/ wff or^ rgnqg|;. jtojpnlookers a'redlsb db^n: A gentltimaflhas ■gtveh & vSi'y handsqm.ejpup for the girls' |race. t; Mass will he celebrated at Waipawa on Sunday next by the Bey. Father M'Gruinnes4;at;S 1 an i clli'avml^' l"f;Ai»M-.!M "-. : ! Our Parliamentary, telegrams the other day made it appear that tke Premier, rdplyiiig tb Miijirf ,Te jWli^ol'p} sftid the Government intended to re-establish the Waka Maori. TkoJEvejiing Post's report says that the reply was that the Government "did to; it. This is by far the most probable account. It would be a daring act, ; for any Ministry to- re-establish "the Waka after the emphatic decision of the House that the country should no longer pay for such a one -sided' r political I organ -e-'f 6r '. tho /Waka was neither more nor less than a partymachine. ■^•■■■■^'■'■^ •■:!■.::■; >-;-A f •,•/••-:-? A j •J&pnij a 'Soutlierii, journal ,\y;e .loarn 1 that the ,- proposal .-. Ao ; amalgamate ., the r. two morning!.-. journals afc lyWeUihgton-rrivk.', the. Neib'Zeala.kdi l\mes'- and Neio ZeaiancteF^VfiW-' ' shortly- evehtuatei <; ' The Wellington correspondent .qf the. Tfctncfamti Herald further states; thdt^the first instalment I 'of the^purchase "nionay^ was paicT tlrquglTa^7^^nk"niauageriT3tr7iTorhurst, in' order" to cdrice l al'the name of the real purchaser. " ~ ;; A, "ii i'pw.eVjiiL inf qrins jis^! [paU^ pp^ed J dujty of 6d jper'lb .pi, libpsitthat,;his fLenij.use.. -: abp.ut :j tqns.j iflf- 1 hppsi.-per annum. , ; • TheAluty; on. these', at .6& per lb;. woiild- amount^tol'no 'less thand-jSII2O. This; wpuldi be ■prote'etidn' 1 to 1 native industry with a vengearie'e;" : ' : - ■•; ■^ ■■■'■■ '•"'• The ; Auckland Star's Wellington corj Tespondent says that' upon inquiry it is stated t6' be" quite erroneous 'that, large sumß ! were niade by clearances' in anticipation of the tariff changes. The only iirm T there which did well by its clearance Hva's- that' 1 of 'Mr^bull and' Co., and they •are not in any ; way conriectod'with politics p^ppJSti.oians. ThatCifirm alone cleared■fully half the; tobacco taken aut of bond. They . also took gut. .all their oilmen's stores., , They ac.ted ; partly on ; their^own judgment' and 1 partly' on that of a'commercial .friend,^ who, said ..the .duty, on tbb'acco' would* certainly b'erraiss<jlF.sii7. pence. The, .firms. . who, . came worst off ■were Johnstorie 1 atid' 'lievin, each of .which has v 'a represeutatire in the House arid areT Government supporters, having cleared out the day- before the change an unusually large quantity of sugar,, but Remarkably little' of those' articles" pri which the duty is increased,.,, . JohnstonVs ;firni was much the dame 1 . ~ Neither firm made; any tlppg\ o ( ut of tariff . changes, jratner' bhe feVersei v •-!•-• \ The new (duty 6n tobacco oiightv thinks the" Auckland (Herald, , ; i to stimulate the local . grpw^h,, !r p| that plant; ,, in: ;"tbi^ province. ""Mr T. B. Hill informs, the \Herald that it . is largely' grow^ 1 . by the Maoris at' " Raglan, 1 > Aotea; and ; Eawhia, ; who Tise! nothing ibut (the local article, .and, is also freely patronised by the European settlers. They obtained the best seed — Connecticut— from Mr .Kp.tch, of Pa])akurq- r who .has also, supplied mogt pf , the ; native settlements on the West Coast.' .The natives manage the growingpf ,t|ie, plant,^nd .the -drying process pf .tho.lga^^yery rWelij but ; : what is known as, the "< sweating" {of /.the leaf, from ,tlie .time, and trouble required, is the iparticulax^in, which they generally fail to Iproduco"' a first-class article, fiocently iMr..Hill,for\y l arcled ,a quantity ;of castor ioil bfiaiis.tOi. thenn^tiyes.' o£i, the.: above jdistridfcs^ and he is satisfied from his own knowledge of the .soil in ■ those localities Jthatthe natives wjill ;spe.edily establish the iadrtstiy.'^lt'wdultl bew^lt-if other ipeople would imitiate'Mr Hill's example, land induce the ''natives. 'to Settle dPWn to Isystematic' honest labor', 'instetid of filling their' heads with politicarnonsehse, which keeps ; them reaming over tho country attendiiig those, accursed ..political, runangas, wliich i^re the bane qf t the n^ive :pfeople.'- ! ' ' ' ' '''" J ,"■''.' ''\ J ; It affords Us pleasure to state (says the ['Sydney "Mail) that thle 1 eltpei'imerit of' sending! Australian- frqsh naeafc to.Englandis not to be confined to the Strathleven/s sbinment.> A cablegram has been received stating that a tsteamer fitted ~ r up .withKenn and Note's,, drying,. apparatus ,is4o'be sent here l fr6in England 'f op ' a ] C MB°- ... . - ; if - !1 "f-..r'..i-- .!...■. ■•■"> \ A special London .'telegram to i thb 'JEveiiihg.'-J-'o^tl states- 1 thatjl pursuirig ,his Midlothian election tour, Mr Gladstone ,'m'a,de>ft tyigprpps, fltttacK ! ;on the financial^ i administration, pf ith,e Goy.ernment. He i showed that each year the Conservatives ipo.wor there\had bee'ii a'large 'deficit, and he contrasted this state of ! thih'gs ; Kyi,th • the Hla^ge .balance -which' lishS ! Liberals left 'behind -whe'ir they-went outjof 1 --He said that the /irityral jartj f

were determined to storm Sir Stafford;' Northcote's fptti^ss, and expose the in>cpnitnctoilco ; aiid' extrj£v,aganco ..which'. ciiaVa'cteriscd^the ilimtfdtal 'department of tlife iG"6v;ferilnieM A^-the present-. jtim : e,i lllf add^ Jex;anfp]es dphd%asteM- ! xock-' tlssnesl^E thejCori.sHfaUv^yddmitiistl'a-f}bii!cr||||;d|L^-ih through: the -se^thing?o&a\ss *~si»J> MiManagemerit, destitution, arid disquiet in Which tlxey' had involved the country. I: The Press reports that the largogt'trout Avon was cCMght las^Aveek % Mr" Wdgher, of-the .Blardndon. Hote'lj a, little below the dam *at^no'" a Hl)refbM-stre"eV?'bri%o. ■ This pionster, which was' ; talcen with an ordinary fly," weighs "no less than sixteen [pounds, is thirty inches in length, and has .a girth of sixteen inches.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5560, 11 December 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5560, 11 December 1879, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5560, 11 December 1879, Page 2