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P~ UT «o Oonvoyanoea, £L V M E R ' S NAHER AND TARADALE ROYAL MAIL COACHES. TIME TABLE. Fbom T~3adalb: Ist i past 8 o'olook, New Road. 2nd ito 9 |, via Meanee, 3rd 11 „ New Road. y 4th Jto 2 „ via Meanee. Fbom Napier : Ist 10 o'clock, Newton's Corner, Now Road, 2nd 11 o'olook, via Meanee 3rd J past 2 o'olook, New Road 4th 4 o'clock, via Meanee The Puketapu Coach leaves Napier every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 11 o'olook, departing from Puketapu the same days, at 1 o'olook. Fare to Meanee and Taradale, Is Gd. „ Pukotapu, 3s. Special Coaches, Buggies, and Saddle Horses canbe had at Taradale at any time. 64 G. RYMER. ON and after Whdnesday, Ist January 1879, Four-horse Coaches will leave Napier weekly for Taupo, Itotorua, and Tauranga, leaving Napier every Wednesday Morning, arriviug at Tauranga on Satubday ; leaving Tauranga every Wednesday, arriving at Napier on Satukday. Private arrangements to all parts of the Hot Lake District for conveyance of parties oan be made on application to the Proprietor. Fabes : Taupo £2 10s Tauranga ... £5 0s W. KELLY. Booking Office — Clarendon Hotel, Napier. 65 A FOUR-HORSE COACH leaves Kopua for Wellington every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of 7.45 train from Napier, returning Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for 2.30 train. Also, two days to Wellington, vii., the Wairarapa route. HASTWELL, MACARA & CO., Proprietors. EDWARD COLTMA.N, Agent, Kopua. J. O. BECKER, 66 Agent, Mapier. ROYAL MAIL of COACHES between PETANE and the WESTERN SPIT will run Daily on and after this date — Leaving Petane at 8 o'clock a.m. and 2 p.m. Leaving Ferry Hotel, Spit, at 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 p.m. Fares, 2s Gd each way. Booking Office — Clarendon Hotel, Napier. W. VILLERS, Petane. August 30, 1877. 67 GRANT'S MAIL OOACHES T BAVB HAVBLOOK for HASTINGS JLJ RAILWAY STATION in oonneotion with the Train as follows : — Haveloek. Hastings Dep. 830 a.m. Ar. 8.50 a.m. Be. 9.0 a.m 11.40 12.0 lS.2op.rn 4.40 p.m. S.O p.m. 6.16 Fares : One Shilling each way. Coach can b» hired to meet any tram that ii not m«t in the ordinary Time-tabl« for 3i. for ono or three pasiengera, above three the ordinary fare of 1b each. A Covered Express Waggon leaves Haveloek daily at half-past 8 a.m., ior Napier, carrying Goods and Passengers at moderate rates, returning in the afternoon. All parcels left at Mr Chables Palmeb's or Mr Cohen's will be promptly forwarded. Parcels received for Olive, Haveloek, Waimarama, Te Apiti, Pourere, Maraekakaho, and Karamu. Ladies' and Gent*' Saddlt Honm, 7a fid per day. Single-aeated Buggiei,Ul6f per day Double „ 20f „ Covered Carriages for Wedding Parties on hire Horsei broken to single and double harneii Saddle Horaes, Buggies, Covered Carriages, and Ceaohcs oan be had to meet any train at Hastings by posting or telegraphing to Q. Grant, Hastings. 69 GKO. GRANT. THE CHEAPEST rpOYSHOP & FANCYGOODS BAZAAR In Towk, is In EMERSON-STREET. Note the Address : t^"H. MIOHAELSEN,-^ Fakoy Repository, bmerson-stre;bt. 70 JOSEPH CHICKEN, WATCH AND CLOCKMAKEE, WAIPAWA. WAT HE S, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY Carefully Cleaned and Kepairftd. 71 GILBERD AND ANDERSON, Tahadalk Nukseey, TARADALE, HAWKE'S BAY, NKW ZEALAND. nnHE planting season having now comJl mencod, we invite the inapeoiion of intending purchasera to our Large stock of Fruit, Forest and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Pinus insignia, halopensis, maritima, sylvestris, radiata aud tubcrculata in any quantity. Prioe lists forwarded on application. 6

HATELOOE STORE n BTONS hu ON HAHD a large md Well-selecUd Stook of DBAPHBY.I OLOTMIN9, BOOTS, and ( SHOES IBOBMONGIir GBOOBBIBS, Ao., &o. All orders will rewire prompt attention* Gtoodi delivered to any part of the diftriot 78 Napier prioea. . . J. B. y E R N ° »■• ENGINEER, Corner of Hastings-Streetrand Diokenß-Btreot. STEAM, WATER, & GASFITTER, Brass Founder and Finisher. Conservatories, Green Houses, Dwelling Houses, &c, fitted with Hot Water Apparatus on the most approved and economical principle, BATHS AND LAVATORIES FITTED /UP. Agricultural Implements and all sorts of Machines fitted and repaired. Boiling Downs fitted with the Newest Improvement*. 72 WOOL. THE UNDERSIGNED will parchatt for CASH, or ADVANCE on coniigjiments to their Agents in London and New Yorkt 74 J KINROSS ft Oi HASTINGS STORE. RQ OMERVILLE begs to return his . O thanks for the liberal support accorded him since he commenced business in Hastings. Ho takes this opportunity of informing the settlers of Hastings and the " % ~" surrounding neighborhood that he has erected a BAKERY, ano intends to carry en the business of Baker in connection with the Store. THE BAKING DEPARTMENT Is under efficient management, and the wants of customers will be oarefully at* tended to Wedding, Birthday, and other Cakes made to Order. A large Supply of Small Goods always on hand. At the HASTINGS STORE will always be found a good assortment of Clothing, Boots, Shc<"> Groceries, China, Glass, Earthenware <&0., &o. All orders mil receive prompt attention. R. SOMERVELLE, 75 Hastings Store and Bakery. PEIVATJfI BOARD AND RESIDENCE, WAIPUKtJRAU. 'TtHE - ndereigned begs to inform Ms _L friendß and the public generally that he has re-opened those Large and Commodious Premises next the Union Bank' and trusts by civility and attention to merit' a fair share of public patronage. Mail coach for Wallingf ord and Porangahau "1 starts from the door every Monday and Thursday, Good Stabling. W TYNE, 76 Proprietor. NOTICE. " M'LEOD'S PATENT SAFETY TIMBER JACKS. MESSRS FRASER AND TINNB, Phoenix Foundry, Auckland, are Licensed to make and Sell these light, powerful Jacks, so well snited to Bush and Saw-mill work, or on board ship, in Warehouses, at railway stations, or wherever heavy goods, timber, machinery, &c, have to be moved or handled. Owing to the superiority of, and demand for, these Jacks, Fraser and Tinne hare provided all the machinery for tkeir manufac* ture, and are now engaged in making 1000 of them. The parts of the Jacks that are ■ subjected to the greatest amount of strain and wear are being wrought from their scrap furnace. The chief points of advantage in these Jacks are : — l. Their long thrust admitting, if necessary, of the wood or stalk being made shorter than usual, for small timber and *> saw-mills, 2. That they do not run back under heavy weights, thus dispensing with the continual attendance of one hand, on whose care may often depend the safety of other hands, 3. Thoir reduced dimensions and weight reducing the danger of their removal from rolling logs, &c, and making them so much more handy and convenient for carrying and working. 77 THE COLONIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF NEW ZEALAND FIRE AND MARINE. CALL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Directors oE the above Company havo made tho Third Call of Two Shillings aud Sixpence por Share on the allotted shares of the Company, and that the Baid Call is payablo on Monday, the iirst clay of September, 1879, at tho Oilioes of the Bank of New Zealand throughout tho colony. GKO. S. OKA HAM, General Manager. Wellington, 2nd Juno, 1879. <)31

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5440, 22 July 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5440, 22 July 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5440, 22 July 1879, Page 4