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Oiir ' • '. ttautect *,': bok^n, ;^ in. v future be our^ -instead o'E.the, iAzViZ.-aaHithertp.:. ,- ■ ,;l;\ '...'<.• i ': ~ : ".

Our 'Wellington" correspSndent states .that nearly all 'the eleven natives arrested at Hawera yesterday ar'e r "nien of f n6te. I - l

. At a sitting, of -..'the. District. Gpurt yesr terday, before . Mr. -judgment for the plaintiffs was given, in tlie 1 case of Murray,' Oomnlon" andXJdi'vl J. Keating,; a 'clairnfor. £161. Mr Cotterill repre-. sented. the plaintiffs ; ( the defendant f did not appe"ar.^ "The deed of arrangement by which Messrs, Stuart and Co,'s estate is vested in Messrs A.' "Wardrop and E. Pulford, for {<ha benefit, of Creditors, was, on the .appKcatipn ,of jiiivLascelles, be,;o6mpleiielye v xeouted» ' . . .Mary M'Kenlia, a.woman. of .notorious character,- who •has:«.p'revibiisly served a term. .'of imprisonment,: was yesterday sentenced by Mr: Kenriyj ! EvM.j-t6 : three months-h ard, labor. ' Th§> prisoner "is-, the mother ;of the : tw.p;chttdr#n' who were rer Gently sent to th^ Burnham" indiistriar School to s place" them bpydndibhe, reach pf her evil example. ,„ Sergeant O'Malley and Detective;, Grace gave a. shocking account of their; visit io tjhe woman's houses and the neighbors will 1 be, glad to know that for three months at least tneir eye's: will not Be offended by the disgraceful scenes to which they have sometimes been unwilling witnesses. v ,

Mr Eobert Lamb, a"n ! eminent architect of Darlington, ( whose departure from England ' for ;'this colony we referred 1 td a : short tMe" -Mcjcl' "'Here; by- the Celteno. In Darlington Mr Lamb held a high position- .in 'his' profession, but failing-health has, induced, him. to leave a large and' lucrative practice in' the" hope of .finding in,. New. Zealand, -a ..more congenial climate. Before leaving Home" he received, most flattering., presentations both at Darlington and at Newcastle, one of them being from the Northern Architectural Association > of which Mr Lamb had been a member for 21 years. The address, which Avas accompanied with a purse of sovereigns* was signed by the- President and othei' officers of the association, and expressed the sympathy of the members with Mr Lamb in that he should be compelled by ill-health to relinquish, the: duties. of 'his profession, which" he ' had so long and honorably fulfilled in England; and should be obliged tb -geek for 1 the re-establishment of his health in New Zealand. Regret was also expressed at, the loss to the society of one who by his courteous and gentlemanly conduct had gained the esteem of all. Mr Lamb is evidently a gentleman whose advent amongst us may bo regarded as a gain to the community, and while expressing a hope that he may obtain to the full the renovation of health which ho is seeking, we trust he will also meet with success in his profession.

The entertainment .of the Napier Athenaeum, which is fixed for next Tuesday evening, will be held in St. John's school-room. The proceeds are to bo devoted in . aid of the cost of enlarging the Athensem building, and it is intended to make the entertainment an exceedingly attractive one.

The Eev. A. Shepherd will (D.V.) hold Divine service on Sunday next, the 6th inst., at Havelock at 11 a.m., and at Maraekakaho at 3 p.m.

The late Lord Lawrence, of whose death. we had iirforniation by cable- on Wednesday, was at one time Viceroy and Governor- General, of India. He so distinguished himself during the Indian Mutiny of 1857 that he has been styled the saviour of the vast possessions of the British Crown in . India. His brother, Sir Henry Lawrence^ " was killed' in the defence of Lucknow against the rebels. Lord Lawrence had not long completed his 68th year at his death, having been borrt in' March, 18il. :

The London Society of Arts, of which the Prince of Wales is President, have it in contemplation to publish a Universal Catalogue of all books that have been printed in the United Kingdom. The matter has been referred to the council of the society, and the recommendation they make is that before the inquiry into the cost of printing the Universal Catalogue is carried further, the Government should be asked to print a catalogue of the printed books in the British Museum, down, to IS7B. The Museum catalogue alone is expected to comprise 45 volumes of 1000 pages each, 55 entries to a page. The council have had a specimen page of the Universal Catalogue printed, with the view of ascertaining how many copies arfe -likely to be disposedof. " ; ' .

;The Melbourne Daily Telegravhundeistands that a gentleman has recently arrived in Melbourne., who intends to claim one acre and a quarter of land in the vicinity of S wanston aud Little Collinsstreets. He has with him papers which it is asserted are sufficient ; to: proy.e his claim. The value ( of , .the", -property is *about £200,000. If the terms which the . claimant offers? are not . acceded ': to by the: present holders of the land in dispute, a very protracted lawsuit may be anticipated.

The : Wairoa Free Press is informed that Mr W. Light, whose dwelling-house was destroyed recently by fire, intends shortly- to- file an,, action in the Supreme Court, Napier, against the New Zealand" Insurance Company, for damages arising out - of< the alleged neglect oh the part of the company to provide Mr Light with a suitable house since the former one was destroyed. ■'

. Several. V sweeps" on the Melbourne Cup are advertised in another .column, am®ng, -them -.being, one of £500®, organised by Mr Abbott) of the United Service Hotel, Auckland. The particulars, arc contained in the advertisement. . .

A correspondent of the Inangahua Herald thus describes "ye anatomy of ye engineer"— -1. A man marketh out a piece of ground, witli four little pegs, and vorily he calleth himself — a surveyor. 2. The man buildeth a pigsty on ye said land, and verily he calleth himself— an architect. 3. He diggelh a drain, from ye pigsty, and verily he calleth himself — an engineer.

The Chautauqua Farmer recommends filling wot boots overnight with oats, u-ludi will quickly absorb all moisture, nnd spelling-, Svill keop the form good, prevent, shrinkage, ami dry i.he leathor without hardening it. li/tho morning, shake out tiny grain and hang it in a bag noar the lire, to bo ready for the next tiuio of needi ; ■ . . ■ The Marlhorough JSxpress learns that the. poisoning of rabbits in the Awatere district is. having a, telling: effect,, and where Hundreds used to be seen they are now absolutely scarce. The medium is wheat soaked in water, in which a solution of phosphorus has been put, and flavored with oil of rhodium.

, The .Japanese .goose -would apji^ajt tq}; iy&rd. p Ijb isiyery handlb'me, an^equall^ i^tjhome^pn p^ud. or is 'said !to| |withsf^d xJUmata.-bett'erl it&u b|uc| oMHary p^dsej^d islmubh^ more^grapeMi^ "tp;.lay| prolincally afeout Christmas^ and rarely"shows any inclination to sit before^ j|me or July. Its eggs are best hatcheftjiracler ordinary fowls. , .It^yXeM.plJeatMfffjtnd down-is described 1 as i'enbrmoust'^- 1 """'"™'-*"'*'""

The ManqitiTcei Advocate is informed by one of Major-Willis's- frieridgxthat aii effort will be made to bring him forward to oppose Mr'lJallarice" for the representation'o"f" the diatrlot at the iieXt'etebibion.

' An,-^amusing feature d| r'Gferrit.aldila, stay 'in ,We" . Peninsiild; says theWoHd'S isthdfa^;-tßatWis wd-tttned tif lid less a. (letective * nan his Maj^tjr the ? King Umbertq _ in p.erspn . . . _ spend, the ( sunamer moptlts, in the .vicinity t of -Alb'ano '; and ; , it is .reported tnai^in 1 consequence of the' resolution, and for the purpose o$ preventing" him .irom doing iiiisch{ef | :^'the ;^^^ing^ha's 1 jiisl! Villa'lD'briaatiilbto^aniiiUdu^^ ther6^ifh%e" ;: sGSuefen.': ' : '\ /\;^:\/^, An ljQgen^ious dodge tor getting an invitation, to,; a banquet is narrated by V jEgles. Smith; you invited. . It _\yas tpo..bad._ The Governor was coming, the payqr. .was, hospitable, three baskets 6f"chß,mpagnfe'- > 'had been ordered from .town T ;n"e~was dn important 6ffidi'al, ; 'and"^e!Brnevwas--6usi^he^coid But in the BrighClexifidn of was no-sucH w';,%'an<i* tliiC'w.'as'v how he H dii r jt^£hi^^^^ wrote :— "To his 'Worship, the" May6r.~ Dear- Sir,— "EFpb'n-the aUspibious o.ccasion of the first visit of His Exceildn'cy^to^bur neighbourhood, J-feel th,at it would be a pleasure. and , a dtttjNto be present a.t f the banquet.' Could*. -you': kindly inform" mf what is the price "of the 'tickets ? — Yourst &c. , — Smith." ' That; f etched^ tfietMayor. Smith sat opposite^a ! skddle of mutton that day, with the serene satisfaction of one who. -had ; i ought -.and, scored a victory.

; , Mrs Aanie^Besaiit .itaSjibeeii 3m|prtu-. nate of ilate. ./Her; .appij^atipjaj,fpr ; a ; judicial separation from .her husband has . been denied, the. in junction.., asked for by. ' Mr Besant to prevent her. annoying .him : -^■th'aMs, "trying- to see ■ her /children — has ; been granted, and Lord Thurlow recently i refused to acfe as, president \ofrtbejNational Sunday^ League unless she witharew |rom ■ the position of vice-president.-^ -'* "?*

As part.. of. the war uppn the. "JTana;. many Hall " rulein New. York ; city, are,? . solution; recently" passed the" "legislature, ; calling uppn therMay or, to furnish a list r of | the officials drawing salaries from. 1 the city ' treasury-^ofv the ;-city ; ; government. f^The; ■ list" lias just been., made' piiblic7 and' - astonishes, .eyerypne. ; The;. army : of;ofi}ce holders, is.pjaced at 7414, and their salaries nearly 10,000,000. dollars. "This 'does not include laborers on thecp.ublic .woßks'j! for if it did the army would swell to much : more.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5425, 4 July 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5425, 4 July 1879, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5425, 4 July 1879, Page 2