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"^Ve learn from a "Press Agency telegram published in the WelHngfon papers that . Yrhen at. CDS &wamutiu r ihß GSJitdelieiicy' the Governor reviewed the- Waikato Cavalry, Fur(ieErjth'afe, I .th^jrhis,oEixceflejttoy,pjpj9^ pliniented the men_and especially their commandeg gn- the soldierr^e ! .bearijig s of r the trQop.t.,i,Ma3orj > g , H in reply, and called ,fpr ; t^rjee^pneers for his Excellency, which .were heartily given. Major Jackson; is^.the^sameiigentleman whom a f writer ,in the ,Nmo r Zealander, signing himself'" Ngatiawa,^'- declared to be Tawhiao's right hand man, the instigator of the. Maori ...'King's defiance ,of the authority of th.c' Europeans. "We are thus compelled^ td fcelieve-one of two Either,, th,^ Governor, Sir Hercules Robinson/ Who l is*- ; known as a staunch , .supporter, ,of r)1 the , Imperial f pule, over rtiiebcptdniesj 1 , wiili! ; jatkd ;i even' coinplimenteii'. I '^. .&&ss?,:"s& i! phe colony and £o th'e'Queeni j 6ur v ruler'; " v or •fehe letter of ".Nga^iawa". is the emana-^ tion 1 of ;tUe^ Brain 8f Ja ' riaari^ ci fcWer^ fiiia3 "bri iot^lly deVoidMi'^priiiciple.'' vMfe^fpfrmer; hypothesis^ w'.'^o^wild . . .and . in^rob'able 1 that wedp.nptgiy.e one mbmentls Wedence' ! to it. The latter "conclusion is therefore inevitable.;,; The Governor, attended by at; least one Minister, and by, many; friends of the Government j ■would, not have failed to hear of. it if Maj or Jackso.n's . loyalty were' even suspected in the; district Adhere' 'he resides and where .he. is. best known. As ' surely ias he had heard but .a whisper,. Sir Hercules .Robinson would have refrained , -from . using ' ithe complimentary l'anguag-ef attributed to him, and he would not -have been likely to even consent .'to/, review a troop of yolunte^r^.undeßa commander of whose loyalty there I wwavs v any j dputifc. I:M We v Are therefore driven to the conclusion thkt in ~, reproducing the i statements of V'Nga-j tiawa?'we ; have-unintentionally- aidediih giving an extended currency to a £oul-> slander upon a worthy settler and loyal Colonist.. L As -Wethus innocently; , j;oine'd in inflicting a wrong, w:e_as readily open our columns to what is, . in the fullest sense,' .aji'J eifiphatic ' answer ;tp r f "'|^|fa-. tiawa's"; 'charges.^ Major' Jackson ' ( 'w^B. but -' onb ' of ' four' ' genjil^en^nanied , ' fcy; \ *,' We Have 'Heard' hbtHing of Major . Mair , or , Messrs Moore, and Searanckp, but/ as ' "the . 'charges ,of Y Ngatiawa"^ar'e'found to'pe 'false when tested in one" respect', th^y v a*r l e l ' J "as likely •^pbe wrong f in others. " That we have $eVn;niifeled; by '„s&.' unsqriipulous ' waiter, '.'.dissercanaiaiig false jChar^eq . agains'^ four geiiilem ) e I n')is i tb us a sqiirce, pi j^egr^' and though we have not hear||,,'directiy ; 1 or indirectly from, any 'qi r the' gentlemen named, we^nhesitjajingiyitffiide^to tKpm an apology for doing to tlje_m~«fo unintentional though not less real wrong. ; 'Tender's' ;fpr' carjleiiters" work at'tHo 1 AtHenjßuni ,are to .be r sent'in by" noon to-: , ni6rroW, %: THursday to'M. R. Millet,' 7 Ten-, ny son-streete ' 'j[ -- - ; \ , t -- ,^ \, , r -• .- j It as.' satisfactory to receive from an (iufsider, wholly- i . unconntioted with Pawke's Bay, ccnfirmatory evidence of tho excellent quality bf 'the wheat; which can be grown here.^ Mr M. R. Miller Recently seiit r to 'Messrs : Royse, Steady md, C0.,- the wellTkhowri' 1 corn 1 merchants of, Chrisfchurch and sample I;J6'f'1 ;J 6'f ' ■jvheat. grown by Mr.Gemmell, )f Wairoa/ Mr St6ad,' iii ackriowledgihg the receipt of .the.yiieat, says,: — ''.The sample .you, sent "n'W surprised me. It 'is "really lai inagnificentj.samplQ, ( and wo'ulcLrealise 4s ! per quarter' more in the JJdndoh' 8 market than\<thev ordinary run. of- .Canterbury, wheat. Give me full particulars as to howjtb*? land was worked, yield was^aj^d'li^^nianyacres^tiHe^^^ If wheat can be grown on' a large scale at thej ;"\yiair,pa, gpf a'quality^equal. to ,whab you send,. .eyery 7 . acre ;isti3iy,orth,Jß.ip,. I itvould break up 1000 acres next" year if such i wheat can be grown, and piifc jib .'.ail into wheat, and Bondon." Mr R. Brooking" has withdrawn, his, UinV "as ' a.'candia^e Jo^.tn^Me' u^f Councillor' of ' ffie ki B"p^bugh «ToT v Napier. MruM'Yay is tiaerefoye(;'yijrtually ejected, ■ and ah" announcement tot^ that effgct will jje '' made by the returning officer next Saturday, r -,.,■;■ ; , „\\ i :i \\ > v , ; , ; ,y t In referring) to the Taradaleplbughing match yesterday, we stated that it wai^to iionie pff v to,-day^ s The "day 'fixed', is 'to-, morrow'/ I Tnu ; rsday.'' 1 '''•'-'''- L " iJ ' a ; \ ljJl ' " ■ •MrsJN"eill's, J b*allad concert) a crowded house last evening in St John's school-room; so --crowded indeed that many wore.una.blei to obtain 'admittance. Thfe programme as published was carried put, .with the, exception of the omission of th'e^rib' "Daxne Diirden " in the second' part. , Songs were very well rendered by Miss QaultonV'Mr Monteith, and Mr Gilpin. .The duets by Miss and Mr H. Martin, and by Miss Raven and Mr Gilpin were exceedingly well sung,, Mrs Neill's song, "The last Rose of. Suijamer," was deservedly encored, as also •were Mr Gilpin's and Mr Elson's songs. A j ianbforte selection, " Mollie Darling,' ( by Miss Martin, also received an encore, which, from the rarity of such a compliment in the instance of an instrumental performance, may be considered a good indication of its merit. Ihe usual weekly entertainment at the Working Men's Club will take place this evening. Thore will be a number of son^s, and a reading by Mr j. W.\ Carlile. Ii if ormation was received in town last eve] ling that a man was drowned in the Tut i Tuki while attempting to cross the river near Patpngata yesterday morning. Seai'.ch was made for. the body, but it had mot been recovered at duslr. Oujr Tahoraiti correspondent writes;', "It jhas been raining hard here s,ince' , last (the 17th instant). The

Greeks .are tank high, and the Manawatu is in flop's. The river at the Gorge is ; Yery,;gi:asa, although awful to lp^k^at. 'heijrat^r has risen over 30 feel||maj|is iillf^|pi|', The coach has not been' |p|e further than the lower ferfyj l#j||n§|tp the flooded state of the rSpj |Dliftui]^the time it rained ha'rdejpMi Tuesday* a Scandinavian's house l^the^ DanevirK settlement was totally destroyed by fire." *■-;•• The^Eevisionv Court -for the.. ..Napier.,,, electoral district was held yesterday" before Mr Oliver. There were no ob- ; j ebti6liß.^ ! -A'; numMr>6f^-nemblaiins '.were admitted, and rejected^for informalities. A JP u naber v of*names of dej The 'objections to the land tax valuay* tyons in the Hawke's-Baydistrifct number fiflt; ; ; Tbjey; are/ohiefly, ground: of excessvie valuation, or, naistalten I We are requested to» state /that Messrs > Banner and- Lufdle-will i continue >>to-;:i morrow the sale of M* Krdgh's <■ stock in-. trade. The sale will be Held- in Messrs Banner and Liddle's rooms, Tennyson'- 1 > street, commencing at 11 ft,mV'-"'- ■ '■ "-" s A telegram we received from.JGhrey- i 'j mouth last night siafced that^thei/Jluitedr, Alpine Company,, at itnVLyett,) had^a/* , of 780 tons of i stone, which J29.723 ounces of -retorted gold! The reported yield is'ifarTtoorf w_oridrous to be $orrft9fc --i«4. punej^ielding^ liketiiat.. WQuldr. be a fabulous fortune tp^tlie.. ;4 lucky possessors. po.Qnef i Brushing/ j i^ei '• should:) think,;iiw»'uldjtb'e': ■ sufß.cie'nt ;f ojpjta i modern I ately avaricious man. VcihiV/ — $<• sni.-| j The fpllpwmg^land-tax! puzzle "ivwas submitted; }t,o»ra,:rlegaL >» ( gentleman- md WelUngto'niinafconne.otioriuwith; the> late [ fire'': : r4lfithe,OperaHo.use l were'Standing ) ' what would be a fair ground rent for'the He^ ; H6iel f 6*' an%ptffl» business- I*^ -i^nd «wn'a^ t -is "a^ fait Aground rent now ? The . reply was 'to^the " effeof neftriy^wice'jis' muctifWithWa theatre" as ! Du : fee ! -ahd' i: l)uciiess;affii £ a Crimean officer, are at, present inm'atS^^of . > d. WM^ the revocation of the Edict,.of-; /Nantes, i £ ndj^st a^he^yfli^rriJpriaVp^eVslOTiS; j,re, now in Leeds worthouse. ■:> jthpijfffi ge^^ma^.vj^n.tiiiAgexpaMe^iJ^vb;^^ tamed his living as a painter, ?and [the taifr^aStaffed ttb'ah'ayenalways borne -Us nigh, character. The Crimeari'officerflis eapfain^Strin r gef/;'^who'o[' g lßrvedW- w ith3 disjiitfetioniitf^h r e^^r.t;c^^iß,p^falyse r d, and was an inm^^oT^ne'Rov'a'lßibspilal fof "incurables^or foiiF' y^arsVlatid his c trustee had .paid,, that n'o'spitai' I'OQ gu^»a'year%r3fim !; a'ut,^ inCo'mVyto; payment had, .ceased ipr a time, and ' dap^iui'Stri jigir, [ wheeled in hii^ niyalid,.oH.ajr^(|iis,,p.wjf proper,fcy) •sQ..the" J ' gajfefgi :plaphan^orkhQuse,;an<ithpne;lift helpless and; uriattende^ii. The ; chairman su'ggeate'd that, tlfe/ gentleman ushouldibe admitte^fto-.the under protect, anjd. a strong lfetferf- written to the/hpspitalviJi i 4nd this r> sfagg'eWion or was r "' r a'd6pitedj i and Cap'faiff-'Stringeip^w'no- had ; been 1 ! ljaf fcq at I the gate, only watched oyerby,the|pdrter 'of the workhouse, for about- an 'fiidtir', ! ' ; l o i?.''.'i i :■'.■>:' i. '/-ij\f A feature of interest in the last official meteorological report isthatthe Chatham.;' Islarids-appearlfor.tKe first time' in these> returns. ' The observations taken at-Wai-jarigP (Gh'athim Islands^ 1 for ' January, 18'79,, :! &Hew :ttiat' the chmiate ; is miich cplderiSian-iri^anypart'of these islands at a similar f altitude,^the being, nearly the 2 saine/as' that of Christchuf 6h'. ' For 'instance,' when the .mean temperature if jtl^e ; ; a^t j.j^he .JSjOuthlanot; observatory was ( 47!deg^e_e«i»i r WP'.lpyeßt in' !N"ew Z§a-' land? that ;at jtyaitangi was 0n1y. 5.6/7. The highest.shacle j temperature recordedi ■|v^8.69 degrees at/Waitangi, as compared with. . 89,0 degrees. > at.; Christchuroh',. the mean daily range being the same, as' at Hokitika, -25' degrees'. ''No radiation reitfrns ar,e i( given,./. ,Th.c atmospheric humidity was nign, *Brj but 'less ! than at Hokitika, , where it .was :84, r and the jraihfall wa^ slight,- 'only I'll ; inches^in] nine, d^ySj while^e, mean wind volpcity* „ was t 276 l miiei l 4 l a *iy» * a ? inaximum'beuig 660 on the I4tn in aN.E' gale.' \ \ A spQcial , iefegram ; to /the associated jveningip'apers'fetates that a serious out- " sreak- .of cholera has ooourred among fe; ) B < rj%h j , f^or^es,. occupying ,the } K:y;ber, f &^i {iriiiuii!a iUO'Bi f ,;w V,f A'"io 'n-U "i. An English yicar testifies -.that, he has r 8e r en a pait', 6i ! ows^. when c th'e time f aiid they found ttheir youug>obr'6o'a.'>Jtbo'.weak.}vto : fly, piaster the nest up with mud with the six young i (wallows in it 1 . M Returning' ih : the spring, ;hey aroused the r yp|ijngj swallows, which 'ver.e f,ouna'tp ; beTi6tLe'tne'w'orße for their ;' '. ort^ hibernation. There is a suggestion' : : ilso thai; the:, .swallows, were acdiistomed generations 1 agb ! *TO 1 and H tho,ugh, r fchey"haye" discovered. j&B---prefe'rabiHty~ck niigration 1 to-'a ls wdrmy i slimate, . they, axe* yet, ,able ,tp - retiirn fo*" the old 'hkbit 'id case of «eed. " " T ' k The^urioiis'f^siojiiot'/ian earl conducting iausid/ , whitoh he had himself com-, posed, wajJ.S^en in London lately.. The inati was the Earl ~of Durimbre; the >' . her Majesty's . Theatre, 1 between., th ? q, & e^Sd and^.tfeirdA'|ici;s v (of ; Ibheti^phl.m^^Qjrl;" ;andvthe,<m}jßpi jwaffa^eading^arbh 'composed in "honor j bf .jbhe/^henltASoyal'i jnarriage. VvThai I piece is reported to. have, been successful. • Here'is^^'ialest contribution' f tothe ? |" Tramp " series of ,api;e;ojdo,tes. Coming from America it' niusti Of course, be verajcious: — The Michigan "tramp does not 'sit ajtjill and let mojs accumulate on his backj while all the rest of the world goes 1 kti'ead. ,i,A few days-'ago a genuine s^eci-, men of «the ironrplated traveller of higX- '■• to&tys called 'at| ;a honse • and asked fqjr. jdinner. ' ' '*' No ./ood to wd's the" reply, "Can't you give me. an old'"ooat : ? ?>1 I" No." pair of boots ft-'/:/^ No.", ' r'Caa'tkybu .spare me even a pair,, of 'socks ? tT - ' "No." ', "Nor a 1 piece of ' ) Ibread?" '"N"6." The, fellow's chin. "lejl., as he fumbled in his pocket, and r His Voice had 1 a lonesome sound as'h'epulled 1 'put a small autograph! album and said.: J "Well/ if you can't do any better, -THJ. •• (have to be satisfied with your ortergraff. Please use blue ink." i Prussia is one of the healthiest of cpun-. . (tries. It has 'only one physician to each 5000 inhabitants. , Is this 'pause ' or ? • '. <" •"'•■" '•-■ ' ■ : ■ Prince Henry of Netherlands was ono of the wealthiest princes in Europe. iHia property Jias been usually estimated in Holland at 100,000,000 of gulden (nearly £8,300,000). How much of this will be inherited by his young wife, the Prussian princess, will, of course depend less upon the provisions of Dutch law for such cases than upon' the stipulations of the marriage settlement, which, so far as has transpired, were drawn up very favorably for the interests ,of the. ! princess; ' . . ■ • j The Auckland ' papers . are celebrated fpr snobbery, but the following from the Star surpasses anything previously seen in that direction : — " Yesterday morning the member for Newton was introduced to His Excellency the Governor, and the following brief but characteristic remarks were made by the former while addressing Sir Hercules : — Mr Swanson : "We are very much disposed to like you; arid hope ' you will like us ; bub of one thing we're Very certain,. that you will like, the place.' Colonel Whitmore : 'Mr Swanson is always enthusiastio about Auckland.' His Excellency : ' You are one of the members, I believe, Mr Swanson ?' >Mr Swanson : i 1 Yes, by you must not judge the constituency by' the member. '" And this is heralded by a flourish of capitalletters \

The great clook and oarillone in the tow £ r **■■, P^ G Manchester TowiiHall, the .^# e ?fe^ ork .°* M'^ndfinKthe world, ' WW «j| Nfei^K^ay by the fflprWay S °^WVte orowdSfi' • ithe-o&iUons. The Mil^lM^?^^ 11 %•s§s&' are struck, ; fn*aJHiOTt chroin^iid'Maie'of 21, reaching half a note of two ootaves. The i|^wing are the tunes '.—" The har'inotiious blacksmith," " The harp that once^tlftou^^^ "topt't " Canadian -bbat song n "i and Modern, 42), " AuldXang Byne," "(Drink to me oniyj'^'"Mn\iie Laurie," -' C ion-the:banks of Allan Water."' 1 O rest ' 'in^figilidrap » dH ■mit^e' v stiiiy^ighS^ f i' M Christiana/aWakbj'i '^Tie'Sjß&^ns are telling," ''Here's-a- health," "Old I^ un #ea&y<jSee r%ro§onquenng^grp cpmes," "To all you ladies?' " God. saw T the Queen," " The^rose of SAJlandale," )'f THeP<las£ rose of "9%1»y rJoneßV'^'-'Me bludb^^^ : ! i "^^ r^SP °.f w^tjaplrduia^^eT^taSfO flaste'rk'^Bengal, on Mai 13.-^6 ;magistrate's official report 'lays :— Some sHailstoneß:rf6lli^asßlarg6.'asl(driofeetlballs. ;The storm lasted 3 snly o abfluio'is minutes, TO^s taaoko < was X; apiJajenily..notanare, H th?,ni.§oQ t yards,Tiride.7 Barge teeesjj®gsgM uprated.; bamboo-. VclinQfs! swept. dQWßjO v hkelO^rass, andj»hp€ses -with. thftO '' grp^d, ...Twen'tyiftlScj persons-ldUed rfriebO (llwoundedra&bWllle falling4iWß»l f^Wses. •numW^lii jdattle 1 were lolled, amongr'the •victim$ Si !Ht* > a tiger. i tk-a ... TaJiktesn&Jl

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5417, 25 June 1879, Page 2

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MAJOR JACKSON. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5417, 25 June 1879, Page 2

MAJOR JACKSON. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5417, 25 June 1879, Page 2