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I.BY Cable.] . •; . r^EUTEE'S TELEGBAMB.I v l • BRISBANE, April 29. The yield of sugar in the Logan district last year was, 14, 000 tons, and the estimated yield for next year is 16,000 tons. : Heavy rains have fallen throughout Queensland. [SPECIAL TO THE MELBOURNE " ARGUS."] MELBOURNE, April 29. There is no clue to the party who shot at Monck. He fired twice behind some bush,' and Monck returned the fire, The '■ spot is lonely. The horse bolted on being wounded. Mr Higinbotham, late Engineer-in-Ghief of Victoria, is a candidate for the Legislative Council, vice Mr Cole deceased. The retiring President of the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce estimates the reduced value of last season's Victorian owned wool at upwards of three quarters of a million, as compared with the- previous year, and that the partial failure of the wheat crop has caused a' loss of over a quarter of a million. Mr Benn, of the firm of Grice, Sunmer, and Co., was elected President. Lord Normanby has been sworn in Governor of Victoria. Mr Berry is better. [SPECAL TO THE MELBOURNE a AGE."] CONSTANTINOPLE, April 27. An insurrection has broken out at Scutara, and the Turkish troops have been ordered out. [By Special Wire.! AUCKLAND, April 29. By the arrival of the Hero this morning a splendid lot of young racing stbok came to hand. It consists of colts and fillies, which have all arrived in splendid condition. The Government party have changed their plans. Sir George Grey and Mr Sheehan. leave Auckland f or»whai tO-

?mbrtow afternoon, and go to Hamilton i -toifeae railway sod turning on Thursday, ; arid'on Friday they push on to Jfoenative meeting, whether they are in^p^not.? ' The **Herald's representative^e^BS; to-;. umprrow. •' r 'M\ - 'The land sale held to-day was TJrelij at- . though there were lb'£s x offered. They realisee £1809T^William Craig Johnston, who was seized at mid-day with apoplexy, was| taken to the hospital and died in two^ minutes after admission.

The Hinemoa is expected to leave Auckland for Wellington on Sunday next for the purpose "of bringing the Governor to Auckland. He is .expected to stay about a month, here before the opening of Parliament. : <

; The mail steamer left forSan Francisco at half-past "four this afternoon, being detained two, hours in consequence of the non-arrival of the mails. She carries with ' her Mr Gropdfellow (the racing man), Dr StodKwell (an ; old Auckland resident', who received a cablegram the other day that his .father was' dead, and: that', he';' had become the possessor . of extensive iproperty in Scotland), Mr Edward Isaacs, • a very old identity in ;Au6kiand,. and Missj,lßaacs. i. ■ ■.;„..' .[,;,-• , , | " * CfeRISTCHTODH,: April,29. Since march, 3 lst (thirty rthree. typhoid and 9 diptheria; cases 'have been reported to the Board; of '-Health^ in '> the Christchurch district. • •.■-•- • •• ' , . ;> Instruments valued at five pounds 'haver been stolen - fjPpm the - ' Meteorological Observatory^ Hagley park. "Boys are: suspected of lie robbery. • ' '•'■.:•■'!•- The Q-overnor will arrive in Christ-" 1 church iat if pur o'clock /bn«:' Saturday and receive addresses at the, railway station.. He will attenid'a citizens' ball on Tuesday, and a banquet on, Wednesday. , T' 'A ' large. , number ;of. ], pipes for the Drainage Board have arrived at Lytelton. ■!■.•■•

At the township, of ; Winchester yester-. day, a combined; .threshing-machine and; straw elevator was,., destroyed by fire; -.j The engine was saved.' ' It'ifi supposed to ■ be the act of aid 'incendiary, as thfe implements had not been working-'.f6t>'B week', and were standing^in -a vacant allotment. It is not' known where insured. , \ . :

The LytteUori' Times* this ; ' morning .publishes a:- cablegram' which would" formerly, have beea hea4e4" Special, "as " Melbourne Special, " Vl and with, it the . following laeder as a 1 reply to the snares , and as&rfciohsof the evening paper league. ! This is the first notice taken so far of the: matter: — " The alterations in the head- 1 > ings, our cable, messages which .are made, J to-day-jinusy not be taken by our readers as allowing any. change in;* the sources .of ; the intelligence; ,- Our, ,cable messages are from two sonrcesTr-Reuter's . and .the Australian papers. . Those which' we publish under the 'Router -heading are supplied 1 to us in common with all the, newspapers of Australasia that choose to pay for them; Those 1 which appear in our columns as ' Argus Specials : ' ; are published simultaneously in the .Melbourne ' Argus/ the '. Sydney Morning "Herald,' ,and the newspapers of the New Zealand .Press ! Association, a privilege for which tfte Association.; papers pay. a respectable sum.of money. All other cable messages •• are clipped from the other > Australian .papers. It is unnecessary to remark that telegraphic news once published ; is the property of all who are enterprising enough to use it. The Australian papers in question act oh this principle bj taking from the London journals the telegraphic intelligence collected, in various paints of the worid by? the. correspondents of those journals. By clipping from the columns of these. Ausrtraliam. journals the agent of the New Zealand Association subjects these journals to>the same treatment which their agent in London adopts towards the 1 London dailies.; ; For this very ordinary proceeding of their agent the Association has been abused in a most vehement and unprincipled manner; ' It; is . linnecssary to , take' these critics for 'our giiiides in matters of morality, for. they have taken the most effectual course ' to demonstrate their own utter, want of principle. The fact that they 1 "Have teen base enough 'to fabricate a, report, and get it published in New' Zealand by forging, the/ signa-, ture of the Association's agent, and that they have been shameless enough to glory in their handiwork, is sufficient to prevent these critios from, even being heard on the side of virtue. . Those who concoct falsehoods and forge other men's signatures are, however, fond of prating of principle in a form of hypocrisy very prevalent in the world, as the men were well aware who drew the characters of the villain • lago, the slimy Tartuffe,, the 'umble Uriah Heap, and the immortal Becky Sharp. The imitators, of these amiable people who are, associated with certain evening prints in this colony have trotted out their special hypocrisy for a special reason. 'Having failed by payment to make provision for the simultaneous ' publication in Australia and New Zealand of the cable messages which- • certain Australian journals obtain without S their assistance from London, they are angry because other people avail themselves, of the journalistic privileges of | using the scissors with diligence. Notwithstanding the clamor they ,-; have, raised, and the nefarious praptices to which they have resorted, we shall conI tinue to use the scissors. The telegrams '; supplied "' to ' the . Australian papers in I question shall, continue to appear in our : columns, but as we find that these telegrams are^less 1 reliable than those supr' plied by Beuter's agency, and the agent r of the 1 Melbourne' 'Argus' and the. * Sydney Morning Herald,' we shall in future, name,, whenever practicable, the papers from .which our agents in Australia clip the ' cable messages. Our readers will thus be enabled for the future to discriminate between the telegrams we place before them." At the inquest on the body of Bush, a verdict of found drowned was returned. It was stated at the inquest that as far ) as the police knew he was not married. The letter found on the body has led them to suppose he was Bush. He was very well known in the town, and no apparent cause can be very well assigned for his death, as he owed very little and did not drink.

The hats of the police are henceforth to be decorated with silver numbers, a consignment of which arrived from Wellington to-day. ■ : .

The following are the nominations for the May Coursing -Meeting, each gentleman having one entry except for the' Queen's Birthday Stakes No. ~l:— Messrs Porter, Duncan, Beard, Hall, Simpson, Hill, M'Connell, Judge, Laird, Deacon, and Birch. Birthday Stakes No. 2 : ; — Messrs Kett, Oamara, Walker, Judge, Laird, Oassidy, Hurst, Hill, Deacon, Duncan, Beard, Shudinistry, Porter, and Simpson. Publican's Plate. — Messrs Oameron, Wagner, Porter, KavenhUl, Fraser,. ... Hill, Bull, Roper, Obrien, M'Connell, Deacon, and Miles (2). DTJNEDIN, April 29. The Governor has been paying visits to the Industrial School, Benevolent Institution, the, Forbury Park Racecourse, and other places of interest, the Mayor and suite accompanying him. Lady Robinson received from 5 to 6 his evening. His Excellency, Lady Robinson, Miss Robinson, and suite, have accepted the invitation of the Choral Society to be present at the final concert of the season to-morrow evening. It is rumored that a traveller of a large Dunedin brewery has absconded. His defalcations are said to be over £400. It is also stated that he has gone out of the colony. A traveller of the same firm is still serving his time in the Dunedin gaol. In the Supreme Court, Alfred Linaford, charged with, horse stealing, was sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment. John Donahay, robbery of £18, one year. Henry Ryan, robbery of £6, acquitted. QQBX9&, borse-stea.ling, Q Btfatfis,

INVEIROAI^II'fj April 29. The Kaitangtita.reuel fund, when the lists are completed, willVprobably reach £660 to £700. £&; \%>\ '[ A shocking accident!' occurred on the railway this i morning /to a man named /' Alex. A. Samiltdri.' He. was engaged in h| . shunting, andJiad:<ioupled the engine «byi the ffrdnt cb'u^Utfg'Bib a truck, and in ' stepping clear his foot got jammed, the -crossing engine, cutting away his foot lower part of his leg. . He was taken to :the hospital, ■ Amputation Jwill be necessary. „ ,- y.>v l^ . : l , '■■.'; ". V \ ... "Mr Eeeshas purchased" two^mora large . . runs— Douli's of 24J000 acres and 7000 \ .sheep,;for £25,000, payable jn72, :3i and ' 4 'years, and' Clarke, .arid; ©oobbie ? 's of . 2500a 1 cresj freehold^ r and 9500 acres leasehold. ■■w t uNEW PL¥MOUTH^ApriI 29. The land on which Driscol'a survey party were engaged^being chjefly owned by. a.. Government 'native named Hone Pihima,he objected foj their removal, arid , it is believed the. surveyors have resumed ,pper£tions£ari^ ■by.Te Whitilor th'ein to clear off. "" '" ('5 OAMARll7lpril29. At to-day's, meeting, of. the.Chamber of y Coinnierde li 'wa^ ! ' stated'" that a good number of articles had been promised for ! the' Sydney; Ilkhibitibn. •• : It '•v^Wjdecided , to ask S& Jtilius %&gel' to re^resatit the Chamber'at ihe approaching conference ;in London.' .. , i .-.Ar • Jjaja ! " ' r ;^; iypLL^aTON;Ap||s29. It isVnpiVintended to commlgpe the ; coji(3ctioa- ; "oi i/th'e : .'Jakd"tax djpngjthe : present financial yea-r/ .'Tk^dm^pM^J will probably -be fixed upon as the date forpaying ; the.first;instalmejit;Sßr|l 3 -Mr Thonias Mtzgerald^>kite\tSur£eyor- : 'Gener&l.and^member eof vthe Mmii% in (aueefi'sland' 1 ' 'first ! SupferiniiendenHf of Hawkes 1 -Bay, ; and I! an • bldJ^^elliSgton ■ settW;^s, aV:preserit ; 6^a !^t^taWei-: . .lington. ... { '\, ..,....,.,„'..,,',* I, cTlie^iVew'jZea/a^'Zt^l^M . . stated;.that|Mr'j f |QvfMl'j^ ■had j;be.en;» appoinjbe.d v-P.^ps^ iH^S9f>^-*v - Commissioner f or Jne^/Aucldan^KQyiiM^i ciat'Pistriot; r - Therei is .'not othe. slightest^ truth-iii; the Statement. 1 ; t4ftl'> ?fiorigtrf -;.,•.. ■ '•; The; (3ußtpmß' f authorities'3do"«"iiofec6n- -^ J sid'erit'necdssa^hatiny'fiMh^^^^^ inquiry 'snbiSd;be , held (^buau% v |fi#l6sß ' of the' sphßbfte^Kul^j^e/^derfd^.^yfen, 'at, the;;p"reym^ary|p;ri^aW^ , . from any npgligeiicg'j!/,;;-)' nV'SptWj Information has',{.beeiijrs^^§C?4- *^ c . destructionjby fire ..of Hotel ia • WairarapajV!!lt' was insured for £1500 in -tne',Yi6to'r]wij.>,;lmperial, Col6nialsi.|and Union Companies. - - ---'"»

'- !^-iu > w ! m\a > ti^-iiak^a^f^|)roke''into': Mr East's house 1 at'Kaitolceftiast night," and offered a- desperate resistance to an, attempt to capture him7 and Mrs : East were a : good deal lmojd%dVabout : and the former severely ■ 'biirfen^&^With the assistance of some neighb'&rspswho heard the-' noise, .the .. man, ; who is named " Jas.'Har£; wasisecured.j $ . i{ /:> -. ; "/ fc >!l The following appears in;\.tQ-night's ■Post: — "That a general election almpst 'immediately, after next Session,;of<Psflrliament isj inevitable, appears to b&ja^epied . r on all sides as^ed ( fact. _ Thaj; are-, distnbutionjof .representative m'usl in all fairness and 1 justice' form accessary pre- ♦. limiriary to such/election, is a 'proposition which finds almost as i unanimous a cceSta- rtion. It is understood that this [important and delicate questionvhasTecdyed^andis . • receiving* careful consideration^ in the Oabiriet, ; ancL-v.that .the .'course: to be adopted has; been agreed upon^with tdlerable'.de^iiteness. \lifik currentij^reportedin weU-i^ormeji.politi(^^^scles that Ministers will bring- down a specific proposal, pn this head,; based ; generally on . relative ■ population, , so ifar'. as this'^canbe adhered to without any very extreme disturbance of the status quo. 'Eor^inv stance, the present proportion of members to popula^Lon is, roughly sD^aking,"a!bbut one to every 60601' TSTany "country' districts, however, are, represented; atrttiie . , rate .of,,' a, member ,to- r very. t mucb(fewel^•people than this, and in ; order ;to make the change less violent; .we> believe that the present disproportion will be-reduced 'gradually] by giving the ; bbuntry'districts and, smaller places a little more^hap. they are entitled to, although* muijh'iess than they at present. pdssessVwniietn'eTOwna and large centres of > population would have foEr-the. time somewhat less O '^han their precise proportion of representation. Under this .system thje ;. existing gross inequalities would' be materially lessened, and might be finally swept away, before a second general election. At;|pr^ent, . Wellington i with,it\ suburbs, and 'Nelson with' its" suburbs,' each:-. return i three members, although . ' the>i .'population of the former is more than 'double that of the latter. The/, plan we have indicated would give '-Wellington and its suburbs an additional member, or four in all, while it would take oneyaway from, Nelson and its suburbs^ limijfing, the latter to two represeritatiyes^' : Simn(ar readjustments would take place in the Wier cases now so justly complained of. 'This measure, .however, would i be. 'merely a temporary one, and we understand that Ministers .have under consideration a scheme by which thej future Adjustment of representation to population 'shall be removed from the arena of Parliamentary debate, and- -this principle once fixed the ; allocation., of '.representation would/ be placed in the hands of. a, permanent non- . political commission, who : should; take the distribution of population as; their "'sole basis. ' This course <would tend tb reniove a question which ought to be a national one. away from the chances'of party strife, and' to ensure its settlement; on\ the . grounds, of fairness and. .justice.".'^ The same journal states that it' has reaspn to - believe that the. new electoral scheme to be proposed by Ministers /wUI; be found 1 to be based upon ;the principle of a residential and rating franchis^the f.reeholdy leasehold and. household-quali-fications being wholly omitted because of being' partly > included :in 'the ">• others, which, however, 5 are so elastic ; asto eQ tend the suffrage to many who could'not : obtain it under any of the three qualifications"now ' proposed to be rendered obsolete. For instance, the household qualification, is included with the,.residential ;' but the latter wouid 'embrace also lodgers, who; under the residential principle would bbtain all the benefits of a lodger's franchise. On the 'other hand, property, whether freehold or leasehold, would find its interests duly represented under a rating franchise, whiph,v we understand, will be sq ordered as to allow a person to exercise a vote in each eleo.toral district, within whioh he may possess property. ••■...".';•„•

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5369, 30 April 1879, Page 2

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TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5369, 30 April 1879, Page 2

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5369, 30 April 1879, Page 2