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At one of the festive gatherings held at Waipukurau in the month of February

last it was suggested that it would^be'\a*||rf good idea^o raise a team of cricketers ":f?||| from Waipukurau ?snd its surrouridingsJ^S and make a trip to Wanganui," playing ;[||f| ,tlie various .townships by the Avay.,,- ;Np : t^|| sooner had the idea been started than MrS^ S-insbury of Napier, who has his couhfryv||l residence in ' 'Waipukurau, set '.about^M arranging preliminaries ; that is \to i ;aay'X4M he cxaniined the team, corresponded with >4f|| Ihe various clubs on the proposed Une!bf.'?;||| route, and otherwise 'took immediate x'!s steps that the project, should ribt'faU y§§ through. /'(,'< ; t ''■". X^m On Saturday the lsth' insp. , the follow- :0l ing team Avas got together.^ Waipukurau c^f for a bit of practice :^Sainsbury (capt;), ; 7^| Carr, Fulton, Craven, /C:?Herbert,:v J. |;p Herbert, Mackersey, Mackay, T. Crosße, m|§ G. Crosse, and King, and bjr the evening-:^ train, same date, these 6 entlemen started... |?| They arrived at Kopiia at /the usual hoiir, 'x& and had to put up with sciinjiy acco'minb;- ! -%M dation, as tK_re was an influx of yisito«|7^| for the Napier races. ] At %.80 a.m. on.Sf|§ the 16th a start was made by the' coaoh, -*|i| with five capital horses^ and the well- ||:p known Jehu Jones to pilot tlieih. - ;, v ; J0 After leaving Kopua, the; drive is .almoßt;'^ entirely through bush, along |a very good 9^|f road. Norsewood'is f the 'first settlementvf | reached, and as mOstpf the'Kamblershad?;^ not previously visited; these parts; 'the Tli-f Danish settlements were ! 6bjec,ts of interest .77^ to them. A large amount of \ labor Beems rpf tqhave been expended , in. _ Norsewo6d i andT^i Danevirk, judging from ' tne; . amount ;x>f^§j| fallen timber, but there is still, a lptUeftl^f for thorn to do to niak.e their holdin^gfl presentable. At Te'Wiiaka:rua^tapu^iitJ^ 10 a.m., the Ramblers^'clianged ,h^yi,f^ and after a few minutes-spell were again i 0 bowling along, through simUar country,}®^ towards Tahordite, which was reaohed;Lat;|*| 11.30 a;m., and where they found a •cpaclfe^ load of passengerabouiidifpr Napier _ rabe&YJllf most of them familiar faces in the bettinglM ring. Of course the! tempting doiible,!;^ about the (h)urdles and* handicap^wasjS offered, but no one was'oE' "% halt b_\2^|f| minutes at Tahoraite sufficOcl to • change:^ horses, and' with' a new driver a JBtersl|| was made for Woodvilie. ( The 'drive. oiiS| this stage is exceedingly pleasant, and one7|| can almost imagine oneself ; driving through'il a park, so thick the shriib/laiid so BmpptKfl| the road. Woodville w'aA^reachediatl^b^ p.m., and dinner having' b&^ the Ramblers fell td^yitfrkW and made short work : of aii e^ceilentfeedft put on by Host Miirphy. 1 : ;;were||| hitched up at 2.20, arida start inade-ifpr|^ the famed Manawatu^^.Gorge^not, ihowf^ ever,, without some' misgiving iwit^| regard to the . wherea^qufa \;iot . | a^| mob of 300 head of cattle"'^hlch on ahead; and sure'enbu hundred yards past the bridge they^ere||| overtaken, and it being quite] impossible i| to drive through them7 r Jti^ pocketed the., did^t|iei_||i| best to help to get .the 1 on ;a!|ittie^ quicker. Altogether, the -jbun|ey ' : througfi|||| the Gorge from; the bridgei 2 occupied L twb|3 hours and a quarter^Um^ be said, for the due. I ;^ntbm^latio^of^|e^ grandeur of the^ceher^VDtit^ biers', minds jusValiple;^ lower ferry was reached :at!4.i's,' and A iKd'tjS was made for refreshme^ The Ramblers, hofteyei^ did -npt;Beeii|^b^ takekiiildly to the goodJcKeerWbvided^aa^^ very shart stay sufficed, and a final start sil was made as soon as possible, for^alme>^|pt ton North, distakt "then'^^ina "mUesV.-^ByS the way, on this last st_ge' people'BelßmedlM oblivious of thtffact brits-b^ng for drays were .employed .. hauUng.imetWi^ and laborers employed^ sipreadiiig it.^ltpS could only be imaginfedj'th^ the run of a day : and^rfiaj^tiiis was^^Q at all a preposterous ide& fpron reacfiuag^ Palmerston ttie'itamblera fbhnol thi^idiSfl^A paper dated a. day /behind^ time.- .^He^i coach having drawn ' iip at _> the ; Rbyate^ Hotel, accommodation . was Secured if b*|p At 8.15 a.m. on Mpnday/,the it tiii i'Va^j move was made for the raUway statiqffi!f|j and soon the Ramblers were c» s »'oKfte4per|p train for FeUding, theretb,plajr].their :-fi'wi^ match against Palmerstbri North. ,'ThbSl match commenced punctually at A loiis/|J Captain Sainsbury havingwon the i.:tb.Bs|® elected to take the.fieldr'XPalmeratonls^ first innings closed for &t } of which Sfewite^|| made 24. The brothers .Crpssei-^ for; tKelf|H Ramblers, bowled ! remarkably; well, taking |B no less than eight wickets. f / 'After thc»ji;|H spell Fulton and ; Carr ' ajjpeai^d the|f I wickets for the Ramblers, ]'s& ; were notgiH separated until the score reached 42. Thef|H tqtal of Ramblers Ist innin^s^was 8L Thej^H second innings of Palmerst,Qn^closed iojr^H 60,, leaving their opponents' j£j ; to make,||H to win, whichf was dbn^^ith^ lbssibfigH three wickets. \C. Herbert,^ 'clean,*|B hard hitting, contributed '^^riptdut.t^H The Ramblers were, entei^ained at; a^H splendid luncheon, ' /proyiaeS> f by -'the^H Palmerston team, at, the Benfeigh Hotekj^H The following are the; scores *~v.y~ 7;ilH PALMERSTON 1 NORTH:' ';. f^_H Ist. Innings. , !■:■? 2nd.' lnnings. . „;!;■ Staite, o J. Herbert, bT. „- .'-; \ ; !i *7^H Crosse '24 lb w, bT. Crosse . . U % H Mason, lbw, bC. Herbert 0 : bQ. Orosse.. .: ll^H Pirani, bG. Crosse .. ,3 c tEulton^b Sains' 7>U ;^B bury .;„•;,. .. ."; '6,4"^l Charles, bG. Croose .. 1 cCravfiniUT. Crosse 7v'c^B Moore, bT. Ci"oose . .. 11 >c ! J. Herbert, bT. : 4(_B Crosse , v.. ... 2 v.^M Beaufort, b T. Crosse ..10 bG.' Crosse.. .. O 7|H Mitford, bT. Crosse .. 3e ; J.' -Herbert, bT. •'"it^M : Crosse.!.. ... 6 7HH Warburton, bG. Crosse . . . ,0 ,b T. Crosse;. . ' . 2 '||H Summerhuyes, bT. Crosse 2' c ' V J, Herbert, b '7 : 7J^B '■ Sainsbufy .. i^'-^H Cox, run out ..1 b T.Crosse.;, .. ;l|l Murphy, not out ..' ■ .. 2 notout,, .. .". t.^HH Extras . .. 10 ; , -• *!■ Total ... 07 ! Tptol""'.. .. 60 .'H '■' "■>' . ; ■■ Grand total 127 lH RAMBLERS, v,.,' Ist. limings. ;; '■•••" ' 2nd; J lnn_igß. 7>^H Fulton, c Beaufort, b- ■ • a -.•■, ; >!__| Moore ...28 b Charles-.,.. -• ,J^HH Cwr, b Pirani .. -.9' b Moore,!,;.. ..^^H C. Herbert, b Summer-' ;^ l, '' ll - , ' f , „„q__i hayes 1 not out], ,U. .. 29|r^B J. Herbert, b Pirani •"• .0, , „, ,, 7|^H Craven, run out .. .. 3 not put v,;,, .. 1v IH Sainsbury, not out ' .. 6• c Cox,- b Pirani .. (;:■ Mackay, b Moore. . v. 2 ■•;,:.. i )■ .: W . ' " :^M G. Crosse, c Charles, b.- , r t V _H Moore ■ •• S-'" : ' • ' '_H T.Crosse, lbw, b Moore.. 1 ''_H Mackersey, b Charles .7,0 -MM King, bCharles .. ..3 • ._■ Extras.. ..25 Extras.. .. s>^B Total .. ..'. 81 : Total , J. ... 47v^H Grand total 128/^| At 11 a.m., or thereabouts, on the 18th}i^H the match with Feilding was commencedji^B and certainly not without a. certain |^H amount of trepidation, as it was noised! M| abroad that the team Feildiiig would pro|>B| duce was the strongest yet gptjiogetheril™ Sainsbury again won the toss,' and agaib|^H sent -his opponents to the wicke,ts, whp^^H howbver made a very poor stand,; ,the tblal|H| of their first innings?,pniy Reaching The Ramblers then .went in, and up 81, Fulton, Mackay,,' and ,^. CrpsifM doing most of the run, getting.; After! fl| partaking of an. excellent lunch,' provided;^B by Feilding, the local team againressayed-BB the bat, and fared somewhat better thanl^ before, a total of 57 being the result, thußi^£ leaving the Ramblers 13 tp make, to win. i^H The Ramblers eAentually, .won, by 10.H Avickets. The scores were as follows :-r- : 'H| FEILDING. 7 ■ ' -_H Ist inninos 2kd INNINQB,. -'^H Lash, runout .. ..10 c Mackay, b G.> Crosse &■■ Sampson, bG. Crosse.. 0 b G. Crosse , . ; . .. 13^H Eustace, rnn out; .. 3 runout..: °_D Beaufort, lbw, b G. -__H Crosse 3 not out,.. .. 4^H Dermer, c Mackei'sey, b __H T. Crosse .. 1 b Sainsbury .. .. l|B Sherwill, c Sainsbury, b <-■■ T. Crosse ..1 htwkt, b Sainsbuiy.. O^H Robertson, c Mackay. b - _■_- Sainsbury .. 5 runout.. „ &■■ Charles, b G. Crosse . . 7 c and b T. ■ Crosse ... O^H Hyde, bG. Crosse . . 0c G. Crosse, b; Sains- -^_^B bury .. •• 'IflH Huff, b Sainsbury .. 0 b Sainsbury .. ..7s^H Nix, not out ..0 c Craven, b T. ' Crosse Extras .. 6 Extras •'.'. :''^_H| Total.. ..36 Total.: .. sfl^| Grand total.. £^H RAMBLERS. 'f^B IST INSIN'O3. 2nd inhlxos. . :^H Pulton, b Hyde.. ..15 :__H Carr, b Robertson . . 0 * ' __H Sainsbury, c Robertson- ~ 'HH bHyde 1 :,. , C^ yen, runout ..8 .<''■■ C. Herbert, cHu_,bßo- >%_^_| bertson .. 0 notont.. : , ..> •• l^H J. Herbert, b Sherwill 4 „,.; 7_^_i Mackay c Beaufort, b :••■•.. . ;,|^H CharlJ,». , .. 20,.notoht.." ; ' "^ .;^j^H G. Crosse, b Charles ..15 T. Crosse, b Hyde 77__H Mackersey, lbw, b ll__H Charles ..1 '^__H » K\ng,uotOUt •• ..4, ''^^__H

Extras " . . 10 Total .. 81 Total.. .. 14 Grand total.. 95 (To lie continued.)

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5342, 28 March 1879, Page 3

Word Count

THE WAIPUKURAU RAMBLERS. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5342, 28 March 1879, Page 3

THE WAIPUKURAU RAMBLERS. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5342, 28 March 1879, Page 3