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■ > ..-;■ :- : ?/7<.*<>ui <:;nvs!VO3s-l- ■■• j '.''"'.'! **/ tbS" „p_f} .kbmti f-.'t'-.'j? v.'i „&.?; /,!,yj ' :: ' : !1 "' ! ■■- i ' 1 : ' •i'-'i „" 6 j.ywii. •■• ■ •'".'.'■ I .' -..:■.■■.•{•.- ,iuif{|f;sf . r • ■: J•« i ■.->:'-{<uf ,S;t.,--i G'EO HE -'S/O'A'E-'-F"*);":" 1 "-'^ : ■ ■ )VhL U .-.''rvKf/M; '.. . ; i: .-■•";_ <", fir.'t'i . r«.e .CA^tk) • -'■' •■ j . .!i. •, „.,.;-, , ,-./) iriudf!;; „ ' . .-. :.'•■ 1' i\: -l' , *,'' .tiil' ;■ ■■■ .' -.if ]>«>a „'.■ J-ni; ■i: ■'•;•■•■ ."■.■;/ .i. Ai J:i.'..^.-uJ ..; ; TEA DEALER,,/: „:.;] „.r i ^. .,{«? "\ ; '. ;i ■; '■ •■»■ w-.-r'J ,i,::.. ? ..J'- ,-%oj '. -: : •"' '" • ''"/ ''i ' . iiV ••;<■) J/ Vilj'ii/. . ■ : ":"'- : ;/ ■■•; „:r,:'i-A\)r-U: U ,i:,y l > i M.;<Ol■■ •;•' ••--.- •'•!-:•{• u.",i -■■•■.l'i'R ''{if.-Ai '-'■■■■- - " ■'-: "^• i n:; 1 ?-" : (ii''-' /^ ROCE RY, AND P R|OjV I S I O IT > '.»'*< •. • : ' ■'■'• ■■ ■ ■■■■:> .■' .•:■,->«•:;■.<;,},.!>;■■ vyt&P'- -- •,]','■■' '' : '-_ ■■■ '• ■-'-'' 1! -f ?;</// ■?;},] .• , ■ ' ' ■'.''.■': •,■; '■•» '»;•{( h*i ■• ' i '• ■■■■-.-, !"-'iU..y::}.\h •>\ *y.~ds liimv\ • . 'importer;/^;' 1 :-;,:;;^.^ | ■ ; -; .".,•- ■-'.-. •/; .r- s .1 -;'I:-.,'»J 'fln ■ ■": . ' ■ •'■ ■■• ''■" ■ ■ '>^' J"-'^--'-''), ■», ■• ' ' ■ .- - - ; '. •■ .'. : «--<;. .■ .:-i:-'.J.;itii- ■■ ■■ ' ••..■■• .'.■•.■•<!vn.-./iki*-,i.< I*, •■,'.••■:' ,*1 bur. .'■;?'■!•: ■ sii h- . ■ . ■ »■ .- ■ :.■■■ ws;.-:* h*iK?tr.X ; ■ • •■ '..- ■• •■ i( -;;.-M. v .jj: V .. HASTINGS .'SiT^Rnß^E^rn-nt . ; i' '; ■'■■-..■ ./■■ • r. ; ..; !.j6rt V 4Tvßoff.r • ■ ■ ••••-:!• vj-y i-h'^-ri/ouf'j- '• J • ■■■■■ ■; ! ■-•-.,■■••■■. •*■•■•'.-../(•: -)>,. ,!'■.'-■• ■■•■'; -■;,.• ;•(.•, \v * r'tiy iti.d;t. ■.'. ■\' '••■■ • -••-'■ -.■■■'■ : >'<-" tewfytiir ' ■ i -■ - „ : ■. i i-'>i!>-!i!'!. ; '.*i!l.-w : ■■■',■ •;. .'; ;.-■': '.•''' fit":- liniiwM- ■ ' . .NAPIER.-: „.. :;.. •; \j, Hir , , v? 274 ■.":•■■■■ '■''■yH-'-l^xU^ir. '■::■•'. -.--; ,;,, -f-.r «•■■!' ,'-:;:- --■ • • -.'r :■.-<<:. i '::'? tT-;M s-j;vr ; . ■ .•■;=.■• .:!;/* ,'-,KO vt,. - <• - i I. •■■'>») ijcV.,. ; i^ ...■•. .'•■;- -, -.i.i'L* .hill 1 •■.".. I. „! !■. :-..':. : ; >-;; ,),.^i' ■:■■■■ ..■.-:>:...,- ...,. |fK -J-» %«*■ :- i: - , it . ;.• : ;:.. <■!< n't '^ir.i: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ > ■ ' ■■■.-■■'■ •.-.-:;■: ,— i./4,u l \ g c Aißjj _ -A:N^j;^Kf; TI M B E R 'ME RO H A ( lj!T"ftV. J .'J!rV-I'i! ' : POKT! AhUBIRI, . .•,j;->, r.58 s,{i-r.'; '.r "JUST7TO;idW,4 ) i'"2.'. i Kf".«ti Ex "Media" and -., MZealahdia, l^ (i fromi,i 1 i w ■ -■ . • : .'■ Lohdon-rr. „ - - .-;:..{••-. ;.,<-. |JA KEGS WIRENABLS, „ „.[ fc oi) C i 4 orates galvanised tubs.oval and rottod.) ., A ■-, 18 cases Garton : and ( .King's .■ cookiHg 1; j [ :i( ranges-. . , ; '•. ;.■.'.. ' 'I- hi'^6 ih . 18 sets mail buggy; axles :, v , t , t , n . |, yi . w .,l 2 hogsheads of cart and buggy spring*; .^ , , . {^ 2 hogsheads, of . tinned . andT enamdled r ,,". f! . ■ saucepanß: ..."•.., V.. '.^.' ' ; .{ r '-P^^u--1000 feet 2in.,, .gaij,. piping, ex^a .ite^ig,^,^ specjally, imported r for Artjeiiaa^ .;•, [ '. ■ sinkingtweUs „?.',. '.'.",;'7 ' .*','_ v ,'] , ;' *: r ;.j.' H ( 20 tons 8.8/ H., bar ajid rod iron^ ; , ,„ " ir .,' ., 1 tonbolt < cadq 1 ..'; ii /?.'., ' ".. ; 1'..' ;j '.'. ,",".',", *. 7 ..,j J ton coach bolta and nuts ,'■. iS .' ,- ... '„^'.,7'. 31 tons sheet zinc, assorted, from B, to 14. I '/;; . 80 boxes tin plates , , , , ; . , • , -■ • • •■ ::.-','■;■ Also," . •■■?:;: ;v/?.;^One case of Rodger's, table and. ppokef: ' outtlery, the " best ■ .' assbrbnent 'in 1 ' J ; Napier. ; ; „';' ,'•'-. \t L^"p'; . . ■'• HENRY; f WILLIAMS^ r .; /,./~ ;};. 35 . ' : ._' ', Ironmonger, -Nipieitf'. ( ''.^ '" r ~i> r: l t;h ! ;o'm.a;s(, } . li ;;.^^ (Formerly of CoLLiira & I^^SDAL&sTRBBTi r ,' ; .' ' . MBLBOTONB), „'.* -„.!|-,/ i -.'V.siV-M: MAY be is consulted -at hiß ; iMedical.-.-ii,!, Establishment, > 4 fThe ■ Octwn,'.' „jj Dunedin, Otago, next, to the Working lien's ; „ Club. ' ■ !■•'.' ''. :■ ■-■ '. ■:[ /J'K.' fj iJ Dr. Thomas' praotice has been exclimyely; > devoted for the last twenty?sii .• t y«wi['j»^«.; ! j : ".; treatment , of. ' Diseases iof the , Nervous: and , ; Generative vßysfe^^sfeaAr f Lsiigp»|\"ll*gg,;^j' and Kidneys, , Skin .and.: C^nlagipuß^pjifi^i. <rit The following . examinationsj;ha^ejjb^l t! , vi! passed by Pr^ .Thomas • CoUege of Physicians, London, 1864 4^, 3 M^ ; * ber of tbeßoyal C6llegei/of SurgepM^^Len-r . don, 1859; Dpqtdr bf^ebUome,, ; U ( wye|nt3r v t ".\ of Gressen,, Germany, 1871 j LiMn^aie^^; Midwifery, P>U^.-ol;Snrg^^&^|^J ?ia;s 1864...., , „:,-' :■ -■:■:, '' -.-iiLi-jorT.-:'.! :^rii-f.'ofi Patients residing in, the ,' neighboring^^ cclonieß can .opnaiubb Dr by Wliter. ;" ' J These ; c6insultatiorisVwill .'melt M^r, . 'jj mediate and careM , attention, and .*jjtt*j?j; ''i replied to, by return steamer, cpach, .^JT;,™^ ' vn Cases of medibines of J New Zealand,' securedirpm; dbservatibn."; ; J J ; . I ()onsultatiWbyLett€ir ..V' ( gl v ;' 1 36'; r ' ; IMPORTANT NOTICE .TO THE - • _;• . public.." '.'- : (^ : : '.,;;;;:; MR. O. OHEYBiOL';,o£ WelUn^^.liai ,' , this day appointed, ," .';. ;!, ' ./ , .; . Messrs BOWES AND;p9i;:;;; of Shakespeare-road, Napier, b&, Sole AffraU for Hawke's Bay, for his direot ; ,Bhip^nti of ". , WINES AND SPIRITS FROM hi; BOURDEAUiX. ' > v ■' • : ' - '"Amo, 1 '-''■' t ' - ■■'■- - :f: ' :;: ■"■■ ; FRENCH CALF, PRESER /ED PLUMS,.- --" , •" ■ CIGARS, ETC' U y.".LuJ: With reference to thtf above, 1 ' MESBRS BOWES & CO. call attention '-to 'their'Larg* 1 Stock now on hand, 1 and beg fo stated .'tl»t it is a condition "of the; Agenby thitfin* okherbrands of Winei and ' Brandy be^keptfbnfci f those imported direct by fib "CIiI'JDHIHBH^ i so that the publio may ; -rely^on ! ;lgettingi's nothing but : the genuine rai'ticlei' '^" i^,*"" J . '? All the abqve are sold: at- 'Mr ' Oheymoli ' Wellmgtbn Prices.; •: - > ' ,;« ■ y •■••■" AISO IK STObk— .ii ;•;•■.: ;;..!■/•- --WHISKEY, '.• ' ■ :[i ' ■ • • -^-ii -VJ : -■. ■ RTJMi ■' ' '= • '■ •■• ■■.■.■:.:;oA < : i ■■•■ ■••■•■ .-GIN, ; "■ *.:<:,],. .j. ,*»< ■ ■■'■•■-: jJiBBjIM-.vM .'lt Of the Beat Brands prooiirable' at^outrent v rates.!--- , ■■■'.'> . ; .' ;•-■-■■'■. ;.•.::> .- SHIAKESP^ARE^R^fe^i- *■ .. ■ ;na*ieb;! j". •.,;■•} v.,-^3 l^r, ! .. ■,; ENGINEER^-4 :^- •- ';^ ;Cornerof Hastings-stree^d pj(>kenJ«Bt»*t ■ STEAM,;;WATER >(^Gi|FEC^te';;;; ; Brass Founder and Finisher,;.^ ( • , ; . Conservatories, Green Houses; ! Houses, ■ &c,\ fitted \^thj.Hpt,yW i *jer, Apparatus on ihe^mpßt approved and economical principle. BATHS AND LAVATORIES FITTED Acricultural Implements and all sorti of Machines fitted and repaired. Boiling . Dpjvn* $tfcdslW&lt!§ Newest Improvemenw. 38 .-■; COMMISSION-, 4QEj«T»'^f^»" ":-, ■■ r • . ■:■; s .-<-.. v.v? ,-k.:-..*"- .; i ;:j Ivx-.»v..:1 vx-.»v.. : ■-. 'iV ■ '„-.■■ ; • •,■ ; ;-, v ;., ;■--,■ -iJ^'^

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5279, 13 January 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5279, 13 January 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5279, 13 January 1879, Page 1