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§TItONG DAIFODIL SECTION. FIN AD AWARDS ANNOUNCED. The Eltiiam Town Hall was crowded last evening ior the concluding sess-on of- the Jl’iitham Hort.oulturad Society t spring flower show, many visitors from "Hawera and surrounding districts being in attendance. The many excellent specimens m the daffodil section were' much admired, Mr F. It. Pepperell’s “ VA’hl.xe Conqueror, T which won the amateur championship challenge bowl re-donated by Mr A. C'hrystaT for' the best daffodil bloom, and Air IT. Lewis’ “.Kingdom,” the best short trumpet, attracting most attention. .J n the open classes the champion bloom was a long trumpet “Administrator,” si New Zealand seedling e\lubited bv‘ Mr C. Goodson. The Cooper Chip and Tarapaki championship for 3;5• varieties went to Mr L. Lewis, who also scored the blue ribbon for the international championship. The Mint Cup. the Petrie Cup (perpetual challenge) and the points prize in the amateur classes all went to Air RLewis. .. In the children’s daffodil classes Milton Lewis won the Marchaut Rose Bowl in the. class for exhibitors uudei years, while Arnold Lewis won the championship for under 14 years. In the decorative work a high standard of artistic ability was evidenced W Miss H. Wilson, who again won tne Rowe Rose Bowl. , " Revolts in addition to' those pubhshed in veslerday’s late edition of the “Hawera Star” were as follow: CHILDREN’S CLASSES.

judge: Air C. Goodson (Hawera). Marchaut Rose Bowl for best bloom. -M.lton 'Lewis. Under 16 nine varieties. —M. Lewis i; six varieties, 31. Lewis 1; three * a reties, M. Lewis 1. Under 14, champion bloom. —Arnold lewis. Long trumpet, three varieties. —Pat Peppered 1. A. Lewi® 2. Long trumpet, one,—A. Lewis 1, Pat I‘eppered 2. Snort or medium cup, three vari--ties. —Pat Peppered 1, A. Lewis 2; die >-arietv. A. Lewis 1, Pat Peppered 2 CUT FLOWERS. judge: 3lrs H. T. Lovell (Hawera). Pomes'I** 1 ** pr ze.—Mrs R. J. Morns. Anemone, single—Airs C. A. Wilkinnon 1, Dr Doiis Gordon 2; double. Dr Doris Gordon 1; collection of three, Mrs I. Sanderson 1, Dr Doris Gordon 2; collection of s.x, Airs H. Sharp 3 Dr Doris Gordon 2. Caledula. —Mrs R. J. Morris 1, Airs* K, A. Wood 2. Daphne.—R. H. Gover 1, Airs K. Tarrant 2 Mrs Harper 3. Freesia. —Mrs E. A. Best 2, Mrs it J Alorris 2. Heath.—Airs R. J. Alorris 1,31 rs Street 2. Hyacinth, three. —F. R. Peppered 1 one, R. H. Gover 1. F. R. Pepperel. 2 Iceland poppies.—R. H. Gover 1, Mrs 3 Sanderson z. < Pansies. —Airs C. A. Wilkinson 1. Mrs E- A Best 2. Polvanthus, three. —Mrs D. Synie 1 Miss A. Wilson 2, R. H. Gover 3; six, Mrs R. J. Morris 1, Dr Doris Gordon ° Mrs H. Sharp 3. Primroses.—Mrs O. A. Wilkinson 1, Mrs Harper 2. Ranunculus, one.—Mrs F. H. Ham i and 2, Airs G. Guthrie 3: three, Mrs F. Hi Ham 1. Mrs G. Guthrie 2, Mrs (' A. Wilkinson 3. Rhododendron, one.—Mrs A. A. Stewart I. Airs D Syme 2; collection. Mrs D. Synie 1. Violas.—Mrs 0. A. Wilkinson 1, R. H Gover 2. Violet*. —Airs G. A. Wilkinson 1. Mrs R. J. Morris 2 and 3. Wallflower.—Airs C. A. AVilkinson 1. Mrs C. A. Bel. her 2, Airs AI. AlcGarry 2 Flowering shrubs, three varieties. — Mrs R. J. Alorris 1, Airs C. A. Wilkinson 2. Air® T. French 3•, six rarities, Mrs T. French 1, Mrs R. J Mortis 2. Airs D. Syme 3. POT PLANTS. Flower, ng.—'Mrs C. A. Belchpr 1. Airs C. A. Wilkinson 2, Airs P. de Launav 3Foliage.—Mrs C. A. Belcher lAliss T> 2 DECORATIVE’. Judge: Mrs C. H. Washer. Points prize, rose bowl.—Aliss H. Wilson _ Rr.desmaid’s basket. —Airs P. de Lannay 1, Aliss H. AVilson 2. Bowl of anemones.—Mrs D. Syme 1 Mrs* A. L. Picard 2. Jug of flowers. —Mrs D. Syme i Mists H. AA’ilson 2 and 3. Decorated mantelpiece.—Aliss F. Wilson 1. „ Roscbowl of flowers.—Aliss R. Riddle Bow! of daffodils.—Mrs A. Chrystal 1, Aids? H. AVilson 2. Aliss Al. Hilmei Floating bowl. —31 rs A. Powell 1. Decorated table—Aliss H. AVilson 1. M ss AT. Hilmer 2. Low bowl of flowers. —Airs P. de Launay 1 Aliss H. AVilson 2. Airs T. H. Valintine 3. A'ietorian rosv —Aliss Joan AA’t leh 1 Aliss H. AVilson 2. 20 YEARS AND UNDER. Po.nts prize.—Aliss G. Ware. L.mesmaiu's basiivv. —aliss (J AAn*. I, Aliss K. AV'cod 2, Miss B. Brown 3 B<nv. oi daffodils.—Miss B. Brown 1. Miss J*. Val.nt ne 2. Aliss G.. \Var< 3* Bowl of flowers.—Miss G. AA’are I. Mu*» B. B. own 2, Aliss J. Benner ,3. Victorian po-sy.—Aliss P. 1. Miss B. Brown 2, Aliss J. Bonner 3. Decorated table.—Miss J. Bonner i, Miss B. Brown 2, Aliss P. Val-ntim < 3. CHILDREN UNDER 15. Paints prize.—Nola Burrows. Vase of daffodils. —Patty Cooper 1. Maize Sulzberger 2. Doris Stevens 3 I 21 '

Victorian posy.—Maisie Sulzberger 1. Eileen Rankin 2, Glenyss. Fountains 3 —22 entries.

Buttonholes. —Nola Burrows 1, Doreen Pcpperejl 2, Laurie Egarr 3. Decorated table —Nola Burrows I,’ Ma'sie Sulzberger 2, Margaret Lawren e 3. Mason >ar of flowers.—Nola Burrows 1, Olive Best 2, Patty Cooper 3. UNDER 10 YEARS. Decorated saucer.—-Audrey Carncross 1, Bftttv Bridger 2. Dic-k Brown 3. Buttonhole.-—Marjory Stanners :, Glenvss' Fountaine 2. Ma.son iar of flowers.—Jean Cooper 1, Glrnvss Fountaine 2, Joan Sim 3. BREAD AND CAKES. Judge: Mrs J. Miekelson. Points pr'ze.—Mrs E. L. Bigham. Scones, collection.—Mrs E. L. Righam 1. Girdle. —Mrs Bigham 1, Mrs A. Lawrence 2. Mrs Bigham 3. Familv cake. —Mrs R. H. Gover 1. Mrs E. L. Bigham 2.

Seed cake.—Mis T. H. Valintine 1, Alls W. Thornhill 2 and 3. Tea. cake.—Airs W. Thornhill 1 and 2. Sponge sandwich, butter.—Airs H. P. Best 1, Mrs E. L. Bigham 2, Airs AV. Thornhill 3: without butter, Mrs AA'. Thornhill 1 and 2, Airs L. Rowe 3. Pound cake.—Airs R. H. Gover 1, Airs C. Thomas 2, Airs T. H. A'alintine 3. Shortbread. —Airs E. L. Bigham 1. Airs AV. Thornhill 2. Miss L. Lambert 3. Bread, white.—Airs C. Salter 1, Airs H. Gardiner 2: brown. Airs C. Salte' I. Nut bread.—Airs E. L. Bigham I Jain tarts. —Mrs H. P Best J, All j \A*. Thornhill 2 and 3. Sponge roll.—Mrs E. L. B:gham 1 Alls AA*. Thornhill 2. Sausage roll.—Mrs T. Tt. Valintine 1. Airs AA*. Thornhill 2 and 3. Cheese cakes.—Airs AY. Thornhill 3. Cream puffs.—Ajr-s* E. L. Bligham l and 2. Airs \A : . .corn hill 3. Gingerbread^—Airs C. Salter 1, Mrs E. L. B.gham 2. Mrs AV. Thornhill 3. Pikelets.—Mrs A. A. Stewart 1, Mrs E. L. Bigham 2 and 3. Apple pie.—Airs E. L. Bigham 1. Plum pudding.—Airs AA’ilson 1, Airs C. Thomas 2. Mince pies.—Airs AA*. Thornhill 1 and j 2, Mrs T. H. \ r ali.ntine 3. Chocolate cake.—'Airs E. L. Bigham 1, Mrs AV. Thornhill 2. Airs E. L. Bigham 3. PRESERVES AND PICKLES. Points prize.—-Aliss Alabei Pinny. Preserved fruit. —Airs C. A. AAhlkinson 1. Aiarmalade. —Airs T. Brooker 1, Miss D Riddle 2 and 3 Soap, home-made.—Airs A. A. Stewart 1. Duck eggs.—Airs H. D. Stanners 1, Airs T. H. Valintine 2, Airs O. Salter 3. Hen eggs, most uniform. —Aliss M. Pinny 1, Airs T. Brooker 2, Aliss D. Riddle 3: heaviest. Airs J. A. Rankin and Miss Pinney equal 1, Miss L. Lambert 3. SCHOOLS SECTION. AAViting. Judges: Rev. AA*. Langston and Mr L. J. Furrie.

Primers, short paragraph. —Gweu Wl*ite 1, John Linne’ll 2, Alastau Caskie 3. Audrey Nielsen b.c., Freda Carlisle c. Standard 1, full size cursive writing.—Ervs Diver 1, Patricia Knoffloek 2, Dick’ Brown 3, Bessie Mugger idge v.h.c., Gwen Brogden and Ohvyn Pic ard e. Standard 11, full size in pencil.— June L.nton (Hawera) 1, Jean Perrj 2, Dick Rankin 3, Connie Knight h.c. Standard ill, half text in ink. —Alargaret McKain 1, Theo Thomas 2, Ronald Alumbv 3, Gerald Jackson h.c. Standard IV.—Ros® Smith 1, P Topi 2, Patricia Hall and Patricia Campbell 3. Noeline Cowell v.b.c., Usabelle AValler. Molly Flower (Hawera) and Owen Wylie h.c., Owen Samson c. Standard V, simple invoice.—Betti Archbold (Hawera) 1, Thelma Kemp 2 Brian Campbell, Patricia Uncles and John AYeir c. Standard VI, three verses.—Ernesf Benefield 1. Alaisie Hastings 2, Olive Best 3. Joan Mills, Harold AA’at son a. Essay.—Olive Best and Jessie Shephard 1, Christine McLaren (Hawera* 2. Fiona Douglass (Alnn.gatoki) 3 Dick Packard h.c.

Coloured Work—Pastels. Primers. nature study.—Kelvyn Ware 1. John Linnell 2. Standard I, coloured wool ball.— Keith Moit 1. R. Brown 2, Cedric Best 3. Standard IT, an apple.—Olive Camcross 1, Betty Bridger 2, Audrey Carnorosis 3. Standard ITT, group of three fruits.— Man rice Walsh 1, Margaret McKain 2 William Mihs 3. Standard IV, design with sprav of flowers.—Ross Smith 1, Ivan Frvan-e----off 2. Standard V. three vegetables.—Mavis 'V.rrow 1, Helen Currie 2. Standard VI. seascape or landscape. —Merit v Lore ridge 1, Nola Burrows 2. Amy Bigham h.o. Plasticene. Primers, a daffodil.—Shirley Glentworth 1. Tim John 2. Dawn Pennington 3, Standards I and IT. spray of flowers or leaves. —Allan Ma.r-Kay 1, Edwin Furborough 2. Dick Brown 3. Illustrated Paper Work. Si -it'bard T and IT nature stndv.ri live Oii"i'T o «s I. Audrey Carncross 2 Lcsj Palmer h.:\ Raffia. Terrv Brogdon 1, Rylv’n Holmes 2 Betty Rosiev 3. Freehand Drawing. Standard ITT, anv garden tool.— D’Arcv Des Forges 1. Glenvs-s Foun-i taine 2, Jack Carlisle 3.

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Hawera Star, Volume LIII, 28 September 1933, Page 10

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ELTHAM SPRING SHOW Hawera Star, Volume LIII, 28 September 1933, Page 10

ELTHAM SPRING SHOW Hawera Star, Volume LIII, 28 September 1933, Page 10