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GOLD CUP TO VERTIGERN AUTUMN MEETING EVENTS EARTHQUAKE RELIEF BENEFIT. i I j In a welL matched and good quality 'field of 11 first honours in the Taranaki Gold Cup race at New Plymouth yesterday were taken by the Featherston gelding Vertigern, runner-up for the Egmont Cup and winner of the Tonks Stakes at last week’s Hawera 1 meeting. Vertigern was well placed throughout and finished well to beat High Falutin’ by a neck, with the | favourite, In the Shade, in third j berth. The class of horses in the Cup race and the Flying (won by the favourite, Lady Quex) was among the finest of fields ever paraded in the history of the fixture. A few showers of light rain were experienced after the fifth race, but did not seriously interfere' with the enjoyment of the occasion by a gathering which was a fair one for the fixture. The gates showed a drop of £57, but taking into consideration the reduced prices it was estimated that j the actual attendance showed favourable comparison. The meeting being la benefit for the earthquake relief funds usual members’ privileges were waived. In common with contemporary organisations the Taranaki Jockey Club [experienced a substantial reduction in totalisator investments, the sum of £11,723 15s handled on the machine yesterday showing a drop of £9698 15s compared with the £21,422 10s which passed through the machine on the first day of the 1930 autumn meeting. FIVE-SHILLING TOTE.

j* A feature of the betting yesterday ] was the popular patronage of the 5s r totalisator, which made its initial api pearance in Taranaki. Ten 5s win- } dews were provided on the outside I (lawn, and not only did the innovation j appeal to outside patrons, hut it was t ' also popular with lawn patrons, and the gate attendants had a busy time » issuing and collecting passes. There were 32 investing windows —six £1 * and ten 10s windows inside and six 10s and ten os windows outside. The * six £1 windows, together with £5 ' and commission window, handled a total of £4774, whilst the 16 10s windows handled 9039 tickets totalling £4519 10s. The ten 5s windows handled 9721 tickets, totalling £2430 ss. The total handled by the machine was £11,733 15s. More 5s tickets, thevefore, were sold than of any other dej nomination, each seller at the 5s win- | dovvs averaging 904 tickets, whereas leach seller at a 10s window averaged ( onlv 620 ticketsS. The introduction of another fraction, the quarter, into the calculations caused a little more delay than usual in balancing up after each race, hut it is hoped that with further experience the difficulty will he lessened. >

[ Following the cup race the trophy I was presented. The Hon. S. G. Smith, Minister of Labour, announced that m view of the importance of the meeting from the fact that the Taranaki Jockey Club had decided to give the proceeds to the earthquake relief fund lie had been asked to represent the Government and express its appreciation of the wonderful spirit shown. He voiced congratulations to the lady owner of Vertigern, together with the

trainer and rider. Apparently, tlie stable had been out of luck for some time until it struck the Taranaki circuit, said Mr. Smith. A good horse had taken the honours in a good race, he concluded, in asking Mrs. L. A. Nolan, the wife of the club president, to present the cup to Air. AY. ]). Moroney, the trainer, representing Mrs. Elgar. A silver replica was presented to the trainer, and the rider ('l'. Green) was presented with a gold* mounted whip. Air. Smith also referred to the wonderful horsemanship displayed by 11. S. Bagby in regaining the saddle after losing his seat on In the Shade. Air. Aloroney replied suitably. Public estimation of form was astray in the majority of races, only one favourite (Lady Quex in the Plying) returning a lirst dividend, though one other favourite paid a second dividend, a third divided a .second dividend, and another took a third placing. Ilawera trained horses accounted for three winners, and New Plymouth and Piliama stables for one winner each, the other winning positions being taken by candidates from outside the province.

Administrative ’details were controlled efficiently by the various officials combining with the president (Air. L. A. Nolan) and the secretary (Air. 0. B. Webster). Air. A. Vincent officiated as starter, Air. W. P. Bussell as judge, and Air. H. Coyle as bandicapper. The Taranaki Regimental Band, under Lieut. F. W. G. McLeod, provided an appreciated programme of selections.

Details of the racing following those published in the late edition of yesterday’s “Star” are:

TARANAKI CUP HANDICAP, of GOO so vs.; second horse to receive 100 sows., and third horse .10 sovs. from the stake. One mile and throe furlongs. 4 A'ERTTGERN: AHs 0. B. Elgar's b.g., aged, by Roscndalo —- Pansy, 8.0 (T. Green) ! 11 IT I Gif FADE TIN R. Grace’s b.g.. j»vrs, bv GGraGndcourt— Table Talk, 7.11 (C. Brodie) .. 2 1 IN THE SHADE: W. S. Glenn’s br.g., Gvrs, by Australian Sun— Violet 11, B.G (R. S. Bagbv) ... 3

(Winner trained by W. D. Aloroney Featliorston.)

Also started: 3 Concentrate, 0.0 (11. Gray); 2 Otniri, S.l 1 (B. Morris) ; •"> First Acre, 7.13, car. 8.1 (T. Webster); (! Cashier, 7.0 (11. Wiggins); 10 Royal Parade, 7.0 (E. Burgess); 0 The Hawk, 7.3 (R. Drinkwater); S White Fang, 7.3, car. 7.4 (A. AracDoaald); 7 Chopin, 7.0 (J. M. Pine). Tire witiidrawat of Bright Glow, Silvcrniinc, The Swell, and Afaui reduced the cup field to eleven, among which In The Shade, with 200 tickets, was favourite. Otairi, Concentrate and A r crtigem (the last named with 22G

tickets) were also well backed, but High Falutin’ was eleventh order with 70 tickets. High Falutin’ was slow away. Otairi was the early leader from Royal Parade and In the Shade, but passing the stands for the first time Vertigern was piloting Royal Parade, First Acre, Chopin, Otairi, The Hawk, Concentrate. Gasps from the stands greeted a circus act by the rider of the favourite as the field turned out of the straight, High Falutin ’ having swerved in to the fence and displaced Bagby, who ran along the top of the rail a few steps and then regained the saddle. The leading order then was Royal Parade, Vertigern, Chopin, First Acre, High Faintin’, and The Hawk. Changes in the run down the hack left High Falutin in charge at the three furlongs with Royal Parade next, attended by First Acre, Vertigern, In the Shade, Otairi, and The Hawk. Turning for homo, High Falutin’ piloted First Acre, Vertigern, In the Shade, Royal Parade, and Otairi, but in the dash for the post. Vertigern took charge at the half-, distance to beat High Falutin’s finishing effort by a neck, with In the Shade two and a-half lengths back and First Acre and Otairi close up. Thou came Chopin, Concentrate, Royal Parade, The Hawk, Cashier, and White Fang last. Time, 2.23' 2-5.

OKATO HACK HANDICAP, of 100 so vs.; •second horse to receive 30 sows., and third horse 15 sows, from the stake. One mile and 110 yards. 0 t.UOXA'LO'P: P. Tito’s cli.m., 4vrs, by Daniloff —Monaghan, 7.S (S. Wilson) I 3 TENTCALL: W. Pine’s cb.m.. svrs, bv Callaghan—Attent, 7.11 (J. M. Pine) 2 7 BANBRIDIGE: S. Campbell ’s br.g., 4yrs, by Tonbridge— Cush, 1a7.5 (R. Cotter) 3

(Winner trained by T. Tito, Pihama.) Also started: i Wcrata, 8.9 (R. S. Bagby); 1 Crennatown, S.B (iff. Gray); 2 Joy spear, 8.7 .(T. Green); 5 Rich Harvest, S.l (B. 11. Morris); 10 Solrange, 7.0, car. 7.4 (E. Burgess); 8 Little Doubt, 7.0, car. 7.24 (R. Marsh); 9 Gasnapper, 7.0 (R. Drinkwater). Ten lined up for the Okato Hack and ■ Crennatown was made a solid favourite with £330, Joyspear, the next order, carrying £270, while Tentcall was eiitrused with £250. . Monalof, with £IOO, paid another good dividend. Joyspear led out of the uarrior from Monalof, Solrange, Gasnapper, Rich Harvest, and Wcrata. The favourite was moving up but stumbled as the field turned out of the straight. Into the back the lcad-J ing order was Monalof, Joyspear, Wer-1 ata, Rich Harvest, and Gasnapper, with) Tentcall running up on the outside to j reach second berth at the half-mile and I at the three furlongs was showing the 1 way for "'Tentcall, Crennatown, Ban-1 bridge, Wcrata, Joyspear, and Rich Harvest. At the straight entrance j Tentcall was on terms with Monalof,) attended by Crennatown, Banbridge,' Joyspear, and Wcrata, but in the dash! for the post Monalof came again to boat Tentcall by a length, with Ban- I bridge a length and a-quarter back. [ Crennatown was fourth, followed by j Gasnapper, Wcrata, Rich Harvest, and' Joyspear. Time, 1.49 2-5.

All All HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 200 sovs.; second horse to receive 40 sovs., and thrd hiorsc 20 sovs. from the stake. About seven furlongs. 4 CHIEF LINK: A Alexander's • br.g., 3vrs, by Chief RulerSilver Link, 8.10 (H. Gray) ... f i 2 AIELIS'SA; J. Somerton’s b.m., G.vrs, by Absurd —Amyrin, 8.12 (T. Green) ° 3 CALAAIINE: F. and -H. J. Startup's b.m., ovrs, by Callaghan—Dpciinn, 8.0 (J. M. Pine) 3 (Winner trained by J. Brown, Hawera.) Also started: 1 Paiko. 8.0 (T. Webster); 7 Green Linnet, 8.3 ( R. Cotter); ;> Kawliakina, 8.0 (11. Wiggins); 8 Callapat, 8.0 (R. (Marsh); fi Alonsogne, 8.0 (8. Wnson). Paiko (£313), Alelissa (£300) ami Calamine (£240) was the betting' order i ■ for the Afimi High-Weight, Chief Link | being next choice with £234. Chief Link was first to break the line, attended by Callapat, Green Linnet, Melissa, and Paiko, but at the five fur 1 longs Green Linnet had gone to the front to lead Callapat, Chief Link, | Alelissa, Monsognc, Paiko, Calamine, ] ami Kawliakina. The three furlongs j found no material alteration, but at Hie straight entrance Callapat was making I he running, followed by Green Linnet, j Chief: Link, Alelissa, Calamine, and Kawliakina. Taking control again a' I the half-distance. Chief Link finished! last to beat Alelissa by half-a-Jengtli, with Calamine, coming up, only a neck back third, followed by Callapat, Kawliakina and Paiko. Time, 1.2(1 2d.

TIM ARE HACK HANDICAP, of ICO sovs.; second horse to receive 30 sovs., and third horse 15 sovs. from the stake. Six furlongs. 4 TEA QUEEN; K. D. Duncan’s b.m., 4yrs, by Tea fray— Graceful, 8.1, car. 8.2 (T. AYebster) I 2 CHIEF SAVAGE: A. E. Neale's ch.g., 4yrs, by Chief Ruler — Signor mare, 7.5 (11. Wiggins) . 2 G SINGER: 11. Clelaml's blk.g., Gyrs, by Songbird—Red and Black mare, 7.(3, car. 7.3 (R. Drinkwater) ;;

(Winner trained by IT. Telford, Trentham.) Also started: 1 Arikira, 0.4 (L. G. Morris): 5 Silver Rule, 8.12 (B. H. Alorris); 3 Roval Finance, S.G (H. Gray); 7 Corwon, 7.6 (.1. AI. I’ine); 8 Cereal, 7.0, car. 7.24 (R. Alarsh); 0 An. bridge 7.0, car. 7.34 (A. Alac-Donald).

In a good betting race Arikira was a well backed favourite with about £350 for the final event of the day. Chief Savage carried £2OO and Tea Queen £240. Silver Rule led out of the barrier from Tea Queen and at the end of a furlong Silver Rule was piloting Chief Savage, Singer, Tea Queen. Arikira, and Cereal. Across the top the same pair led Tea Queen and Singer, with Anbridge trying to got up on the outside. Silver Rule turned for home ahead of Tea Queen, Royal Finance, Chief Savage, and Arikira, but in the inn home Tea Queen shot up to beat. Chief Savage by two lengths, with Circe parts of a length between second snd third. Royal Finance was fourth, followed by Arikira and Silver Rule. Time, 1 14.


CUP RACE' TO MOUNT BOA 1 DUNEDIN, Feb. 12. The Dunedin Jockey dub’s autumn meeting; opened to-day in showery weather before a moderate attendance. The track was heavy and in places there were pools of water. The totalisator f handled £12,468? lO.s, against £2-5.439 'last year. I Concluding results: i | DUNEDIN CUP. Of £650. One mile and a-half. I 5 Mount Boa, 7.5 (Ehstwood) ... 1 S Pink Note, 7.11 (Coveny) 2 f 7 Gompris, 7.1 (McEwan) 3 Also started: 2 Town Major, 8.5; 2 Bed Sea, 8.1 ; 4 Black Duke, 8.1 ; 1 Don Jose, 7.8; 6 Some Toff. 7.8; TOj Admiral Drake, 7.2; 11 Shortly, 7.0; 9 Topere, 7.0; 12 Red Racer, 7'.0. Won by two lengths • half-a-length. Time, 2.42 2-5. CHAMPAGNE STAKES. Of £4OO. Six furlongs. 1 Fair Weather. 9.1 (Oldham) 1 2 Hula. Belle. 8.7 (Voight) 2 3 Last March, 8.13 (Marine) ... 3 Also started: 4 Rluling Light, 8.7. Won bv three lengths; one and nhnlf lengths. Time, 1.20 3-5.

STEW ARDS ’ HA N DTC AP. Of £2OO. One mile. I I Wingatui. ear. 8.1 (Forsyth) 1 1 Assemble, ear. 8.1 (Ingram) 2 7 Raineses, 8.1 (Didham) 3 Also started: 3 Pride, 8.11 ; 2 Camisader. 8.9 ; 5 Sapient. 8.1; 1 Straightcourse. 8.1 ; 0 High Gear, 8.0; 8 Miss Mercia. 7.7: 10 Speed Light, ear. 8.0-) ; 9 Jock o’ Uazeldean. car. 7.8. Won by a. length; one length. Time 1.17 1-5. ~ * ’

BERWIOIv HANDICAP. 0«f £l5O. Seven furlongs. 4 Francolin, 8.12 (Voiglit) 1 6 Sharp Thorn, 7.13 (Coveny) 2 V Jleitui, 7.13 (Dooley) 3 Also started : 9 Fair Exchange, 8.13; 5 Pharoah, 8.8; 2 Some Acre, 8.5; 3 Some Queen, 8.5; 1 Steeton, 8.4 and Hot Tea, 8.0 (coupled); lj. Crossbow, 1.13; 12 Traction, 7.13. Won by a length and three-quarters; one and a-lmlf lengths. Time, 1.35 3-5.


! DUNEDIN, Feb. 12. | Following iire the handicaps for the I second day of the Dmiodin Jockey , Club's’ meeting: Owliero Hurdles, 0.110 and a-lialf miles.—Amorist 12.1, Overhaul 11.11, Antrim Jloy 11.0, Pangolin 10.1 J, Hard Prince DJI, Padiac 9.10, Sliipdhapo 9.2, Attract, Uxbridge 9.0. Warrington Handicap, one mile.— Dumblane 9.0. Night Parade 8.12, Night Effort 8.10, Ea 11anee 8.9, Night Pose, Fair Exchange, Quin-opal 8.8, Nanette 8.0. Felony, Sailing Home 8.2, Some Acre 7.13, Killorna, Cora Queen 7.11, Parysia, Appeal, Shipshape 7.10. Swiftray, Some Form, Solanum, Meitui 7.9, Roy, Bitractor. Owlsflight, Silver Salver, Colonel Crawford, Good Gift 7.7. Dunedin J.C. Handicap, one and a-quarter miles. —Town Major 9.9. Pink Note 8.12, Red Sea, Black Duke, Mount Boa 8.10, Money Mine 8.4, Don Jose. Some Toff 8.3, Glenrowan. Compris 7.12, Caterpillar, Admiral Drake, Charmaine 7.11. Salmo Salar 7.10, Camisador, Night Maid 7.8, Shortly 7.6, Ped Pacer 7.5. Topere, Pan roses, Straightcourse 7.1. Impertinence. High Gear. Miss Mercia 7.0.

Flying Handicap, six furlongs.— Silver Paper 9.12, Meadow Lark 9.11, Roval Saxon 9.4. Great Star 9.3, Palermo 8.10. Caterpillar 8.8, Waving torn 5.5, Pin Tin Tin. Spoon 8.1. Trueshot 8.0, A 1 Jolson 7.5. Master .Anomaly. Francolin 7.3, El Boa 7.2, Pina Metal. Foil Fling, Solmar. Ace of 7.0. Waihola Handicap, six fnrlonsrs.— Francolin 9.10, Fair Money 9.0. Wise Choice 8.11. Nanette, Pixie Gold 8.9. Pharaoh. Pido’o S.B. Captivate, Sailing Home 5.7. Shatter S.G. Some Acre. Seine Queen 8.5. Killorna. e toeton Slmrptl'orn 8.4. Cough. Some Ti'ovm Tippling 8.1. Tlkley, T.otolomai, Hot Ten. M”«ent Miss. Insolvency • Q 0. S-nne Gift. Memoi-ies. Segrave. Glass .Tup;. Crosslinw. Miss Temharon. Thornton. Bitractor, Bold Brigand, Tea Urn 7J T Hoooful Handica". fl .v“ furlongs.— T ast March 0.0. Hula Belle B.l°. Tvne PI. Adult Eclair 7.9. Crane! Review, Knocking 7.6, Ruling Light 7.0.

•j Abbotsford Handicap, seven furI longs.—Meadow Lark ' 10.1, Royal Saxon 9.10, Great Star 9.7, Some Toff 9.0, Money Mine 8.11, Waving Corn, Compris 8.10, Wingatui 8.9, Bin Tin Tm 8.8, First Raid 8.6, Night Raid 8.0, Camisader 8.3, Assemble 8.2, I AI Jolson 7.13, Red Racer, Note- ■ worthy 7.12, Sapient 7.9, Straiglit- ! course 7.8, High Gear. Night Effort, ; Solmar, Speed Light, Blue Metal, Adelphi, Impertinence, Miss Mercia, 'Ace of Hearts. Jock o’ Hazeldean’ Bulolo 7.7. C.J.C. EASTER MEETING REDUCTION IN STAKE MONEY. CHRISTCHURCH, Feb. 12. The Canterbury Jockey Club has reduced the stakes for its Easter meeting by £llOO. On the first day the Crreat Blaster Handicap stake is reduced by £250 and the Sockbufn Handicap by £IOO, and the Champagne Stakes is increased by £IOO, all the other races being reduced £SO. On the second day the Challenge Stakes is unaltered, the Great Autumn is reduced by £250 and the Templeton Handicap by £IOO, and' afl the others by £SO. The Gimcrack Handicap on the first day is now a selling race. DISQUALIFICATION TO STAND APPEAL IN LADY SPY CASE. . WELLINGTON, ,Feb. 12. In an appeal by R. Gregory against f a decision of the Hawke’s Bay district racing committee' in disqualifying him for twelve months for wilfully failing to register a partnership with F. S. Hellyer over the horse Lady Spy, the judgment of the New Zealand Racing Gonerence says: The appeal is on a , question of fact. Nothing has been brought before the appeal judges which in their opinion justifies them in disturbing the finding of the Hawke’s Bay district committee, which hadl the' advantage of hearing witnesses and observing their demeanour. The appeal, therefore, is dismissed and the order for the return of the stakes confirm rd.


February 12, 14 —Taranaki J.C. February 12, 14—Dunedin J.C. February 14, I(l—Rotorua R.C. February IS—■C'lifdeii R.C. February 19 —Tolaga Bay J.C. February 19, 21 —AVanganui J.C. February 19, 21 —Dargavillo 'R.C. February 21 —-Canterbury J.C. February 25, 20 —Woodville J.C. February 25, 20—Gore R.C. February 20—Waiapu R.C. February 27, 28 —‘Marlborough R.C. February 28, March 2—Te Aroha J.C. March 7—Franklin R.C. March 14, 17 —Oliinemuri J.C.

TROTTING FIXTURES February 14—Wellington T.C. February 21, 25 —Auckland T.C. February 21 —Kaikoura T.C. February 28 —New Brighton T.C, March 4, s—lnvercargill T.C. March 14—Timaru T.C. ‘March 25 Manawatu T.C. March 28—Thames T.C.

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Hawera Star, Volume L, 13 February 1931, Page 3

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NEW PLYMOUTH RACES Hawera Star, Volume L, 13 February 1931, Page 3

NEW PLYMOUTH RACES Hawera Star, Volume L, 13 February 1931, Page 3