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For Better Service and | The Best Assortment SHOP EARLY and SHOP WELL j —by shopping at LESTER’S ARCADE This Christmas I THOUSANDS OF USEFUL GIFTS FOR FOLKS OF ALL AGES Can be selected from the Largest Stock in South Taranaki of BOOKS for Young and Old. [ STATIONERY and FANCY STATIONERY. \ SOAPS, PERFUME SETS, PERFUMERY NOVELTIES j : FANCY GOODS and TOYS. This Is Our NINTH BIRTHDAY Take advantage of Our BIRTHDAY DISCOUNTS

MISCELLANEOUS. JgOOKS are always with us—but never more 'than at 'Christmas time. A wide range of books for Gift purposes -—to suit all tastes and all' purses— ; at Donnelly’s. tF a. 'SHAiOKLETON, iPhone ,2206 * —Xmas Gifts from Cd 1 to 5/-; for groceries—quick service, civility. "Y'E AfRiBURY ’S Boot 'Hospital—All convalescent, eases may be discharged fby Xmas and Xew Year’s Eve. Cases not discharged l will be left in charge of'the Black 'Gat with white and tiabby kittens in the isolated ward. Suits —Unbeaten for fit, style and finish; all sizes in newest weaves. —J. C. Robb, Haw era. —3 T IKE Shaving with a new 'blade 1 when you use Brice’s Shaving Cream. Xo pimple's or rash. —Eraser & Sons, Hairdressers. —5 gIOKLY, under-weight children restored to vigorous health by British Yeast-o-Cod Tablets. Taits’ Pharmacy. ' —lO "V'YEA'S Presents! Give Godet Petite PI our Bluet Powder and Perfumes. Harrop’s, Drapers. —5 JpERFUME Spraj r s, Lavender Water, Face Powders and Creams, Fancy Soaps, all by well-known British and Continental makers. —Taits’, Chemists, Hawera. T>E a sport and act the part! We can supply you with the necessary gear at positively the lowest prices.— Donnelly’s, for sports goods! /WODET Petite Fleur Blue Perfume! Delightful Xmas present in charming box of Periwinkle Blue. —Harr op’s, Drapers. —6 ANAEMIA! Take British Yeast-o-Cod Tablets. They are wonderful for restoriug rich red blood.—Taits’ Pharmacy. —H

MISCELLANEOUS. jyj'AKE your boy nappy with, a Brownie Camera! Easy to use; easy to buy; and splendid pieture-get-! ters. Prices 10/6 to 30/-. —Westwood’s Pharmacy, ISS High St., Hawera. /CHRISTMAS Presents! A large range to choose from. Xylonite Ware. { Manicure Sets, Toilet Brushware, Per- ‘ fume Sprays, Cameras, etc., at Dingle’s Pharmacy. fAUR. Stocks will lieip yon cnoose your Xmia® Gifts. Perfume Gift Caskets, Compacts, Toilet Sets, Bath Salts, Soaps, etc. —W. G. Strange, Chemist. '\7'ACATfON Reminders! Tho snaps you will get w T ith a Kodak, purchased for Xmas season. The most comprehensive assortment to be found at Westwood’s Pharmacy, Hawera — “Headquarters for every photo need.’’ 'VTOUR choice —a few shillings to guineas. Presents that carry their value; fragrance exquisite. Select it at Strange’s, the Chemist. AT THE END OF 1931 ! \7S7ILL you be any further advanced at the end of next year than you u-e now 1 Will your present position 3e secure? Will you have an assured tuture? , , • The only man who can be ceitam or iontinuing in profitable emp hose days is the man in whom ambi don and specialised training are com}iU SP \ RE-TIME POSTAL STUDY UNDER HEMINGWAY’S Will help to make you indispensable, rnd definitely increase your earning For over a third of a century Hemingway’s have specialised m HomeStudy Commercial Tuition. Tp-day many of the most important positrons in the business world of New Zealand and Australia are held by Hemingwaytrained students. Become a Hemingway’s student yourself! Enrol immediately ,aiul qualify for a higher salary in the near future. Write TO-DAY for particulars ot Courses, stating subject in which you are interested. „ HEMINGWAY S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS,

WANTED KNOWN YU'ANTED Known—Milk delivered 2d * ' per pin't. from to-day. 'Custom solicited. Address “Marsom,” -c/o P.O. TED Known The -Cult. .Rate .Leads! 'Make your Xmas season a happv one -by doing your shopping profitably- 'We iwill save you pounds 1 on your ” Xmas expenditure. English Phoenix Win re, 'Cup, Saucer and Plate, j /!) —why pay 3/07 English To a sets by Aynsley, Tuscan, Royal Albert, Balmoral. Crown Melba and all England’s Best Makers all sold at less than shopkeepers ban purchase at. Aat eh es. Clocks, Xylonite Sets, Brush -Sets, Dinner Sets, -Supper and Salad Sets, (Manicure 'Sets, Perfumes, 'Toilet Soap, Crystal Ware, Ladies Handbags, etc., etc., etc. Have a look o:ver our stocks and you will be astonished at. the. vrflues. Suit Cases, large size, 6/11; the famous Platignunii Pen, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3; Ere,neb Toilet Soap., 3/6 box for (1/9, 'l/9, 1/9Yes, we will save you 50 per cent, on all vonr Xmas Gifts. (We offer also Xmas Stockings, Bon Bons, Plum Puddings and every conceivable requisite for the festive season. Yes, make it a. merry Xmas without an extravagant waste o'f money. Cheerio, Meet Me in the Arcade. YY/ANTED Known —New Home Sewing Machine for 5/- per week; kept in repair free of charge for 5 years; guaranteed for 10 years.—E. Dixon & Co., Ltd., Hawera. "VY/ANTED Known—Vocalion Records, 2/6 each; both sides popular numbers. See window display at E. Dixon and Co.’s, Ltd., Hawera. JMLEY & itv, V-, Cut SOX, * ‘ The Cake Specialists,” Xolantown; ’Phone 2050. 'Y\/ r AXT I E , D Known The Cult Rate Leads! Xmas Hams, choice quail'll d per lb; Full Creamery Butter, 1/-, 1/- -per l'b, 61bs '5/9; Pine Silk Icing Sugar, 31'bs- 1/-, 31bs 1/-; Best 1A Sugar, 701 b bag, for 7/111 with olbs. Tea; Mixed Xuts, lid- -per lb. 31bs 2/6 or 12Tbs, 8/11; Ovaltine 1/8, 2/9 and 4/11; C.M.IC. Sheep Tongues, 1/1 or 3 Tins 3/12, or 6 for 6/3, or lil/9 doz. tins; Dessert Fruits, 11/9 doz. tins assorted; Best, 3-Crown Sultanas, 31b® 1/7 or l!2lbs 5/11; 4-’Crown Lexias, 31bs 1/9 —why pay TOd lb? -Cordials, Lemon Squash, Raspberry, Balm, Orange -Crush and Lime Juice, nominal qts., 1/- 1/-, 1/- or 11/6 dozen assorted. Yes, we will force it'he prices still further down. Keep your eye on the Cut Rate. We are not iat the beck and call of wholesalers, nor are rve connected (to -Chain Store combines. Cheerio, Meet Me in the Arcade.

WANTED TO LEASE. RANTED to LioaseiPriwees phono 22‘1'1. Street. —Furnished house;, Apply .Toll; teleAT 7 ANTED to Lease—Six or so veil- ’ * romecl house; with about 2 acres land; Hawera. Write “Tenant,” e/o Star Office. idTSC-tflaliAILEOUa. JgEACH or Camp Furniture; good and cheap. Be in time.—Barker’s Sec-ond-hand Shop. ’Phone 25621. CHAW for Useful Presents: .Men's Luvisca Shirts, 15/6, every shirt stamped genuine, not labels only; Fuji Silks in all makes; Boys’ Silks, 5/11. Shop early at the Busy Shop, High St. ■p'BESH Eggs all the year round with Ovoline, the original paste preservative; 1/6 jar. —1 us help you solve the gift problem. A Kodak is the one gift that is always appreciated and the best selection in town is at Westwood’s Pharmacy, 185 High St., Hawera. GAVE Money! Preserve eggs now for Xmas and winter with Ovoline; 25 years’ success. —2 A CHOICE selection of the world’s best Toilet lines by Mornex, Iloubigant, Pivexs, Yard-ley, etc., at Strange’s, High Street. Tf'GGS are Cheap! Preserve now with Ovoline, the original paste; 1/6 jar. All stores. —3 OVERWEIGHT 1 Aeduce to normal without dieting or strenuous exercise by taking Youth-o-Eorm Capsules. —Tait’s Pharmacy. —l3 COUND Sleep secured by regularly ° eating Yeaston Tablets. Free from bromides. —W. Strange, Chemist. —26 CHAW for Useful Presents! Over 150 dozen of the latest in Men ’s Smart Neckwear from 1/6 to 7/6. Call and inspect our large stock of up-to-date mercery at the Busy Shop, High St.

T>ROTECT your .skint! Use Godet Paco Cream. Exquisitely perfumed. —Harrop’s, Drapers. —7 npHlisT? Eun-down ? Under-weight ? Anaemic? British Yeast-o-Cod Tablets will help you to gain pounds of solid flesh. —Tafts' Pharmacy. —l2 TVTODERX Eve! She' uses Godet Lipstick. ‘Six different shades. For-get-me-not perfumed.—Harrop’s, Drapery 3 (TJ.EEAT News! Regal Records now reduced to 2/6. Made by Columbia. Hear and buy them at Liddington’s, Hawera. X> AJAR) Pilm—corrects your errors in. timing. Use Rajar this Xmas. All dealers. —l3 GTFT Sets, British, Yardley’s Lavender Caskets, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets. Call in and inspect.—Taits’ Pharmacy. TTSB Rajar Films for clearer holiday snaps. Capture every detail. All dealers. —l4 CEE our window for Xmas Presents! Suitable and seasonable gifts for all.—Taits ’ Pharmacy. TTOLIDAY Memories! (Capture them -*"*■ in “living” snaps—mse Rajar Pilhi. All dealers. —l*s X CHOICE selection! Lavenders, Colognes, Fancy Soaps, Compacts, Fancy Sponge Bags, Bathing Caps. See window! Taits’ Pharmacy. T> RILLI AN T Xmas ‘Snaps. Rajar Films get more detail. Double speed; double clearness. All dealers. 16 T WINDOW full and hundreds more of choice articles; excellent Gifts you could not fail to be gratified at. — Strange's, the Chemist. 'VIEW Year Resolution. Always use] Rajar Film! Double speed—full of “life.” All dealers. —l7 CJPORTS Coats and Trousers! Just opened fine range of the latest in Men's Sports Coats and Sports Trousers, at our usual low prices.—Patterson's, Hawera's Cheapest Clothing Store, Regent St.—our only address.

by T>ODY Poisons cleared away Yeaston Tablets, which clear skin up, too. —AY. Strange, Chemist. —2/ YX/AIST reduced 94 inches, weight reduced 201 b. six weeks with Youth-o-Form; (5/6. —Taits’ Pharmacy. —l4 T\o you Yeaston daily? Better than apple a dav. —AA r . Strange, Chemist. ‘ 2S We CHAAV for Useful Presents I have the largest and best selected stock of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing at the lowest prices in Taranaki. Shop early at the Busy Shop, High St ‘‘ V EAST ON daily to keep fit. Many have found it a wonderful hit.”— W. Strange, Chemist. —29 f-iQ YEARS of age, but feel as young as 40 since taking Youtli-o-Forni weight-reducing capsules.—Taits’ Pharmacy. —ls G IFT of Nature! Morning tonic of Yeaston Tablets and water. AA r . » —3O Strange, Chemist. B ] EAUTIFUL, useful and inexpensive Christmas Gifts —Antique, Bronze, Cut Glass and Crystal that will please ail, home lovers. Choose from the large selection at D'onuellv’s! G OUT! Purify the blood and improve your circulation by taking Youth-o-Form Capsules; 6/6. —Taits’ Phar'macy. —l6 JpERFUME Sprays, Lavender AVater, Face Fowders, Fancy Soaps, all of British and Continental origin.—Taits’ Pharmacy. j

MIRCH’S - for - CHRISTMAS GIFTS and NOVELTIES We are now showing - a Big - Range of Xmas Novelties, Etc. and you will find our Prices ReasonableCall in and we will glady show them to you. We are Making Special Reductions in Household Drapery FROM NOW TILL CHRISTMAS !. So NOW is the time to replenish your stocks SHEETS, TOWELS, PILLOW CASES, BLANKETS, TABLE CLOTHS, SERVIETTES, ETC. C. Murch Draper High Street Hawera

OUT RATE J)RUG gTOEE. COMPARE OUR PRICES. We Deliver into your bauds, privately by post: Aspirin Tablets, 6d; Headache Tablets, 1/-; Laxative Vegetable Tablets, 1/-: Cascara Tablets, 6d; Beecham’s Pills, 1/-; Steel Pills, 1/-; Widow Welch’s Pills, 1/-, 2/- and 5/-; Mclntyre’s Pills, 2/6 and 5/6; Martin’s I Pills, 2/6 and 6/6; Healing Ointment, I i/.j Pile Ointment, 2/-; Zinc Ointment, ! 1/-; Pimple and Blackhead Cure, 2/6; Shampoo Powders, 3 for 6d; Face Cream, 1/-. <<VITALOIDS,” 10/- a course; for restoring vitality to weak men and women. Write for Free List and any requirements, to — MAIL QKDER J)RUGGISTS, BOX 531, CHRISTCHURCH. THE * ‘ HAWEEA STAB” 'J'HE Telephone numbers for tie ” Hawera Star” are as follow: 2014 Qeneral Manager and Commercial Department. Inquiries and instructions regarding advertising, subscribers’ orders, job printing, etc., should coma over this line. 2015 Edlt;or and Literary Department.. In matters connected with the news columns of the paper use this number.

BOARDERS WANTED. X>Q ADDER'S Wanted; good comfortirible home; soft washing; all 'conveniences; 25/- iper week. Enquire 11 Surrey Street. ROOMS WANTED. w ANTED—Two furnished rooms; use of conveniences. Write “Rooms,’’ Star Office. SEAT IN CAR WANTED <«^E AT wanted in car going to Auckland, Tuesday, 23rd, or Wednesday. Share expenses. 'Phone 217 L DO Sti~ J^OST —On Sunday morning, tan kid glove, between Nolantown and High Street. Reward on returning to Star Office. T OST—From Ivetemarae Pa, Normanby, one cream coloured Jersey cow in milk. Hinder please advise W. Tumaliulci. aroß SAX.E, for Sale —Young drakes, 7/6 pair; 13 Campine chicks, week old; Gooseberries, 3d lb. ’Phone Warren, Rata St. E°R Sale—Shingle and sand. —Isaac Rae, Upper Winks Road, Manaia. ’Phone 118. F 1 OR Sale—. Cane pram, excellent condition; cheap for cash. —82 Victoria Street, or ’Phone 2498. ]\TEW Potatoes, A.A.A. quality, railage paid, 561 b. bags, 4/6. —Eewell, Pukekohe. jpOR Sale —vocation Records, popular numbers on both sides, only 2/6 at E. Dixon & Co.s’, Ltd., Hawera. See window display. JpOR Sale—New Home Sewing Machines; new; no deposit; 5/- weekly. Every machino guaranteed; expert machinist kept on the premises.—E. Dixon & Co., Ltd., Hawera. TTOR Sale—Taupiri Coal, T 6- quarter ton; Rata Firewood, 4ft lengths, £2 10s cord, Ift lengths £3 5s cord; delivered within 4 miles of Eltham.— Norris & Son. General Carriers. Eltham.

gLENDERNESS of girlhood days retained by taking Youth-o-Form Capsules. Absolutely harmless.— [Taits’ Pharmacy. —l7 REGAL Records! Made by ' Columbia; known the world over for quality. Hear and buy them at Liddingto'n’s, Hawera. YAYTARRH of Stomach yields to Yeaston Tablets, which counteract poisonous secretions. W. Strange, Chemist. —3l gUPERFLUOUS flesh disappears without effort by. taking Youth-o-Form Capsules. Absolutely' harmless.—Taits’ Pharmacy. —lB Debility corrected by eating Yeaston Tablets, which stimulate digestive process. W. Strange, Chemist. —32 gPORTS coat's anci trousers, the biggest variety in Taranaki at J. C. Robb’s; coats from 13/6 to 55/-. Trousers from 15/6 to 36/-, best range of patterns and materials; also fancy belts. Tennis sox, blazers in all colours and sizes. Come and see us first. J. C. Robb, Hawera. —1

MEN! HEBE’S A NEW THRILL. A new pleasure —easier and quicker shaves with Q-tol Shaving Cream. Something new and better—its smooth, quick action makes face feel fine. Will not clog your razor. Has a toilet cream base. Free sample tube from Q-tol, Box 1018, Wellington, on receipt of 2d for packing and postage.—Advt. 6

T» AJAR Fites! Double speed —double liveliness. Take 'Rajar on holiday. All dealers. —lB rYUR Casket Display from 4/- to any price that meets your need, is worth your inspection. 'See it for yourself. —W. G. Strange, Chemist. TAVENDER Water; pure, fragrant, of lasting value. No. 65 Lavender will satisfy. All sizes from 2/6 upwards.—Taits’ Pharmacy. f) /£i REGAL Records! Everybody’s ' favourite; made by Columbia. Hear and buy them at Liddington’s, Hawera. TJOYS’ Xmas Suits and Sports Outfits at Robb’s. See our Silk and Cotton Shirts, Pullovers and Blazers. —2 CAVE oh your Christmas Shopping! Buy at Donnelly’s—Cheaper prices, better goods, and Universal 'Certificates that may be exchanged for valuable articles. p IVE him a Fountain Pen and earn his everlasting gratitude. Choose it at Donnelly’s, where you’ll get the best Christmas value at the lowest Chrislmag prices! T AVENDER, Eau de Cologne, Floral and! other Perfumes, Face Powders, Soaps, and Bath Toilets of real value. Select your Gifts at Strange’s, High Street. T>HONE 2578 or drop us a pcatcard and you can have a demonstration or particulars of the new 350 c.c. Douglas Motor Cycle.—J. W. Archbold and Co. TY/E are sole Hawera agents for fam- ” our McLone Suits. Beautiful materials; prices from £5/5/- upwards.— J. C. Robb, Hawera. —4 that Christmas Present! Inspect ■* our range of exclusive Perfumes, Soaps, Fa'ce Powders, etc., by leading English and Continental makers.— Dingle’s Pharmacy.

Are You Ashamed "of Your Hands ? How frequently we hear expression* •uch as: “I won’t take off my gloves," ‘‘l can’t play card*,” "I never wear my rings, they show up my hands too much,” "I am thoroughly ashamed of my hands,” and so on, given vent to I by womenfolk who often are compelled to forego social functions simply because household duties or climatic conditions have played havoc with their hands. Really such sacrifices of pleasi tire are unnecessary. By regular use of Mirpil these embarrassments can be avoided, and the hands kept dainty and ■oft. Mirpil contains nothing to injure the ikin and may be used frequently with every confidence for Red Hands, Rough, Chapped and Chafed Skin, Chilblains, Windburn and Sunburn, as a base for powder and after shaving. Obtainable from all chemists and stores, or from The W. H. Comstock Co. Ltd., Makers of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, 8 Farish Street, Wellington. Price 2/6 per bottle, post paid. ©•

©sms tired and aching feet Banished in a Few Weeks u c. Corns will go—if you use the right treatment and if you persevere. Radox Bath Salts possess certain properties which will remove any corn, root and all, without pain. Thousands of foot sufferers have proved it. Simply put your feet regularly—twice a day if you can into Radox foot baths. Very soon your feet will be as fresh and free from corns as those of the three nurses who write as follows: “We three nurses were victims of tired and aching feet, with very painful corns, until a few weeks ago we started using your wonderful Radox Bath Salts. Now we are thankful to say the corns have gone, and we can run about the wards in comfort and no longer have those dreadful tired, aching feet, at the end of a long, strenuous day on duty.” affi November, 1929. ' (Signed) J.C., E.R., A.H.F. Radox contains four different salts, each of which fulfils a different purpose. One cleanses—one is antiseptic—one softens the water —and one releases oxygen which carries the softening salts right to the root of corns and loosens them so that they may be lifted out bodily, root and all. Only in Radox do you get this four-fold combination. Half-pound packet 2/2; double quantity 3/8. \T RADOX IE BATH SALTS as Manufactured by E. Griffiths Hughes Ltd. Manchester (Established 1756) Supplies Stocked by Fairbairn, Wright & Co., Auckland Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, and by all Wholesalers, Chemists and Stores throughout New Zealand. C7-U-30

Man and Wife both young at 70 Do not feel the weight of years. "A year or two back my wife and I decided to try what effect a daily dose of Kruschen Salts would have on our general health. 1 need not go fully into details, for the result has been so satisfactory generally that now, at 70, each of us, we are not feeling the weight of years; in fact, if there is such a process as rejuvenation it is clearly manifest in both of us. Therefore we have definitely attributed this to a regular use of Kruschen Salts, and would not think of the ‘first cup of tea’ without some . . . We are the parents of 12 children.” A.F.W. Kruschen is ac- combination of six natural salts which stimulate your liver, kidneys and digestive tract to healthy, regular activity. They ensure internal cleanliness and keep the bloodstream pure. New and refreshed blood is sent coursing to every fibre of your being. Start on Kruschen to-morrow. In a week’s time you’ll be feeling wonderfully well, and younger— yes, positively younger ! Then, like many another, you'll decide that you'd sooner miss your breakfast than miss your “little daily dose.” b Price 2/6 per bottle, of all chemists and stores throughout New Zealand. io-si-3o

Q-ENTGER and Hop Beers easily brew- ' ed wit-li Yeaston Tablets, which I shows they are active.—W. Strange, Chemist. —33 JIJATHING? X/ook well in your bathing costume. Increase your weight with British Yeast-o-Cod Tablets.— Tails’ Pharmacy. —l9 J) Y SPE PSI A relieved by eating Yeaston Tablets, which restore Healthy appetite.—W. Strange, Chemist. —34 WHEN the warm weather arrives and you feel like a dip in the .briny, just remember that we can supply your wants in Bathing Suits at lowest prices. —Patterson’s, Hanvera’s Cheapest Clothing Store, Regent St. ANDRIJEE disappears when you use Brice’s Dandruff Prescription.— Eraser & Sons, Hairdressers. —6 gKINNY? Don’t show the bones! through your skin. Put on flesh with British Yeast-o-Cod Tablets.— Taits’ Pharmacy. —2O Suits to Measure are lifted on before finishing, therefore a perfect fit is assured; 500 patterns to select from at prices of ready-to-wear suits.—Patterson’s, Hawera’s Cheapest Clothing Store, Regent St. JJICH Red Blood and healthy appetite restored by British Yeast-o-Cod "ablets.—Taits’ Pharmacy. —9

SO Mrs. rr<o LET —Modern 4-roomed bungalow "*■ sleeping porch, all conveniences good garden, lawns. Kent 30/-. Apply 12 Collins Street. rpO Let —-New bungalow, 5 tooius; sleeping porch; garage; workshop; Argyle Street; 30/-. Apply 47 Collins Street. WANTED TO BUY. ’O7 ANTED to Buy Second-hand V* mower and hay rake; in good condition; cheap. Apply Cosgrove & Co., Manaia. 'Ot'AXTED to Buy —Good school pony. Must be- quiet and reliable. Address: E. Paterson, Taiporohenui, IT a worn. CMRCA'SSIAN Cream) for dry, lifeless hair. Brings back natural charm. —Fraser & Sons, Hairdressers. —4 Under the Postal correspondence addressed to a nom-de-plume, or with initials only, to care of any Post Office, will not be forwarded from office of posting. If advertisers do not desire to disclose their names they may have replies addressed care of “The Star,” and same will be forwarded to advertiser.

© Three WARD’S XMAS CARNIVAL FANCY BOXES OF STATIONERY, from 1/- box. Smart Boxes in a large variety, at 2/3 to 4/6 Box. SMART FANCY GARTERS. Always acceptable, 1/to 2/6 pair. Also in Fancy Boxes- from 1/6 Box. BEACH WEAR FOR ALE ! Full stocks of Bathing Costumes; Bathing Caps from 6d each; Diving Helmets, 1/11 each. See our selection of the,New Elastic Rib Costumes in smart styles, from 15/11 each. THE XMAS PARTY IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT CALEY’S XMAS CRACKERS: 1/6 to 3/6 per Box of 12 YARD-LEY'S TOILET GIFT SETS. Great selection from 3/11 to 12/6 Set. Also Moray’s, Mist of Moon, and Divinia Sets, at Keen Prices. JUST OPENED: The New IIOUBIGANT Face Powder, "Bois Dorman.’’ Try it. Large bov, 2/6 box | NAPERY! Ideal for Xmas Gifts. A new shipment of the latest in Linen and Cotton Napcry at prices to suit all. Supper Cloths, Damask Cloths, Serviettes, Duchess Sets, Runners, Cushion Covers,«£ Table Centres, D’Oyleys, etc., etc.,' Ask to see therm! Stores Crammed With Keenly Priced Gifts -J GLOVES FOR- HOLIDAY WEAR. Always an acceptable present. Ladies’ Nappa Gloves, in Summer shades, at a Special Price, 6/11 pair. Ladies’ Smart Fancy Cuff Silk Gloves, from 4/6 pair. BOXES OF HANDKERCHIEFS. The ever popular and useful present. 1000 boxes to choose from. Children’s Fancy Boxes from 1/- box. Smart lines at 3/6 to 5/6 box. “XMAS TREE” FOR THE KIDDIES! Crammed Full of Toys. All a Job Purchase. Great Value at 6d, 9d and 1/- each BROWN FIBRE SUIT & LUNCH CASES, est Prices. All sizes and qualities. Lunch Cases from 1/- to 1/11 each. At Keen- OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS ARE— Strong Fancy Bottles of Bath Salts, Brush and Comb Sets, Dainty Covered Coat Hanger Sets, Silk Lamp Shades. Hundreds of other popular presents. C. C. WARD LTD DRAPERS NEW PLYMOUTH HAWERA, ELTHA M

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Hawera Star, Volume L, 20 December 1930, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume L, 20 December 1930, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume L, 20 December 1930, Page 2