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TARANAKI SENIOR PLAY ATHLETIC v. OKATA'WA SIX POINT DRAW Playing the game postponed' from •Saturday Haist. the Okaiawa and, Ait-h----ict'ic s'enicr'Eugby team's waged: a keen .contest on the Oka'iawa ground yesterday to ‘terminate in a six point draw. Athletic registered t'wb tries, while Okaiaiwa dented a. 'try and a penalty goal. Though Okuiiawu sHored a try less, the margin between the teams in Territorial p!<;:rv was negligible. 'Athletic) had a: ,slight .advantage in the first, spell, but. Okai'a'wa was making the 'better shriving in the concluding stages and the draw provided! a happy solution of the fate of the cnam.pionshli'ps; 'Both slides) were below full strength and had't'ci draw on the junior grades to field 1 their respective fifteens. Led by E. iCLarhc and X. Guy. Okaiaw.a. field'eid) the stronger forward' division, buit 1 ini the rear division' honours, rested* with Athl'et.ici which, In O. Gudgeon, possessed the outstanding back oir the ground. The tpains limed out ft's follow: - Okaiauva; ('Maroon, and Blue). —C. Blair; D. Mie'Cailum, 'G. Xgaia. J. Thompson; E. [Murdoch. v. Guv; T. Guy (half); D. Tito (rover); E. Greenough, J. Scott; E.. ‘C.liarke, Ike (captain). E. Guy; P. Tippett. A. Pre.stbn (hoik ers). Athletic (Red and Black). —G. Cruiekshamk; 8. McMillan, J. Loader, M. ‘Owen; C. Dowdlc, W. Dymond; C. Gudgeon (half), caipta;im: AY. Mundy (rover); If. Philips. J. Seltfiord 1 ; E. Tippett, J. Palmer, W. Ritter; J. Philips, E. Herbert (hookers-). : Athletic. set. the ball' rolling in. the faiec of a (breeze 'and appeared- immedi- ■ atcly in the homo quarter, but' were , sent, back with a* penalty awarded , Ok.iiai.via, close to the goal line. The A t'h.l'etic a fife aek swung b'alc-k in t'li.e , nexih moment, and 1 from .a. range of 40

yards Loader tried the goal with .a penalty, but the bail fell' .short. Ike fielded 1 it and, with Xgaia, put play in A tilde Die As territory, where aic'M'on remained for ten minutes, 'but the only result of the Maroons ’ bids' was a kick out to Athletic when Thompson' found the dead ball line. A following -effort by 'Okaiawa was turired dm tlhe tiwemtyfivo wiit'h a peifalty. .Play tralve-ll'ed' bark to Okaiawa teriit'orv. From a S'crumf jasti outside The twenty-five Muiid'y. Gudgeon and Dymond' hand!ed the bail for boa dor t'o 'complete the move me nt with .r try beneath the bar. The go all appeared a certainty, but the scorer’s kick .sent the ball outside, and after 12 minutes of play the score showed: Athletic 3—Okaiaiwa 0. Okaiawa retaliated with, another (assault: of five minutes, ‘but- the visiting barks proved sound. Thirty yards out from the goal W. Guy claimed a. mark. He made ~1. good plaice kick to skim an upright on, the wrong side. Thru skiing again. Okaiawa' were turned with, a penalty taken by Bitter. Ensuing notion; brought the Athletic. Ibaic’ks into the .limelight, with a series of bright passing movements. Play betweenl 'tlhe twenty-five zones without derided adva'ntage till I>v 111 end daiifed through < to the home. line. A. iS'cruni; was ordered, an-d' wa's indecisive, but ■frciiu the entitling mix-up Gudgeon' flashed through, fire defent-e to be held up night.' on. the line anil' Xgaia relieved. Another Athletic invasion was stopped’ with! a fone'e dSniwn. Territorial honours- were evenly cant els fed for ai period and the next .success came to The 'lilomei .side When 'Clarke landed a penalty with a place kirk from a range of 33 yards. 'Okaiawa 3—Athletic 3. Athletic were swarming before the goal again and «.•» try appeared, imminent whom Dyiiiir/nd I ‘cu t through the do-{ fence, awl handedt to Palmer, who battled uiliivos'r; to the .Sime before being Chirk)wn- by three t-.icklefs a,ml 'E. Guy gave relief. The i'err minutes pree'ediing the .iniberval fotui-d' Athletic holding the territorial ad'v-a-n.ta'ge, but little inVpreissdoii 'c'ou’i'il. be ‘made- on Okaiawa’s reli'alblu*. 'reliti" division. Dymond and •Hitter blot'lt failed! to! raise! the flags* iHtli penal t'i’eis 'and: no sid'e uns >1 gnu I led with the -slcolre. imalitenMl-. Tlie 'UJvaii'ajwiii forwards ope.m'd the sdcond .spell with a series <of ‘rapid tlrrusts' which kelpt itlh'e Aithb.itlc- defence busy. ICT'aake, It. Guy nirdi Preston were ji-r'oiii'inieiiifc figures in. .ttfack ,ail'd, front! bills Ibid stia'rted at- iniidfield by the. vanguard, I lie/ ba'ill Tr.uiviSl.lcdi to lM‘cGallluiii, wlto Jii'iule a gubd run, bid could .md. paistsi ,Blair. A poiitalty ‘t'tiken by 'Glarlvei fell; s'liont of the go-a'l l -anil a little .Safer A-thildtic turned defence in,to attack when; Doiwdle shloweil' up ini m ti'icky -run. Aii'Other petralfy straight o'u'r from ifhe goal wii's taken by Loader, iwlio fii'asl a line Iciba'iik-e of jvut't'ing Athletic, 'ini the lead, .but ..again the 'balill wenit otttsid'e. Oka'iawa. made • a .wjifie to the Athletic quarter, to be 1 turned by Dowd'le again and action I rested for an •aip.jsreciab'l'e period .in the I iranre twenty-five where, from a, * sic-niiiv, Gud'grion ni'ade a groumd kick l nodi fell on the ball across .the line ym-ir ah cod' of a defender. ‘The scoring point was ‘well! out from, the gen:! and the angle bent Eititcr's kick. 1 A thvet'ic fi—Okinawa 3. The equalising 6'core ic.niie: within three minutes when, from a scrambling movement in neutral: territory, McCollum da idled dowm the .fi'ne. veered infirdd iand' trans' to W. Guy, who returned 1 the bail in. the nor nor for T. Guy to touch down for a try. Clarke missed the goal and the .scores showed: Okaiawa. (i—At'hi otic (i. 'Contiliually dangerous, .the 'Okaiawa vanguard call-ed the tune until full 'lime, bill was, .held up irojpwi'tedily Per [ inf llingeme nits of the off slide rule, while dudgeon anil Dymond were pnteiit fac- • tors 1 in rush stopping. Though the I final .stages' shewed in the home side ’s iYrvouT, the eUi 1 ! 'of time found the * Scare still showing:. ■Okai', C —■ A tide tic fi. Mr J. F. Ki.ley was 'the referee.

CITY WIN ELGAR CUP OIIANIGAI BEATEN BY 14—S. OBy 14 point's; to 8. City J>e»fc Ohanlga-i yelsteirdlav ait -tiro sftow,grounds ih> the final of" five" El'gair Oup eieHT]>e>t>iti"D n. Tire ganid was drab anil '.'lit .sta-giis' un-n-e’eebsalri'ly hard, eppelci'ajfy so in tire sdeonrl .spoil, 'and there were irneid'eivts between l individual player's whliolh went lumlOif voted: (In- the .referee. Ragged' pi aw followed lire k i'c'k-off siln'cl The Ohangai forwards! then busplofl their way to within a- few yards 'of City's line. The Yellow and Blacks were ponniliscd for offside, play and "O ’Shea, took the kick to pilot, five ball befwee'nl the uprights width a ibea'u'tifuil CffOT.t. Ohangai were afforded an'otili or shat at. goal ai few mimitejs later, O’Shea missing an easy kick. Working solidly Ohan'gai were .several time's 'in sirdkin'g diista.n'ee .of City’s lin'e, and' from a scramble Guest dived over. iMsowibray eon vetted. Close following up of short field kicks saw City hem Ohangai in. their vo, .and flic YelloW and 'Blacks looked! danger ours from tiwo suee'e.s'sive line-outs ai few yard's from the, line.' City pressed' in a solid; forward rush, butt a tnnatrk brought -relief tio Ohangai and fou'eh was found past the tiwen.tyfive. In passing bouts City 'tested' the defence, but a, tionig range kick let Ohangai away, and as tine ball l rolled over City’s' line there was a, race ficr the tdiTcii. the; Yellow .and BlWrikisi forcing. Ci.ty .initiated passing rushes early in the second spell rend a; movement within Ohangai’s twenty-five culminated in 'Morrissey going over near the corner. The kick failed. Ohangai S —City 3. Almost inrni'Cidiately afterwards City got .away again and in a’ stcfuinimage on the ;llin;e Ohatilgai were lulcky to fiorcoj Mainfainin'g the pressure, City broke, alway with' a snappy rush, and Mftßeth gathered in the leather to pace his way along the line .and' score a .well earned try. The kick again failed. Ohangai S—City <». Auway with the ball at t'h'eif feet. Ohangai ccimpiell'ed 1 iCit'y to maintain a solid defence on; .th'eiir 'l'ime, relief icOmihg when the Yellow .and Blacks forced. O 'Shea! made a preift-y breakaway for Ohangai and put in a sound solo run. He punkied lover the 'fuTl-ibatek’s head, but fo!r .being; obstructed. (the offonlee not being noticed' by the l'efe'roie) lie seemed certain t'o .score. •City swept upfield in, a. passing rush and. tight forward play followed in Ohangai's territory. M'ctße'-tlr weaving hits- way through to increase- City’s iiafijy. Mordifs'siey addled 'the .extra points. iCifv Vl —Ohangai 8. Spurred on iby .the tally -against thlem, Ohangai began tfo bustle iCli'ty in forward bursts, the Y'dltow a'nd l Blaleks being given a respite (when- al mark e'nlibl'ed .them to find touch near midfield. 'A lengthy kick gained ground for iCity and a line-out ensued in Ohangai’s .twe'n tv-five. The Yellow and Blacks s'eieurcd .pv/ssession and Barron

paic eel! Ms r.vay over .tine 'line. The kick failed. City 14—Oha'ugaa S. The gamie ended without further sic ore. Air J. Daley wuis referee. HELPING THE SELECTORS. WELLINGTON, July 30. A North v. South Island match at Christchurch, the players in which must not have represented New Zealand this .season, was suggested in a letter from the Canterbury Union to the New Zealand Rugby Union considered to-night. The matter was held over for discussion after the British lour. T'he letter expressed the idea that such a match would be of considerable assistance to- selectors in view of the visit of an Australian team next vear. “T 1 ie Nonv Zealand Empire Games team sends its congratulations,” was a, cablegram from Mr,R. J. Hobbs, manager of the team which is at- Hamilton, Ontario, to the New Zealand Rugby Union with reference to the third Test. NORTH AUCKLAND'S TOUR. WELLINGTON, July 30. A grant of £SO was made to the North Auckland Union by the New Zealand Rugby Union to-night towards the expenses of the tour commencing tomorrow. Al telegram from Whangarei stated; that the tour was estimated to cost £450. and tio funds would 1 he ro(eived from the unions to be visited. The itinerary is: July 31 : Leave Whangarei. August 2: Masteirton. August (i: Napier. August !->: Wanganui. August 13: Stratford. August Hi: Auckland. SCHOOLS AT PLAY. WANGANUI, July 30. The annual Rughv match between Palmerston North Roys’ High School and Wanganui Technical College first fifteens was, played here to-day and resulted in a draw, eleven all. The game was productive of bright play at stages. Palmerston had slightly higher honours from the territorial aspect. ()lliver scored a try for Palmerston and Smill with a conversion and two penalties brought the total to 11. For Wanganui R. Melekingi, Follas and Lavatn scored tries, Follas converting | one

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Hawera Star, Volume L, 31 July 1930, Page 3

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RUGBY Hawera Star, Volume L, 31 July 1930, Page 3

RUGBY Hawera Star, Volume L, 31 July 1930, Page 3