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TARANAKI CHAMPIONS KEEN AMATEUR BOUTS ■CONTESTS AT ITAAVEEA' Keen cdn’tests were waged ad- 'the Haw era Opera House last evening, when 'the anmiiafl. championships of the Taranaki Amateur Boxing Centre (were held under the. auspices of the 'Hawera Boxing Association-. With convpe'ti•fion 'in each division excepting the welterweight a generous- programme of 19 bouts were presented, but. pub-1 ic attendance, in marked- contrast with previous tourneys of the -season, was meagre and thei snpptor't given, was consi derafbly below that merited by the .exhibition.

'Willing bouts, with a good average staudiaud! of boxing, chara'cterised the progranitae and held the sustained interest. of the gathering. Preliminary and semi-final contests wore of 'three rounds ea!ch of two minutes duration. Finals we!re of four round's. With three exceptions t'hc bouts won't the fuißi distance, 'two of the 19 being, ended bv 'the knock-out and, a third with a virtual knock:-out.

Only t)wO champions of the previous year* dpfenJd'ed! their titles. These were 'the Inaha miiddiPweiglvt. E. Griffon, who held both 'the _ nuiddlieivvelgift and light-heavy weight 'titles and 3X Roebuck, of NeHv Plymouth, who- successfully defended the flyweight .title and also took the bantam championship. In addition to the competition bouts an exhibition spar of three rounds was given, by Jack Jones, of Hawera, formerly professional lightweight champion of Wales, and R. Furze, of 'Tikoavfngi, who was unopposed: ini the welter division! of the .championships l .and took the title without a fight. In the opinion -of the (well-known; referee, Earl Stewart, Furze vvajs at present, the. premier welter among the amateurs of the Dominion, said! the annoubcer (Mr ■Geo. 'Meyriek) in formally presenting the pair. Mr R. W. Haddow, of Paten. officiated' as .judge and referee throughout the tourney and a capable band of officials combined with the secretary (>Mr S. E,. Veit'ch) in the administra'■t.ive work. These were as follow: Official .aUnloitinCcr, Mr Geo. .Meyfbk; stage manager, Mr E. T. Simon; match stewards, Messrs E. T. Simon and W. S. Moore.; time-keepers, Messrs P. O.’Dea and A. H. Shaw; call stewards, -Messrs W. Cropp and J. I-Veync; weight steward's, Messrs T. 11. Walker and: A. H. iGuy; glove stc(ward, Mr S. Moore; official second's, Messrs O’Dea, 11. Moore and Smith; bon. eile'etrician, Mr Burge; h'on. surgeons, Dr. E. G.. B. Sinclair and Dr. W. Thomson;- house manager, Mr J. Findlater; assistant secretary, Mr J. Frevne.

Thank's t'o the referee and toi all who •had given- support to 'the tourney, together ■with congratulations to the competitors on the good standard of boxing. Were voiced by Mr P. O'Pea when, following the tourney, competitors and visitors were entertained to supper at the Savoy Tea Rooms. He expressed regret, however, that stronger support had not. bee'n accorded by 'the general public and pafticulauly by members of the association. “From a sports point ■of view the tourney was undoubtedly successful and. merited a much greater measure of support from members of 'the association, ’ ’ said Mr O’Dea.

Congratulations to the Hawera Ass©-’ (nation im its successful conduct of the tourney were extended by Messrs B. Johnson (Stratford), C. J. Gardner (Patea), and C. Roebuck (Xew Plymouth). 1 In his thanks to the performers Mr O ’Dea made, 'special mention of the courtesy extended by the Hawera trainer, Jack Jones, who, in taking part in an exhibition bout, had given at notable service for a. boxer of his standard. CHAMPIONSHIP WINNERS. The championship winners are as follow: Flyweight: D, Roebuck (New Plymouth) . Bantamweight: I>. Roebuck (New Plymouth). Featherweight: O. Talbot (Kitham). Lightweight: F. Hutchens (Eltham). Welterweight: It. Furze (Tikorangi), unopposed. Middleweight: E. Griffin (Inaha). Light-heavyweight: E. Griffin (Inaha). Heavyweight : S'. Smitheram (Patea).

Details of the various competition •bouts are as follow:

FLYWEIGHT. Title-holder, 11)29. D. Roebuck (Ne'w PJym'outh). FINAL Roebuck defeats McMahon. L. McMahon (Inglewood), 7.51, was the only contender for the flyweight title, iwlhieh 11. Roebuck (New Plymouth), 7.8;}, was defending. Roebuck set the pace in the Opening round and took points for effective use of 'his left lead and footwork. McMahon was willing to ntix it and scored in the next session with, short arm body blows, but constantly ran into trouble •and was still behind when 'the second gong sounded. GHnehing niia'fred thethird! round, which was hectic at times. Again the honours were with •the title holder. McMahon to’-ok .a: leaf from his opponent’s book in the final • session and caused Roebuck to miss badly, but the champion had established definite superiority in attack, defence arid style and had to be given the decision.

EANTAMWEIGHT. Title-holder. 1929, X. Childs (Stratford.) FTNAIJ R-ocTmck beats Adams. L. Adams (Hawexa), 8.11, was making his first appearance in a, competition ring when faced! by the clever flyweight, D. Roebuck (New Plymouth) 7.83, in the only bout, of the evening for the bantam title. Though lighter. Roebuck had the advantage in both height and reach. Adams proceeded to mix things after the first few seconds. In both lattaick and evasion he drew even in the opening round. In. the second Roebuck used both hand's ami took a. definite lead, though: Adam's caused' trouble with a hard right, jolt to the jaw. In the third the-local boy fought Ijn'c.k repeatedly when forced to the ropes. In the last, the quick moving Roebuck was taken by surprise when the novice scored again with his right, but the former again made' punishing use of his long left to the face

and right to the body and! won his second bout of the evening. FEATHERWEIGHT Title-holder, 1929, A. C. Turner '(’Waitara).. FIRST HOUND K. H, -Hunt (Stratford), 8.104, defeated S. Oa'vanagh (El'tham), 8.1---, on points. lOavanagh was- aggressive in the first round, but Hunt proved tough and took the honours m the concluding two. C. Talbot (Etthaiu), 8.11. defeated IV. G. 'CooUibo (Tangarakau), S.Ui, on point's. The loser s wil'd swings piovei a- source of amusement to- the crowd, but got him few points anld left him open repeatedly to his cooler adversary, iwho obtained a decisive verdict. ,G. Thomas (Eltbam), B.llf, a bye.


'Thomas beats Hunt

Longer in. the reach., Tlr.o-mas also had the advantage in speed over Hunt in the first round of the semi-final. Hunt was trying t-o _ force the, issue, but. ,repeatedly ran into the LLtham boy’s outflying left. Hunt sent in some hard right swings to- the body ■in the second round, but could not evade the snappy counters and points continued in favour of Thomas. Thong i he staved on well and received merited applause Hunt wais outfought in the .last round and Thomas took ,a comfortable Verdi c-t. C. Talbot, a. bye.

FINAL Talbot beats Thomas. The opening round of the feather final was marked by snappy action in which honours were easy between, the EM,ham pair, Talbot and Thomas. Hard slo'o-ofing characterised the sdCon'd: round! ini which the only distinction which could (he drawn was a slight ■margin! toi the credit of Thomas foi head movement and body weave. Talbot took, t'li.e as'ceudaney in, tire third session through the use of his right deliveries to the midriff, but failed tt> give serious trouble to his opponent, u-ho was ,ai shifty target. Still (With very little between them., the pair provided a vigorous 'conciluding round 1 . In the final flurry Talbot was 'the more consistent scorer and took the verdict on a slender margin.

LIGHTWEIGHT Title-holder, J 929, L. Christiansen' (Ne'w Plymouth.) first round. F. Hutchens (Elthani), 9.101, defeated S. Br ere ton (New Plymouth), 9.10-1, on point's. Both scored freely in a' keen bout, but Hut chon's made better use of his left and showed superiority in 'style.

E. J." Mercer (PateaJ), 9.5 J,. defeated E. Finlay (Hawera), 9.1'2-i, on points. The loser was the fight maker .and created a favourable impression, but Mercer showed better knowledge of boxing and was awarded 'the verdict for 'cleaner attack and superior defence.

W. G. Co'o-mbe (Tangarakau). 8.11-1 a bve.


Hutchens beats Coombe,

The Tan gair.t kati battler, Coombe, who at an earlier stage -of the evening fought an unsuccessful preliminary iu the fen'their division, was faced /with another difficult proposition in Hutchens, but was game throughout the three round's. Coombe's unorthodox stance and unfailing grim under punishment amused .and made him popular with the crowd. Hutchens was kept moving, but won decisively and was never in danger of losing the decision, exedpt by a lucky connection of one of Cocimbe’s furious swings. Mercer a bye. FINAL.

Hutchens Beats Mercer

Hutchens took the fight promptly to Mercer at the commence of the lightweight final. Both hands, working like pistons, found billets, but- failed to distress the Patea man, who was trying to take the offensive when the first gong sounded. In the second, Mercer took a nasty right below tlie heart and. was staggered, but flashed over his own right- to the jaw. Mercer was making an improvement on his earlier form, though the odds remained with Hutchens. The latters? straight left to the jaw and hook to the chest were the main factors of the third! session, in which both scored in attack. Mercer made a fine rally in the fourth and last round, but Hutchens had sufficient in hand to make the issue in his favour certain.

MIDDLEWEIGHT Titleholder, 1929, E. Griffin (Inaha). FIRST ROUND. IT. Scown (Patea), 10.113, defeated S. West (Kohuratahi), 11.2, on points. Neither was impressive as a straight hitter, though whatever difference existed was in Scown’is favour. E. Griffin (Inaha), 11. If, the _ title holder, defeated E. Aflenden (Stratford), 11.2 f, on a knockout iu the first round. The bout gave evidence of developing into an interesting contest, but within a minute Aillenden ran into a left hook to the jaw and was counted out.

A. N. Furze (Tikorangi), 10.8-}, defeated F. McTaggart (Manutalii), 11.4. on points. Iu a rugged battle, McTaggart was on top during the early stages, and came with a rattle to fight grimly in the final round, but tv as against a superior exponent of ringcraft.

SEMI-FINAL. J Scown Defeats Furze. J Scown took the fight to Furze in the opening round of the semi-final. He used his 'left- to the head and body, and improved in evasion on his earlier bout. Furze took the offensive in the next round, forcing the Patea- man to the ropes repeatedly and scoring to the body at close quarters. The second gong left little to choose. Standing too to toe, the pair traded blows willingly through-out the third session, hut in. the hoc-tie action of the concluding 30 seconds the superior -strength of Scown swung a narrow margin in his favour. , Griffin a live. FINAL. Griffin Defeats Scown. Griffin, w lx> in the middleweight final was making his- third appearance of the evening, attacked! Scown swiftly for 30 seconds, then eased the pace. Scown was apparently content to wait for Griffin to make- the fight in the firsttwo rounds. His evasion was clever for a man of his size, but cow Id not escape Griffin’s snaky left, which accounted for j the points. Scown made a forceful onslaught- to commence the third session and hustled his man with a left over the heart and a right swing to the jaw. Griffin boxed coolly during the last- half |

minute of the round and was in command again as the gong sounded. Halfway through the final session Scovvn weathered a hail of blows and put the champion in retreat, hub the spurt was short lived. Griffin's effective left ruled the last seconds' and lie took the decision comfortably. LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT Title holder, 1929, El. Griffin (Tnabn). FIRST HOUND. L. Walker (Patea), 1.1.9), defeated F. Kapa( Waitara), 11.12./, on a knockout in the second round. Kapa was twice down in the first round and went to the mat for the lull count from a right jolt to the chin within 15 seconds of the opening of the second session. E. Griffin (Inaha), 11. If, a bye. FINAL. Griffin Beats Walker. The two knock-out exponents., Griffin and Walker, each of whom bad taken decisions earlier in the evening by the short cut route, put vigorous action into their opening round of the lightheavy final. At long range Griffin was able to outbox the Patea man, though the latter was the more punishing fighter at close range. Walker seemed shaken by a series of left hooks to the face in the seeftul session, followed by rights to the body, but came out full of fight for the third round. In this the heavier man launched torrid attacks, but left his face open to Grillin’,s battery. The final .round found both battlers going hard for the knock-out iind kept the crowd in an uproar. Walker was again using Iris weight and could be credited with points for aggression, but Griffin’s- straight deliveries claimed! the award.

HEAVYWEIGHT Title holder, 1929, S. Byrne (New Plymouth). FINAL. Smith era m Beats Gilbert. S. Smith cram (Ph.tea), 12.8), and B. Gilbert (Inglewood), ,10.13). were the ■only contenders for the open title. .latter, who was well within the middleweight limit, was ceding the advantage of a .stone and a half to Ins opponent. Smitheram took the offensive from the outset and soon had the lighter man in difficulties. Gilbert was game and took a Jot of punishment, but before the conclusion of the first round term the referee rightly awarded his decision to Smitheram.

DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIPS TARANAKI REPRESENTATIVES. Following the conclusion of the Taranaki amateur boxing championships held at Hawera last- evening it was announced that the following had been selected, subject to the approval of the Stratford association, do represent Taranaki at the New Zealand championships being held at Palmerston North next month:—Flyweight: D. Roebuck (New Plymouth) . Welterweight: R. Furze (Waitara). Middleweight: E. Griffin (Hawera).



(United Press Association—By filectrio Telegxcpb Copyright.}

LONDON, July '2>B

Scott ic at- an Inglorious figure against St ribling. Forty thousand persons citvuroured for admission to the fight, which it was recognised meant a grefit- step foir the British champion towards the world's- title,. 'However, Stott was roundly hooted when within a few iminuke's/ oif the start he took the count and left the ring crestfallen. He alt no- time appeared a match for the) quick-moving rfelver S'tribling. Almost befolre the crowd' realised that the fight bad commeneed Scott was down, for nine. 'Three times he was on fine floor in the. first, round. The American! delivered blow after blow •without any return.

At the beginning of the s'o’e ond round Scott led with his left and then golt in another, and if. lalppeared that lie was finding his feet. But it was cmiLy a flash in the pan, after which, StribTing forccid the pa'ce, felling Scott with a right swing to the head and a right anili <a ‘left to the body. Kc-o'rJt was on: one knew for the ce.uii't. of 10.

It was evident from the .commencement that Scott 's weak, spot was the .stomach, to which iStribling paid marked' attention. 'The crowd was easily a •reeo.rd for any fight here.


LONDON, July 39. Are luw Sexton defeated.- Leo Max in a; Id-round! boxing -contest last night. WELLINGTON TIT A 1M 1 PL ON SI lIP S. FIRST NIGHT RESULTS (By Telegraph—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, July 29. The tournament to decide the Wellington .amateur hexing ehaiupion'sh-ips ,c 0111 me meed in the Town -Halil to-night. Owing to- inclement (weather 'there was •only a moderate attendance. Fo'lil O'Winig are the -results-: — Featherweights.—W. Smith (‘8.,11) beat C. Knapp (8.10). 11. Knapp (8.6) beat J. McDonald (8.111), F. Keith (8.10) beat- G. Marshall (8.10), <C. Taylor (8:13}) beat T. 'Corbin (8.123). ! Welterweight.—-J. Mansfield (10,.63) befit L. Strickland.

‘Ban'krmiweii'glit.—o. Wood's (S. 0:) beat G. William's on (5.2), R. Wood (8.2) befit K. Webb (7.131) Flyweight.—ll. A'llott (7.10) beat E. Hume (7.61). Mid,die weights.—A. Hawker (10.13) beat iM. Strickland (11.21), N. Croft (10.81) knocked out j. Ccnnons (10.1123). L igh t - h on v vwdi-ghft.—-B. Si r i ckla n d (1118) beat ,J. W. Stewart (11. D) in the second round,. (Tlve loser was disqualified' for holding.) Lightweight. —• G. Thomas (9.5) knocked! fint X. Miller (9.33). H. Thomas (9112-) knocked. out, P. J. O’Brien (9.54) in- the first round.

“Far every why there, is a wherefore.” —Butler. And for every cold' there is Baxter’s 1 Lung Preserver. Gives instant relief. A grand specific for coughs, colds, sore throats, influenza and all such throat and lung complaints. Also acts as an! excellent tonic. ‘Get- your bottle -of “■'Baxter’s” to-day! The new screw calp preserve’s the contents. Obtainable all chemists and stores. Medium size, 2/6; economical, family size, 4/6; 1) :i eh elor ’ s size, 1/0. —2 When children are restless give thorn Wade’s Worm Figs. Safe, sure and pleasant. All chemists and stores. —3 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for influenza colds.—Ailvt.

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Hawera Star, Volume L, 30 July 1930, Page 6

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BOXING TITLES Hawera Star, Volume L, 30 July 1930, Page 6

BOXING TITLES Hawera Star, Volume L, 30 July 1930, Page 6