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"WORK WANTED. WANTED —Digging, hedge trimming, etc.; good work done; reasonable iales. Apply E. H. St. Quentin, _ 35 Princes St., Hawera, or 'phone 2325. MISCELLANEOUS. VIOLET RAY HEALTH SERVICE. Rheuma GUFEERERS of Neuritis, ° tisin, Lumbago, Sciatica, Goitre, Nerves ,etc., are advised that appointments for free consultation may be made at Mr Dingle's Pharmacy, Ha wera, Mr Winter's Pharmacy, Manaia, and Mr Lissaman's Pharmacy, Kaponga. Treatments given in your own homes any T where in the district.-—R. A. Billows, Wilkinson's Buildings, Eltham DARKER’S Second-hand Shop, opposite Spragg's. Call in and inspect our special bargains this week. ~VTURSE CLAYTON, Metaphysician, Diagnostician, claims that the power flows from her to the patient cures gall stone, bladder and kidney stone, goitre, constipation, migram headaches, etc. Leaving Hawera shortly. Consulted Blair's Buildings, upstairs, 1 to 2, 7 to 8 p.m. XT APEX sweetens the breath; ideal mouth deodorant after smoking; 1/6 tin all chemists. TTIS Master's Voice and .Columbia 'Gramophones; make your choice a.t 'Lid'dington *s, Ilawera, where the latest records are. r HIE ST ‘Tightness! Kapex breaks the plilogm. Gives amazing relief; 3/6 tin all chemists. TYON’T be unisiedably cold, but buy a hot iwsiit-cir bottle and sleep like a toip. —W. 0. Strange, Chemist, has an all-'British article ‘ guaranteed! for a year CMASH your Cough! Kapex Cubes ° clear your throat. Wonderful antiseptic; 1/6 tin all chemists. AT ORRIS Watches and Clocks aTe the best value in Hawera. ■fT'APEX Cough Cubes smash any cough. Antiseptic vapours protect throat. All chemists. A REAL Necessity; A good hot water buttle gives a heap of service. Get one ax 'Strange's, High Street, X) EGULARITY of bowels secured by XV eating Y'easton Tablets, which create completeness of elimination. —W.! G. Strange, Chemist. —2 CORE Throat? Chew Kapex Cough Cubes. Wonderful remedy—instant relief; 1/6 tin all chemists. /CONSTIPATION! Complete release gradually brought about by Yeaston Tablets, which stimulate sluggish muscles of elimination. —W. G. Strange, Chemist. —3 TIT ORRIS ■’ Diamond Engagement Rings are. the finest anti best value in Hawera. A N Honest Bottle of Medicine is Monk's Balsam. Nothing elsethat we know of breaks up a cold so quickly Hid completely as this invincible remedy. Bottles, 2/- and 3/6, procurable jnly from Westwood, Chemist, Hawera. PXPECTANT Mothers! Eat Yeaston Tablets, which keep you free from 'onstipation.—W. G. Strange, Chcmst. * -4 [CHEST Troubles —head colds—sore ° throats —Kapex Cough Cubes bring prick relief. Unequalled for kiddies. U 1 chemists. urrHY suffer aches and pains when '' you 'can got Sequah’s famous remlies at Hart's, Union St. and High St rN DIGEST lON terrible int estinal ", pains—frequent nausea —eliminated >y regularly eating Ycston Tablets. — ,V. G. Strange, Chemist. —5 F IDDINGTON'3 are now selling LJ Radio; “His Master’s Voice” and ‘Atwater Kent.” There is nothing beter made. —T. G. Liddington, Specialist n Music for the Home. OOSY cheeks renewed by eating Yeaston Tablets, which, free system rom dangerous toxins resulting from Jonstipation.—W. G. Strange, Chemst. —6 AH AW -’S Popular Sale—We have the largest shocks of o ___ __ Mercery and Jlothing, which we offer at the lowest rice; ail goods guaranteed at the Busy hop, High Street. RExYL Guarantee —satisfaction or a new article. The “Eclipse” Hot iter Bottle is British all over. Get at Strange’s, High Street. RE you sallow? Ear Yeaston TabL lets, which purify the blood and ear complexion.—W. G. Strange, lemist. —7 ’OR Sore Teats, Hard Udders, etc., use “Anticrac”; 2/6 per genors size tin. Procure at Tait’s Pharicv, Hawera ANTICRAC!” The new non-tainted healing ointment for cows’ teats, t. a supply now from Taits’, Hawera. POR rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, sore throats, inflammation, quinsy, neuralgia and chilblains use Secpiah’s famous Seal Oil. Procurable only at Hart’s; 'phone 2790. JJE AD ACHES? Cause of headaches very often removed -by eating Yeaston Tablets. W. G. Strange, Chemist. —8 TAAIRYMEN ! Use Neale’s Veterinary Powders for general weakness and paralysis and save your cows.— Dingle's Pharmacy, Hawera. YEASTON Tablets conquer clogged intestines, correct skin and stomach disorders.—W. G. Strange, Chemist. —29 ■JgRONCHTTIS chronic coughs—sore throat. Chew,Kapex Cough Cubes —antiseptic and healing. Wonderful success; 1/6 tin, all chemists.

MISCELLANEOUS. WHY suffer aches and pains when you can get Sequah’s famous remedies at Hart’s, Union St. and High St. “ ’’ “Antierac!” Does its job and is inexpensive to use. Supplied in tins at 2/6 each. Obtain from Tabs’ Pharmacy, Hawera. TZ>ARKE>R; Pens enjoy their work. The ■*" Nli'b.9 are guarafuteedl,.for 25 years; the bodliels are, unbreakable; ail sizes’; all styles, ail colours ait Lid'dln'gt'on’s, Hawera. CHAW’S Popular SaleI—-Men's 1 —-Men's Striped k Trobaleo Neglige Shirts, sizes 1, 2,3, 5/1*1; Men’s Overcoats, 175 at cost and under; the chance of a. lifetime. At the Busy Shop, High Street. APT’S are Trumps for best, value in all departments. High St. and ITuiom St., an’di at Onunake. H ■O MORRIS, Ltd., is the shop where * your watch, clock and jewellery repairs are done the best. /'■'RACKED Teats instantly healed by J using “Anticrac. ’Safe and nonsmelling. Get a tin to-day; 2/6. Procure at To its’ Pharmacy, Hawera. \ GUARANTEED purchase and comfort assured. The ‘ ‘Eclipse” Hot Water Bottle from 6/- to 10/9 at W. G. Strange’s, Chemist. T)OCTOBS chew Ivapex Cubes. Antiseptic vapours guard bronchial passages. Unrivalled for smashing coughs; 1/6 tin, all chemists. TVTEN’S Overcoats at Sale Prices.— Smart. double-breasted styles, usually 75/-, sale price 55/-; heavy tweed overcoats in single-breasted styles, usually 95/-, sale price 65/-. — At the H. 8.", New Zealand Clothing Factory, Hawera. If 13 SALE.—Men’s Farm Boots, J_X» l7/(J . W hoel-back Kip Shooters, 22/6; Grcenhide Shooters, no toecap, 22/6. —At the H. 8., New Zealand Clothing Factor. Hawera. XT ~0 SALE.—Men’s Ivnee Gum Boots, with heavy cleated soles, 2.1/-; also rolled edged crepe soles, 19/-. —At the H.B. New Zealand Clothing Factory, Hawera. Tj T 3 SUIT Sale.—Men’s All-Wool Fancy Worsted Suits in single and double-breasted styles, usually £6 15s, sale price So/-. —At the H. 8., New Zealand Clothing Factory, Hawera. IT “D SUIT Sale. —Men’s Ultimax * * Navy Serge Suits, sale price 95/-; Men’s D.B. Fancy Worsted Suits. 65/-; 2 only Men’s Dress Suits, sizes 5 and 7. usually £S Bs, sale price 87/6. — At tlie H.B.*. New Zealand Clothing Factory, Hawera. X>OYS’ Suits at H.B.’s Sale. —Boys’ All-Wool Dark Grey Tweed Suits in two styles, sizes to fit all ages, special sale price 22/6. —At the H. 8., New Zealand Clothing Factory, Hawera. |>HONEi 2578 ct drop us a. postcard L and you cam Wave ad e monte trait/on >r particulars of 't'he new 3'50 cje. Dougas Moit'or Cycle—.T. W. Arclvbold & CHAW’S Popular Sale —Men’s *■" weight Cardigans, six shades; I full 6/11 ; Boy's’ All-Wool Cardigans and Pullovers, sizes 4 1 to 8. now 4/6. Only at the Busy Shop. High Street. QMASH ’Fin! Chew Ivapex Cough Cubes. Antiseptic and healing. Doctors use them; 1/6 tin all chemists. rpHE Budget- does not increase the low prices of “Da G loirs” Crarnap'iiones; the intetfument 'that cheers you on yo’ur way; dasie'st terms. —’T. <G. Liddingfon, Sole Agent, Hawera District. THOUGH Gone! Kapex Cough Cube; clear the throat. Soothe bronehial passages. All chemists. T ATE Nights? Renew your energy by eating Yeaston Tablets. Full of vitaraines. —W. G. Strange, Chemist. 1

WANTED. KNOWN The Cut Kate tty WANTED Known ' * Leads! Best 1A sugar, 701 b for 7/11 to purchasers of 51bs of tea. C.M.C. sheep tongues, 1/1 tin or H/J doz. tins; jelly crystals, 7 for l/-; “Oak” and “Iv” raspberries, B*d tin, tinned peaches, large tins 1/1; tinned apricots, large size, 1/1 tin; aborted fruits, 11/9 doz.; pineapple, 5^ d tin, best, whole head rice, olbs IM, Sunlight soap. 3 pkts for 2/-; Kruschen Salts, 1/10; hadox, 1/8; . enamelware. glassware, crystal and dinner and tea sets still selling at half price. M ake apt Wake up! Get all you can for vour money. Giving that (turn) for a month will cost you a lot of money. Bag of sugar absolutely free to purchasers of LSlbs of tea. Agents_ for “Orlak ” the greatest and best British oven ware. Bally round the. Cut Kate. Help us to still further reduce the. cost of living. Cheerio! Meet jne in the Arcade! \\7 ANTED - Kti own —For good quality VV lines in Men’s and Boys’ Wear at the West, prices try us; wc guarantee you’ll be more than satisfied. —\\. V. Patterson, Hawera’s Cheapest Clothing .Store, Regent St. f>AY OF PLENTY Land Seekers send for catalogue of farms. —A. J. Canning & Co., Whakatane. WANTED Known Practice ecoVV nomv! Being in the low rent area enables us to always sell for less.— Patterson’s, Hawera’s Cheapest Clothing Store, '.Regent ,St. WANTED Known Thu Cut Bate Leads! Wo have sold .150 halfchests of tea iu less than six weeks. Whv this phenomenal record-breaking sale*? We will tell you: While a few competitors may have tried to belittle our wonderful tea the pubile were busy sa'mpling same and found it second to no packet tea in the Dominion, with the result that every wise housewife has ordered a half-chest. Our slaughter sale offer is to every buyer of a half-chest, we give free one bag sugar, one bag rice, 6 tins peaches, 6 tins apricots, 6 large tins pineapple, 12 tins C.M.C. sheep tongues, 12 pkts jelly crystals and one 41b tin petroleum jelly; or. if the buyer wishes, 4 bags of sugar free, and to every purchaser of 18lbs of tea one bag of sugar free. Why buy sugar? Kemembcr, there is no better quality tea at any price than our choice 8.0. P. Tea -which carries free sugar. Yes, too true, the Cut rate leads! Cheerio! Meet me in the Arcade! WANTED Known Our Suits-to-measure with a “fit on - ’ before finishing are the talk of the district. Save pounds, see us, about your .next suit.—Patterson’s, Hawera’s Cheapest Clothing Store, Kegent St. LOST. T OST —From Taiporohenui, about two weeks ago, tiwo empty cows, one a Brindie JcTsev, the other Black Jersey. Anyone knowing whereabouts of same enquire W. P. Corcoran, or ’Phone 20G1. SITUATIONS VACANT. \\ r ANTED=A~good milker and farm hand; good wages and comfortable home. * Apply Cosgrove & Co., ’phone GO, Manaia. left WANTED —Strong bov, just school, willing to learn farming; machines used; good home. Apply N. H. Wren, Tokaora, or ’phone 29072. Vy ANTED—Experienced 1 farm hand; ' ’ good wages to good man. Apply B. Brunoltl. To Koti. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED —By homely person, bedpitting room and board. Write “A. 8.,” Star Office. TO LET. X) LET—Three rooms; good situa- ‘ tion; 12/- per week. Apply IG lasgow St., Hawera. ’O LET—G-roomed house about two miles from Okaiawa; sufficient ound to keep cow. Address at Star ’HOP to Let —In Princes Street, with 7 living rooms; rent 20/- per week. pply next door, Taylor’s, aker. WatchrOß SALE pop Sale—Ora behalf of a client, Ford L Truck; fitted with Kucks'tell gear; •ood condition throughout. ‘Apply ’armors ’ Co-op. Garage. ipOR Sale—Why pay more? Some ■** excellent Sewing Machines; kept in repair for five years free of charge*, if required; every machine guaranteed for ten years; prices are right; from £42 cash. —E. l>ix*on& Co., Ltd., Hawera. yANTED Known —‘Piano, £25 cash; * 20/- deposit and 15/- monthly. Call irly at Dixon and Co., Ltd., Hawera 'i OK Sale —A second-hand Player Piano, with Rolls and Stool in k ease; maker, Stroud Pianola; a ip for cash, .worth while to make inliry.—E. Dixon & Co., Ltd., Hawera ’OP Sale—Snip, Begg & Co. Piano, £45 cash; so good wc will allow . money paid if exchanged for a w piano within two years. —E. xon & Co., Ltd. OR Sale—Taupiri Coal, 16/- quarter ton; Eata Firewood, 4ft lengths, 10s cord, Ift lengths £3 5s cord; livered within 4 miles of Eltham. irris & Son, General Carriers, Eltham. Inder tne Postal’ 'Kegtifations corresldence addressed to a nom-de-plume, or h initials only, to care of any Post ice, will not be forwarded from office posting:. If advertisers do not dpsire disclose their names thpy may have dies addressed care of "The Star," and ne will be forwarded to advertiser.

Warmth and Comfort for the -- COLDER NIGHTS ' f>©WN GUILTS REDUCED TO BEDROCK W. * 4U TO SPECIAL Pore Down Quills Covered Sateen and Panelled SALE PRICES Single Bed 15/6 Double Bed 22/6 PURE DOWN QUILTS — Single Size—Sale Price 2.7/6 22/6 Double Size—Sale Price QQ /0 30 / 1 only Double Size DOWN QUILT, in Pink Satin; beautiful design—Usually £7/7/- Sale Price /_ 1 only Double Size DOWN QUILT, in Pink Art Silk, with embroidered centre —Usually £7/10/- Sale Price /2/i / 0 1 onlv Double Size DOWN QUILT, in Blue Satin, with Fancy Floral Panels—Usually £4/12/0 Sale Price 79/0 1 only Double Size DOWN QUILT, in Black and Gold, Art Silk centre, rucked panel—Usually £6/15/Sale Price £,^/Q/ m All other numbers are also Reduced to Special Sale Prices this week. The Warehouse Sells for Less! George & Doughty LIMITED Regent Street - - - - Hawera AND AT NEW PLYMOUTH.

mueli These 1 increased taxes cause strife — _ . Complaints from all directions rife Your petrol's dearer, and your smokes., "Tis reallv somewhat hard on lolks. But do not grumble tilings will mend So meanwhile grasp the. chance at hand Mid deal, at “BULLOCKS,” lor believe ’Twill help, your fortunes to Our customers, good friends, a With “BULLOCK'S’' Stores isfied. retrieve. bide well satBULLOCK’S GROCERIES LIMITED. No. 1 Shop: PETNCES ST. 'Phone 2290. No. 2 Shop: HIGH ST. Phone 2GGS. "WES! The deeper down a seam of coa l lies underground, _th e better the quality. That is why tt s so superior to all others. Order at tard Motor Service or 'phone -G4O T JgOSSON, SOLE AGENT, IG CAMPBELL ST., HAWEKA.

Sale Sale Sale rriHE WONDERFUL SUCCESS of our CLEARING SALE speaks well for the appreciation of our efforts to give the best value every time. Come and see these smart goods that we are sacrificing. Coats Coats IN LATEST STYLE; WELL CUT AND FINISHED. NAVY COATS, Fur Collar and Cuffs—79/S PLAIN VELOUR COATS, with Fur Collar and Cuffs—s9/6 to £7/10/- . TWEED COATS, in sizes from 3S-inch to O.S. size; m ad newest styles— 7s/- to £6/6/CONEY COATS; only three left — 1 BLACK CONEY, £l6/15/ — Sale Price £ll/10/1 MOLE CONEY, £ls/17/6—Sale Price £lO/10/1 BLACK CONEY, £lO/15/ — Sale Price £5/19/6 FANCY WOOL JUMPERS—7/6, 9/6, 13/6, 22/6 2 LUMBER JACKETS; Lemon and Cream and Plain Cream, 32/6 Sale Price 25/TWEED COSTUMES; all latest styles—29/6, 35/-, 49/6, 55/-, to 89/ALL FROCKS in Wool Crepe de Chene, Crepe de Chene and ' Art Silk—At Greatly Reduced Prices EVENING FROCKS, CREPE DE CHENE & SILK FROCKS— All Heavily Reduced J. & J. HOLD Ltd.,' UNION STREET HAWEI

TROUBLE-PROOF GAS COPPER The -adl.iu stable and trouble-proof burner fitted l to Crompton r s “New Wonder ’ ’ Economy (G-as Copper is a boon to housewives who prefer simple and efficient! service. The “New Wonder'-* is an easy-to-clean compact copper that will give a .life-time of service. Full particulars from, the Hatv era; Gas Company.—Ad'vt. .

SLJHAM BUSINESS SPECIALS, ASY for Us 1 What may be a lljl difficult motor |||| bike repair for v you will b e | simple for us. We are thor- »‘J oughly experienced in turning |||l out good jobs [III quickly. IRA J. BRIDGER | Cycle and Motor Equipment Store •,* ELTHAM Phone 149 S ELTHAM ADVTS. fflnm -4!fl B UIC: E six-cylinder, 7-seater; bodyworlc good; mechanically sound; £150; terms arranged.—C. C. Stanners, Ford Garage, Eltham. 5-seater, 1925 model, electric starter, excellent condition every way; £45; terms arranged.—G. C. Stanners, Ford Dealer, Eltham. Jf'OED New Beauty, 5-seater; finished in royal blue, excellent mechanical and bodily order; £65; terms arranged. —C. C. Stanners, Ford Dealer, Eltham. JpOBD 1-ton Truck, good body and cab; mechanically 0.K.; a good farmer’s truck; £65; terms arranged.— C. C. Stanners, Ford Garage, Eltham. JQAVY’S JjTLECTRICAL All Lamps Tested and Guaranteed. "PHILLIPS’ LAMPS arc renowned for their long life and low current cost. 20 to 60 watts, metal filament 2/3 each 70 watts, -1-watt, gas-filled . 4/3 each 100 watts, -1-watt, gas-filled 6/- each 150 watts, l-watt, gas-filled: S/- each 200 watts, l-watt, gas-filled 10/- each

STOP BUYING BATTERIES ! STOP BUYING BATTERIES ! JNSTAL the Biggest best money-saver in a — JUST PLUG IN “CROSLEY” ‘‘CROSLEY” (ALL-ELECTRIC) S-VALVE RECEIVER. Wireless entertainment from far and near at an operative cost of practically NIL! So much for the cost of running; now the cost of Installation is only <5035 COMPLETE 1 Have a good look round and see if you can find one to compare to its performance at anything like the price obtainable from— Q.YDE & QO., LTD., RADIO SPECIALISTS, HIGH STREET, HA WE It A.

OUT J)RUG • gTORE. COMPARE OUR PRICES. We Deliver into your hands, privately hy post: Aspirin Tablets, 6d; Headache Tablets, I/-: Laxative Vegetable Tablets, 1/-; Cascara Tablets, 6d; Beecliam’s Piils, 1/-; Steel Pills, 1/-; Widow Welch’s Pills, 1/-, 2/- an d5/-; Mclntyre’s Pills, 2/6 and 5/G; Martin’s Pills, 2/G and 6/G; Healing Ointment, 1/-; Pile Ointment, 2/-; Zinc Ointment, I/-; Pimple and Blackhead Cure, 2/6; Shampoo Powders, 3 for 6d; Face Cream, 1/-. ‘ ‘ VITALOIDS, ’’ 10/- a course; for restoring vitality to weak men and women. Write for Free List and any requirements, to — jyjAIL QRDER J) RUG GISTS, BOX r>Bl, CHRISTCHURCH.

haweba public hospital 'V'ISITING HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 7 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m Admission at other hours is obtainable only by permission of the Medical Superintendent. YOU may need one, and we’ve got it, that British Hot Water Bottle. It ’3 worth a heap on a cold night. Engram’s Eclipse from 6/-. —W. G. Stonge, Chemist. XV4.IRYMEN I If your cows are down, give Neale’s Veterinary Powders and be sure of affecting a speedy recovery. —Dingle’s Pharmacy, Hawera.

FURTHER BARGAINS = ANNUAL WINTER SALE Our Crowded Stores Prove Our Sale Values 38in. Black Silk Duchesse Mouselline. Excellent wearing silk of rich appearance. Usually 5/11. Sale Price 3/11 yard Fox’s Heavy Navy Serge. 54 inches wide. Strong quality for Boys’ Pants. Usually 8/11 yard. Sale Price 6/11 yard 30in. Hoyle’s Prints. Neat figured on Navy and Scarlet grounds. Guaranteed colours. Usually 1/11. Sale Price 1/- yard Unbleached Twill Sheeting’. Heavy quality, for real hard use. Washes thick, and warm for winter wear. Heavily Reduced to Sale Prices, 54in. 1/6, 72in. 2/3, 80in 2/6 yard , Coloured Jap Crepe. 30in. Twenty shades. .Sale Snip 6d yard Heavy White Twill Sheeting’. Good strong quality. Sale Prices 54in 1/2, 72in. 1/8, 80in. 1/10 yard Heavy Unbleached Herringbone Sheeting. Firm quality that will wear. Sale Prices 54in 1/4, 72in. 1/9, 80in. 1/11 yard All-Wool Doctor Dress Flannel, for Winter Frocks, etc., 30 shades, including Navy. 28 inches wide. Sale Price 2/9 yard EXTRA SPECIAL: Ladies’ Pure Silk Cream Fuji Bloomers. Well made. Full sizes. Don’t miss them. Sale Prices, Women’s 2/6, O.S. 2/11 pair Ladies’ Crepe Nights for 1/11 each. .Ladies’ Crepe Bloomers for 1/3. .Ladies’ Fleecy Lined Bloomers for 1/9 pair Ladies’ Fine Quality Lisle Hose. Good appearance. Fully fashioned leg. Light Shades only. Were 2/11. Winter Sale Price 1/6 pair Girls’ Cashmere Gymnasium Hose. Fine All-Wool quality. Full length gymnasium leg. Fawns, Nudes, etc. Good colours. 74 to 9in. feet. A Special Sale Offer, All sizes 2/11 pair Ladies’ Strong Black Umbrellas. Well made. Great Sale Value. Don’t miss them. Sale Price 2/11 each FREE: For First Week of Sale, to Every Purchaser of Goods to Value of £1: Free, a large fancy jar of Bath Crystals, worth 2/6 Girls’ Strong Black Cotton Gymnasium Hose. .All sizes. Full length leg. Winter Sale Price, All 1/11 pair A “CHILDREN’S COAT SPECIAL”—SO Coats. Smart styles, fur trimmed. These are all new season’s coats. Warm Velour quality. Fully lined. Red Rose, Greens, New Browns, etc. One Lot, 16, 18 and 20in. Were 17/11 to 22/6 Now All 12/6 each One Lot, 16 and 18in. Were 14/11 and 15/11. Now All 9/11 each C. C. WARD LTD HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. CASH DAPERS, NEW PLYMOUTH, HAWERA, ELTHAM USE OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE. CASH WITH ORDER. Money refunded.if goods not suitable (excepting cut lengths).

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Hawera Star, Volume L, 28 July 1930, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume L, 28 July 1930, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume L, 28 July 1930, Page 2