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Lord Bledisloe Voices Commendation MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE Session Opening Address Plans of Government Outlined (IBy Telegraph—Special to the “Star.”) WELLINGTON, June 26.

11 Hon. gentlemen of the Legislative Council and o-entlemen of the House of Representatives: The past year has been happily marked by the restoration to health of His Majesty the King, whose recovery from Ins serious illness has given his subjects throughout the Empire the deepest gratification, ’ ’ said the Governor-General, His Excellency Lord Bledisloe, in making his speech at the opening of Parliament to-day. “I desire to express my pleasure in meeting you in Parliament assembled for the first time since my assuming office as Governor-General of New Zealand and to assure you, not only of the deep interest with which I shall follow your proceedings, hut also of my earnest desiie to co-operate, with you in every way possible in your efforts to advance the prosperity of this Dominion and the welfaie, contentment, and happiness of its people. The spiiit of loyalty, Avhich I have found strikingly in evidence duting my visits to several of the principal centres of population, has impressed me profoundly. By.none has that spirit been more fervently demonstrated than by the Maori race, and I acknowledge with deep appreciation the loyal and cordial welcome which they have extended to me as the King’s representative.

“I am indeed much gratified and encouraged in the task which lies before me ,by the kindly reception which has been accorded to me by those of His Majesty’s subjects without distinction of class, occupation, or race whom I have been privileged to meet since my arrival in New Zealand three months ago. “On May 22 'last the Rt. Hon, Sir Joseph Ward, on account of ill-liealth, tendered to me his resignation as Prime Minister and also the resignations of his Ministerial colleagues. On •his advice I entrusted the Hon. George William Forbes with the formation of a Ministry. Mr Forbes was appointed Prime Minister on May 28 and the Ministry was duly sworn in on that date. At the same time Sir Joseph Ward: was confirmed in his membership of the Executive Council, and in this capacity his advice and 1 coiinse" will still be available to the country. “It is fitting that I should take this opportunity to express a warm tribute to the distinguished services rendered to New Zealand and the Empire by Sir Joseph Ward. For over 4() years lie lias devoted himself to the public life of the Dominion, serving as a member of the House of Representatives, as a, Minister of the Crown and for seven years as Prime Minister. I feel sure I am expressing your own sentiments as well as mine in the cordial hone that Sir Joseph Ward will he sDeedily restored to good health and that be may he spared to enjoy many years of well-earned happiness. INTERNATIONAL PEACE. “At the recent naval disarmament conference in London the Dominion was represented by its High Commissioner and the resulting treaty was duly signed on its behalf in common with the United Kingdom and the other Dominions. A copy of the treaty will be laid before you in due course for your consideration. My Government supports wholeheartedly the cause of international peace and disarmament, and will take any steps in its power to further this movement so far as it is consistent with the necessities of national defence. “My Ministers regard the League of Nations as a most important l means of international conciliation and understanding, and will take as active a part as possible in its deliberations and work.

investigate fully all branches of the railway department's activities and to advise the Government where economies can be affected'. “Reiing fully aware that the basic cause of the Josses incurred bj the railways is the rapid development oi motor transport and Jack of co-ordina-tion in transport generally, my Minis- i ters will place before you legislation proposals which, it is confidently, expected, will minimise the wasteful competition which now greatly increases the burdens of the people. While it is probable that the present financial difficulties cannot be overcome without some increases in taxation, the government is confident that, given the support and co-operation of the public, the position can be met and the Budget for the year balanced without economic strain or imposing •indue hardship on any section of the community. “It is a. sad fact that unemployment is still a serious problem in these Do minions. My Government, realising the hardships imposed' upon the unfortunate members of the community who are unable to obtain work, will continue its endeavours to provide as much employment as possible on public works and other State activi ties. RELIEF' SUBSIDY DOUBLED. “To assist in dealing with the special difficulties of married men who are unable to leave the cities because of their domestic ties, my Government has decided to pay subsidies on labour costs at double the former rate to suburban local authorities which undertake additional approved works. “It is satisfactory to note that the position of the State superannuation funds is being investigated and that an increased amount of subsidy was paid into the funds last year. In due course, the proposals of the Government for improving the financial position of these funds will he submitted for your consideration. “My Ministers, recognising that close settlement of the. land will tend to the better absorption of the Dominion’s surplus labour and promote the prosperous development of the country, generally, have given close attention to this important matter during the recess and it is pleasing to record that substantial progress has been made. Not only have many estates been purchased, sub-divided and disposed of, but also a large number of sections of unimproved! Cro3vn land have been made available and selected under the provisions of the Land Laws Amendment Act of last session which authorises my Government to grant- financial assistance to the selector. CROWN LAND PROJECTS. “Progress has also been made in the work of developing suitable blocks ol Crown Jancl prior to: their selection. “My advisers propose to pursue actively this method of increasing the Dominion’s productive area. In the opinion of my Ministers this phase oil settlement can be greatly expanded and during the session proposals will be submitted! for your consideration as to extension of the facilities under which such areas can be selected.

“This year for the first time arrangements have been made for the representation of New Zealand at the International Labour Conference under the auspices of the League. “The earnest consideration of my Ministers is being directed towards the forthcoming Imperial Conference which will be opened in London at the end ■of September, and at which it is hoped that the Prime Minister will be able to represent X-eiv Zealand, -especially in view of the importance of the constitutional and economical questions to be discussed and the magnitude of the issues involved. Among other matters of great moment to be considered is the reoort of the experts’ committee on Dominion legislation, a copy of which will he laid on the table, while the principal economic subject will be the consideration of wavs and means to develop inter-imperial trade. “Unless negotiations can be initiated at an earlier date it will also be necessary for my Prime Alinister while in London to enter into discussions with the Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada with a view to tariff adjustments between the two Dominions. SAAIOAN RIOTS. “The situation in Western Samoa has continued to cause anxiety, and the difficulties in the territory culminated last December in an outbreak of rioting which unfortunately was attended: with fatal results. Aly Alinis-ter-s felt it necessary to despatch H.M.S. Dunedin to Apia, and steps were taken to disperse the Alan and to effect the arrests of persons charged with criminal offences.

“My Ministers are pleased to record that under the legislation of last session progress is being made in the development of native lands. Many areas in both islands have been undei consideration anti work has definitely been commenced on eight of these blocks. These schemes will be pursued' with energy with due regards to economy andi farm efficiency and i 1 is believed that they will inspire the Maori people to utilise their lands ~tc the best advantage. RADIO . ’PHONES.

“In conforming with the policy o my Government to afford thei public o; the Dominion ail the advantages made possible, by modern science developments, arrangements are in train foi the early establishment of a- radii telephone service between New' Zealand and Australia. When this servlet is definitely established it i-s proposes to use it in conjunction with that existing between Sydney and London at a means of furnishing a furthei channel of rapid! communication will Great Britain and other European countries. No doubt as time goes on the link between New Zealand am Australia will be only one in a chain which will render speech possible! be tween the Mother Country and all the outposts of the Empire. “A further conference between the Administrator and chosen representatives of the Samoans has recenth taken place and the position appears to have greatly improved. My Ministers desire to reaffirm their willingness to consider any legitimate grievances that may be represented by tin Samoans, but will continue to insist upon the observance of law and orclet in the territory.

“The disaffected Samoans retired to the bush, hut on the arrival in the territory of the Minister of Defence they met the Administrator in his presence and, as a result of this conference, all the indicted offenders were surrendered for trial.

“It is a matter for regret that at a time like the present the difficulties of the situation should be greatly accentuated by the fact that the railways, owing to the losses incurred, have now reached the end of their separate financial resources and cannot longer meet their obligations without substantial assistance which, in this instance, can only be derived from taxation.

RAILWAYS COMMISSION - . “In order that the additional burden to be borne by the taxpayer mav be reduced to an absolute minimum a Royal Commission lias been set up to

“Mr Speaker and gentlemen of the House of Representatives, the promoI tion of goodwill among the nations of I the world lias been materially advanced by the satisfactory and final settlement of the past-war question of reparations. The agreements recently made at the Hague, to which New Zealand! is a party, have been ratified by the Government. FINANCIAL SURPLUS “It is pleasing to note that the stops taken by my Ministers during the last financial year were successful in rectifying the position of the public finances, enabling the year to be closed with a surplus of approximately £150,000. In order to provide additional capital for carrying on the programme of public works, notably railway construction and improvement and development of hydro electric power, a further loan of £5,500,000 wa-s successfully floated in London in May. The issue price was £99 per cent., bearing interest at £5 per cent. The pi-ice is deemed very satisfactory in view of general conditions of the money market and the fact that the loan was largely oversubscribed is striking evidence of the confidence that investors have in tlijs Dominion and the management of its finances.. Arrangements have also been made to provide out of local resources additional capital for land settlement, State advances, forestry and other activities being carried on by my Ministers with the object of assisting the development of the country. “It is regretted that the, heavy fall in the prices obtained for our primary products in the overseas markets, has involved a lessened return from the exports of the Dominion. This contraction in the national income, arising from causes beyond our control, inevitably means a period of financial stringency for the whole community so far a-s the national finances are concerned. REVENUE DECLINE.

My Ministers anticipate during the current year a substantial decline in Customs revenue and also- a falling off in the yield from land and income tax. Rleeognising that the- present is not an opportune time for placing additional burdens upon the taxpayers, my Ministers propose to meet the position as far as possible by a drastic curtailment of expenditure. This means suspending, or severely restricting, services and monetary assistance given by the State wherever such action is feasible without upsetting the basic organisation of the departments of State or causing undue hardships to the institutions or sections of the community directly benefifcting by particular items of expenditure-.

DEFENCE MODIFICATION. “My Ministers regret that lecer.t of the importance of maintaining an adequate system of national defence, have- been engaged owing to> the exigencies of the public, finances- of the 'Dominion, in the careful consideration of the expenditure involved, particularly in connection with the land forces. A curtailment of the rate of expenditure on this arm of defence has been rendered imperatively necessary and ycu will, therefore, bo asked to concur iir certain modifications of the present system. “It- will lx> remembered that last -year it was foreshadowed that a select committee wouid bo set up and evidence taken from different sources: with a view to ascertaining the best method of giving effect to an educational policy adapted to, the needs of the Dominion. The committee was duly appointed and made a tour of the Dominion,, visiting all the schools of a, distinctive type and taking; voluminous evidence 1 . Its report will he presented early in the session, as required bv the order of reference, when my advisers, expect that the information obtained will be of great value in framing the desired policy. ARAPUNI HOLD-UP. “My Minis teds regret that recent earth movements have threatened the stability of the liydranlic-electric works a,t Arapuni and it has been found necessary to empty the reservoir, thereby involving the temporary closing! ol the power house. “,Ve-,ry careful investigations into the causes are being made with the List geological advice available in the Dominion and having regard! to the importance cl the matter the Government has under consideration the engagement of outside expert assistance to furnish a full report upon the position with a view to adopting remedial meuiisures. Every effort will be made to restore the- -supply of electricity at the earliest possible moment. “The difficult task of endeavouring to solve the problems associated with unemployment has been engaging the close and earnest consideration of my advisers. The recommendations contained in the second section, of the report of the unemployment committee appointed in October 1928 have been ' studied and proposals which ft is confidently hoped! will result in considerably relieving, if not wholly overcoming the hardship arising tram unemployment will be brought down a.. ttn oar tv date. Having- regard: to. the present' difficult economic conditions and the prevalency of unemployment :n the Dominion, mv Ministers are of the opinion that the restrictions now m force in connection with assisted limui-Ttati-on must be continued. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONS. “During the recess a, commission teas set up for the purpose oi inquiring into and reporting upon the statutes relating to- compensation tor accidents to workers and as a result- my Ministers intend to submit .to Parliament proposals for extending the scope ol existing legislation, thereby providing improved conditions for those workers who suffer injury in the course of tlieii employment. A special committee has oeeu investigating the provisions ol the Shops and Offices Act and if is anticipated tiiat its recommendations , will aim at removing certain anomalies 1 and also effecting general improvements in this branch of the law. “A commission was also set up during the recess to inquire into the; position of physically incapacitated solders. This commission lias reported to me and its recommendations have oeen referred to my Ministers for their careful, consideration. Proposals will oe submitted by my advisers to promote the welfare of disabled! exsoldiers.

“The present law relating to companies has long been out of date and my Ministers hope that it will be possible to introduce during the Session based on the Imperial Companies Act, 1921). with such adaptions and modifications as may be considered neces- ( sary to suit local conditions. To facilitate the prepara ton of such a measure the Government has, recently apponted a special advisory committee containing representatives of the professions of law and accountancy as well as of general commercial interests. “Consolidating and amending bills will, he submitted for your consideration dealing with municipal corporations, land drainage and river boards and with the slaughtering and inspection of stock intended for human consumption. Bills will also- he introdue-

ed to amond the existing laws relating to judicature, co-rone rs, apprentices, births and deaths registration, public works, native lands, offenders’ probation and Borstal institutions. “While sharing your zeal to enhance the prosperity of the Dominion, J earnestly pray that the discharge of your responsible duties may be guided bv Divine Providence and may promote the well being of New Zealand and its people.”

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Hawera Star, Volume L, 26 June 1930, Page 9

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DOMINION’S SPIRIT OF LOYALTY Hawera Star, Volume L, 26 June 1930, Page 9

DOMINION’S SPIRIT OF LOYALTY Hawera Star, Volume L, 26 June 1930, Page 9