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Man ala ltd. Dear Smile Queen, —i have not written to you xor a long time. \ve have a little lamb and a kitten. Would you piease give me a name tor boith. My (Sister has had a very bad cod and thought abe was getting; the measles, because islie was not fediing well, so Mr Honor© said she need not. bo examined. 1 got highest marks in our class. 1 have just read a lovely book called “Pock’s Broom.” X got i,t from the Ea.ponga children’s library. Ais it is tea-time, 1 will close now, hoping you and your (Smiles are well. Jean Mitchell. (Would Fluff suit the 'lamb and Trix the kitten ? i hope your isister is better now. How splendid coming top! Ar© you fond of reading? Love from S.Q.) , Pihairia. Dear (Smile Queen, —You will be thinking 1 have forgotten you. Thank you for the lovely birthday card you sent me; it was very pretty. I passed my music exam this year. It was the junior one, so I have passed three exams, altogether. 1 had been i'll!) with influenza just before the exam., but 1 managed to get through all right. My banty hen has got ten dear wee banty chicks, ana the bantam’s name is Muriel. My sister and I are going over to Nelson for tlie Christmas holidays. We always have; a good time over there. I love going over in the boat, as I am a good isapor. We have a library at school, and I like reading the books. I think 1. will close now. as I have no more news. Yours sincerely, Esme Mitchell. (Congratulations on the mimic exam:. Nelson as such a lovely place. Do tdl.l me all about it when you get back. Dove from S.Q.) Anderson ltd., Blitham. Dear Smi’e Queen, —I suppose you are having a. good time. I have not written for a long time. I have just had tlie measles, and that is why I have not written. My uncle and my big cousin arc staying ait our place. I will be going back to school on Monday I hope. I will l>e glad if I pass into Standard three after Christmas. I think I’d better close now, with Jove from your loving Smile Eileen Rankin.

(Aren’t measles unpleasant? I am sure you will be glad to get back to school. Are you going away for Christmas? Love from. S.Q.)

Frankley ltd., New- Plymouth. Dear Smile Queen, —Thank you very much for the pretty birthday card you sent me. We have shifted, from Tokaora., and now we are diving on Firankiey Road. We have two and a half males to walik to school. I have passed into Standard 3. We have no cow© to .My sister is in Standard 2. JUy mother has been .in the New Plymouth Hospital tor a long time now. My brother goes to the New Plymouth High School. This wish be my last letter to you. We don’t get the “Hawera Star” 4 now. I got a pair of garters and a book and a lovely cake tor my birthday. The. Frankley Road School is going to (hnv« a, fancy dress ball on December 18, and i might be going in fancy dress. I think this is all the news now. Dove from Mavis Sadler. (I am sorry you won’t be writing to U 9 any more, Mavis. Do you like Now Plymouth ? What a lovely lot of presents! Love from S.Q.) Main South lid., Otakeho. Dear Smile Queen, —Just a few lines hoping yon are in the best of health. I came second in Standard 4 out of tour, with 407 marks. 1 am promoted to Standard o. We are playing tennis at school now. tux teacher bought two rackets, a net and tour tennis balls. We are having a concent at the end of the year. Would you please give me a name tor my fox terrier pup? Well, Smite Queen, I will close now, as it is bed-time for me. I remain, your loving Smile, Millie Ngakina. (1 am gi’/ad you are promoted. Are you loud of tennis:' \\ouikl Pep suit the fox tender. Dove from S.Q.) Box G, Normianby. Dear Smile Queen, —May I become one ox your »mines X a promise to smile aiii 1 can and chase the frowns into the dark cave where the Smile Gian/t wiiii killi them with his magic sword Happiness. 1 wall be eleven years end on trie 6th of May. 1 must close now, as it is getting late. With lots oi i(Ove to you, 1 remain, your loving ‘Smile, Mary Cockerton. Welcome Mary! Write and tell ins ah about yourself. Love from S.Q.) Allen Road, Mermere. Dear Smile Queen, —Just a few lines to see how you are getting on at the castle. We are having our exam this week and I hope 1 pass at the end ot the year. We. will soon be having our concert and the Christmas 'free. Dad, Mum and the three boys are milking so I thought I would write to you. i don’t think I will be going away for my Christmas holidays. Yes, Smile Queen, the poor little duck died, and my brother killed another one yesterday morning «o that only leaves us with eight. J. am sending in something for the Gift Cupboard, and I hope you will like it. Our vegetable garden is looking nice now: is yours, Smile Queen ? Queenie has written to you Would you please send ine a copy ol the badge. Well, dear Smile Queen, I will close, with, heaps of love to you and your Smiles, I am, your smiling Smile. Dora Coltart.

P.S. Last- night I found a little frog and put it m some water. D.C.

(I shall be glad to receive something for the Gift Cupboard. Yes, our garden has lots of vegetables at present. Yes, I will send you a copy of tlie badge. How is the frog now? Love from S.Q.)

Q’pverland, Otakeho. Dear Smile Queen, —I saw in the! paper you had my birthday greetings in. It was a mistake. My birthday is on the 31st March, 1929, and I will be fifteen then. The Mack hen brought home one chicken, and she crushed it. The two bantu,ms are sitting on hem eggsi again. The canaries have only one young bird, as they starved one and it died. The one left is doing well ,and wifi soon be out of the nest. It. is a cock bird I think. I cleaned anl the flower and vegetable garden agai,n and. there are no weeds to bo seen now. We had new peas to-day and will soon have cabbages to. out. We put in some cabbage, ettnoe, cauliflower and radish seedis in the garden at the house, and they are doing well. The birds don’t touch them in the garden by the house, because I start them in frames first and then plant them out and water them. 1 also put ashes to them instead of manure, as they do better. I found a goldfinch’s nest along our road fence near the trees. She lias four eggs and is sitting. Trixie is quiet now. and we can drive her without the foal. Tomorrow we are going to bank up our potatoes again for the last time, .so I will have to ride Kate again. Wo are going to get the young horse broken in soon to work. The other morning a big rat ran along the roof of the cow shed and we killed it. .1 found a. bird'’s nest the other day with young birds in it and a weasel in the nest killing them. We have lovely grass aJI lover the farm. We put our turnips in last week, also kale and grass seed, and the turnips are coming up. Every night we water our garden to make" it grow quick. Well, I think this is all the news just now. I remain, your ©incere Smille, Douigl'/as Daine.

(I am sorry about the birthday, and I will put it right now. What an interesting time you are having with the bird's! I hope the canaries do not starve the other baby. Youi* garden miuist be lovely. Weasels seem to be very fond of ©mall birds. love from S.Q.) Whakamara. Dear Smile Queen, —I am sure you will: oe thinking 1 have forgotten you, but 1 have not, so before 1 do forget 1 will write to. you now. Christmas wifi soon be here now, and the schools wiiii soon be breaking up for the holidays, i am going home before Christmas, away up to Ghuxa. We are going uip the way we came, .through tne Tauligarakau Gorge. it is beautiful through there, Smile Queen, nothing but torn and bush and a (lovely river. There are about three workmen’s huts on the way and a coal mine. In one part, down by the river- and half hidden by the tqi toi, is a grave, that of a surveyor who years ago, when the gorge was being surveyed, somehow came across an oid Maori orchard, and, fin dang an .apple tree, ate some of tire apples, which were poisonous, and. they killed him. At the end of the year we are having a school concert and a playette entitled ‘‘Robin Hood” and also several other items. I am quite looking forward to it, .like moist children do. We have the piano-from the hail down at the school so we can practice, because it is too far to go to the hall each day. From school to the hall, is a distance of one mile, next year I am going to learn music. I do not know whether I will be a. very brilliant scholar, but still it diQ nice to be able to play, even if it only the least bit-. I have found quite a few birds’ nests .this year. There seems quite a number about. We have four kittens, two tortoise shell and two grey ones. They are funny sometimes. We have had our examination at school and I passed, 1 think. Next year I will be in Standard VI. I think I am going to a secondary school’, when I leave primary school. We are. having beautiful weather lately out here. la it the same in town ? It was yesterday when we were in, but at may have changed .since then. This will be my last letter before Christmas, Smile Queen, so I hope you and all the Smiles have a happy Christmas. With Jove from your .sincere Smile Barbara Wills.

What a splendid long letter, Barbara. You are looking forward to Christmas and going home, aud it will 'be a love’y trip. Are you -in the playette? I hope you will be a brilliant scholar at music. Work hard. I know you will .'lilce it. Do you look after the kittens? I am glad you passed. Yes, the weather is beautiful here, too. Thank you for your good wishes. Love from S.Q.)

Ararata. Dear Smile Queen, —How are you all geeting on at the castle? I hope you are all well, as it leaves us at present. My letter wasn’t in the paper on Saturday, I went to Hawera to-day to the Salvation Army anniversary and enjoyed myself very much. I said a piece of poetry. On Friday night we are having our anniversary and prize giving at Ararata. We will be having our school concert soon, and 1 am in it. lam sending in some riddles and I hope you like them. Freda came first in lier class in the examination. I will close now as news is scarce. With a big smile to you and your smiles, I am your loving Smile, Emily Ward. (Your letter was just too late last week Emily. We are all well thank you. What a lovely time you are having. Thank you for the riddles. Love from S.Q.) Whakamara. Dear Smile Queen, —Last week you asked me if I uiked day-oiid chickens. Yen, I do. and I think they are lovely. It is great fun watching the hen oali her chickens if ©lie wants them or if she has found a nice juicy worm for them. We have twenty just now and they are beginning to grow quite big. We finished our third term examination (last week and I managed to come top for the year. This week we hare started preparing for our concert. The Girl Guides ai'e going to make a scrap book to send away at Christmas time .to a hospital or an orphanage. The last two weeks we have had some beautiful 1 - weather. We were beginning to think it was going to be dry, but to-day we had some welcome rain. It was a nice day to plant out seed lings. I will now conclude, with Hove from Peggy Bark la.

(I am glad you were top for the year. It shows you must have worked hard, lit is great fun making scrap books, don’t you think? Love from S.Q.)

King St., Opunake. Dear Smile Queen, —May 1 become a member of vour caiatle? I promise to smillo every time I can and to chase all the frowns into the dark cave where the Smile Giant will kill them with his magic sword Happiness. will be nine on February 20th. Vidlot is helping tlie with this letter. I am in Primer 111' at school. Well. I think this) is al,’ the news. Front. your loving Smille Ethel Parsons. (Welcome. Ethel! I hope you will write often and tel:', ns what you airo doing. Love from S.Q.)

Allen Road, Meremere

Dear Smile Queen, —I am sorry I did not write to you last week, but it was my little sister’s birthday. She got a good few presents, and she is two years old. The ‘tester’ is at. our place to-day testing our cows. We have eight little clucks left. Three have died out of the lot. Our hen that' was sitting on 14 eggs brought out 14 chicks, that was good wasn’t it Smile Queen? J. hope she rears them all. I. might not go back to school till after the Nmas holidays. Wo will soon be having our concert. The children are practicing for it now. J. must close now, with love to you all. From Queenie Coltart. (It was splendid about the chickens. I hope all the 14 thrive and grow big. Are you taking part in the concert? Love from S.Q.)

Kaupokonui. Dear Smile Queen, —I suppose you think I have forgotten you again, but I have not had time to write, as I have been getting a parcel ready for the cupboard. It is not a big parcel because it took so long to make that I have not had time to do any more. Next year l hope to send a bigger parcel, and I will start earlier than 1 did this time. Well, Smile Queen, as mother is waiting to take the parcel in to town, I must close. Lottie has helped me with the parcel so as to get it clone. Goocl-bye, Smile Queen. We remain, yours faithfully, Lottie- and Alice Bennett. (A most exciting parcel, Lottie and Alice. I was so pleased to receive it. •Love from S.Q.) Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —-I am very sorry I have not written before this, but we have been very busy getting the things ready for the show. We put two bird charts, two aprons and two lots of writing in the show and got two firsts and one third. Thank you very much for the lovely birthday .card you sent me. I thought it was beautiful. We have just had our exam at school, and I passed into standard four. We have a hen with eight chicks now. My favourite flowers are sweet peas, roses and carnations. At Whareroa we are breaking up school on the fourteenth. Well dear Smile Queen, as it is nearly my bedtime, ] will close now with love, from Thyrza Aberley. (I was pleased to hear from you Thyrza. You did well in the show. I am glad you passed into standard IV. Love from S.Q.) Hunter ltd.., E'itham. Dear Smile Queen, —Just a fine to let you know tin aft 1 h ave not forgotten you yet. Smce 1 last wrote to you i have gained my proficiency, and 1 ami glad too, because i can go back next year to learn book-keeping.” Tins weather is enjoyabe, isn’t i\t Smne Queen? Our sweet peas are ju©t beginning to bloom. Mother lias been Ouisy with her Christmas cake and puddings just .lately. I am just finishing my gift for the gift cupboard and hope to have .it posted this week. 1 am sure that Noel wishes to thank you very muefi for remembering his birthday and putting it in the paper. He wa© four years old to-day. The Christmas holidays are not far away. My 1 brother heip© me to ©weep out the school now, and we both bike to school. We have lovely weather for playing tennis. We have had two tournaments at school so far. All the children who have gained their proficiencies weed the gardens or help some of the other children in their work. The examination at school is nearly finished now. The calves ware judged at our school .last Wednesday, Nov. 28tli. Out of tire 27 chicken© we had we only got nine pullets, but we sold all the roosters. One of our liens has got a broken leg and she can liardiiy stand up. Well, Smile Queen, in case I do not write again before Xmias 1 shall l , wish you and all your fairies a. ‘‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yteajr,” with Jiove to all!!. I remain, your loving Smoke, Olive Simpson. (I wonder how you will Jake bookkeeping. It is most interesting work. I shall be pleased to receive a gift from you. Dear little Nodi; did lie have a lovely birthday? Are you fond of tennis? Poor hen! I. expect it will get better quickly. Thank you for your good wishes. Love from S.Q.)

King St., Opunake. Dear Smile Queen, —I suppose you have forgotten me by now. I have not much time a© we are having exams at school now, so we are all busy. My sister Ethel, i© writing to you for the first time to-night. * i am sending, six stamp© for the radio fund. Well, as news is .scarce I think I will close. I remain, your loving Smile Violet Pairsons. (No, of course I have not. forgotten you, Violet. 1 was pleased to hear rroau Ethel. Thank you so much for the 6d. How did the exams, go? Love from S.Q.) Auroa. Dear Smile Queen —How are you and the fairies getting on at the Castle r 1 hope you have a.l escaped having the ilu.. I have been in bed a week today with it, and as it is such a loveuy day I am going to get up. Last might i received two letters from two grits in England. One of them is corresponding with a girl in France, so 1 am going to ask her if she will find me a j: Tench correspondent. It is nice to write to England, but I think .it won id be lovely to write to France and ’learn all about their homo country. My English, friends send me papers and books, and in exchange I send the Smile pages together with any views i get of New Zealand. Last Sunday the Auroa Sunday School held their anniversary. Unfortunately, being in bed, I missed it. Also on Thursday last we had our calf-judging. I had to miss that too. Well, clear Smf'e Queen, I will close now, with Uove from Gladys Bigharri. (The fairies are all we’ll, thank you, Gladys, and none of u© have had the •'flu.” You will have to take up French. It is tremendously interesting, but rather difficult at first. I hope you are feeling better now. Dove I'rom S.Q.)

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 8 December 1928, Page 16

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THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG. Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 8 December 1928, Page 16

THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG. Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 8 December 1928, Page 16