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(Contributed by the Department of Health.)

One «f the nu« striking tea titles in tii:.'- education;! 1 world to-day .is the amo iiit or attention bestowed upon the

rC-ieim o. mentaJly-backwaird children. In the s.-hocbs increasing efforts are being- made to adapt the instruction given to the. mental capacity and need® of t.h) individual pupil. In. some eases it a- only when sell on,l attendance begins, that children are discovered to he track wal'd., A lew children are sooner or later 1 reeugniised by their parents a,s bring slower in mental development than others. When compared to their normal brothers and sisters, their progress a-s infants and childtren is- noticeahly retarded. They a,re slow in recognising sights l and sounds; in -sitting up, in'crawling, ami walking; they do not attempt the activities of the normal infant, but seem content to be in a state of lethargy. In some eases such, children with careful training may *’catch up" on their more rapidil v blossoming brother's and sisters, but often their lack of development persists, and' their intelligence, even in adurt life, remains much tin? same a® that of a child. The stage to which these children can advance depends' to some' extent i pon tlveir early training, it is important that they '.should: receive -all possible education at -School, but it is st-i',l more important that they should lie ,„iven such home training as will fit them to become successful members, of the eammunitv. For this purpose they must be taught not only to for theniise!v;?s and their own requirements, hut also they must learn that the other people; with whom they come in contact have certain rights which must receive consideration. This essential Dart of th:? training of any child naturally fal’ls upon tfre mother. The greater necessity for such training of these backward children is only equalled by the infinitely greater difficulty with which they an? taught. Perseverance and patience on the part of the mother are necessary from the earliest years.

PATIENTS’ INFLUENCE. iTc parents who ail? wiililing to spend lllc extra time and trouble, some suggestions may he of value. Firstly, make sure that all physical delects are treated. A child that is men tally ••unfinished'’ is also more liable to suffer from physical disabilities. poor digestion, constipation, malnutrition which tend to accentuate the mental bac-kw-a-idnes-s. Therefore constant attention must be given to matters of diet.' sleep, fresh air, suitable clothing, regular habits, condition of the teeth, nose and throat, etc.

Knowing the milestones of a .normal infant—that is to say, the ages at which- it first takes “notice,” holds up its bead, walks, talks-, etc., the mother should note whether her child seems definitely backward in these- respects, Docs the baby seem- to be lethargic. iu:d lacking in initiative —when another of the same age would be exploring everything within reach —.see.inig, feeing, tasting ■' If so, encourage, liim day alter (lav in these activities. Give toys, to feef and play with, colours? to interest hiim, rounds and music to attract his ear. Now. too, is the time to watch carefully for. and to immediate,lv check, the'formation of any bad habits, such as hanging the head against the cot, rocking backward® and forwards, making peculiar movements, or indulging in fits of screaming. A. determined effort must be made from the very first to train the child in cleanly habits. II sufficient time and patience is expended. failure is umieci?s>sary. ‘‘Any child.” says a leading authority, “excepting the lowest crude imbecile, can he- taught to be cleanly.’ As- the child grow® older .everything lie i® able to do for liim-self he- must be encouraged in— dressing,*doing u.p button-- ancl ties, washing, and brushing. Difficulty arises from the fact that, these children are clumsy, forgetful, easily distracted, and infinitely slow -in •doing the s-malllest task. }A mother running a. household with its- multitudinous duties finds it so much easier to ‘do the iob herself” —to dress the' little one and to sit him out of the wav like a piece of furniture. When she.dees this sb? deprives her child 1 of most valuable training and education. Whatcvc - he can do. he must do. but do not. Iv? too hard, -sc- that failure is ii/.vitfihle.

j v dj ci orfc encou k agjsment. \\ itii perception of, and pride in, his duty towards nirnsevf, it is newiMuy iui- tilt* giuH'iug chula to realise that lufcr-et hi .•_* -oUieis in tne worki whom it Siiuuiul he. n.i> clesiie and pleasure to neip. I) he can assist mother m tidying, diving tiie dishes, dusting, or bringing in the milk bottles, lie will leel that he is adding hrs small' contribution to the lia.pi>iry3S'Si oi the home. Continuous occupation / i»’ needful. With the simple tasks that, they have learned to do well, these children can he. busy and cceup.ed. happy to do over and over again work wliioii a- no rura l diiid would .soon find uninteresting and ii ksomp. .Especially useful is work involving exercise and control of the hands, sucli as knitting, crochet, etc., which, though laboriously learned, prove a great source of occupation and pleasure. The defective speech which often , ar. oinpanies mental backwardness may be dtu. to a variety 01 causes'. E»me11nit's it is due to duck of muscular control or the tongue and the tips. Mi courage the child to use his lips in blowing a toy tnnnpet or whistle. I’uctry a.nd simple tune's- will often uiij/iovc backwardness of speech. Punishment will be 'found in most cases, to be of little value. A child u. i). i> labouring, at a task, simple enough, but to him of the greatest diliiiiilLy. certainly will not- find that 51 . slap or a scolding increase* his enpaI, liti.G. O', cansiomw Iv a .Mbarp word, of lepioof or a rap on the hand may be useful, especially in the correction of an incipient bad habit — provided the child understands directly for what he is being punished. Above all. never discuss, the child’s defects in his hearing. He will take far more notice of a remark made to a third person in 'his presence than he will of the same remark addressed dilectly to himseif. Once hp feels that i. ii : ‘•different.” that he is expected to be slow and that failure is a foicgonc conclus oil. lie is beaten before ii. • start. Give him tasks that arc ni t 1.o;. easily performed, so that exertion j, necessary: but not so bard as to discourage him. the mother contributing patience., judicious encouragement, and praise for a, task '.successfully completed. The difficulties, the bad traits, the lack of good habits, which Jn older veals sWe almost 'boneless to deaf with successlullv. arise, in the majority of cases, from lack of training in the early years. This deficiency, unfortunately] usually occurs not from unkindii,US'S or neglect, but- from, misplaced parental solicitude, which strives to fissist and protect the- weak aiul handicapped cue of the funify, and instead deprives him of the essentials of his social training-and hinder* his adaptation to his future life.

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 14 August 1928, Page 7

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HEALTH NOTES. Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 14 August 1928, Page 7

HEALTH NOTES. Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 14 August 1928, Page 7