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Ivakar.tmea. Dear Smile Queen, —-May J he a Smile, too. 1 am six years e-M. Mother reads the smiles’ letters to me. x have such a dear litt.e Inother. He’ will be two years old next V. ed-nois-day. We would not part with linn. AVe have two little Kittens, one ys yhiow and one is grey and white_ would you please give me names lor them. Mother says it is now bedtime for me, so goodnigut, Smile Queen, xove from iveitli \\ ilham.

(Welcome, Keith, it think you must be our youngest omile, and you nave written a splendid jetter. v\ hat about Ginger and Micky lor the kittens? write again soon. When is your birthday?. x.ove from b.Q.)

Te Kiri. Dear Smile Queen, —We have a little baby brother and his name is Douglas Ivor. He will l>e six weeks o;<l on Monday. \\‘e get three dueits eggs every morning now, but our hens are not 'laying yet. Did you Know that we had a Shetland pony, omile Queen It is only a little foal. Don and 1 had a ride.on it. Our baby can smile and say “A.g00.” Love irom, Hector GoxJieud. *

(I hope you are setting a good example to Douglas Ivor, Hector. How lucky you are to have a pony. What a dear little thing he must be. Have you a name lor him? Tliank you ior the sixpence, Hector. Lo*e from S.Q.)

Allen ltoad, Meremere. Dear Smile Queeen. —Now I will take iny pen and write to you again. AVe still milk four cows in the morning, and separate and churn. it is raining, but just a drizzly rain. Last Cridlay AYhakamara Schoolboys came over to play our boys in a game of football and Meremere won bv 6 to •>. That was a good game. There was a big crowd of people there to watch the match. The schoolgirls were out to watch them. Wo haven’t any violets out yet, but the primroses are nearly budding. 1 am sending you a half dozen riddles. Well, as this is all, I will close. Love to you and your Smiles, from Queenie Coltart. x x x x (.Thank you for the riddles, Queenie. They are good ones. The football must have beerf most exciting. It is early yet for primroses. Love from S.Q.

Kiri Road; Te Kiri. Dear Smile Queen, —Just a lew line.s to Jet you know I have not iorgotten you. It is very windy her to-day. AYe have one cow in, and I don’t suppose itwill be long before the others are in. How are you and your Smiles keeping.' I hope you are all right. My mother has been for a holiday up to New Plymouth. AA'e are going to play a hockey match against Pihama. Then we are going to leave off hockey and play basket ball. I will be sorry because I like playing hockey. We are going to Cpunake High School to learn basket ball. Now I will close, with lots of love. I remain, your loving Smile, Emma AA’atson. (Yes. all the cows will be in soon now. AA'e are all very well, thank you, Emma. Hockey is rather a rough game sometimes, isn’t it? I think yo will like basket ball when you begin. Love from S.Q.)

Kakaramea. Dear Sm-ife Queen, —It is a very wet dav, so I thought' I would write to you Did you hear about the All Blacks? 1 think they are very good, because they won the second test match. Dear Smile Queen, for the past three years, I have not received a birthday card, although my name was in the paper. My birthday was on April lOili. Our boys played" foot-ball against Pa-tea Convent and they won. The score was Kakaramea LI, Patea Convent 6. I have not got a.’ pet, but my -sister has one. It is a line pussy. 1 think I will be able to make one" .Little thing for our gift cupboard. As news i$ scarce, .1 will close now-, hoping you are all well. I remain, your loving Smile, Mavis Hardakcr.

XXX-XX X X X X [A'en, wasn’t it splendid the. All Blacks warning the second test? I wonder what can Have happened to your card, .'.ball 1 f.end another? I hope you will vend ns something. Mavis. Love from KQ.) . '

Norman by. Dear Smio Queen, —May 1 become a member of your merry circle, 1 am ten years of age and in Standard 6. My birthday fs on February 20. 1 promise to smile every time T can, and chase all the frowns into -the dark cave, where tiie Smile Giant will kill them with his magic sword, Happiniess. 1 remain, your new Smile, Calorie Stewart. [AA'elcome to the castle. Oh.oris. Don’t forget to smile every day, especially when things go wrong. AA rite again soon. Love from S.Q.]

Manaia. Dear Smile Queen, —1 have not written to you for a long time. My nrothei and father went .or a motor trip and staved away two and a-half weeks. 1 staged with'my Auntie while they wercavvav. 1 liked staying with Auntie very much, but I was very pleased when mother comes home, because I do not like staying away too long from home. \A e are having frosty mornings now I just love this weather and the .oveiy sunny days. Y’es, Smile Queen, we have a dog for- a pet, and she is very .aithful. once' when we were looking' for. hens nests she found a large crown opossum in the drain just near our house. We got such a fright when they scrambled out and started to tight just by us, but we- soon called the dog away and the opossum staved near our house ior weeks. But we were not allowed to have it for a pet, because we would not know how to feed it, but we h-pe to ha»e a pet lamb this year. I have something made for the gi.t cupboard, but 1 am not going to send it yet till 1 get some more ready. Your loving Smile, Jessie Ciague. (t am glad to hear that you have made something for the gift cupboard, Jessie, that is a good beginning. There arc vol-v- of opus's units about, 1 think, but they do not" make very good pets A lamb is great fun. Love from S.Q.)

'Alo-koia. Dear Smile Queen. — One of the Smi.iew mentioned in her letter that thev had some makomakos round their place. AA'e nave also. Every year they come in px.ii s to our tree lucerne. There must, be something in the Mowers that attract those particular _ birds to come along One strange thing that vve notice about them -vs that it goes away periodica Iv. and 1 suppose other folks hare the pleasure of its. song. People have often remaiked. 'ls that a tui?” The tui lias a richer tone with, its song. \Ye have often noticed paragraphs in the paper concerning the malccmako oi bell-bird, and have been very interested. Down in the bush there are five or six tuts and wood-pigeons, and vve quite enjoy having a walk down to the bush. This afternoon we had ,a nice drive arcjnnd Araira.ta. AA’e had not boon out that war before, .so we quite enjoyed it. You mentioned in vour letter that you wornl-il like every Smile to make something for the gift cupboard, so I will niomiiise to send you something in good Mine. [ will now conclude, with love from Peggy Burkin- .* fThank vou ior your promises, Peggy: I shall expect- something from you quite scon. How interesting about the make, makes. Only last Sunday T heard; two singing in some bluisgum trees. They are” very fond of these as well as In-1 (.erne, I think. Love from S.Q. 1

Jeiue.JfhoManaia Rd. Dear Smile Queen, —I have a- sore foot and I cannot go to- school. I ran a- boxthorn into it and! it- swelled up. My little twin sisters lia-vi?.- a. bad cold and they are at home also. We went to the Guides’ birthday tea- in Manaia last Thu-nsiday, and I was one of the Guides who- blew out the candles- of the birthday cake. There were two candles, as i t is tlie- seeomli year of Guides in Manaia,. My eldest sister played in a basket ball "match at K-apuni uguin-t Bivcrlca. hut they ,ost by cue po.nt. The fcore was 5—L so it- wasn’t so bad, was it? I will"close now, loping yon and four fairies ah? 'all well. I remain, your loving Smile, Jean MiU-hell. [What a- busy time, your mother ha.s had with al : of you, at home. ! hone your foot i.fcj better now. The Guide party must ;h,av© -been great- inn. Do vo.i plav basket hall, too? neve from S.Q.I

('hiselhursi, Elliiam. J>>nr Smile Queen, — lam sorry not to have wv.itton befoire. hut 1 have had my two cousin* Jean and Don staying a ith „s. wao have taken up- my sip-a-re time. -Man v thrnks for that prett-y <-;.-id, which a lived on the 4th, but my birthday is on the" sth. I had; an enjoyable day. and beautiful presents. After a lovely tea. Jean, Don and I played games, -such as hide-and-seek, blind man's bnif and hide the thimble. This-' lasts! till about a quarter past seven. 1 have .several new pieces', of music. Do lik? inuKsic,, Smile Queen? I do. Have you many flowers out at tine Smile Castle? We have, hardly any. I remain, your loving Smile, Flora- Cople[\Vhat fun"you"miist have lrad with Joan and Don ,and what a splendid birthday. Flora. Yes, 1 am very fond - music, i hone you wait progress - t . i.kly with it. Perhaps you will come and iduy to me some day. -The spring wi.l all be out soon. Love from Q] - Salthaven, Qtakeno. Dear Smile Queen, —I hope you are q it 2 w?M. I have just recovered from a flu cold'. I am going to make something to.;- the gift cupboard. Would you please put a copy of the badge in "the paper ? We have got 10 cows in alreadv so there has been no holiday fiom the. cows. Yesterday 1' went to Patea to see an auntie who was down u-o-m Kn.i'kohe. I am sending some .inn tiled g.'.-rlis’ names. Well, as this is all the news i must say god-bye. I remain, vonr sincere Smile, Hi?leu .Y i chollis. [Arc vou feeling better now, Helen, i am resting you a copy of the badge design. Thank you very much - lb" jumbled names. Don’t forget the cr.iph.uard, please. Love from S.Q.’I

Arai-ata. Dear Smile Queen. —Once again 1 oleasure of writing to you. We a-rc leaving Norman by and are going to Live at Ara.i-ata. i don’t want t-o !eu:v? Normanhv. because 1 will leave all my pals, and I don’t like going to a new school, because J feel shv be-au-se I don’t know anybody. My sister i s at present in bed with the “flu,” lit- 1 think she will be well again m a :c»- days’ tune. The bulbs aie out no-vv . nd thev make the garden look pretty.

When we leave this place we ai|? going o take some plants with u«. The child.ien of Nomian-by Soliool writing to iffurent rants of tlie world. .1 wrote a letter to Singapore because 1 like-hear-ing about it;- J will close now, asT have to go to bed. With love to you and y .ur Smiles, From your loving Smile. B. Ward. xxxxxxxxxx [Dear Emily, so you have moved to

Aiarata. 1 wondei how you will like that. Try not to feel shy. \o.i w.,1: soon get to know all the ginls. Do ‘tell me about Singapore when you Lear. Love froii) S.Q.]

Ha worn . Dear Smile Queen, —You will think 1 am a lazy girl, but I don’t get much time for writing letters. .1 have to heap mother when i get home, from senool nd t.vm I .have to practise my mus.c. Wo are milking about 30 rows just now, .and! we have some dear little calves. A hat- heavy Dusts- wo are having? 1 don’t, like these cold mornings, but it i,s lovely when the .sun gets up and makes everything warm. lam going to Stratford one day next week. I .hope the day will he line, because a. friend of m no is going to be married. 1 love going for motor rides, don’t you. Smile . ue-sn? P must clo-sc now, hoping you and a’! the Smiles are. well. AA'ith "lots of love from Jean Pollock.

[1 do not mind not hearing fucim yon often when 1 know that you are so busy, Jean. Yes, 'those frosts were very tiff, but what lovely days. 1 hope you have a greed time at Stratford. Alot of rides are vc-mv pleasant. Love from S.Q.)

Te Kiri. Dear Smile Queen,—-As I have not written for ever so long J thought 1 would write now and send it with letter. AYe have a lot of yellow and white jonqui ls out at school now. AA r e had a few violets 1 out, but they are not very big, as we dug them up. 1 think Gladys Biigham and Alary Morris ar> very good correspondents. Muchlove from your loving smiling Smile, Alyrt.e \\ iirifred* Coxhead. xxxxxx L i mink you for the 6d, Myrtle. Spring is a Invest liere now, with iail’l the lovely flowers. Yes, Alary and G.iadys are good correspondents. Ixive lrom S.Q.)

Kakaramea. Dear Smite Queen, —A.§ it 'is a wet day I thought I would write to you. On Saturday, vve played basket-ball against AA’hen.unkura, and we defeated them. ; scire was: Kakaramea 12. AV'hen'uakura 9. AA’e have been having, delightful weather lately, but it seems n.s if we ’are going to get some wet weather now. I will try and make something or the gift cupboard. Oltl Jack Frost has been about hitely. AYi?. have had our examination and l. came, ton of Standard 0. I did not go to the Ha-w-era Show, although 1 would -have .iked to go. My sfeter is going to write too, but I don’t know whether she has got- any more news, as news is fairly scarce down here at present. I remain, your !ovilia Smile, Marjorie H-ardaker. [J suppose you are a very good bas-ket-ball player. Marjorie. Yes, do try and make something for the gift cupboard, even if it is small. AA’e are all bright and smiling, and 1 am .glad to hear that yo.i, are. too. Love from b.Q.)

Fraser Rd., Eltliam. Dea.r Smile Queen —It is a long tune since I have wiitten to vou. I am « you will think 1 have forgotten you, but i will try and write oftener. AA'e are busy at sahood pieparing for our competitions in August. Do you like the competitions, Smile Queen? 1 do. It w.L soon be spring time now and the spring flowers are starting to bloom. We have violets and primroses out in oar garden at home. AA’e have two little lambs in the paddock. 1 do like I tale, lambs, don’t you, Smile Queen? Alv '.itt.e sister Joyce loves them, too, and she is wishing ior some pet ones. Well, dear Smile Queen, I will now Hosx with love to all the little Smiles. Year loving friend, Eveiyn Death. [Dear mod I lra.d nearly forgotten you, Evelyn. A T es. I like the- competition's, especially the little children s lp.-rt-'. AY lint ate you in for? 1 wonder I if you will be able to have* a pot lamb. Love from S.Q.]

Allen Rd., Meremere. Dear Smile Queen,—Alay 1 become one of your Smiles'? 1 promts© to smile every time l can, and to chaise all live frowns into the dark cave, where the Sin le Giant will kill them with his magic sword. Happiness. I am ten years of age and in Standard 3. My oi.thdav is on the 21st of Afaroh. AA'e i, dear Smile Queen. I will write more next time. Love to you and your ..miles, from Dora Coltart. x x x x [You are the .third new Smile this; wopik, Dora. lent- that splendid? Do you go to ischool with Queenie? Write again soon and tell me all about, youi;eir. Love from S.Q.J

Diver lea. Dear Smile Queen, —I hojie you wi I forgive me for not thanking you fer tile End birthday greetings which .vou iserii me. .! had many useful presents given me and 1 in the afternoon had, at tvliic-h all my friends were present. 13 in all. AA i played games m the dining-room, as. the weather was dull, and 1 at 4 o’clock had tea. On Saturday, 21st, vve are playing a. return match of basket-ball at Kauum. 1 think u a ‘lovely game on cold, Ircisty mornings. Last week we went to a picture called 1 “King of Kings.” Did you see it? It vvais very real, but I thought it beautiful. At the end of thin term we are having a -school concert, to which all of us are looking fonvaro. T>pruig seems to be slowly approach ing now. There are a- few 'baby calves and lambs around. If we have frosts such, as tire one vve had this morning it wi! be a, while before the weather gets warmer. There seem to be a good many .eo-ple around here who have influenza, o, the school children have hail it, but I have been lucky enough to • ifc-ape .it. AA’e]l, Bnvi.le Queen, 1 close now, with much love from your mi e. Norma Josephson.

(A nice 1-o-ng letter, Norma. AA'hat a ovcly b.irthdir". Are you a member of

:.i-.: team? “King of Kings” has not been to Havrera yet. lam glad you .iced it lx>ve from S.Q.)

Autou. Dear Smile Queen What a glorious week of line weather vve have had, but this- morning there is a change. How ve all love, the sunshine. AATiat a diforenoe the animals will find if vve get mme lough weather. AA'hat hard frosts wo have had this week, too. It is very .-Old fiist thing in the morning, but it is very pteasant going to school. 1 was very interested in one of the Smile’s letters about birds. A friend of ours in El thorn has a white sparrow,' which a.tpn Hies about in their garden. 1 nave not y?en it, hut mother has. But my brother says he has seen one here, -■(> i am waiting to catch a glimpse of it. At one time there used to be a. ii te blackbird down the Glenn Road, ’robahlv some of the other Smiles have seen it. I don't know if it is about '■•he,© now. The Smite page is so inter-, rating that I have been sending it to my girl friend in England. She eenttej me the school girls’ weeklies, and T do ■niov retting them. I hope that you. 3mile Queen, and the fairies are all well, and' those who have had the “flu” ■ oi l have quite recovered. I will close row with love from Gladys Bigham. , r c’l’ir’t think I have ever seen a vhite- sparrow. AA'hat a quaint specih'v nni'.t he. Occasionally we see white blackbirds, and they are woncleiri>l and movfc attractive. I am glad to hear that you are corresponding with, a girl in England. Love from S.Q.)

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 28 July 1928, Page 18

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THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 28 July 1928, Page 18

THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 28 July 1928, Page 18