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Lake Road, Hawera

Dear Smile Queen, — l was very pleased to see my letter in print. On Saturday \vhen the paper came 1 ran to see it my letter was amongst the otl' On tne King’s Birthday my sifter and J had some great tun on an old bicycle. On Wednesday afternoon we watched a foot hall match. Do you like footbai.i matches. Smile Queen? 1 dc. I think they are very interesting. 1 ilike loading hooks a,lid lam going to read some more. After I get my proficiency, lan going to the Technical School. I don’t know what I am going to be when 1 Iva-ve school. What occupations do >o,i suggest for girls. Smile Queen? "Well, tle-ui Smile Queen. as I have no more news i will o.ose with best love to youi Smiles and yourself, dear Smile Queen j remain. your loving Smile, Mavis Smith. (A v;r v neat tetter, -Mavis. Yes. i love watching football matches. Theie yre many careers open to girls nowadays. Yon could* be a teacher, a nurse, or you could go into *in. office. till depends upon where your ind in ah ions lend you when von have been to high school. Don’t ’ allow thoughts of a career to disturb you too much inst now, however. Mavis. I-ovc from S.Q.)

Haw era. Dear Smile Queen, —I should like to join your band of Smiles. Now 1 shall tell \ou .aliout our farm and the animals we have on it. hvery morning in the summer I used to get up and milk twelve cows before 1 went to school. Now that winter is near we are net so busy. We have a horse called Dolly. I think she is glad the factory is closed, because she doesn't have to pull the cans of milk a long way every morning. One night our dog Ruff got run over by a motor ear and was killed. The lady motorist who was responsible for the accident gave us a little pup in place of poor old Ruff. I remain, your new Smile, Ernest Hine. (Welcome to the Castle Ernest. I am glad to hear about jour work on the farm. Old Dolly will have to start work again quite soon, won’t she? Poor Ruff! What is the little puppy like? When is your birthday and how old are v'.u, Ernest. I-ove from S.Q.)

Lakeßd., Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —tM'ay 1 join your happy circle? I was eight years old on the "first of June, and I hope to he in standard three very soon. 1 am fond of reading good stories about per.ple like Alfred the Great, Sir Walter Raleigh and Napoleon. I ride to the Whareroa school every day on my bicycle, which dad gave me lore my birthday. We have thirty cows on our farm. I am going to he a civil engineer when I grow up. I shall close now with love from Gerald Hawthorne. (Welcome to cur Castle, Gerald. I sec you have lots of ambition. Work hard" and you will soon he a civil engineer. There are lots more good stories about the heroes of olden times Read them all, you will love them. Love from S.Q.)

Sheet Rd., Au/on. Dear Smile Queen, —Here we are n&ain.l hope all out Smiles are .still free From colds, etc. J have had a bad cold For a. day or two, but, however, 1 shall soon recover from that if 1 look a iter myself. Such <omplaints are so ...abv caught- now the weather i,s. damp. The other day 1 was looking very closely into the earth, and 1 noticed that Ml Earthworm has been very busy in workin.u' up the M>il in the grass paddock This small mite must be ;■ woucUrtul creature. Just 'picture him working and striving lull'd, trying t>- pi lily the earth. Nature has provided runny masteries on earth and I think that Hie earthworm is the most wonderful insect creature. In the Waitomo -.Caves, m Auck'and. the earthworms nu>t show a beautiful sight. I have not .actually seen them, but I have heard such a lot about those faithful little creatures. The A-uron. School root-judging was held Mfc Tuesday, and a fine record was put .[>. We are most likely going to p’ay broket ball at Otmk-'ho on Saturday next. 1 will close now, as news is rnnnimr short. I remain., yonr loving hni'e. Gladys Bigliam. (Yes. there are lots of colds about now. Mr Earthworm is a very busy Fellow, avs you isa.y. f must tell you about worms ono day I think the worms at Waitomo are iff’owwornnst. not earthworms. They are a wrmrterfnl .sight. Love from S.Q.)

Lake ltd.. Rawern. Dear Smile Queen. —I was very lad to see mv letter in the paper. We have four little kittens at home. One without a nanr.*. What shop I cal: him Smile Queen? We have 21 fowls. A'e live by the beach. In the summer we z’> for a bathe every evening, i g'• to Sunday school every Sunday morning, r remain, your loving Smili?, Olive Smith. . , (Wc-a'd Scamp suit the kitten, Olive r How splendid being able to hat he every day in the summer. It is such fun. I think, and >so good for little girls. Love 'rom S.Q.)

Rural l)o•ivory, Wiiakanuira. Dear Smile Queen, —As 1 have- not ,vKitten to you lor a long time, L thought I wouid write. Six of us girls onu ;*d .or writing in the chow, and two gulf also elite ed their compositions, Amu ;cv the kitten killed one or our tan aides and Tumpy killed our little go.cliinch. lam going to send, some things into the gift cupboard. I wiL' close now Smile Queen, sending love to you and all vein- Smiles. From Lottie Hamilton. x x x x x x (1 hope von will win a pi me, Lottie What cruel kittens. You will nave, to train them to be friendly to othei animals. T wonder if you could. Love .‘rom S.Q.)

Lake Rd., Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —I was pleased to see my letter in print and to know that l am now a r.mile. Tne show is tills month, and I might he going to it. Winter is here now and there are not manv flowers in the garden. We have a starling that lays in the stable. v\ e watch its eggs till they are hatched and then we watch the young.. -My ,a,ourite hobby is reading. J am very loud oi' the books written by Ethel Turner and Edith Howes. Have you read anv cf those, Smile Queen? Mel., , must close now with love to you and your Smiles. I remain, your loving •mile. Ida Smith. (I do wish you would tell me all about the different stages in the growth of a starling. 1 have never watched them growing as you have. Yes. Ida. J have read most of the books hv those two authoresses, and 1 did eniov them. I-ove from 5.Q..)

Lake R<l., Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —I was very pleased to sec all our letters in the paper. Many of my friends wrote to you last week. I have a pet' bantam and its name is Aunt Emma. I have a horse named Toby. )Ye have a ear as well. Now it is winter there are not many l owers in the garden. When the spring comes there will he many bulbs. J love the spring flowers, don’t you ? With love to all from Gladys Reynolds. (Aunt Emma, is a quaint name for bantam, Gladys. Yes, I love the spring flowers, they will soon be out I-ove from S.Q.)

River-lea,. Dear Smile Queen, —As it is so long since I have written to you I will, now 1«>0 yon luvtr from me again. The two weeks’ -holiday which we hacl was most enjoyable, for 1 spent them ’in Shannon. One afternoon we walked up to the big power-house at Mangorei. There are large pipes to convey tne water from Mangahao, a place over the hil’is, to the power-hause. One of the men from the house took u-s all over the building, which is five-storied. We also Levin and Palmerston North. Have you been to Palmerston, Smile Queen? .1 think it is very beautiful in the square with the trains going through it. The evenings are very long now. but we have a new library at. school and can have the books, which are very interesting, to brill,g home ant. read. 111 the garden the bulbs are-just beginning to show their first, leaves. Well Smii'e Queen. T will close now. anil write again soon. I nemain, your Smile. Norma Joseph son. (I am so pleased to bear from you again. Norma. What a lovely holiday you had. Palmerston is a. very if'.city ij'laoe. The power-house must w? mi.y large and interesting. What book aie von reading now? Lcvie from S.Q.i Mokoi-a. Dear Smile Queen,—As there was not many letters in last week’s page, 1 thought I would write and see if there -.vill he more nex,t time. You asked me if it hurt when I got my tooth filled, and f ani glad to say it did not. YySlerday the Guides went down to Miss l-vsaght’s.. where she showed us -a great variety of shells and other curios. She hiud tli,? 111 all laid out on ootton-wool in boxes, and they 'looked very pretty. There were- also many kinds of leaves, all pressed in a. huge book. Like you, Smile Queen, i, too, notice the days so- short. By the time I have done my practise in the evenings. I have very lvticle time to help mother. By the. end of this' -mouth the days will be beginning to, lengthen out, especially on fine evenings. I will now conclude, with 1 °ve irom Peggy Barkla. . (There are lots of letters this week. Peggy, and I am glad yours is among them What fun von must have had at Miss Lysnght’s. Love from S.Q.,'

Hawera. Diear Smile Queen,—rJ am sorry 1 hove not written to you before. I have made a few attempts, but have not got them finished. I went to a Brow nit concert- -last Saturday and it was very nice. 1 passed a test for my collectoi s badge- yesterday. The Brownies are celeb;airing their second birthday on Saturday 7 when we are going to have a party. There are not very many flowers out now, bat we have some- violets- ami daphne out, now. f remain, your loving Snii-le Winnie Trim. (1 was pleased to hear from you again Winnie. 1 heard the Brownie party was great fun. Love from S.Q.) Patterson Rcl., Ka-karamea. Dear Smii'e Queen*—J-usi a iew lines to let you know 1 am quite well. v > arc having some nice fine weather now. but it* will soon come '>o,l d. The Knkaramea, girlsi were playing the Alton ,rirl s , basket ball, and the Kakaramen girls won. The Alton lw>y.s- beat, the Kakaramea, boys in playing football . The farmers are not milking very many cow si now. We are only milking a few cow® night and morning, but they are neanlv dry. I will iß<?nd fiv r c riddles witli this letter. As I will c-lowc now, 1 u> rnain. v-ou-r loving Smite, Joyce Buiiel . XXX X X X (Thank you for the riddles, Joyce. The-v are good ones. Arc you iu the team? Love from S.Q.) Man a in. Dear Smile Queen. —Once again 1 take the pleasure of writing you these few lines hoping you and all the Smiles are well.' We are having, some very cold weather now, >and 1 do not like going to school this weather. We are forming a-wolf pack and I have joined. I am a cub, and ] like going verymuch. We had a, Sunday School tea party given to us in the hall last r liday night -at 5 o’clock, and then games after, and we had 1 real good sport, i must close now, as it is bedtime. 1' rom Baden Glare. (Yi3!s>. wo .are all well, thank you, linden It is -lather cold, isn’t, it r Have lots of exercise ancl you \vi,-l keep warm. Te’.l me about the cubs. Love from S.Q.)

River lea. Dear Smile Queen,— It i* such a time sinoa i last wrote to you. but I now wiite to von to thank you lor yom birthday wishes you .sent me. During the holidays I went to Shannon for two weeks) hv ' train. Going through T.-tea it was a beautiful sight to look east at the freezing works and to notice the sea-"ulIs living around for their food. Near Foxtdn there are great flax mill* scattered here and there. Alien we went to Foxton beach for a lay vve saw the South Island quite plainlv. When vve went over the Maninv.mi Riven- we .had to go over on a punt, as the bridge got washed away. Near tne flu xml'ls magpies and pokako are plentiful. On Saturny River lea is playing a match at basket hall. Do you lvkr? basket hall Smile Queen? I tlunh Me lovely. I will close now. Love from Inn jo.seph.son. , , „ , (I suppose it was low tide a.t 1 a tea when vou went through. It is very muddy there. Did you go and seo thp flax mil's working? I used to play basket ball when I was a little girl arid loved it. Love from S.Q.)

Normanby. Dear Smile Queen.—l am going to write to vou again. Normanby played Qkain.vva in football on the Pth June and defeated them by 12 to .3 ; and I vvae glad to see that Normnnbv had won another game. The clays n.rc getting colder, so at school the children have .c.kinnin.g. 'Mv cold has gone away now, and lam g’ad too. I will close now with a big smile to you and your Smiles. I a.m your loving Simla, r.innly Wi'.vd'. . . (T-Tow fair can vdu skip without tripiriii'f Emily ? It is splendid exercise, arid keep-’ you warm. Love from -S.Q.

Lake Rd., Hawera. Dear Synile Queen,—As f iiave not written to you before, I have decided to do so now. I was ten on the 24th of May. I am in standard four. 1 am foil'd of reading, but I think I like .ootball 'better. Me are all fond of it out here. I think some of the school toys want to lie All Blacks some clay, f shall finish now. Smile Queen. Your new Smile, Henry Carswell.

(What a lot of new Smiles I have this week, Henry. Most little boys like football better than inside amusements, don’t they’? Perhaps you will someday Ire a representative of Taranaki. M'ouldn’t that be exciting? Love from S.Q.)

Tawhiti Rd.. Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —May T become one of the fairies of yom* Castl? ? 1 was nine years old on the i4th of September. I go to the. M’hareroa School every dav on my bicycle, which my father bought for me. 1 am. very fond of reading. I have read some good stories about King Arthur, Joan of Arc. Julius Caesar and other great people. With best wishes to you all. your .now Smt’e, Eric Gascoigne. (Certainly you may join the Castle. Eric. M r e ape glad to have you. MJia.t. a. lovely hook. Do you go a 'long way to school? Love from S.Q.)


Dear Smite Queen, —As I have nothing to do 1 -am writing a letter to you, liFour term, exam, i came se-oonu in Standard V. with 373 marks. Wc played basket ball at. Manaia. and won one game, G to 2. The mountain ha,s a lot”of snow, on now, as at is getting colder. Not io-ng ago we wrote letters bo so in? of the children in Engand, and L hope to gee- an answer this time. The nook 1 am reading now is oa'led “The Blossom Children,” and the one -liefore was caked “Self or School,” and 1 like them both. We are going to play hapuni basket ball some afternoon. 1 mast close now, as it, is getting late, i remain, vonr loving Smile, Jessie. G iibbons. (iiow splendid coming second in your class, Jessie, did Egmont is well coveted,' at the top now, isn’t be? Do you read much? Love from S.Q.)

South Ed., Whareroa, Hawora. Dear Smile Queen, — I was very pleas ed to see my letter in the paper. Thank you for the nice names you gave -me for my kittens. My -little niece Vera, who was staying with me, went home on Monday. Before 1 coino to school each morning l put out the hay. 1 enjoy thin! kind of work. In our , s eliool library ve have several new books, one of which [ have read. It is “Maoriland Fairy I'ale.s,” bv Edith Howes. I found it v’3r.y interesting, because I like to know all. about the early history of New Zea,and. and all the Maori heroes. Yell, suite I have no more news I will close now. with love to you and all your '.-miles, .Marv Hughes. (What a- neat letter, Mary. ‘Maon!and Fairv Tates” is a. fascinating book. <sn’t it? I loved it. Have you read Mtv other books by Edi th Howe-s? Love from S.Q.)

South Rd., Hawera. Deal Smile Queen, —'ibis is my first letter to you. I was nine years old on 24th of January. We live on a ,arm cn South Road, where we have oows, calves, horses and two dogs. We .save a nice Buick sedan, which I lvop-e drive some day. Good-bye just now, mile Queen. Ixiv*. from your new .nn e, Freddy l?inny. (Another new Smile, Freddy. Y hnl .1 00, lection or animats. Have yO-a a pony of your own? i expect you will ,11 ve ti.e miick some day. Love from -Q-) Normanby. Dear Smile Queen—As 1 had notliing to do i thought i would write to you. . expect “Ben H-nr” is an interesting picture, but 1 did not see it. I have had a Pad cold, but I think it is getting better now, so 1 can go outside to finish weeding my garden ready for more bulbs to come up. Are you going to the show, Smile Queen? I think 1 am, L like going to shows to see the writing and other exhibits. On Sunday 1 went to Sunday School, then in the aiternoon I went out for a walk with my sister. On Tuesday 1 went out to Teed my kitten, but did not find it anywhere, so I hope lie will turn up shortly, because he is such a nice little thing. We had a holiday on the 4th June, so I helped mum with the housework, as she is not too strong yet to do work. Well, as I have no more news, I will close with a big love to you and your -Smiles, 1 urn, your l..ving Smile, Mary Morris. (Perhaps 1 will see you at the show, Mary. Have you put anything in this _,ear? How sad about the kitten, pernaps it has returned by this time. Love from S.Q.), Normanby. Dear Smile Queen, —As I have nothing to do, I thought I would write to you. Last week I was home from school with a poisoned hand, but 1 think it is getting better now. I have oeeu reading a book called “Little Lady Claie, and it is very nice to read. 1 Well, Smile Queen, are you going to t.he show? 1 am going. At the Normanby show I came third in the writing competition, but I am not writing or the Hawera show this time. I am ~our loving Smile, Phyllis Morris. (I do hope your hand is better Phyllis. Yes, I am going to the show, and am looxing forward to it very touch. I shall vvatc-h for you. Love rom S.y.)

Hawera. Dear Smile Queen,— May I become one < f the members of your club? J go to the M'liareroa school, which is near the railway line_ M’e can see the trains when they go by. I was eleven years old on the 2nd of September, and i am in standard four. 1 have a new bicycle which my brother and I ride l<> school. I like playing football, because it makes me warm on a cold day. .Sometimes when M’hareroa is playing at M’hareroa we go along to see the match. Last year \Yhareroa won every match except two. My mother and my sister Betty are in Auckland on a holiday. Dad, Henry and I are baching. Love to all your Smiles. Alex Carswell.

(splendid! Another new Smile, Alex. It is fun seeing the trains, isn’t it? Football is very good for little boys, jspe. ialiy on cold days. Love from S-Q-t

Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —I should like to join your Castle. 1 promise to smile and not frown. M’e have a pup which we call Peter. I am in standard four. Vly birthday is on the 9th of August. M’e have a pet bantam which we call Jimmy. M’e beys play rugby at school. We milk forty three cows at home and nave five horses on our farm. In the .lummer I sometimes go to the beach and bathe. M’ell, Dear Smile Queen, 1 will linish now. 1 remain, your new Smile, Colin Benton. ( I am glad you are joining, Colin, f hope will write often and tell me what, jou are doing? Have you a rugby team yet? I hope you will be nt it. I.ove from S.Q.)

Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —I should like to join vjour happy hand of Smiles. 1 >tin eight years old, and my birthday :s on the 19th of January. Me have three cats and their names are Nigger, Fluff and Blackie. I have one brother and sister, whose names are Victor and Veta. Veta is just five years old. We have a kiddy-phone, which my Auntie in London set us not long ago. Some of the records are very funny. Loco to yon all, from Grace Chappie.

(Welcome, Grace. Do the eats belong to yourself ? M 7 hat is a kiddyphoiie? I think it must he a grand phone for little girls and boys. M T rite again. Love from S.Q.)

Rural Mail. Oeo. Dear Smile Queen, —Thank you. very much, for the pretty card you oent me .or my birthday. I am sorry to say that 1 forgot to thank you last time T wrote to you. Have you had the usual H-inlor coldi--. I have written to M’innie Dendv at Last. Thank you for her address. I hope she writes hack to me. ! see that the gift cupboard is opened again. Have you received any gifts "t ? I will try and send in .something. M r iell will have to close, as nevus is scarce. I remain, your sincere Smile. Dena Stone.

No. so far we had not had anv colds which is a good thing. M’e have a few things in the cupboard, already, hurt- we want lots more. Love from S.Q.)

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 16 June 1928, Page 18

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THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL=BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 16 June 1928, Page 18

THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL=BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 16 June 1928, Page 18