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Wliaireroa ltd.. Hawera

Dear Smile Queen, —l would \i*r> niucli like do join your happy circle, i have come to Uhaieroa lioin a lata, <>a; which is six miles out oi Taiiiape. 1 don’it suppose you have been up them. 1 will be ten on the 18bn oi October. We liave 17 fowls at home. 1 am in Standard three now. 1 have only been back a week since the term holidays. I was glad when school opened, because 1 had 1 nothing to da. Some of •the boys are going to write to you next weak. Well, dear Smile Queen, 1 shall close now with la via to you all from Thvrza Aberley. [No. Tliyrza, I liave not been to Ala.ta.roa so far. Is it as big as Whaieroa? I)o you look after one fowls? Holidays do get rather monotonous if you have nothing to do. Try and find tilings to do, and the time will fly. shall ba glad to hear from the boys. Love fiom S.Q.)

Beach Rd.. Hawera. Dear Smi.e Queen, —Thank you ior t hie birthday card l which 1 .received bn is We started oChcol on Tuesday, after having two weeks’ 'hoLduys. 1 was promoted to Standard 4 a.nd i wilt havr?' -to work very hard to pass intci Standard 5. We- have an Irish terrier dog named “Duke.” 1 must close now with love to you and your fairies. Your loving Smile Mollie Reading. [I suppose you had a lovely holiday. Work hard. Does “Duke l ' • belong to you, yourself ' Love from S.Q.] Rural Mail, Oeo. Dear Smile Queen, —I have started school again now. 1 went away for a week and two days and I enjoyed it very much,, asi I hope all (the Smines did. I am very sorry to say that 1 have net, written to Winnie Den cl v. Wit', you please send me her address, for T have lost it and J would like to write •to lie;- so that sire will not. think f have forgotten her. The hook I am reading ait> present is “The Guides of North Cliff.” and I like it very much. Have you read it? Well, Smile Queen, I wit, olese with lots of love from Dona Stone. [Winnie’s address is “Loamnmt’s Farm, M'?vford. near Woking. Surrey. England.” Ye«. do write to her, as I a sure she would love to hear from you. No. I have not read “The Guides of North Cliff.” It 'sounds most exerting. Love from S.Q.]

Mokoin. > Dear Smile Quoen, —As I am trying to write every other week, 1 had better ■ make a, start this week. The 'Mokoin*iipant« were helg ori the 16th of May, l and it was a nice day, although it was threatening most of the morning. It i was a verv enjoyable day, and I think i most people enjoyed themselves, as l there was different sports for people of ail , ages. We have, the carpenters here just i now, as we are having an extension to the house, whioh will lx? a great 'help i tq us. We have less flowers out now than we have had for a. long time. We . will he pleased when the spring flowers come out. Lasit week I. went to the drntiiKt to get a tooth filled. I did not go nwnv from homo these hast holidays, as I did not want to miss the sports, and the first week T had a cousin .stopping with me. I wit] now* close with 'eve from Pegirv Bairkla. [How srdendid having a. fine day for the sports. Tam glad you enjoyed your solves. Tt is great- fun watching i the h’li.Vlcrs, 'isn’t if. Did the Tooth ' hurt? Love from 5.0.1 ; Normanby. Dear Smile Queen, —As all work is finished I thought I would write to you. I enjoyed my holidayw very much, although. I stayed at home. ; We hagan our examination on the 23rd of May, and we have still more things to do. 1 have m bad cold at present, but I hope it will soon be better. I have not be»m well for the last two or three days, and 1 was in bed all day last Sunday. As news i« scarce, I will close with loiis of smi es to you and your _ Smiles. 1 am, your loving Smile, Emily A\ ard. (j am sorry to heart* you havo not been well. Emily. Hurry' up and get better. T) ; d vou miss the examination ? You will have to work twice a.s bard when you start again, wont you ? Loye from S.Q.)

Normanby. Dear Smile Queen,—Once again I take up my pen to' write to you. On Saturday, morning I went out gathering mushrooms, but did not find many because there is a change in the weather. 1 have a. nice jersey calf at home, anc. please could you find me a name for it also for my little pet kitten. 1 did not go away tor my holidays, but stayed home to help mother with the house work, because she is not very well. I have a nice little flower garden at home, but some of the flowers are beginning to die except the daffodil, and the jonquil plants are shooting up from the ground and L will be glad when they come properly out in flower for my garden will be a lovely sight when people have a look at it. School \xijj be soon starting again, so that we will have more fun at school than we have at home. We have been having some cold mornings lately. I have been very busy this week cleaning up the weeds in my flower garden. Well, as neus is scarce, I will close. From your loving Smile, Alary Morris. (It is rather late for mushrooms now. Would Betsy suit the calf, and what about' Elf for the kitten? J am glad vou are taking an interest in the garden Bulbs will be up soon. Love from S.Q.)


Dear Smile Queen. —May I join the Smile Castle. L promise to smile every time I can anil to chape all the frowns into the dark cave, where the Smile (Hunt will kill them with his magic sword Happiness. 1 am eleven years or age and in standard four, my birthday is on December 2nd. Before I close could you give me. a name-for my.little cat.’ I will close now, with'heaps of love to you and your Smiles. I am your loving Smile, ‘Phyllis Morris. (I am glad your are going to join our Castle, Phyllis. How would Tink suit votir eat? Love from S.Q.)

Awat-una. Dear Smile Queen.—t received the birthday card, and 1 wish to thank you very much for it. I really did not. deserve it, as I have neglected you so 1 had a pleasant birthday and received many useful gifts. I hope every girl will be as fortunate as myself on their 13th birthday. Do you ever get chilblains, Smile Queen? I have some at present. They are very unpleasant things, and I shall be very glad when they are better. I think this cold weather is responsible for so many chilblains. AVell, dear Smite Queen, I must close now, thanking you kindly for the card. From your loving Smile, Matty Duckett. (I am so glad you had a pleasant birthday. I have not had any chi I blains for a, long time, and I hope 1 don’t get any this winter. It is cold, isn’t it? Love from S.Q.) -

Patterson lid., Kakaramea.

Dear Smile Queen, —1 am very scayv I have not written to. you before. 1 suppose you thought that 1. lratl forgotten win. I went to Hawera for two weeks. It has been very cold lately. We are only milking about 20 cows now. I suppose it will be very cold in the winter, because it wa.s so hot in the summer. We went back to school on Monday after two weeks’ holiday. 1 have been weeding miy garden to-day. We have got a new school teacher now. 1 will, have to send something for the gift cupboard soon . My mother and auntie came home on Friday. As news is very scarce now, I w.ill close. I nomain, your loving Smi’e, Joyce Burrell. (I was very pleased to hear from you again. Joyce. Yes, I am afa'aiid it is going to be fairly cold this winter. 1 do hope you wil not forget- about- the gift cupboard, Joyce. Love from S.Q.)

Lake lid.. Hawera

Dear Smile Queen, —1 have oftoh thought I should like to join your ligddv circle. ■ T attend tho W jiareioa School and am in Standard six. My birthda.v is on the sth of March, and I am thirteen years of age. I am hoping to succeed in gaining proficiency at the end of the year. We live on a large farm, on which we mi k 101) cows. Havirnr 3A miles to go to school we ride on horseback and we are very fond of it. We like going to school because our teacher is good to us. During the holidays four of us collected £3 10s for new books for the library. Wo are all .coking forward to reading lots of new stories when the new books arrive. Well dear Smile Queen, I shall close now with Love to you all. 1 remain, yom new Smile. Mary Williams. ' [Yours is a very neat letter, Mary. I am glad vou want to join our castle. I hope vou will write often. So von help with the milking? You* are a lucky girl to liivve n horse to inu<3. Town girls wou’d just love a. ride on horseback. How splendid collecting £3 10 s. I hope you all enjoy it he new books. Love from S.Q.]

Lake Rd., Hawera. Deai Smile Queen,—-This is my first letter to you. Please may I join your happy circle? 1 had my thirteenth birthday on the loth of h ohm a ry. I go to the Whareroa School. 1 am in Standard 6. and, needlees to-say, I am working haid in order to gain my proficiency at the end of the year. I like school' work very much. 1 enjoyed my autumn holidays very much. Do you have term holidays, Smile Queen? Well, dear Smile Queen. I must close now with love and best wishes to you and your fairies. 1 remain, your new Smile, Ida Smith. . (We are glad to have you in our circle, Ida.. Yes. do work hard. It will bring splendid 1 'result®. No. I did not get any holiday® this term. We were so bnsv Write again soon. Love from S.Q')

Lake Rd., Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —Please may I join your happy band of Similes? J have of ten thought it would be interesting to see mv letter in print. lam 11 years old. M.v birthday i;« on the 28th of July. We have been back at schoo. a week. L enjoyed a few days of my holidays at Stratford. 1 was nob .sorry when we bad to come' back to school. 3 go to the Whareroa School, and I am in Standard five. As I have no more to tell you just now, I shall close with love to all the Smi'es and yourself. From your new Smile, Mavis Smith.

[Certainly you may join our happy hand of Smiles. Do not forget to smiD often and especially when things go wrong. Mavis. I am glad you like school. Work hard and write again soon te’ling me how you are progressing. Love from S.Q.]

South Rd., Hawera.. Dear Smile Queen, —I must thank you very much for the lovely birthday card you .so kindly sent me. We had (otne good fun on my birthday. After school ten of my little friend's had afternoon tea. with; me. After that we clayed games in our plantation. I enjoyed mv holidays' very' munch, because T bad three cousins staying with mo. Clara came down all the way from Otorohanga. Good-bye jurt now. cV#.r Smile Queen. Your fond Smile, Mollie Wells. [I am g ad you l had such, a in® birthday. What- fun the .names must, have been. Is Clara, staying here long? Tt ’’s a 'tong wav fi*om Otorohanga. Best love from S.Q] -

South Rd.j Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —May I become one of the fairies of your Castle? This 1m the first letter I havo written to you. 1 n,m a pupil of the Whareiroa School, and I am in Standard 4. 1 like my work very much. 1 hope that I will pass into Standard o. I wiill be twelve on the loth of January. 1 have two brothers and two sisters. The baby’s name is Shirley. She is a. year old and can walk. The first time she tried to walk she took two steps and then fell over. On .Friday Shirley and mother went to New Plymouth and. they might i.ome home to-day. I have no more news to tell you.' I remain, your new Smile Blanche Hine. [Welcome to the Castle. Blanche! Am delighted to have so many new Smiles this”week. I hope your pass the exam. Work hard! It takes quite a. long vime to learn to walk, doesn’t it. Write again, soon. Love from S.Q.]


Dear Smile Queen. —Just a few lines to tnank you for that charming birthday card. 1 was pleased when 1 woke up on Sunday and found that 1 was going to have.a fine day for my birthnay. As it was on Sunday 1 didn’t have a party, but I had my two best mends to tea. 1 did not go away iui the term holidays, but i nad a good time all the same. 1 spent a good part of my time at the puDlic gardens, and 1 also went tor some very enjoyable walks, i have joined the Girl Guides and I am to be enrolled next week. On the last Tuesday of our holidays about half our Guide company went in a bus out to Petone where we met another company ol Guides. We then went down to Petone beach and played some of our various Guide games. Unfortunately just as we had tinislied our lunch it came on to rain, but our spirits were not to in*, damped lot we went to the other captain s house and played games until it was time to go home. Fluff, my nttle kitten, is very mischievous and a your are not waching her all the time she is sure to be doing something that she shouldn’t. It has been very

colli and windy to-day and it’s the first really bail day we liave had for this month. As I liave no more news, 1 will close with love. From your loving Smile, Betty Brant. ,

(We are always pleased to hear from you, Betty. Want lovely holidays you nad. J. am glad you have joined the ill Guides. Nearly all our Smiles are Guides. What fun the party must nive been. Do write *to u,s again, ...etty and tell us all your news. Love fioin S.Q.)

Auroa. Dear Smile Queen, —How are you all getting on at the Smile Castle? We started school on Tuesday, and I was glad to see all the bright and happy luces. We have not had the inspectors at our school yet, so I expect we will liave them here this week. 1 forgot to tell you of the strange sight I saw a while ago. I don’t know if any of our Smiles noticed it. but it looked so beautiful. I was outside one night and I took a glance up towards the moon, and it was such a quaint sight. There were rings of a rainbow colour round the moon. J waited to see how long it lasted, but it was only for a few minutes, they then faded away. After that the clouds came over the moon like magic and then it started to rain. Before the rings faded away the sky looked clear anil lovely anil then dulled over quickly. I think this is all I have to say so I will close now. Love from- Gladys Bighain. (We are all very well thank you, Gladys. You are an excellent correspondent. I hope you keep it up. I was very interested to hear about the moon. It is most unusual to see a rainbow colours round it. Love from S.Q.)

, Hawera. Deur Smile Queen, —This is my first letter to you. 1 would like to join your happy circle. J will be 12 on June 2G. I am in standard four. Although 3 stayed at home during the holidays, I had a good time because my four cousins from Tuna were staying with us. I have three kittens at home, please could you give me a name for each of them. Well, dear Smite Queen J will close now, with love to all, Mary Hughes. (Welcome to our Castle, Mary. What fun you must have had in the holidays with j’our cousins Three kittens—l wonder would Tim, Jim and Slim suit them? Love from S.Q.) Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, —May 1 become one of tiie fairies of your castle? Tims is the first tune I have written to you. Mv birthday is on November 3. 1 am ten and in -standard three. I have lour kittens, tiireq i f them are grey and the other one is Hack and win to. Their names are Darkie, Peter, John, and Tim. Your new Smile, Gladys Reynolds.

(\Ve are pleased to- welcome you to our Castle, Gladys. I hope you will write often. What dear little'kittens. Have you any other ~els? Leva fioin S.Q.)

Hunter lid.. Eltbam

Dear Smile Queen, —just a. few vines to let vou know that I am quite, weii and nope y\,iu are the-same. \Ye are go'.ug to M aitara next Sunday to bring mother home, as sne ha® had a month's holiday. The school hall looks, quite large now to what it. used to be. We aip milkiig 24 cows every either morning. I have been taught to knit during the ho.idavvs and I hope to send something -along for the gilt cupboard. Have you read tin's book. Smile Queen? “'lhe White Swan of the Grail.” 1 have, and [t vorv interesting. We have a. big fire burning in school these mornings. My brother and I have a game of euchre alter tea and we have great fun. Although. I didn’t go away for my holidays, J enjoyed myself at- home. I think 1 shall- eloisp now, with love to you andi vour fairies, from your afieotionnte friend Olive Simpson. From Noel to Smile Queen —x x x x x [I am pleaded to hear from you again, Olive. I hope you lm-ve a good- trap to Waitara. It is a -long way for one day. Yes, do fpml something along far the gift ounbon-rd ; knitted -things are splendid. No. I have not read that book, Olivo. Euchre is a great game, isn’t it? Caii vou play eoon-ca.n ? You ■ld enjoy it. Love from S.Q.]

Lake Rd.. Hawera,. Dear Smile Queen, —I have' oliten t’ie ight I would like to write to you, because 1 enjoy reading the fetters your many Smile fairies isend. you. ,1 go to :he Whareroa School, and I like going to school hotter than staying at home. So far J have not missed one half-day from school this year. If I attend every day I shall get a nice certificate a.t the end of the year. I was ten years old on 28th February. With love to all the Smile's and you, dear Smite Queen, fc -r new Smile. Olive Smith'. [Am glad you like leading our corner. o',ive. T hope you will write often, and Hen you will be ab’e. to see vour own lerterA', in too. What a splendid record. Do- keep it up. Write to me again. Loye from S-.Q.]

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 2 June 1928, Page 18

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THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 2 June 1928, Page 18

THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 2 June 1928, Page 18