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Mokoia. Dear Smile Queen, —As it is the school holidays J. thought 1 would get my letter written. Last Tuesday night there was a Guide concert at Mokoia, and I played “Norwegian Cradle Song.’ We opened the concert by 1 orming the horseshoe, and then the Brownies isang songs, and in turn said ■recitations. When they had finished their part, the Guides began, some reciting and some playing muisc. In our school examination 1 was pleased ■because I came top of my class. Have yon seen much, rata in the flower garden, Smile Queen? We went for a walk in the bush the other evening, and brought home quite a bunch. Tonfor.row, at theMokoia sports I am ruling by pony. I will now conclude, with love from, Peggy Barkla. (The concert must have been greatfun. Dow splendid coming top of your class, congratulations, Peggy. No I have not seen much rata yet/but it is early. £ udl watch to see if vou got a prize at the .sports. Love from S.Q )

2 Cambria St., Hawera

Dear Smile Queen, —(Thank you very much for my birthday greetings. What a. lot of Smiles you have rfco remember. One Sunday we all went gathering mushrooms and they were lovely. 1 went to Eltham for a few days to* stay with a friend of mini?. We had a. really good time. I have a new Bible. I sang a song at our concert. Gocd-bye, Smile Queen. Love from Joan Pa ice. [Dear .little Joan, I suppose you had a wonderful birthday. Thorp are .plenty of mushrooms now,' aren’t there? Arc you starting to read the Bible yet? I am sorry I was not at your conretnt to hear vou sing. —S.Q.]

Conway Bd., Eltham. Dear Smile Queen, —l am sorry i have not written for so long, hut i will wnte now. 1. am going in tor a preparatory music- exam., and .1 hope 1 geo logo marks lor it.. The old .school i>- going to t»e remodelled, so when. I go hack to school 1 shah liar ■ to go to the new echoed. 1 ani bettor from rheumatic lover now, and 1. have been going to school for three weeks. 1 went to iMotunui lor niv Easter ho’ljdays, which helped riv to get hotter. On Easter iMoudav we went to New Plymouth and had a picnic in Path and saw two big; swings four lit fie swings, two boat s.virig~\ nine cannons, two slides (one big and one little), an ocean wave, ; round-about, arid’ ever so many outside games. ID tty and 1 have been minding Jan the baby ald the holidays. He can walk new and we often play trains and hide-and-go-seek with him. No more news. 1 >ove from Allan Reynolds. [I am glad to hear that you are better again. Alan. Jt does take a long time to get really better, doesn’t it? What a wonderful place Kawaioa Park mus i'c. Did von have a ride in ;?aeh swing? 1 think I would have. Write again, soon, hove from S.Q.]

Manaia Bd., Manaia. Dear Smi.'e Queen, —Just a few lines to see if vou are fill well. I have a. bad cold but it is rgettinrr better. We are having school holidays fo.r two weeks. Dad hurt the little kitten’s foot in the door —it walks on three legs. I lik? listening to tho children’s hour on the

vvi’ie-los-s. A 1 augery writes to the Radio circle. We 1 iavra ,a. little triend living near us called Mary Karrand; she will be two in September. W'e <>rte.u go over to see her, and she is tunny. A in rose came to the school the other day and examined our teeth and eyes. Next time she comes she is bringing a doctor with her. I have joined the children’s library ,in Ivaponga. Miss Fioocl brings the. books down on the motor-bike on Wednesdays and Fridays. A nurse came to the school and examined the little ones’ teeth, and if the teeth are decayed th,?y had to go to Fit ham School" and get them filled or get them pulled out. My sister has had two out and four filled, in, and she has to go again on Wednesday. We have heen digging in our garden. The bulbs will coon be coming up in the

'r dens. W'e put some manure on ou.r garden just before it raiiniacL_. 1 am hoping to have a- lot of violets this year. W'e gave the lamb that bunts to the butcher and we only have one now. 1 m-usit close now, because it is bedtime. With -love to all the fairies and yourself from Joan We-lham.

ft am sorry to hear you have had a co’d, Joan. Poor little kitten! W'hat books have you been reading? It is ■'rent fun having teeth filled, isn’t it? I always enjoy looking at the- instruments and things. The lamb that bunts had a sad fate. • didn't -it? Love from S.Q.]

Maraai-a Road. Dear Smile Queen, —My grandfather to camp at Waverley this morning for ten days. We are going to a fancy diess baLl in a fortnight, and we hope to gp ito another next Friday. W'e- don’t- milk at night now, <is the cows are nearly dry. W'e are enjoying our winter holidays- very much. We ail got vefv dirty down the creek thus morning, and Alister fell in. We made a lit-tle bridge across it. I am -going u;p to stav with my friend Joan tonight. Alister won a box of chocolate* at "the Plunket stall. The ducks stalled to lav. but have -stopped now. Wit h love to all vour Smiles and yourself and fairies, from Peggy MacLeod. [W'hat are von. going as to the fancy dress hah ? It will be great fun. -The bridge nipst have been .rather weak. Alister was lucky winning the chocolates. T/Ove from S.Q.] Auroa. Dear Smile- Queen,—One again 1 write to you. I am only this week home from school. These holidays have gone ever so- quickly. I am glad because I like school. Winter seems to be approaching quickly now. The da vs are drawing in ever so s-oon and' it is beginning to grow very cold. I know we have had fires for about a week now. I promised I would wr.te and tell you something of qu-r Gala Day at school. Well, we had a fairly nice day as you would notice. The sralis were very nicely arranged. There was a butcher’s shop, hoop-la and several others. Tire boys played a football match, which was of muck interest. Dinner and afternoon tea- was served in the hall by a ladies’ committee. I saw in your letter last week where you were demonstrating on hedgehogs. 'They must - indeed !;**. strange creatures from what you, say. 1 have never seen one, all.iougli I have r.eard a lot about i hem We are ’-avihg a Sunday- School social evening here on Wednesday night.. There- are- to he games and .iterns, < io. As news is scarce I will finish, and lirpe to write next week'. Lave fme yours ever. Gladys Bigham. (Holidays always- fly, don’t they. Gladys? I am qo glad you are fond of school. What a. wonderful time you must liaye at the Gala. Day. If you keep a good look' out, you will probably catch sight of a hedgehog. Thee are a good many about. I hope the social is a .success, LoVe from S.Q.)

Manaia. Dear Smile Queen.—Just a few lines hoping you and all the Smiles are well. We afe having some very cold weather. We have our winter holidays from school now. There are two weeks. We have been out for a drive to-day, to see some friends. I will close now, as il time to go to bed. From Baden Clare. (Yes, we are all well thank you. Baden. I love this weather don’t you? It is so bracing. I hope you enjoy your holidays. Best love from S.Q.)

Dear Smile Queen, —I am writing just a few lines because I have not written for such a long time. 1 suppose you were thinking 1 was never goiritr to write again, but I have not had time till now. We are having holidays now, and I have my little cousin irom Ashburton to play with me. Doris is staying in Hawera for a tew days. I am writing this letter in bed so J. can think of a lot of news to tell von. It is about eight o’clock now. In a week and a. few clays _we will he n-oimr back to school. Me only milk one "or two coVs at night now, and the whole lot of them m the morning. Well, I will have to close now for 1 will have to get up for iti is getting late. x x x x To ymi and vour lairies, from, Jean Dakers. p ip—Goocl-bye, for mother is calling me. , , Yes, it is a long time since we beam from you, -Jean, but your nice long letter ‘ makes up for the silence. Do \on help with, the milking? What a i-ni" wav vour little cousin has come for "her ‘holidays. Write again soon. ) me noin S.Q.)

W’hakaiuara. Dear Smile Queen, —It is suc-.h a long time since J. wrote to you last, so J thought it was time I did write. W e have three kittens at home and would you give me a name for them please. The cows are going dry now, and very little cream is being sent to the factory. You must have a large number of Smiles writing to you. Last week it was fine and this week will be wet. I will write again soon so as 1 dan tell you about the Mokoia sports that are going to. be held on the 16tli. I will (lose now, Smile Queen, saying goodbye. From Lottie Hamilton. (You are another of my Smiles that J have not heard from for a long time. I hope you ate all going to write regularly now. I have nearly run out of names for kittens, but- how would Dumpy, Tumpy and W'limy, suit them? You can call them Dump, Tump and Wump lor short. Love from S.Q ) Eltham. Dear Smile Queen. — lam just taking up mv pen to write a little, letter. W'e have "had our exam at'School now and J hope that 1 have passed. W'e have had our writing competitions at school and I went in for it. The old school is being pulled now. I will let you know if I passed in the exam. As there is not much news T will say good-bye, with lots o.f love to all the fairies and the Smiles. Your loving Smile, Kyra Rost. P.S. .1 forgot to say that lam sending a riddle. —K.B. (Yes. Kyra, f. too hope you have passed your examination. Tell mo how you got on in the- writing competition. when yon write again. Thank you for the. riddle,, it is a. good one Love from S.Q.)

Hawera. Dear Smile Queen, — L do feel quite ashamed of myself for not writing bcfor tliis, but .still J think there are a great many who do not write often. . have just finished writing a letter to mother who had an urgent call to Woodville on Tuesday morning. I have a little girl named Doris Thomas is laying with me for the holidays. We have such Inn together. A. short time ago f went out to stay with Susie Johnsor for the night, I enjoyed byself very much. Susie is a Smile too. I belong to the Presbyterian Sunday School busy bees and ive have a very enjoyable time. W'e have our 'meetings every second Saturday in the month. We leant about the Maori missionaries, and do sewing at the meetings. Well, dear Smile Queen, good-bye just now. Your loving Smile, Kathleen Pierce. (Yes, it is sometime since we heard from you Kathleen. Perhaps you will buck up now and write more often, I just love hearing from all my Smiles. Holidays are great, fun, aru’t they!-' What-are you sewing at the Busy Rees meetings? Love from S.Q.) Normanbv. Dear Smile Queen, —Once again 1 take up my pen and write to you. Did you go to Ben Hur. 1 didn’t, but my sister and brother did, and they said it was a good picture. All the flowers in n\y garden are beginning to die now, but the daffodil and jonquill plants are about four inches above the ground and I will be glad when tliev come out in flower. There has been some, fine weather lately. As news is scarce 1 will close. Front your loving Smile Eimily Ward. (Yes. I went to “Ren Hur,’’ and thought it was a wonderful picture. 1 am sorry you were not able to go, Emily. Have . you any chrysanthemums? Your bulbs- are early nrn’t they? Love from S.Q.) Normanbv. Dear Smile Queen, —May l become a member of the Smile Oastle, 1 promise to smile every time I can, and to chase the frowns into the- dark cave, where the Smile Giant will kill them with his magic sword Happiness. I am twelve and in standard five, and my birthday is on the 17th June. 1 will close now, with heaps of love to you and your Smiles. 1 am your loving Smile, Mary Morris. (Welcome to the Castle, Mary. I hope you will remember to Smile every day, and especially when you have to do something you don’t like. Tell us about yourself. Love from S.Q.) New Plymouth. Dear Smile Queen, —You simply must think that l have forgotten you by this time. .1 have been to many different places since I last wrote to you. in the t : lu istmas holidays my Auntie tool; us to Hamilton lor a holiday. While we weio staying there, we wont up the Waikato River in the boat. It was at night and many lights cast their reflections across the dee]) river. We also went to Rotorua, where the wonder!ill geysers were bubbling up and down, the boiling mud pools looked very dangerous. too. Alter we got homo we went away up In Auckland where wt visited the big zoo ami saw the animals, birds, ami everything, and they wore wonderful. The little birds with their gay colours were flitting about merrily. We went to Luna Park at night and saw all the pretty lights. When we got there the people on all the different things were laughing merrily, so we joined in the fun also, and got on the caterpillar, it iust looked like a caterpillar too. All of a sudden a big gust of wind would com and up would fly our clothes. Rut that was a while ago and here 1 am now living un in New Plymouth and going tc West Find school. Well. Smile Queen. I will just have to close now. From your Smile, Manly Wilson. fT>->nr Manly, 1 certainly was beginning to thing von had forgotten us, but 1 am delighted to hear all about your lovelv holidav. Rotorua is a fascinating place isn’t it? "Whair fun the Luna

park must have been. .Do write again l,.<ve lrom S.Q.) H awera. Dear Smile Queen, —It is a long time since l wrote to you la-st. 'lhank you very much for my birthday greeting. W'e have had our Sunday School collect and I siot a nice Bible for attendance, and a lovely book for keeping my ;ir hat book clean. The book is called ‘The Black Arrow.” 1 also got another am Lem mv cousin in Hamilton called •flow the King’s Scout Fared in the heat War.” They are both nice books, i am going to Ngaere one day soon. ’Tow, good-bye Smile Queen. .Love worn your Smile, Leslie 1. Raice. (I am so pleased to hear from you Leslie. T know von will enjoy “The Black Arrow’’ and the book about the scout will he mnst interesting. Are you a scout? 1 hone- you enjoy Ngaere. Love from S.Q.)

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 19 May 1928, Page 18

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THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL=BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 19 May 1928, Page 18

THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL=BAG Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 19 May 1928, Page 18