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One of the events of the year at Waver ley is the A. and P. Show, which thaws tne- people from all over the district and brings together on the grounds and in the buildings an array or cattle, sneep, horses, home industries and school work of which any association could well be proud. The executive officers and all concerned in running the' show are to be heartily congratulated on the good work done for the district by’ their show. The president (Mr. C. E. Johnston), secretary (Mr. J. E. Palmer), stewards and committees co-operated on Saturday to make a success of the work, and the result of their collaboration was that everything went well throughout. The arrangements all day were excellent, and reflected much credit on all concerned. ■ Increases in the number of entries were noted in the horses, dairy" cows, and home industries sections, while sheep, though fully equal in quality, fell away in numbers. The aggregate provided" a better and bigger display than ever before. Interest and enthusiasm were very keen. The judges of dairy cattle (Messrs. Linn and Bell) were delighted with the display of female cattlf., which they said for quality would have done credit to any show. The numbers' also were largely’ above any previous year, and indicated that Waverley is rapidIv improving in this useful section. The champion cow was a very’ nice animal, with, said the judges, the best milk veins they’ had ever seen. With the hulls they" were not so pleased, and they said these did not reach the standard of the cows and heifers. Jumping competitions are always very’ good, and this year to the ordinary’ horse and pony classes were added steer riding, which evoked much excitement. The display all round in the riding was first class, and in the judge's opinion some of the best lie bad seen. The judge said the jumping and' the riding were exceptionally good. Ho was very pleased, too, with the show of horses, and said they’ would take a place in practically* any* show ring. < The home industries has always been an exceedingly strong section at Waverley. and tin's- year was no execution. It was a really excellent display all round, both in the adult classes and in the children’s work. Prize list was as below:'— DRAUGHTS. Dry mare.—W. Pott’s Sweet Mary 1, 1). Lupton 2, Miss A. P. Watt 3. Gelding, three y’ears.—J>. R. Jackson’s Punch 1,1). Lupton 2, D. R. Jackson’s Prince 3. Alare, with foal.—John Lupton 1. Three-horse team. —D. R. Jackson 1. Two-horse team. —D. R. Jackson 1, W. Potts 2. Spring carter. —D. and G. Stewart 1, D. Lupton 2. PONIES. Under twelve hands.'—H. Pea pel I 1. D. Lupton 2, M. Moore 3. Under fourteen hands.—C. Booker 1, W. J. Harper 2, R. Lupton 3. Under 13 hands.—-G. Kerrisk’s Blue Roy I, W. Ohristensen 2. A. Masters 3. HACKS. Troop horse.—Miss Stewart’s Gentleman Jack 1, 0". Paterson’s King Dick 2, G. D. Smith’s Monarch 3. Maiden hack. —T. Lupton 1, Miss J. Alexander 2, G. Watkins 3. list. hack.—Alias 'Gibson’s Grey Dawn L, S. Syme’s. Osprey 2, Miss Stewart’s Gentleman Jack 3. I2st, hack. —T. Lupton 1, Alias J. Alexander 2, G. Watkins 3. Best hunter.—Aliss Stewart’s Gentleman Jack 1, S. Syine’,s Osprey* 2, Aliss Gibson’s Grey Dawn 3. Best paced hack.—S. Syme’s Osprey* 1, Aliss Stewart’s Gentleman Jack 2. Aliss J. Alexander’s Lively Fire’3. Lady’s hack.—Aliss J. Alexander 1, Aliss AI. J. Stewart 2, Air. T. Lupton 3. Best cob.—G. A. Walker 1, Aliss J. W amer 2, Miss Stewart 3. LEAPING. Wire jumping.—S. Syme’s Osprey l, G. Watkin’s Sandon 2. Maiden hunter.—G. D. Smith’s Silver King 1, T. Lupton 2, At. Spence <3. Pony jumping.—A. ALtsters 1, W. J. AlcDoweil 2 and 3. Open leaping.—S. Syme’s Osprey 1, A. Mcree.r’fi Gilgai 2, AI. Spence’s Dinkum 3. DAIRY CATTLE. Throe heifer calves (band-foil). —F. Christensen 1, Johnston Bros. 2. Throe heifer calves (grade Jersey).— U. Christensen I and 3, Johnston Bros. 2. Jersey heifer calf.—E. Dickie 1, W. H. Wall 2, T. J. Davis 3. Best cow. —l<\ Christensen I, \Y. It. Wall 2, C. A. Browning 3. Best dairy cow (dairy breed). —F. Christensen J. and champion, H. Laird 2, W. Simson 3. Grade heifer, in milk. —W. H. Wall I. and 3. Two grade heifers.—Johnston Bros. I, 2 and 3. Heifer (not Jersey cross).—Elmslie Bros. 1. Two heifers (grade Jersey).—Filmslie Bros. 1. Heifer before July 1. 1927 (grade Jersey).—W. H. Wall 1, Johnston lives. 2- and 3. Heifer, before July 1, 1927 (not Jersey Cross). —D. Lupton 1 and 2. Filmslie Bros. 3. Grade Jersey heifer, before June IT. Wall I and 2, Airs. C. Madder 3. '• 'wo heifer calves, since July 1927. — IC. Dickie 1, T. J. Davis 2, F. Christenson 3. Heifer calf, since July* 1927. —E. Dickie 1, T. J. Davis 2, F. Christensen

Heifer calf, since July 1927. —E. Dickie 1, T. J. Davis 2, F. Christensen 3. Jersey, before July 1927. — E. Dickie 1 and 2. Registered Jersey heifer. —T. AI. Remington 1. F. Christensen 2, T. J. Davis 3. Best cow (Jersey).—S. Simson 1, F. H. Smith 2, T. M. Remington 3. Jersey* bull, since July 1923. —Johnston Bros. 1 and 2, C. H. Southcombo 3. Jersey bull, since July* 1925. —T. AI. Remington 1, O. H. Southcombo 2. Jersev bull calf. —F. Christensen 1. [C. Dickie 2 and 3. Three-year Jersev bull.—T. J. Davis 1 and 2, E. Dickie 3. Grade Friesian cow. —F‘. Christensen 1 and reserve. Registered Friesian cow. —E. A. Aiken 1 and 2. FAT CATTLE. Two breeding cows and calves.—G. McGregor 1, Aliss Watt 2. Two fat cowls. —Aliss Watt 1, G. ALGregor 2 and 3. Two fat heifers. —Aliss Watt 1, G. * AlcGregor 2 and 3. Fat cow.—Aliss Watt 1. Two heifers, since July, ]926. —Aliss Watt 1. Two fat bullocks.—W. G. Belton 1, Aliss Watt 2. SHEEP. Three fat lambs (long wool). —A. A. Verry 1, J. Lupton 2. Three fat lambs (Down cross). —A. A. Verry 1, 11. Farley 2. Three fat lambs (Down, for freezing).—A. A. .Verry 1, R. Farley 2. Three fat lambs (long wool, for freezing).—R. Farle.v 1, J. Lupton 2 and 3. ' Pet lamb.—Miss V. Hooker 1, E. and J. Smyth 2, Airs. A. A. Verry* 3. Three fat wethers (long wool). —R. Farley 1. 2 and 3. Three fat wethers (between 115 and 1401 b). —R. Farley 1 and 3, G. Lupton 2. Three fat ewes (long wool). —A. E. Syines 1, R. Farley’ 2. Three fat ewes (between 115 and 1401 b). —R. Farley* 1 and 3, A. - A. Verrv 2. Three fat ewes (full mouth). —Johnston Bros. 1, R. Farley 2 and 3. • Five ewes (for breeding).—A. E. Symes 1 and 2, G. Aiken 3." Five 2-tooth ewes.—A. E. Symes 1, 2 and 3. Points prize.—R. Farley. Southdown. Two ram lambs.—A. A. Verry 1, Johnston Bros. 2 and 3. One 2-tooth ram.—N. Hughes 1, H. Andrews 2. One ram (over 2-tooth). —N. Hughes I, H. Andrews 2. Two ewe lambs. —A. A. Verry 1, Johnston Bros. 2 and 3. Two 2-tootli ewes. —S. Beslev 1 and 2, 11. Andrews 3. One ewe (over 2-tooth). —S. Besley 1. 2, champion and reserve, A. A. Verry 3. HOAIE INDUSTRIES. White bread. —Airs. W. Hicks 1, Aliss H. Parker 2. Brown bread.—Alls. W. Hicks -1, xVlrs. Howard 2. White scones.—Airs. Browning 1, Mrs. A. Lambie 2. Brown scoiies-—Mrs. Lambie 1, Mis. A. Wallace 2. Girdle scones.—Airs. P. Fowler 1. Airs. W. Hi cits 2. Sultana scones. —Airs. A. Lambie 1, Airs. A. Wallace 2. Pikelets.—Aliss At. Burke 1, Airs. A. Lambie 2. Sponge roll.—Airs. A. Lambie 1, Mrs. H. Howard 2. Sponge sandwich.—Aliss E. Hicks 1. Aliss H. Parlter 2. Sponge cake. —Airs. P. Fowler 1, Mrs. A. Lambie 2. Gems. —Mrs. P. Fowler 1, AI. Burke 2. Gingerbread.—All's. A. Lambie 1, Mrs. S. Aiken 2. Shortbread. —At ns. W. Johnston 1, Mrs. W. Hicks 2. Seed cake.—Airs. A. Lambie 1, Mrs. W. Johnston 2. Madeira cake. —Airs. A. Lambie 1, Mrs. W. Johnston 2. Family cake.—Airs. AV. Hicks 1, Mrs. W. Johnston 2. Friiit cake.—Aliss J. Alexander 1. Airs. P. Fowler 2. Cream puffs.—Airs. A. Lambie 1, Airs. S. Aiken 2. Plum pudding.—Ali.s.s E. Gardner 1, Airs. A. Lambie 2. Tea cakes.—Airs. AV. Hicks 1. Aliss M. Burke 2. ‘ Nut bread.—Airs. C. Browning I, Airs. D. Howard 2. Billy* cake. —Alns. P. Fowler 1, Airs. A. Lambie 2. Arrowroot—AUs. AA T . Johnston 1, Airs. AV. Hicks 2.

Jam.—Miis. C. Harding 1. Mrs. W. Johnston 2. , _ Coffee sponge. —Miss Made 1. Mrs. CY Browning 2. , ... Turkish delight.—Mrs. A. Larnbie 1, Mrs. P. Fowler 2. ) Bottled fruit,—Mrs. P. howler 1, Mrs. D. Howard 2. . Tomato tsauc-e. —Mrs. G. Lupton L, Mrs. W. Hicks 2. . Pickles. —Mrs. P. Fowler 1. Airs. AY. Hicks ;2. „ AValmit cake.—Airs. C‘. Browning I, Airs. G. Lupton 2. Sausage rolls.—Airs. A. Wallace 1 and 2. Home-made butter.—Mrs. A. AVallaee 1 and 2. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. • Green peas.—C. H. Christensen 1, Aliss Al. S. Taylor 2. Beans, varieties. —H. J. Aluldrock 1. Runner beans.—H. J. Aluldrock 1, Alns. AV. Hicks 2. French beans. —T. Foley 1, Airs. AY. Hicks 2. Carrots. —H. J. Aluldrock 1, Airs. G. Lupton 2. Turnips.—H. J. Aluldrock 1 and 2. Esehallots.—F. Linklater 1, Airs. D. Howard 2. Onions, large.—T. Foley 1 and 2. Onions, small. —J. Linklater 1 and 2. Onions, pickling.—T. Foley 1, H. Aluldrock 2. Potatoes, five.—Airs. W. Hicks 1, T. Foley 2. Rhubarb. —C. Christensen 1, T. Foley 2. Potatoes, three. —J. Linklater 1 and o. Cabbage.—Airs. W. Hicks 1, J. Linklater 2. _ Parsnips.—AAY Hicks 1, J: Linklater 2. Cucumbers. —T. Foley 1, H. Aluldrock 2. Carrots. —AY Alason 1, AAY Hicks 2. Atarrow, white.—H. Aluldrock 1. Marrow, green.—AAY Hicks 1, T. Foley 2. Pumpkin.—H. Aluldrock 1. Pumpkins, collection.—H. Aluldrock 1, Aliss H. Elmslie 2. ; Alaugolds, red. —J. Linklater 1, AY Mason 2. Afangolds, yellow.—-A 7 . Alason 1, G. Aiken 2. Tomatoes. —H. Aluldrock 1. Mrs. W. Hicks 2. . Annies, booking.—Aliss J. Robb 1, D. Howard 2. Apples, eating.—Aliss G. Ross 1. Aliss E. Gardner 2. Collection apples. —Aliss G. Ross 1. T. Foley 2. Pears.—Aliss Al. Taylor 1, Aliss G. Ross 2. ,c Lucerne hay.—F. Ell 1. Lucerne. —E. Aiken 1. Butter beans. —Airs. AAY Hicks 1. Beet, long.—F. Ell 1, J. Linklater o. Beet, round.—lT. . Aluldrock I, T. Foley 2. Apples, champion class (five varieties). —T. Foley ] and ’2.. SCHOOL SCHEDULE. Handkerchief.- —J. Duffy (Convent) 1, Al. Bourke (Convent) 'l. Plain needlework (under 10). —-A. Johnston (Convent) 1, Al. O’Reilly 2. Plain needlework (under 12). —R. Christensen (Convent) 1, D. Downs (Ngutuwera) 2. Plain needlework (over 12). —P. Gray (t onvent) 1, P. Duffy (Convent) 2. Darned sock. —•!). Downs (Ngutuwera) 1. • Dressed doll. —Al. O’Beillv (Convent) I, D. Lee 2. Baffin, work (boy).—E, Palmer (AVaveriev) 1. Raffia work (girls).—NY Palmer (AYavenev) 1. VEGETABLES. Parsnips. —J. AlcClenaghan (Convent) 1, E. Palmer (Waver ley) 2. Turnips. —R. Thomas (Waverley) 1, R. Lupton (Waverley) 2. Beet.—AV. Ell (Waverley) 1, E. Palmer (AVaverley) 2. Carrots. —W. Ell (Waverley) .1, NY Lupton (Waverley) 2. Marrow. —L. Charters (Convent) 1. Cabbage.—W. Ell (Waverley) 1, J. AlcClenaghan (Convent) 2. French beans. —I* Charters (Convent) 1. Points prize.—TV. Ell (AYaverley). AIAPPING. Alerits cards to following competitors. —ooutli island (Std. 3). —R. Price, J, Gray, and J. ivniyth (.ah Convent). Australia (Std. i). —H. Fowler, P. Bayner, < . Alason (Waverley), F. Christensen (Convent). India (*td. ;3). —N. Horton, C Alarjiott, B. Ell (Waverley), P. Duffy (vonvent). North America (Std. 6). —A. Browning, G. Tnomason (Waverley), R. Christensen, P. Gray (Convent). WRITING 'AND DRAWING. Writing (under 10). —L. Gillard, G. Aiatheson, B. Davies, Al. Dickie (Waver.ev), E. Johnston (Convent). Writing (under 12). —A. Browning, NY Horton, E. AlcGonagie, E. Palmer, P. Clark (all AVaverley). Writing (over 12). —C. Alarriott, Al. Johnston, R. Cartwright (\A 7 averley), B. Christensen, P. Duffy (Convent). Drawing carrot (under 10. —AL Diode, G. Matheison (Waverley), A. Johnston. W. Christensen, Al. Smyth (Convent). Drawing bucket (under 12). —A. Drowning, J. Christensen, G. Alexander, AY Thomason, H. Fowler (Waverley). New Zealand native shrub (over 12). —ls Ell, N. Masters, L. AYMlkins, O. ( I 'for, J. Christensen (AVaverley). Design, coloured (under 12). —J. Christensen (2), A. Browning (2) (Wa-v----erley). Design, coloured (over 12). —N. Palmer, G. Thomason (2), L. AA’ilkins. 15. Elmslie (Waverley). Free-hand (nature). —A. Browning, A. C. Alason, H. Fowler (AA 7 averley), D. Leo, P. Gray (Convent). Free-hand (any other variety).—!/, '■'i’l.ins, A. Browning, N. Palmer, G. Holmes (AVaverley), L. Bradley (Con,ent).

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 19 March 1928, Page 10

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WAVERLEY SHOW. Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 19 March 1928, Page 10

WAVERLEY SHOW. Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 19 March 1928, Page 10