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Mr. H. W. Hoskins sale of pedigree Friesians at the farm, Duthie Road, Mangatoki, yesterday attracted a very fair attendance, considerably over 100 interested farmers and breeders being present. TJie corniert and convenience of all was well catered for, the sale ring, encircled by galleried seats, being set out within a spacious marquee, itefreshments were liberally dispensed by a committee of ladies at intervals throughout the progress of the sale.

Fine weather favoured the function, which fact, combined with the excellent condition of all the animals presented, and the presence of quite a number of outside buyers, should have had the effect of building up the “average’ ’ to a higher figure than was actually the case. Mr. Hoskin’s stud was founded in 1917 by the purchase of three cows and one bull (Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands). Included among the cows was Clothilde Alcartra, the famous dam of the Empirp champion producer, Alcartra Clothilde Pietje (C.O.iM. 11451 b fat). The other two foundation cows of the herd were Segis Galatea (0.0. M. record of 647.821 b fat) and Nazli Fayne Segis (C.O.M. record, as a two-year-old, of 405.111 b fat). There is no question that Mr. Hoskin not only started off as a breeder on right lines, but lie has consistently improved the standard of excellence which marked his foundation animals by a judicious selection and introduction of the best strains. Of six bulls catalogued, only two changed hands. Bidding for Mr. Hbskin’s present herd sire, Bamfield King Rozine, commenced at 40 guineas, and it appeared probable that a reasonable price would be reached, but this! fine animal, with a wonderful record, was passed in at 60 guineas. Ninety-three cows and heifers, of a total of 118 catalogued, fell under the hammer and realised a total of 1263 guineas, at an average price of a shade over 13J guineas. • Pride of place was secured by Hakeview Johanna Fobes, at 60 guineas, to the bid of Mr. N. B. Allan, of Rapanui, Wanganui. Bidding for this cow stifrted at 25gns., rising to 40gns. in bids of sgns., to 50gns. in bids of 2\ gns., and thereafter only single guineas were forthcoming.

Buyers from beyond the immediate neighbourhood hailed from Waverley, Wanganui, Auckland, Eltham, Tokaora, Paeroa, Tarata, Stratford, Kaimiro, Opunake, Kapuni, and Cardiff. The sale was capably conducted by the staffs of the Farmers’ Co-operative Society, and; Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co., for whom Messrs C. G. Trotter and 0. E. Robertson were the salesmen. Purchases were made as follow :

King Segis Parthena, born September 14,, 1923, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands—Parthina Alcartra Rose. —P. Morrissey, Cardiff, 6gns. Blackstock King Segis Posch, born October 7, 1924, by Bainfield King Rozine —Segis Colantba Abbekirk. —J. Dale, Eltham, 10gns.


Galatea Segis HI, bora July 20, 1916, by King Flayne Segis II (imp.)—Galatea’s; Maid.—H. E. Johnson, Tbkaora llgns.

Galatea Royce, bora October 20, 1922, by Rolls Royce of Oakview—Galatea Segis 111.—N. B. Allien, Rapanui, Wanganui, 14gnis. Blackstock Fobes Rolls Royce, bora October 22, 1924, by Segis Johiamna Fobes—Galatea Royce.—T. Lupton, Waverley, 13gns. White Galatea Segis, born September 13, 1,923, by Major Cblantha Abbekirk —Galatea Segis lll.—O’Reilly Bros., Ta.rabai, sgn»s. Blackstock Pieterje Galatea', bora September 7, 1925, by King Segis Par-' tliena—White Galatea, Segis.—T. Lupton, 9gUiS.

Blackstock Galatea Segis ID, born January 1,192 G, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Raceilands—Galatea Segis HI.—T Lupton, Bgns. Segis Galatea Colantha, born September 20, 1920, by Major Colantha Abbekirk—Segis Galatea. —W. O. dement, Eltliam, 14gn.s. Segis Colantha Abbekirk, born Ootober 17, 1921, full sister to last cow.—W. C Clements, lGgns. Segis Colantha Gem, born October 15, 1922, by Nazle King—iSegis Galatea. Colantha. —X. 33. Allen, 13gns. Blackstock Segis Galatea Diamond, born August 19, 1924, by Mynheer Segis Galate.a X Racelands—Segis Galatea Colantha. —T. Lupton, 14gns. Segis Galatea. Echo Kittanora, born October 12, 1923, by Sir Ink a Jvittanora—Segis Colantlia Abbekirk, T. Lupton, 12gns. Blackstock Echo. 1 Pbscli, born November 29, 1925, by Bain field’s King Rozine—Segis Galatea Echo Kittanora. —T. Lupton, 13gns. Blackstock Segis Bosch, born September 12, 1925, by Bain field’s King Rozine—Segis Colantha. Abbekirk.—JH. E. Johnson. 18gns. , Spriugbank Fay-no Moore, born November 2, 1921, by King Moore FayneSegis—Princess Fayne Segis 11. —A. So lie, Tikorangi, 13-jgns-. Fayne Merceiia Evergreen, born October 9, 1923, by King Moore Evergreen—Spriugbank Fayne Moore.—lV. 0. Clement, 12gms. Coldstream Princess Mercena, born November* 9, 1922, by Mercena Evergreen—Princess View.—N. B. Allen, 1 Signs. Blackstock Mercena Korn dyke, born September 28, 1924, by Gold.sire am Alcartra Korndyke—Coldstream’s Princess Mercena.—Mrs. If. Kilbride, Lowgarth, llgns. Blackstock Mercena Galatea, born November 8, 1925, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands —Coldstream Princess Mercena. —Wright. Stephenson and Go.- (as agents) , 14-Jgns. Blackstock VI ior la Galatea, horn November 3, 1925, by "Lord Segis Galatea X Racelands. Pairthena Ailcartra Rose, N. B. Allen, logns. Sringbank Counters 11, bom November 10, 1921, by Pieterje Johanna de Kol (imp)—Countess A.loartra. —Wright Stephenson and' Co. (as agents), ISgns. Milkmaid Mercedes, born August 2, 1919, by Fayne :Segiis Mercedes (imp)— Milkmaid Conn Less. —Cameron Bros., Stratford, 15-jgn.s. Pauline Segis Colantha, born January G, 1921, by Major Colantha AhbeJcitrk—Princess Pauline Segis.—N. B. Alien, iGigns. Blackstock Mynheer Pauline Segis, born August 23, 1925, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands—Pauline Segi.s Cblanthia. —Wesley Agricultural College, Auckland, 18gns. Colantha Segis, Pauline, born Sep be mber 14. 1921, by Major Colantha Abbekirk—Princess Pauline’s Pride. —Mr. Kilbride, 14gns. Princess Pauline Buttercup, born October 7, 1922, full sister to last cow. —H. Dalgety, lOgns.

Kiittanora Pauline Beauty, born October 16, 1923, by Sir Inka Kittanomi— Colantha Segis Pan line.- —A. H. Taylor, Kaimiro, 13gns. Blackstock Pauline Fobes Pearl, bora September 25, 1924, by Segis Johanna Fobes—-Princess Pauline Buttercup. J. 5. McAdam, Kaimiro, 9gns. Blackstock fCblantha Paulino, born August 21, 1925, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands —Princess Pauline Buttercup.—Wesley Agricultural College.—9gns. . Blackstock Pauline Segis Mechtmldi. born July 26. 1924, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands —Princess Pauline’s Pride.—J. O. O’Rorke, Opumake, logins. Pauline Segis Adelina, born September 1, 1923, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands—Princess Pauline Segis.— Wright-, Stephenson and Co. (as agents), 27gns. Blackstock Pauline Segirs Posoh, born November 25, 1925. by Bainfield King Rozine^—Princess Pauline Segis. Wright, Stephenson and Oq (as agents), 23<ms. Annie Alcartra Fayne, bora July 31, 1919, by Poplarvale Galatea King — Poplarvale Alcartra. —H. 0 1 . Cooper, Waihou, Sgns. • Colantha Alcartra, born September o, 1921, by Major 'Colantha Abbekirk Anne Alcartiiai Fayne.—N. B. Allan, Annie Alcairtra Abbekirk Florell, born August 5, 1923, full sister to last cow. —T. Lupton, 14-igns. Segis Ailcartra Duchess, born September 12, 1922, by Willowvale Segis Duchessi Lad—Poplarvale Alcartra. —N. B. Allan, 14gns. ; . Blackstock Duchess Alcartra, born October 11, 1925, by Lord Segis Galatea Rahotu —Segis Alcartra Duchess. — H. O. Cooler, 9gns. Grace Fayne Segis, born December I, 1922, by'Nazli King—Rozine Segis Alcartra. —T. Lupton, lOgns. Alcartra Segis Girl, born July -8, 1923, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands —Poplarvale 1 Alcartra. ' • B. Allan, 26£gns‘. . Blackstock Alcartra Segis Queen, born August 11, 1924, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands —Poplarvale Alcartra. —T. Lupton, 14gns. Blackstock Poplarvale Segis, born August 12, 1925, full-sister to last cow.—H. 0. Cooper, 9gns. Nazli Colantha Cliffside, born March 22, 1922, by Willowvale Segis Duchess Lad—Nazli Segis Colantha.— O’Reilly Bros., sgns. Nazli Fayne Segis 11, born August 11, 1922. by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands—Nazli Fayne Segis —H. E. Johnson, 20£gns. ‘ ■ . Senora Jewel Nazli, horn November 9, 1918, by King of the Black and Whites—Lady Jewel Nazli.—G. A. Marchant and Sons, Cardiff, 20|gns. Senora Jewel Segis, born September 9, 1922, by Willowvale Segis Duchess Lad —Senora Jewel Nazli. —A. Soffe, 14gns. Blackstock Rahotu Jewel’ Segis, born November 8, 1924, by Lord Segis Galatea Rahotu —Senora Jewel Segis.—N. B. Allan, 13gns. Zarilda’s Segis Clothilde 1 , born Augiis t2O, 1919, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands —Clothilde’s Alcartra.—A. Soffe, 22-2-gns. Clothilde Segis Alcartra, born September 4, 1920, by Willowvale Segis Duchess Lad —Clothilde’s Alcartra. N. B. Allan, 18gns. Clothilde Alcartra Colantha, born December 11, 1922, by Major Colantha Abbekerk—Clothilde’s Alcartra. —N. B. Allan, 20gns. . . Blackstock Clothilde Alcartra Piet]©, born January 27, 1924, full-sister ix> last cow. —Wesley Agricultural College, 16gns. Blackstock Clothilde Colantha Lady, horn September 25, 1924, by Segis Johanna Fobes—Clothilde Alcartra Colantha.—O’Reilly Bros., 9gns. Lady Dinah Dorothea, born Feb-ruary-25, 1919, bv Edward Duke de Kol—Dorothea. —A‘ H. Taylor, lOgns. Dorothea Segis Abbekerk, born October 15, 1921, by Major Colantha Abbekerk —Lady Dinah. Dorothea. —H. O. Cooper, 9gns. Neil Dorothea Colantha, born September 27, 1922, full-sister to last cow. Wesley Agricultural College, 12gns. Hengerveld Dorothea Colantha, born November 4, 1923, full-sister to Dorothea. Segis Abbekerk.—O’Reilly Bros., 9gns. Blackstock Dorothea Fobes Oak, horn November 4, 1924, by Segis Johanna Fobes —Dorothy Segis Abbekerk. — O’Reilly Bros., ogns. Blackstock Dorothea Lotta Johanna, horn September2s, 1924, by Segis Johanna Fobes—Neil Dorothea.Colantha. —H. O. Cooper, 6gns. Blackstock Pride, born July 17^ 1924, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands—"Colantha Johanna Pride. — Mrs Kilbride, 15gns. Esta Pontiac Alcartra, born July 17, 1922, by King Nazli Alcartra Pietje— Esta Clothilde Pontiac de Kol.—J. S. McAdam,. 9gns. Forest Lady Johanna, born July 10. 1917, by Pietje Johanna de Kol (imp.) —Forest Pietje* (imp.)—A. H. Taylor, Bgns. Lakevieiv Johanna Fobes, born September 6. 1917, by Our Canary—Monona Johanna (imp.)—N. B. Allan, 60 gns. Blackstock Segis Monona Johanna, born August 11, 1924. by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands—Lalreview Johanna Fobes.—N. B. Allan, 16gns. Segis II Rose, born July 29, 1916, by King Fayne Segis II (imp.)—Mottled Rose.—H. E. Johnson, 15gns. Blackstock Segis II Rose, born August 21, 1925, full sister to last cow.— H. Dalgety, llgns. Pieterje Segis Morning Star, bora July 29, 1918, by King Fayne Segis IT (imp,)—Morning Rose.—E. G. Holmes, Opunake, 15gns. Pieterje Segis Canary, bora March 19, 1921, by Fayne Segis Canary Oaklea—Pieterje Segis Morning Star. — Cameron Bros., 14gns. Backstpck Colantha Segis Girl, born September 25, 1924, by Segis Johanna Fobes —Colantha Morning - Star.— O’Reilly Bros , 9£gns. Mynheer Segis Evening Star, born November 17, 1923, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands—Pieterje Segis Morning Star. —T Lupton, 16gns. Blackstock Segis Morning Rose, born September 26, 1924, full sister to last cow. —N. B. AUlen, llgns. k Blackstock Pieterje Segis, born November 3, 1925, full sister to Mynheer Segis Evening Star.—Wriglit Stephen- | son and Co. as agents, 7gns. Belle King Segis, horn August 30, 1918, by King Fayne Segis II (imp.) — Belle of Holland.—Wright, Stephenson and Co. as agents, 14gns. Belle Segis Colantha, horn September 1, 1920, by Major Colantba Abbekirk—Belle King Segis.—G. A. Marchant and Sons, lGgns. Blackstock Segis Colantha Prospect, bom March 7, 1924, full sister to last cow. —Mrs. Kilbride, 12gns. Blackstock Segis Belle, bora August 6, 1925, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Racelands —Bell© King Segis.—Mrs. Kilbride, 13gns. Woodlands Lassie de Kol, born July 20, 1916, by Cliffside Laddie—Duchess de Kol. —Cameron Bros., 13gns. fCblantha Abeekirk )de Kol, born August 25, 1921, by Major Colanthe Abbekirk —Woodlands Lassie de Kol. — H. K. .TolmsOn, 17-J-gns. Lady Segis Inka Colantha, bom October 4, 1923. by Sir Inka Kittanora — Colantha Abbekirk de Kol, W. C. Clements, llgns.

• Blackstock Tnka Partliena, born September .29, 1925, by King Segis Parthena —Lady Segis Inka Colantlia. H. Dalgety, lOgns. Blackstock Galatea Colantha de Kol, born October 19, 1924, by Lord Segis Galatea Rahotu— Colantha Abbekirk de Kol. —H. E. Johnson, 12gns. Blackstoclc Segis de Kol, born August 19, 1925, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Race-lands Woodlands Lassie de Kol.—F. Zimmerman, Kapuni, 10 gns. . Blackstock Kittanora Segis, born January 21, 1926, by Mynheer Segis Galatea X Rncelands—Kittanora Lady Inka. —W. K. (Morris, 9gns_ Bhickstock Segis Blanco, born October 2, 1924, by Wllloavvale Segis Duchess Lad —Springl) ank Lady Mooie. —N. B. Allan, llgns. Woodlands America Pauline, born August 13, 1923, by Clevedon White King—America Pauline Beauty. N. B. Allan, 15gns. ■ n(S Segis Darkie Kroons, born July 19, 1923 Tby Willow vale Segis Duchess Lad —Lakeview Darkie Kroons. —Cameron Bros., 12gns. _ Blackstock Partliena Kroons, bora September 22 1923, by King Segis Partliena —Segis Darkie Kroons. —H. A. Shaw, Eltham, 12gns. Lakeview Fobes Jessie Kroons, bora November 12, 1917, by Our CanaryPearl Kroons. —A. D. Johnson, Lowgarth, 'lOi-gns. Blackstock Segis Fobes, born August 20, 1924, by Lord Segis Galatea Rahotu—Lakeview Fobes Jessie Kroons. —F. Zimmerman, lOgns. Colantha Segis Kroons, born October 23, 1921, by Major Colantha Abbekirk—Bessie Mynheer Kroons.— O’Reilly Bros., 9Jgns. . In Ira'Colantha Aaggie, born September 23, 1923, by Sir Inka Kittanora; — Colantha Segis Kroons.— O’Reilly Bros., 9igns. Blackstock Colantha Kroons, born August- 25, 1925, by Lord Segis Cblantlia Rahotu —Colantha Segis Kroons. —F. Zimmerman, lljgns. Blackstock Donmino Galatea, bora August 22, 1925, by Lord Segis Galatea Rahotu—Lady ‘Domino Segis. —F. Zimmerman, lOJgns. Rahotu Van Segis, horn October 20, 1923, bv Lord Segis Galatea Rahotu — Segis Van Sadie. —W. K. Morris, 12 gns.

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVI, 3 June 1927, Page 6

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PEDIGREE FRIESIANS Hawera Star, Volume XLVI, 3 June 1927, Page 6

PEDIGREE FRIESIANS Hawera Star, Volume XLVI, 3 June 1927, Page 6