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Auroa Ed., Auroa, June 30. Dear Smile Queen,- —Please excuse me for not writing Just week as 1 was too busy doing home lessons. 1 must thank you rely much for the beautiful post card you sent me for my birthday. Dad gave mo a nice doll and a shilling. Our workman gave me two and six. My little sister and 1 are staying at a friend’s place as my father is away ott a holiday. We have some good fun every day. Well I must close with a big smile to both von and your members. Your loving 'Triember, Florrie Brown. [I am pleased your father is well again. 1 wonder if vour smiles helped? S.Q.] ” Rowan, June 30. Dear Smile Queen, —To-day was very wet so Miss Brown, who is our teacher, let us out from school early. We have picked a basket-bail team to play against Auroa on Saturday if it is not wet, 1 suppose yov u«i»o many Smiles in your book now. 1 hope it is line for our game on Saturday because -I do not think Auroa will come if it is raining. I will close now with Jove from, Jean McCandish. [Again, very neat writing. Much love and thanks for your parcel for the Gift Cupboard. Quite a good boot Jean.S.Q.] Manaia Rd., Manaia, June 30 Dear Smile Queen, —I once again sit down to write you another letter. My Mother and sister went +o my cousin’s wedding last Wednesday. 1 went to the party at night with my Mother and we had a good time. My cousin Queenio Coltart ha s shifted to Meremere. I will send you something for the Gift Cupboard before Jong. 1 think I will close now as it is bed time. I remain, Your loving Smile, Minnie Symes.

Rama Rd., Kanpokoiiui, June, 30 Dear Smile Queen, —1 am just writing you a few lines to tell you that 1 am going to send a scrap-book and a little pin cushion for the Gift Cupboard. I am very glad you might use my piece of poetry jn our corner. Fondest love and kisses from [vour Smile. Julia Betteridge. [.Just as many kiss<xs back for you Julia. —S.Q. j Manaia, June 28. Dear Smile Queen, —1 have not written for two weeits and 1 suppose you have been thinking that I have forgotten alp about it. 1 see three of my school mates have joined the Smile Castle. I go to the Manaia public schooi. We have two miles and a-haif to ride on a horse. The horse j* caked Gipsy. We milk five cows now. I must close for it is bed-time. A big smile to all. I remain. Your loving friend, Roma Ransom. [I know that none of you ever target me, and 1 quite understand all about homework and helping ’mother. True smiles always work haid. —S.Q.J Mokoia, June 27. Dear Smile Queen, —I hope all your hnppy Smiles are well. I am going to have a try at the essay, 1 think it is a most fitting subject for this time of the year. We once had at school “A Frosty Morning” for an essay, which is not much different. I just have finished helping Mother making jam-taits. I am going to write out poetry for you for the four seasons of the year. I must close now. With a smile for all, From Mary Widrner. [Received, your essay and poetry. Your work is always neat. Were the jam-tarts a success? I’m very fond of them and often take one out of the pantry when they are just hot.. — S.Q.J Rama Ed., Auroa, June 28. Dear Smile Queen, —I hone my essay will reach you before the closing date. 1 did my \ery best to keep it clean, but my ruler happened to have ink on it and f got ink on my paper. Well, Smile Queen, I will close, hoping you and your Smiles are well, with love, from Annie Tominson. [Your essay was in time. —S.Q.J

Sheet lid., Matupu. Dear Smile Queen, —Please may 1 join vour Smile. Castle!-’ 1 am ten years old and in Standard 11. ' I do like reading the letters in the paper. I have two brothens and one little sister. Mother’s black chicks are laying. 1 think it will be very nice to belong to the Smile family, because if we smile we make others happy. A lot of my friends are in the Smile family. 1 must now close with love to the other Smiles .and to yourself. Your loving Smile. Alice Freak ley. [May 1 have your birthdav, please Alice ?-—S.Q. ] / Lower Hunter Rd., Kltham, June 28. Dear Smile Quen, — 1 have just been reading the children’s page in The Star. 1 like reading ail the .stories aml riddles. . M.v father is seriously ill in the hospital, and he went in yesterday. We are only milking one cow for the house. I like riding to ■school, but it is certainly a. long way to go. T. am writing to-night because 1 have no home-work to do. M> ntn Tied sister has taken one of my the.- .sister’s with her fo- a holiday They went up to Mo.rrirevi.ile for three weeks. They are going to Waitomo oaves and then they are going to Haani’tou caves. I miss my .sister vo.rv numb and. ltone she will soon he home. f am, tired now and the’''" isoil n oil in the morning, so good-live with a hi'v • san’' o, t- ■ von .and .vour happy Smiles..—Tda Reid.. r Your sfster will enjoy eeoing the caves. Thev are wonderful.—S.Q.] Raima Rd., M’a-weia. June 27. Dear Simile Queen, —In the evening we make sweets, and I like eating them! the best. Wo sell a lot of them, too, ami we have a. dance while mother plays the piano. I play some games with my .sisters. We play cards on Wednesday, and all this is great spent-, and then we go to bed. —Earle Schmidt.

,[1 like ■sweets., too, hut they are not good for us, so I don’t have any now. —S.Q.]

D'uthie ltd., Mat apu, June 28

Dear Smile Queen, —X would very much like to join your Castle. lam twelve years old and in Standard V. 1 have three sisters and three brothers. lam the oldest. My lather arrived home yesterday Horn Auckland. The new railway front To Roti to Opunake runs past our place. \\e have a long way to go to schook Wo ail drive to school in a gig. We have three miles to go. Hoping to .see my letter in print next week, 1 remain, vour loving Smile, Flora, Radford.

Mokoia, June 27

Dear Smile Queen,— Thank you very much for the pretty birthday card you tout me. 1 got a pretty cot and dolly from my Daddy and Mummy. Would you give me a name for my dolly? 1 do not like these cold winter days. 1 think they are too cold, do you not? I must close now, with love from Freda Widrner.

; Why not call your dolly ‘‘June"? I know the sweetest little girlie called bv that name.—S.Q.]

Manaia Rd.. Manaia, June 28

Dear Smile Queen, —It is three weeks since I wrote to you. 1 have written my essay and 1 hope you will like it. ” Quite a lot of my school mates have joined Smile Castle now. ! Smile Castle Fairies will be very happy, as it is such a nice' moon l night night. i must close now as it Goodnight all in Smile Castle. I remain, yours sincerely, Betty Laursen.

[Yes. we do love moonlight frolics. How is Billy? Send him mv love. — S.Q.]

Mokoia, June 27

Dear Smile Queen. —First of all I must thank you very much for the nice card you sent me on my birthday. My smaller sisters were also pleased with their cards. You could not have got a nicer card for Freda, because she loves cats. I had a nice present for my birthday, because Mother gave me a cup and saucer, also a bread and 1 nit ter plate. Father gave me two shillings, so don’t you think it was a nice present? A smile to you and all the other Smiles. I remain. Your loving Smile. B. Widrner.

P.S: —I am writing you some riddles.

[I am so pleased I sent Freda a card with a eat on ft. Your presents were indeed very nice, I like the “Bluebells” poetry.—S.Q.]

Pa or a Rd. Hawera, June 27

Dear Smile Queen, —You must think that J am forgetting ail about you as £ have not written for such a long time. 1 thank you very much for that pretty card you sent me on my birthday. It was more than I expected. There are a great many .letters in The Hawera Star to-night. I could not finish reading them. Thev were very interesting. One of my auntie s who who lives in Cambridge would very much like me to go up and stay with her for a year or two. and I would very much like to do so, but I won’t go till the summer time, which I am very much looking forward to. It is very lovely here, as there is an orchard where we are living which attracts thousands of birds, including som© of the rare ones such as t-uis, pheasants, kingfishers, shags, and plenty of quail. The tom-tits, mynahs, and starlings make this their roosting place, so it is a beautiful sight in the evenings to see them all settling, to say nothing ol the row. I'm sure you must hear it in town ajthongh I don’t mind listening to them, as birds are so sweet. The weather has been so calm this winter that we have a fine crop of lemons and ora ices. Ther© is always a bettor crop in the winter time, it is strange to say. I will close with love to all the Smiles and yourself. I’m sure you will ail be interested in the show as 1 am. From Elo Schmidt.

[Perhaps 1 do hear some of your birds up at the Castle. .Some of my ’cities told me about the show. —S.Q. Wiiakamara. R.u.-al Delivery, July 3. Dear Smile Quen,—l hope you ami aim cue niem-tmm are aVi quite wen. rue giilit empu-ourd inii.J; Oe geotiiig quiae iii'.l, a.s L have seen a lot or diiiuien’s mwiitsi mi t-lie paper win. nave s-e-iit in Llicl you receive my story- 1 had sent it in behiii' j. saw .■Saturday's paper. My u;other mid I have a puny which we ride t) school. lx is white. «o we call it “Snowy."’ Some of the paddocks ate fro-t-Liit ten and they are brown. Mother and father are home once more, and I am gi.ul they have returned. Did you read those books which I sent- lor the children in the hospital!' How many Similes have joined our happy family? I might be in y.t the show to-morrow. I cannot think of any more news just now, so I will close with lots of love for all. lam sending in -some riddles. I am, your loving Smile, Jean Diaries. 'No. Joan, J did-not-read the boolra, alt-bmigh thev looked very imteresitsn.g. 1 think we have -about 1 to Smiles now. —S.Q.I

Rural Delivery, Whakamara, .July 1

Dear Simle Queen, —lt is nearly bedtime, but I will stay up to write to you because I am not sleepy. The weather is very eokl and wet. Isn’t it, Smile Queen t Are you going to the show this week? 1 must tell you that last year 1 got a book of! the Christmas tree. The book was called “Arthur Ranyard’s Training,” and it is a very interesting hook to read. Well, dear Smile Queen, 1 must close now with lots of kisses to you and members. It is bedtime now, so J must go to bed. So good-bye. Smile Queen. [Who are you: —S.Q.]

Olmngai, Hawera, July o

Dear Smile Queen, —Please may 1 join your Smiles? I like reading the letter* and stories in the paper. I am nine -years old, and mv birthday is on November 4. I am in Standard three at school, and gained second prize at the show for drawing the map of the North Island. .1 must close now. With best love to all the members, and many smiles from Senev Vincent. [Welcome Senev. I hope you’ll try our drawing competition also.—S.Q.]

Kiinuni. July 3

Dear Smile Queen, —I must thank you for the lovely card which you sent for my birthday. The presents i got were*vwo cups, a book, a handkerchief and a scrap-book. We went to the fancy dress ball, ina went as Frolic and I went as Folly and had bells on my slippers, hat. and dress. Mam said she heard me all over the hall. We got home about half past twelve. I must close now, with a big smile to all, From Norma Josephson. [I heard that you and Ina were both at the hall. Some of our fairies were there too. S.Q.]

Kapuni, July 3. Dear Smile Queen, — W’e are having a holiday to-day for the show. As it was too wet we did not go. .Our brother is coming home to-morrow in the train for his term holidays. To-clay lie is playing football in the hirst fifteen against- Te Aute College at' Hawke’s Bay. This morning Norma and I went .with Dad to feed out the hay to the cows. We drove the horse -.-. mile -Dad threw the hay off the waggon and we made figure eight with the hay. I think I must close now so From Ina Josephson. [Ton %vi!l be pleased to have your brother home again.—S.Q.] Main South Rcl., Ivaupokonui. Dear Smile Queen, —We left Glenn Road last Friday. On Friday night, June 28, 1 went to a 21st birthday. 1 had a good time and stayed till the finish. That was two o’clock. We did not have to go far. It was a mile and three-quarters. I like this farm better than the other one. It is nearer to school, also the, stores. With a big smile, from Harry Sanderson. [You would he very tired next morning. I am so glad you like your new home. I am pleased I don’t have to shift from my Castle. —S.Q.]

Manaia, July 2. • Dear Smile Queen, —I hope you have not forgotten Lottie and I. Excuse me for not writing for this long time. 1 have been in bed all the time, so I haven’t been able to go in for the competition Which I was so interested in. I hope the subject is a nice one. 1 am helping to fill the Gift Cupboard. At school 1 am making a pair of moccasin slippers. At home I am dressing a liltie doll and 1 am putting it in a little cradle. I have not much news this time, but I hope you and your fairies go to the show and enjoy yourselves. I am not sure whether 1 am going or not. Lottie is learning her lessons so she lias not any news this time. You made a mistake with Lottie’s age. She is six years live months and in Primer two. I think it is time I cloved now. Hoping von and a 1 your fairies and the Smites are ali right. We remain .vour loving Smiles, Alice and Lottie hennett. [’Twas you who made the mistake Alice. You wrote and told me that Lottie was live. I said last week J iva, unable to get to the show, hut my fairies had a time there. —■ B.Q.] limvan Rd., Rowan.Dear Smile Queen, — This is my letter. 1 have a pretty sleeping dodv. M y mother knitted her some clothes. 1 am knitting her a jumper. It lias heen wet to-day. Mv big sister Lulu has a black pon.v. My little sister Doris is not three years old anj she can say a lot of nursery rhymes. I think thiis a'l I can say now. With love from Ruby Jackson. [Love to von and iittle sister. — S.Q.J Patea, June 28. Dear Smile Queen, —I have not forgotten you vet. Thank you so much for tout beautiful post card you sent me for my birthday. L have made a nice black gol.iwog for the Gift Cupboard, t hope that you will b e p.cased with it. 1 have not much news this time. So good-bye. l.o»e from Klorrie .Jury. [Thank-you for the golliwog, also Gwen lor her pin-ciisnion. - -S.Q.J

Rowan Rd., Rowan. Dear Smile Queen, —Please may I become a member of your Smile Castle ? 1 am six yeais old and my birthday is on March 12. 1 am pi Primer three. It lias been very wet and cold up here to-day and there were not manylittle ones at school. I have been playing by the lire with pictures of girls cut. out of fashion looks. L cad them mv (liddren. I think this is all I can say this time, so good-bye, with love to all the Smiles. Koran -Dick-oh. [A big welcome XoiJili. —S.Q.] Rouan Rd., Kaupokonui, June 80Dear Smile Queen,—-I must thank you, for the post card you sent me for my birthday. I am going to write for my little step-sister. She will -be six on November 1. She started inis year, and she is just .learning to write. We did not go to school to-day because it was too wet. Next week I will write a piece of poetiy. I must say good-bye and I must send you a big smile. 1 remain, Your loving friend, Thelma Jones. [Please write in ink next time Thelma.—S.Q.]

Ramie Rd., Inaha, Julv 2

Dear Smile Queen,—l was so glad to see my letter in The Star. We had Wednesday holiday for the show, but I had Thursday holiday too, as Motner wanted to go to the show, so 1 bud to stop home and finish the work after her going away-. Did you go ro the show, Smile Queen ? 1 am malting some dolls’ diesses for your Gift Cupboard. How many Smiles have joined your Castle ? 1 will promise to keep your Castle Pledge. Have you got many gifts in your clipboards After having stormy weather, it nas cleared up and become line again. Wasn’t it- baa weather for the first two days of the show'-' I got fifth for the two herd graphs and nothing for my writing, a s I had to compete against other schools. As news is scarce, i must conclude, with love to you and all the members of your Castle. Yours sincerely Jean Jennings. P.S.—I am going to put n« piece of poetry in mv next letter It is called “Music.”

[What. lot s of questions Jean! I think I have told someone else about the number of Smiles wo now have. Yes, we have a- number of gifts in the cupboard, but there is istiil room for more. Put pleased to hear you entered graphs for the show. Thanks for riddles S.Q.] Rowan Rd., Rowan. Dear Smile Queen, —1 have a few minutes to spare so I thought 1 would write to you. 1 have done the drawing of the boat, but I am very sorry I have only one piece of paper 7[- in. by lOjin. Will that do-’ I went four and a half miles to Sunday- school today-, then 1 went up to my grandmother’s, and when 1 got home i had to take a girl back to her place, so it was dark before I got my hat and coat off. Are we having prizes lor each thing separate or after we have had all the competitions!- 1 1 think this is all the news, so good-bye-, with a big smile. Lulu Jackson.

[Marks will be given for each competition. and prizes at the end of the competitions. Send in your drawing. The side you have will do.—S.Q.J

Patea, June 28

Dear Smile Queen, —1 am very sorry that 1 did not.write to you during the last fortnignt. 1 have made something nice for the Gift Cupboard. It is a pretty pin-cushion. Fioirie has made a nice golliwog. One of my p° or little school mates is in the Pa tea Hospital suffering from spinal nienengitis, which is next door to infantile paralysis. Her name [ s Myrtle Wimvood. Mv father is not very well just now. He has got a. touch of asthma, which lie gets in the winter time. I have a big boil on my heel and on the side of my leg, so I cannot wear my boots. We have got visitors so 1 must say-good-bye as 1 must go to bed. I remain your loving friend, Gwen Jury-. [We hope these sick people will soon be better. Smile hard.- —S.Q.J Rama Rd., Kaupokonui, June 30. Dear Smile Queen, —May- I become one of your Smile family-? 1 am going to send y-ou a- nice piece of poetry which teacher taught me at school. It is eatled “The Water-melon,” and I like it very much. I thought I would send it in to you.—Alvina Betteridge,

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Hawera Star, Volume XLV, 11 July 1925, Page 18

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THE CASTLE MAIL BAG. Hawera Star, Volume XLV, 11 July 1925, Page 18

THE CASTLE MAIL BAG. Hawera Star, Volume XLV, 11 July 1925, Page 18