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"I had a very srve-o lung troubla and was so weak thut I could scarcely walk about or tall;. All my friends believed I could never gut well. I then began to take Ayt-r's Cherry Pectoral and immediately felt an improvement. It took only two bottle 1 to work a complete cure. It certainly saved my life.'* This is one of thousands of testi monials to the wonderful value of tier's 'Cherrif Sectoral in cases of colds, coughs, and lung and throat troubles of all kinds. A. standard and unrivaled remedy for sixty years. In large and small bottles. Be ware of imitation so-called "Genuine Cherry Pectoral." Be sure to get "AVER'S Cherry Pectoral." Prtprrtihr Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.

BALLINGER'S 6 YATES, GROCERS 6? PROVISION MERCHANTS, HERETAUNGA STREET. HAVE n.ade arrangements with the Proprietors of the Hastings Standard to publish a Price List of all the Every Day Lines in one column of the Supplement of th ; Paper, published every Saturday. This will give every one any opp r tunity of getting in touch with n r Prices. It will pay all persons with a view to economy to study this column. First Issue—NEXT SATURDAY. BALLINGER'S S YATES. IMPORTANT ! WHY ? Buy Your Furniture IN OTHER TOWNS WHEN YOU CAN PURCHASE FIIiST CLASS ARTICLKS Manufactured in Hastings by Tombs & Grubb. FACTORY is now in Full Swing, and we can make any article to YOT.'K OWN Dr.SIGN, And Guarantee it to be well made and of Best Finish. WRITE TO US for Quotations, or better still, CALL AT OUR SHOWROOMS H ERETAUNGA STREET, And Inspect, The Furniture On Exhibition BY TOMBS &> GRUBB SU ! ()N\-i Sweet Pea.s nc >\ first, dry Wftatlitr f r .cummer t>l<> lining. Willimns nil Kettlf-, Ltd., rutnis

HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SA« « ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Tboae who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderfu! Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BEWARE OF COUGHSI BRONCHITIS. A Sooth Australian storekeeper testifies to tba bfflcacy of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. A Sufferer 70 Years Old cured by It. Dear Sir.— I witship keeper, living in - •- -- >ears. One of my oldest cu-t-mers has Ut-n subject to lironchitis for a number cf jeai?. alphas been in the hospital with it several time■. Hearing of your valuable medicine, he ti and found that it wve him great relief, BRONCHITIS. Two Persons In New Zealand cured by One liottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. One of them had been suffering; for Twelve BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. A Commercial Traveller suffering; Intensely cured by Hearne's ijronchitis Cure. Has since camped out and travelled much without contracting a cold. sn V bui^ht • • > ■ - ■ and nsi d am>ui oi.c nan 01 11, which euiru my (j tr.iyr! 1111! r«rj>rcM*:itativ<* c ~ in nvu „ r lhrro days * M rt-UK |„ er who .. H..V1114 c Htr.i. te.| » , b-a ~„,t | ,|e , l n-ith a had cough for th,- paM c ui, I |-ij i-d under a mt«:.e i man. ; Vfl ino ,, f j w t ) u n ? Hl i, 3 i„ mL r h^n jo jears. and i h -tie his home Kave „ . .ent to put him ri*ht. This 70 years of an eld bush en in these parts for the well known. He ... .. ben here, and yot the medicine froia me He is at my place now. and he t< y >our i.r- 1. that this winter is the freest he his had frem : tor, c-.uld f-t ea Bo.nchius for a number of »ears, and he wishes: «*•« to ne.triy ■- to return u>u thanks tor 'your valuable Bron-' »'db mi: ;:.t. - 1 chit., Cure." He is well and heattv now. Von .when Mr. < una. are quite at iibertv to publish this or any pure of. liiotichn.s < m it >mi like as it tnav be of srreat beiuht to other I *'">* as- ti - suffering Iroru'Bronchia*.—Yours, truly. me. -md rait »t 1 M. COG LIN', Storekeej <r. ' V\[]; VV : ,ir ''| YjVm Yunta, South Australia. . p t -r- n- cur-d i > yr.i ' time._;h I hjii l n.«in: • < BRONCHITIS. a coH u ' i-'-.i'.'• C' 11.!, I j-i-i . i ni> a int.i.c 111 urn. ; v( . , no .', t '( ls t } lt n llse i* the remaining an : o >r.l » 1 K...-U chcicisi," pi. s.;ii,.ti ,n, with I, u.e',, ami il cured her also. 1 tl.ii.k - .' *•»* «•»«" f: :;> l:: ~ al "»>•<•,. , 1 "'v. Bronchi.!, . ure i k a «omler ul r e m«.ly. rbj»:»i'njs 1|«. al. , , , on , fiirnl at Uulll i a y I ti-sli- lU' in- for wnch I s-n.dl aiv.-a>s teel , f v .. :irs y arf . * J( to use til la=,i ! vratciul. Mr. (tttnean (unit-, at llm Mi, ul | V ,, avv[)ll ~w Yf-urs resoenfnllv , ny :.ictin- t.-.r the NVw V.rk i.w: li.sutame ' rHAS WOOTTON.' in.l be I x.asi :»lv swallow ; di '/.V i time; i m • don« fact ■nv rest. Mr Wo bronchi iiic A 1...-v . i. t-, ;!,: lc Irai 1 \ eiue.l 11 the city wuh 1-4 ti\z. at Sfjutit--Ihe ba!:.:ic.- I . I Kner three :edi,:.e A- - 11 ~i\ c!!> i about L.Vfr ti'it c:>n Bombay, Auckland, New Zealand. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. by Hearne': .1 Resident cureil liroiuhiits Cure. it t -vai r-ir, i wrue CO add .... w.._- wji.ierful el!, c; of ,;r , No Shortness of Ureath since. iiri,nchU:s Cure. 1 suftered f-,r 14 months r> 4 teinbe ongh It was so distressingly bad at Mr. <r. Hearn?. H in,hi that I could not get anv >ie -p. 1 cm- . -yveral tin.e> &mce :• / -idt d doctors to no purpose. I favv vour' Australia. -mJ here a:: i.ivefdsed, and sent for a bottie. which h'it v taken the cough clean away, and J feel a ii:ii rent i'}-*\ h l '" li '' !L You nuv depend on uiv %>ur won-irr- '<■ - > ytair ■Si', I i.a i I'ronrliitis t < Yt-tnrij. V. 1 rn |--d tllail> 1' ► ■:! t Is bottU- to keep by nn- ri c.oe the cou-h :s;ay r- t .rn anv tim-. I am wrumi; as lam sur*- tfh ate a Rreat manv pe ;:e i.t tl:i- wjv the} knew the wondertul eUcCt of tins m.-dic; thev Wv u d -end and procure it at a:ty price Yours Uithluily, J. F BOVD, Contr-ct r. Torreos Creek. North Oacflnsand !t . r 'it , iC , t rd- r.;ti i .... -Lait ,: a"it;; ► , * X- ai'-di.,:; ;• it..s art i-dc I c'i::d a ter' [•->- of breath Kit II \ s a> CO!.I.INS. Mme IrvKiclauk. via Cairn-, N .r:h j^fensland. 1 duty bound to express my for vour m.ii veiious HronMr. W G ilea .... hear Sir, 1 te'-l in duty bound to tust i - you . v hiii-i and n t Cure, feit to Mr Che fdst, X. rtJj I>ri;d»ton, lor having .1 nire in st«.ck My 1 P ;r r.Tie i ott mil n.f Ui . it dh-e. ted it wife and I recomu wh.i snlb-r wiili t— . ..... ter for pub if vou wish.—Yt F. A. CUTTEN, Elsternwick. Victoria. BRONCHITIS. A Sydney resident Cured by Hearae'i Mr. W Cm. W ie. D»*.<r Si. ..... r . . ... .. . ...www of your Cure. . ~a : verv ili hist E'eixuarv in Me.bourne, and was recom-m-n ted by a friend r, try >our bronchitis Cure. Ait'-r three doses I let immense reliel. and the . ii.;h vanished i-efore the ntst bottle wa-j rim>h d. ■ leloie leaving Me bmirne I obtained three b.jtt ts 1: a= I w uld m;t ike to be with m so wonderful a medicine. - Yours faithlubv N. KILMARTIN, Sydney. SEVERE COUGH-A 5 YEARS CASE. Relieved at onc< Hearne' and completely cured by 1 Bronchitis Cure. Dear Sir, —I suffered from the chest, with cough, for five that time got treatment frou but derived no benefit until I used your bronchitis Cure, which gave me relief at once, and completely cured me. I am delighted with it. It is a really wonderful medicine; dues Rood at once, and can't be licked Youis sincere y. W. TRKMI- LLEN. ASTHMA—A 17 YEARS CASE. Cured by Three Bottles. Mr. Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park. Queensland, writes: After suffeiing from asthma f<>r seventeen years, ami having been under a yreat many dirt, rent treatments without benefit, 1 was induced to try Hearne's Medicine fur Asihtna. After taking tiiree bott'es of this medicine I quite got rid of the asthma, and since then, which was the beginning of 1883—fifteen years ago I have not h d the slightest return of it. The medicine quite cured Writing two years later he st-.tes : "I am kt eping very well. Never have the slightest return ot the GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION. The " Scientific Australian" Office 1 fig Queen- 1 treet. Mtd . Dear Mr. Hearne. The si ent workers are trrquent y the most effecti\v, and if therrj is anybody in Victoria who during the last tew ye.-rs has been repeated y working for and ringing the praises of llearne'b lironchitis Cure, it is cur Mr. HdlHps. TJus gentleman some three years ago was recommended to try your Bronchitis Cure by Mr. barh:i!n, accountant, Collins Street, and the effect that it had was so marked that he has ever since We are g ad' to add this our testimony to the value of Hearne's most valuable Bronchitis Cure, wlrcfi has eased the *t;fleung.> of hundred- and hunlreds of people even in -jur own circle ot acBelieve ,15 alivju? 10 be, Yours mast (jilhf-ii v. PHILLIPS. ORMONDE 4 CO. Small Size, 2, 6; Large Size, 46. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. Q. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA Notice FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN MOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. • ( -n .ia iv t»T cuiiiaii. uuy p witbir the uicauiug of he \ct.- It ia equally beneficial for the voungest child and the most aged cei^u.

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Hastings Standard, Volume XI, Issue 5553, 26 July 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hastings Standard, Volume XI, Issue 5553, 26 July 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hastings Standard, Volume XI, Issue 5553, 26 July 1907, Page 4