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The Governor.

ARRIVAL IN HASTINGS. His Excellency, Lord Ranfurly, accompanied by his private .secretary Major Alexander and Lord Northland A.D.c, arrived by; the express train last evening. A large crowd assembled on the platform to greet the distinguished visitor, and the Mayor (Mr VV. V. Dennett) extended a formal welcome to the Governor on uehalf ol the citizens. The party, accompanied by Sir Wiilliam Russell and V\ A ' , L - D - Fraser > M.H.R., repaired to the mam entrance of the station where his Worship introduced Lord Ranfurly to the various members of the Council assembled to welcome him, and, after exchanging; a few words of greeting, his Excellency I droVe away to Flaxmere, where he is a guest of Sir William and Lady | Russell. J I Malipr-General Babington, General officer commanding the New Zealand lorces, Captain Campbell (staff officer) a nd Captain Joyce (district Ad nit-ant), also arrived by the same train, the two former proceeding to Napier where they put up at " the Hawke's Bay Club. THE ORCHARDS AND SCHOOLS. Thus morning the Vice-Regal Party visited the Friniley and Grassmere orchards, and* at 11.30 his Excellency visited the Hastings District School. He was received by the Miayor, Chairman of School Committee, and the headmaster (Mr J. A. Smith), and the party, on entering the majn school was greeted by the children singing the National Anthem. His Excellency, accompaa ed by Lord Northland, Sir William Russell, and Major Alexander, inspected the work of the various classes, and expressed himself much pleased with the work of the \arious standards and their intelligent replies to the questions winch he asked. He was particularly interested in the shield won i,y the cadets at the Schools" Sports at Waipawa in squad events and the champion banner secured by the school on the same occasion for athletic events. After finishing his school inspection, Captain Hudson put the cadets through a number of movements, conclud: • ing with the " March Past." As the children received a half-holidav this afternoon as a matter of course, his Excellency directed the children to receive a whole holiday in a few weeks' time, when some interesting event would warrant it. The prorcedinirs concluded by the cadeis living three cheers for Lord Ranfurly.

OR \KGE LODGR "ADDRESS. Tin: party then proceeded to ixutesuiut Hall to receive an address liom the Grand Orange Lodge. The Grand Master (Bro. S. Harper) said it afforded him the greatest pleasure to thank his Excellency fori the honor conferred by him on the Grand Lodge of the North Island, and he trusted he would accept an address -which embodied the senti- j ments of the brethren from the North ! Oate to Wellington. The colony { was fortunate in having; as Governor for such a lone; period so worthy a representative of Kins Edward. I-kt trusted when he returned Home to Ireland he would find Lady R-ainl'urly j in good health, and he hoped he (would think of those with whom he had j mingled in New Zealand. The speak- j er concluded bv wishing his Excellency a safe return to his own fireside.! School.

Tlip follow ins address presetted 10 Tlis Hxcellency on behalf of the Loval Orange Institution (Grand Lodgeh , tr t "Tbe'Harl of Ranifurly, i\.P. etc. " On his departure for Home after serv,ins; the colony, as Governor for ti years, , "■ i\lav it please your Lxcellency, "*Ve. tne members of the Loyal Orange Lodge Institution of New Zealand;. North Island, on tliq eve of vour departure from our colony for'vour native land, beg to tender yo'i our best wishes for yourself and family. "It was our intention when you first arrived here to present you with an Address of Welcome, but on mature consideration we refrained from so doing. "While vou have been with us we have recognised and appreeiaeed your services, not only in your official capacity as Governor of our colony, but as .a .private individual, and your suit iris; vour self to all ranks and conditions of the people, both Maori.and Kuro;|Gan, have bespoke the highest encomiums of all- " There are many acts of Your Kxeelleney which deserve special men tif.n, but the crowning act of your residence with us—the erection of the Veterans Home in Auckland for disabled military sub.iect.sof His Majesty —conceived and nurtured by you—is a monument of what real, earnest and persistent effort can effect, and will evur keep green in this colony your name ati,d' that of your estimable Lacfy. . ~ . . "As a n unflinching supporter of the Crown and Constitution, you deserve our greatest praise, and trfl us vou will still he held in the highest

Ilirmour. " Aji'l now as we say Farewell i in v<m: as Governor, we do not say Sso as ihe Karl of Ranfurly, for we % hope t i haw ihe '<onor of svisit from i you net- manv years hence. i" T<. Ladiv "Ranfurly, our wives ;I nd childrn owe a debt of gratitude for the n.uiv kindnesses she has 'done for , iheir. And now, with best wishes f for h r. yourself and family. j " We remaiin. i "' '-mrs faithfullv and fraternally. ' S HARPKR. RW.G. Master ! O McCUTCHEN, D.G. Master '• ,IAS. ALKXANDKR, G. Trca. ( W. J. .IARVIS, G. Secretary. ! iiis Kicellem-v, hi reply, tluuike i j ilr-ui for the ;',ood wibhco conveyed f Ji) s.l" uddre- 3 :.;. in a few more moii- ' ths lie would wave completed his | seventh year as Governor ot the i:oli . • .-, and during that period, bv- ta«K \ } \ bet'ii leii'derpu by iht- cowr-

ie,, y aral kindness of ilie people r.f » .1,,-.' b ? U» ami .Maori. U- " t i ian ketl them for t-iicir reference to the Veteran:-;' Home, wiiere 2f>6 veterans would be provided for in the:r declining years. The Home was now in full work ins • order He would leave the colony's shares with deep regret, as he Mad got deeply attached lo the interest-; of I he colony and its people. He had, , .is they were aware, some small in- j f crests in Australia, and should he have occasion ever to visit his property there he would not return home until he had visited New Zealand in his private capacity. This n.ddress. with many others, would he hound in n volume anil preserved as n treasure in his home. There wen-, many present from his own count}',

and from Londonderry, and he was always glad to meet North o£ Sreland men who had carved out a home for themselves in distabt lands. He again thanked them, and at the conc lesion the Lodge stood and greeted his Excellency with "Kentish Fire."

DRILL HALL BAZAAR, To-day was a fair sample of the glorious climate lor which Hawse's Bay is so .justly renowned, and from early morning there was no daubt that the elements had conspired to make the inaugural ceremonies in connection with the Drill Shed Bazaar and Carnival a brilliant success.

The town was gaily decorated today with flags and strings of (lags spanned the streets in many places. The Public and Catholic Schools were granted a half-holiday and in deference'to a proclamation by the Mayor," business generally was suspended in o«d r . to give an opryrfunity or assisting at the inaugral ceremony of the Drill Shed bazaar and carnival. The large Drill Shed which seems a wilderness of space when empty, seemed to he fully occupied with the stalls and siive shows ranged round the building, and the space reserved for the public was taxed to its utmost capacity. The walls were decor ated with flags of all nations, prominent amongst which was. the Japanese flag, supported on either side by the British colors, the Triple Al liance. the United States, etc.. and these formed a vivid background to LJue thronging crowds as they moved hither and thither in dissolving pic r tures to which the beautiful coloring of the ladies dresses lent an addition al charm.

Long before the hour iited for the opening of the doors (2.30 pin.), there was a large crowd ontsfie the Drill Hall, and directly the doors Drill, and directly the doors were opened' they filed into the building. As 3 o'clock approached all were in the tip-toe of expectal ion ami waiting for tile arrival of the i\<fice-reg>il party The Hall just before the crowd Was admitted looked very pretty. The effect being much brightened by the pretty costumes worn by the various stall holders. They wore pretty costumes, irree.n, blue, liink, a nd red each with a coquettish cap to accord. At 3. o'clock precisely the Governor, attended by Lord Northland, AD.O., together with Sir William and Ladv Russell, the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, Miss Seddon, Mr A. L. D. Fraser and Mr W. Y. Dennett (Mayor, Hastings), entered the building to perform the opening function. The arrival of the Governor ami suite was greeted with enthusiastic cheers and

The vice-regal paety walked up ttilie Hall through a guard of honor—(With fixeJjj bayonets and anus at the present) of the Hastings Rifle Volunteers under Capt. Hudson. The preparations for presenting the medals were made, tinte following officers being in attendance : Ma.jor-General Babimjton, Command ant Captain Campbell, Staff Officer Major Kettle (Napier), Captain Joyce District Adjutant. The presentation of medals was the first cp-emony, and the Governor presented ihese to the different officers and riien, General Babington handing them to him as the names were called.

Sir Wm, Kussell, in asking his Ex eellency to open the hall, said the Go> vernment contributed £IOO and the residents in the immediate neighborhood £7OO. There remained a debt on ihe building of £450, which he hoped those in this prosperous neighborhood would help to liquidate. His Excellency said he could not have opened the proceedings with a more fitting ceremony than presenting the war medals to the members of South African Contingents h\ this Vi/islrict. He hoped one and all wou d take a interest in Ihe defence of New Zealand!. The military spin"! was a good sign and a sign of progress. We all wisiied peace in this immense Empire and therefore must be prepared for war. ; His Excellency was still speaking when we went to press. ra STALL HOLDERS. Tea Rooms.—Mrs D. Canning, assisted by Mesdames Pinckney, Ramsay, Ross, Humphreys, Hassall , Mis, ses Maddison, Waterhouse (2), Busby (2). Chambers (2), Campbell, Bratliwaite, R. Wellwood, Nation, and Beatson. No. 1. Stall.—Mrs A. H. Russell (fancy' work), assisted by Mesdames j Rivers, Sebattky, Hughes, Fitzßoy, and Misses Williams, Riivers, SchattKy, and M. Russell. No. 3. Stall-—'Mrs; Lowry (fancy), assisted by Mrs VV. B. Jones and Misses Jones, Lowry, Erwin, Coleman, Ingles and Simcox. No. 1 Stall.—Miss Roach (toys aiiu' dolls), assisted by Mesdames Knight and Maedonell a ltd Misses Lo Quesnc, Boyd. Milne and Hall. No. f> Stall.—Miss Hartshorn (sweets and refreshments), assisted- ' by Misses Well wood (2), Williams, I Russell, B. Hartshorn and Caulton. | Fancy Work (Mrs E. Varley Hudsun's stall), assisted by M>esdames Nairn, J. 11. Smith, ami Missesi Robertson, Skerrett and C Russell. No. fi Stall.—'Mrs Tosswil! (produce), assisted by 'Mesdames Ellingliam, and Newbigiu. No. f Stall.--Miss Beamish (flower) assisted by Misses Scale (2), U. Jones, llaszard, Maddison and MacLeod. Shooting 'Gallery.— Mr Simpson. Melbourne Cup Game.—Mr D. Donovan. Bran Pic—Miss Faulkner. Japanese. Palmist and Clauvoya-'ip. —Madame Ohr v ;.,'ch(?liie. Orfenta, ttme tellim"* Telegraph Depart men!''—Mr W. F. Vi. Stewart, assisted by operators from the Hastings and Napier Alices atsd Mr Pinkney, of Totnoana.

Gratefn'l .Schoolmaster.—W. K. Wyatt, Ksq... public schools, Sandriiiffhani. N.S.W., says : "After suffering some time of a very ban' al- . lack of'dysentery, 1 was induced by a { local chemist to try Chamherlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It only took one dose to relievo and after a few more doses were taken I was completely cured. It is a pleasure to certify to such a splendid medicine." For sale by Maddison ami Co.,

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Hastings Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 4151, 10 February 1904, Page 3

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The Governor. Hastings Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 4151, 10 February 1904, Page 3

The Governor. Hastings Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 4151, 10 February 1904, Page 3