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Local and General.

The Hastings Borough Council meet to-night.

The master of the Hartley and Rileiy dredge reported a return of 3890z. gold yesterday.

The City Skating Rink will he open to-morrow afternoon from 3 p.m. till K p.m.

Over twenty Hastings residents went to Napier by. rail yesterday mor ning to attend the funeral of the late Mrs Woodfield.

The annual report of the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club shows £ti,lßo given awav in stakes during the year. Owing "to various causes the _overdratl has been increased to £2,170.

Tenders are invited for/ the purchase of a site, consisting of eight acres, with house, etc., in Hastings. Tenders close on Saturday 15th inst and lull nartculars may be had from Mr David Scannell, solicitor, Hastings.

Mr Bent, the Victorian Minister for Railways, savs the Melbourne Trades Hall has been shown that it could not play with the Government. Every consideration would be (liven to the working man, but the Government would not' be dictated to by agitators of the Trades Hall.

At a meeting of St. Matthew's ves trv, following the annual parish meet ing last night, Messrs J. N. Williams and C. A. Fitzßoy were appointed parochial nominators, and a vote of thanks was passed to the Gleaners Union for providing refreshments .

A Dunedin gentleman who recently returned from a trip through South Africa says Krugcr's house in Pre toria was being turned into an hotel at the time of"his visit. Everything that was decently moveable had been taken away by, the relic hunters, even down to the paper on the walls of the rooms.

Mr Charles Holroytd, who hasbeen a resident of Hastings for the past i wenvy years and served in the South African campaign with the New Zealanders, was to-day united in matrimony to Miss Dora Wyatt. Both contracting parties are well-known in Hastings, and have the good wishes of a large circle of friends for their .■•lture happiness.

A private letter from Miss Luckie, '.eceivcd in Hastings by the Home mail arriving here last night, say's (hat Mr Luckie has visited one of the best London doctors, who states he has Tjenefittod wonderfully by the, voyage. Mr and Miss Luckie are liv lug at Toot,ing (London), and Mr Luc ide is so much improved that he has been able to attend the Handel Festival, held in London, without fatigue.

;A wire from Stratford savs : An .hi inquest at Midhurst on the body of a newly-born child the medical evidence showed that the mother in b.i'.r confinement did not receive pro-ii.-r attention. No one but her bus hind attended her. A verdict ivns re •.timed of death from neglect., with a rider that had'the mother been properly attended to the child probably rould have lived.

A lad was taken to the f'hnsthurch hospital on Tuesday ,s,rfering :oin a severe cut in the groin. A... 'is condition was serious to-day his 'position- were laken. lie "stated hat he liad been washing himself, ,d his nioilier asked him to go a n rand. An argument ensued, and theoy told his mother to "shut up." "he then threw a carving knife, in.cting severe injuries. The patient's mdition was ic proved this evening.

At Dune-din yesterday the Chief Jus ice reserved his decision in acase in . iiieh the late license of the Hotel letrrjpoie, St. Clair, sought an order "om the Court.* to compel the Cavrsham Lieunsing Committee to grant em. a license. The committee had re ■sed a license thinking that because was i ndersed they had no power o gra;.;. it.

The tollowing will represent. the l.eetauiiga Football Club in their st.teh Willi Kahukuranui on Satur- , v .next :—Ptill-baeK. J. Cullen , iiiree-Niiarlers, 11. J. Webber, 11. Beat hj, fl' fUcKen/.iu ; half. W. .1. John o. live-eights, M. O'Neill ; forwards T .1011. K. Merriit. E Caulton. W .ionic W. Orahaii.. J. KbbeM . VV. : ':i.ddv. .1 CoWiin. W. McKeni'.ie , em i,eiieic-. S. Graham. It. Meiedlth. \i las' e'.e:aagV meeting „< the '.." Church parishioners. Mie iol M'Via; crliirer- and \estry were elect • ■:■. :--Me:.-,rs ,1. \. William-, "p.'lergv:,,l!i'- IKi'dl'lll. t'. \ . Ki!:'KllV IpC'ij)- ..•-.' vvaiih'ii). vestry. Messrs .1. A. ""raser. R. Bra'hwaite, K. VVeilwood, -i. Ouartiey, G F. Roach, A. Leonard A. Masters, U. Ebbctt, W. C. iWadtii

*""»* *>,., Misting Magistrates Court At the H '' st „^ s Wo r S[l p. the Maythis morning H.s Vcr P mu <*• con S '"roin t£ shameless aUs sance arising ""•" streets perpetrated on Ae H.-"- fm at mcM_tiffl. {m > dealt witn such "licences v^-iiu most severely. _ A'Bluri girl, aged 17 years '-"\£ , depart.n, "am u,e i short ride and tump '«•• --• f Vbe\ween tie train and incP--form, and wasrescued sO!RC the^ R nchion. She escaped *.ta a torn dress. -ThTmchra toyraanv-nt. botwoen the Hastings Fri«wly Soot- '<> lt » Havcloc-k Foresters *1 1 < * »*» a itivploc-V to-morrow m■>- • - l --.,„,, levance will leave the Carlton Club brethren will "leave to ta'ce part in the gameA rather novel kind oi same wamentioned by Mr 1 vU.i ™"; , about the totahsatur. Hi 'iiiiT that t*e station hands on iani cards handv. resort to a „ame called"V loo".- Kach man has a lands on one 01 t fc hehl *« , , a >."- l f iirl .f; man on whose heap tfte t,. a.i^..-, "scoops the P<>oi In the Auckland Supreme Coiir. ves teSavtbc truant officer to the Auck land Education Board appealed aRS£ Pleaded guilty to a breach 01 the School Attendance Act in n-n sending his boy to school. The ju . tices. dismissed the case on the ground that the offence *as a tribal one. His Honor allowed the appeal, and ordered the case to go Sack to the justices, expressing he opinior that a minimum penalty ma, t>e inflicted. A Haweraresklent has lately had a curious experience. Some time ago his house was entered and a auant«y of valuable to himself and his wuv *a- srmex Failing to trace it. he had reereUuHy { eiven it up as lost, but alter an inter val of seven weeks he received a cawlullv done up package, and on un the stolen jewellery, with the exception of one article. There w» a «°ap of writing indicating that the thief had been stricken with a tttsire to restore. IT C t'he K p rforrSnce of Ruddi.ore on Thursday evening, when the Pamtmgs of past and gone baronets ar- sup posed to return to their in the wainscotted picture sailer;.. two of them omitted to disappear *j the mechanist -'blacked out. and when the lights went u r.were su loose in the scene.ln&ecini tni.i w lemma the slides were oper.ed-with the full glare of the 'Mimes 'on them-andthe belated -old masters made a hasty dash for the apertures •which closed up behind thrm sniid.u a roar of laughter from the ;dis-il.u sionised audience.

A picked fifteen of the Trainers and Jockevs Foot ball team went wa by yesterday's express, to try con elusions with their rcnresentat.ves. A laree number of spectators were present a" the Empire Oal. and were not disappointed, as the match wa, fast and willing from start lo finish The game ended Waipawa 6 Jockos nil For the losers all the -awards worked hard while Goosctnan, Las or atd Troon were at thoir best in ?be back division. The local team gave a very good account of themselves, considering the same ttaipa*a team defeated both the Scinde ,N;-P----ierf and Pohukura teams b. la ; ge maorities. At the conclusion oi tlu match the visitors were hospitably Entertained at a smoke concert m th Fmpire Hotel, Siftging and other amusements were incdulped in. and a pleasant trip wound up w-ith singing of'Auld Lang Syne. It is likely that a return match wnl be played here at an early date. Last evening at Haveloek a most enjovable concert was held m aid of th' Presbyterian Sunday School, Rev Mr Whvte presiding. Mrs McEwan was in charge of the musical portion of the programme, .whilst Miss Danvers organised a series oi twelve tableaux and it was to the efforts of these ladies, together with Miss Wilson, that the success oi the entertainment was in the first place due. Vocal items were rendered by Mrs Syrr.onds, Misses Scheele and Greenfield and Mr Finlay. Messrs \ i vian Danvers and Cook. jnr.. gave recitations, and Mr Wright contributed a reading, all of which were greatly appreciated. Amongst the tableaux that were most popular, were "The Tangled Skein," "In Love. "The Peace Maker." and "Japanese Society" all of which were encored. At this junction supper was dispensed and "Miss Wilson, who presided over this department, scrupulously attended to everyone's requirements. The entertainment concluded with a brilliant tableau "Rule Britannia, ' with Miss Rich as the principal figure. The accompaniments were played bv Mrs and Miss McEwan. A vote of thanks was passed to all who assisted in organising the enter tainment. A' the annual meeting of the Ilawfce's Bav Jockey Club in Napier. to-J.-iV. "the old committee were' ree'.'ted. Mr George Ellis, who was n- -> moated for the committee, was de dared ineligible, as he had resigned his membership a few weeks ago. The street cleaners of Paris form a little arniv. They number altogether :*>:B«>. They are divided into brigades under the command of -Hsuperintendents and l-V.» foremen. Five hundred sweeping machines are used, and •hese. with the water-carts, find ra:'iloyrcent for 1600 horses. The London General Post Office authorities have been testing lettersiamping machines, driven by electn-c-ty for several months, and now there are about twenty of them in "c The besiof them wnl stamp from tweotv to thirty thousand per hour.'the others fifteen to twenty thousand. As instancing the method* adopted bv the Flour Trust, it is stated (says the Lvtteiton Times) thai a eamng Chmtehurch Trust fl.ur roller >s now offering hi* best ftour to vi, k--'i per cent. In addition u» ta.s *i.-,-cormt he had to pay agents and er charges, which reduce trie •«--, VJ^per ton. The same hour is charged for in Canterbury a, -.U te 0 f it., at the mi.l du.*:^ V Melbourne paper, omunen the si-read oi swine ie<..-r - ia arid the neglect oi me aii'-"i^ lt:,o take the i>ecessar> tiTtatos that n. \iul, u»s, asn ... £tM Vtiti<» to stamp i: o.ii '-n - N,ft .South Wate.- the id.sease >\*\*;"[ caused urea? trouoie tr.ri.ugi> ia.._-i. 1,, take rw-a«tio;-!at'. :iiea<ai'<- ] / '■••- Ourt-nsland GmernnuTit Ua> pn-.n.Tit-ed the mipoi-t.L-.i..n „f s« me ir -:" \ i' Joria for a further period oi three pioattis.

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Hastings Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 3095, 6 August 1903, Page 2

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Local and General. Hastings Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 3095, 6 August 1903, Page 2

Local and General. Hastings Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 3095, 6 August 1903, Page 2