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general freyberg Sends Interesting Account TOBRUK REACHED IN A WEEK. [Per Favour of Government J WELLINGTON, November 23. The part played by the N.Z.E.F the present Libyan campaign IS aes cribed in the following cablegram to the Minister of Defence (Hon. r. Jones), from General Freyberg:— “We ar P now outside Tobruk. Our advance from the El Alamein position took iust over a week, during which British armoured formations and the Second New Zealand Division drove the defeated, enemy from Egypt. I am taking advantage of a short lull to cable a brief report for publication, in the hope that it win 'give the people of New eZaland a connected story of the patties in which the Second New Zealand Division lujs been engaged. “When the German attack in August failed to pierce the Allied position at El Alamein, the enemy had either to stake all on holding his line with its difficult communications, or go right back. Marshal Von Rommel decided to stay, and while the Eighth Army trained for the attack, the enemy extended his minefields and prepared defences in great depth. The nature of th P country, the extent ot the minefields, and the number ot automatic weapons made a daylight attack extremely hazardous, while night attack was most difficult owing to the depth to which it had to penetrate. The best solution therefore was to attack in moonlight and the October full moon was fixed for the offensive “The division was withdrawn from the line of September 11, after taking part in the battles of Minqar Qa’im, Ruweisat Ridge and El Alamein—nearly three months in the front line during the heat of the Egyptian Summer. The men were tired, but after a short break started to train for the next exacting battle. Spirits were high, for we were about to attack on ground similar to the ridge we were to attack. We rehearsed during the September full moon with tanks, artillery and all infantry supporting arms firing live ammunition. The spirit of optimism increased as infantry, artillery and new heavy tanks trained together. The remaining two weeks were used to correct shortcomings and improve technique. Nobody doubted our ability to capture Miteiriya Ridge. We felt confident the infantry would overcome any opposition in a night attack. The problem was to lift the minefields and get forward vehicles of supporting alrms and tanks. If we could achieve this, no enemy coun-ter-attack 'could succeed against our defences of six-pounder and twopounder anti-tank guns, and heavy tanks in hull-down positions ready to prevent our infantry from being overrun.

“On October 14, we ceased training and started to assemble for the attack. For days before the attack A.S.C. companies,,. under the command of Colonel Crump, were bringing ammunition and supplies tin to the front line.

“To achieve surprise, deception and camouflage played a large part in our preparations. Guns and ammunition were brought up and dug in bv night. And guns had been calibrated and surveyed,. ,so tfeiat they, woul'J not need to open fire to register, and thus give away their presence. "The Infantry Brigades, brought up before daylight on the 23rd.,.Jay waiting all day for the attack that night, while their transport was withdrawn at dusk on October 23. The routes from the back areas to our front line began to fill up in orderly sequence with anti-tank guns, Bren carriers, moriars, and tanks to support the infantry; and behind them rumbled up the heavy tanks and transport of the British armoured divisions. It was brilliant moonlight. Every man was tense as zero hour approached. Suddenly, with a single crash, over. 500 guns opened fire in the greatest barrage seen in Africa. The opening roar of the guns was the sign for the assault infantry, armed with rifle and bayonet, Tommy-gun and Bren, to move to the start line, and half an hour- later they went forward with the barrage. The Fifth Infantry Brigade was on the right, commanded by Brigadier Kippenberger, and the Sixth Infantry Brigade' on the left, commanded by Brigadier Gentry. The attack was planned in two phases. The, Twenty-third Battalion on the right, and the Twentyfourth Battalion on the left, were to capture the enemy forward defences. The Maori Battalion had the role of mopping up centres of resistance left in the course of the advance. The Twenty-first and Twenty-second Battalions_on the right, anti the Twentyfifth and Twenty-sixth Battalions on the left, \yere to leap-frog over the first two battalions to capture the final objective, Miteiriya Ridge. The einemy defences w.ere manned by German infantry, and throughout' the 6,000 yards' advance strong point after 1 strong point had to be taken at the point pf the bayonet. In clouds of dyst and smoke the inevitable' uncertainty of war prevailed (in some companies all the officers became casualties), but the attack went on. For hours, the situation was obscure, but at last the signals came back from one battalion and then another, ‘We are on the objective.’ "By morning, Miteiriya Ridge was in' our hands. The infantry assault was magnificently carried out by our infantry, and bv the Australians, Highlanders and South Africans on the whole corps front. I n such an attack casualties must be expected, and we had all suffered; but .we had driven a great wedge in the enemy line. I pay tribute here to the great work of our Divisional Medical Services, under Colonel Ardagh, who looked after the wounded. Many lives were saved by our blood transfusion units, and’ the fully equipped surgical team.

“While the infantry assault went forward, our engineers and provost followed close behind. The success of the attack depended on the skill and determination with which they lit tracks on the line of advlance, and detected and lifted all the mines and booby traps on the whole route from

our own front line to the final objective. Great credit is due to the Divisional Engineers, under Lt.Colonel Henson and provost personnel for their vital work. Anti-tank guns and infantry weapons were rushed a’ong the lit routes to be dug in on the objective before daylight. Tanks followed, and by dawn we were ready to meet the panzer counterthrust,

“During the 24th and 25th October, fighting on Mitieriya Ridge continued, but both brigades, supported by artillery, anti-tank guns, ma-chine-guns and tanks held all ground, and on the night of the 25th and 26th October the Sixth Brigade, went forward in another determined attack, which consolidated the position. I wish to pay a tribute' to the gallant support of the- tank regiments of the Ninth Armoured Brigade, under Brigadier Currie, who went into action with us for the first time. “We held the line until 27th October, when we handed over the sector to the First South African Division for a short relief, before returning to the line alongside the Australians, who had been attacking continuously and most successfully along the coast.

“On. the night of November 1 and 2 we attacked again, to breach the enemy position for our armour to sally out. To conserve the strength of our infantry brigades, weakenea by losses in the earlier attacks. General Montgomery placed the Tynsibe Brigade and the Highland Brigade under our command. These two brigades and the Maori Battalion attacked, supported by an even greater concentration of artillery than in the first attack under the command of our C.R.A., Brigadier Weir. By the end of the attack our gunners had fired nearly 8000 rounds per gun, without rest, during 10 days of battle. “Our infantry went forward with great dash, admirably supported by our engineers, machine-gunners, signalmen, <and the whole divisional organisation, and' captured all objectives despite heavy casualties. Tanks of the Ninth Armoured Brigade and the Divisional Cavalry broke through 'the enemy gun line. It was this attack, following so quickly on the first series of attacks, that finally made the breach through which the Tenth Corps, comprising two armoured divisions and 'the mobile Second New Zealand Division,'was passed on 4th November.

“The role of the Armoured Divisions was to seek out and destroy the Panzer Divisions, while the Second New Zealand Division and the British Fourth Light Armoured Brigade, comprising tanks and armoureu cars under our orders, were to move west, avoiding the armoured battle to the north, and cut the enemy communications at Fuka, 60 miles behind the enemy line. It was a difficult manoeuvre, especially as the majority of our battalions had to embus from positions in the front line. Congestion and shelling at the gap, and the armoured battle en route, delayed nrogress, and when darkness came the brigades were, still miles apart. Concentration by night in unknown enemy country, 25 miles behind his line, is a difficult operation; and ir. was not till two hours before dawn on the sth that all units had concentrated. using a's an assembly beacon a blazing ammunition lorry .nit by enemy fire in a night skirmish.

' ‘■‘Before dawn on the sth our advance continued, the force moving in desert formation over the open desert, with armoured cars and tanks ahead. At daylight we encountered a column of the latest type- of'German Mark 3 and 4 tanks, eight of which the Fourth Light Armoured Brigade surprised and disposed of in as many minutes. Fires and explosions from enemy damns on the coast could be seen during the day as we moved westwards, and reports of precipitate retreat were received. Later in the day our tanks and artillery drove off'the rearguard covering the Fuka position.

“On 6th November we were directed on Bagush, where unfortunately a heavy storm turned the desert into a morass, and all the wheeled transnort not using the coastal read was bogged. The enemy made full use of the respite, but had to leave behind many guns and trucks caught in the mud.

“On the Sth the weather improved and we pushed on. passing within sight of our June battlefield at Minqar Qa’im. The enemy at this stage had evacuated Matruh fortress, and the division and attached troops were directed on Sidi Barrani,

“Sidi Barrani was occupied on the 9th, and on the 10th November we advanced on the heavily defended escarpment at Haifaya. The pursuit continued along roads strewn with all manner of wreckage and abandoned vehicles, lan eloquent tribute to the R.A.F., whose fighters and bombers had given the army magnificent support throughout the 1 battle. Below Haifaya: escarpment our Light Armoured Advance Guard was held un bv the enemy, covered by a minefield, but as we deployed to'attack the enemy withdrew by dark. On the 10th the' Fifth Brigade moved forward through the minefield to the support of the Fourth Light Armoured Brigade. Haifaya. the last of the Axis fortresses to fall last year, is a formidable defensive nosition. A surprise attack was decided on-, and lust before daylight on Armistice Day, 110 men of the Twenty-first Battalion went in with Bren guns and bavonets. It was a complete success. We had one killed and one wounded and took 612 prisoners, some German, out mainly Italians of the Pistoia Division, whose motto is ‘Valiant Even Unto Dsfeth.’ Solium fell automatically, and Egypt was clear of the enemy. “The enemy is still retreating, and we are now waiting to go forward to the final objective. “Your division has again added to its record by a series of battles ana operations which reflect the greatest credit on the Brigadiers. Commanding Officers, and Junior Commanders, for the way they have trained, and commanded during battle. The courage and tenacity of our fighting soldiers remains of the highest order. The training, equipment, and efficiency of the force has stood the tesr of a most exacting campaign, and we look to the future with confidence. “I am sending this from my office truck.”

GENERAL FREYBERG’S MESSAGE. WELLINGTON, Nov. 23. Mr Fraser and Mr Jones received the following message from General Freyberg: “Your inspiring message of congratulations to the Division from the'Government and people of New Zealand has just reached us. It was delayed owing to congestion of s' nals traffic. An extract has been published in orders, and will-.-1 know, be deeply appreciated by all ranks. We ar e indeed glad that on this occasion the atmosphere of victory replaces grim stories of'withdrawals and rearguards, which the Government and people of New Zealand have borne /?o unflinchingly in the. past two yegrs. May it mark the turning of the tide leading to final victory and our/return home. This success has been a

proud moment for us all. and one which the New Zealand division deserves, after fighting so many battles, against very great odds.

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Grey River Argus, 24 November 1942, Page 1

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N.Z.E.F ADVANCE Grey River Argus, 24 November 1942, Page 1

N.Z.E.F ADVANCE Grey River Argus, 24 November 1942, Page 1