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I I«a.s*t Q Dsiys of OALiE I I Friday and Saturday I IgS - !■ ■ nw— —— M W e. ~ -1-x A A ecu ni, i am Ki ni XK BUTTONED WOOL MATTRESSES. Made from spe- H 80in. Superior Quality Heavy Ladies’ Apron Lengths. B B 54x68 Super Quality Art Silk Checked Table Cloths Cially prepared wool. Good strong ticking. Guar- fi _. . +{vir«. In attractive designs, with pocket and ties attached. In guaranteed B Hj ~ x . . ... ... .. c ... anteed to give satisfaction. | Linen J? IUISH hUGOLing material. Dozens of patterns. Worth 2/11. || ® Guaranteed fast to boiling. Worth 5/11. q/Nirip rfd ... 29/6 to 32/6 I ‘ . CJola 1/11 E£ H Sale Price 3/11 each double bed :::::::::: 39/6 to 45/- I Absolutely free from dressmg. Sale Price 1/11 each B Bji KAPOC SINGLE BED 39/6 | . Vard UJI " 11 ” r b || B® KAPOC DOUBLE BED 49/6 | tt/11 ydlU. g| g pillows to match 4/6 each ! Rosedale Underwear and Dress Flannel B «■■—»*■«»»«»lima■■■■ ■■■■ in»n»i« l nnnujLMM'.iaMiinMni ——n«:— Pre-shrunk. Super quality. Splendid washing. Easily worth 3/6 yd. J 27in. Heavy Quality Art Silk. ROLL^ D «r»„ s : 1 single Bed Hemmed • Exceptional Value-2/8 yard I I® Suitable for fancy dress drapings, underwear, etc. In a full range Well filled. | ° n,m mu r ■ - 1 — — 1 ||| K of new shades. Easily worth 1/11 yard. SINGLE BED /’ | SllCetS SS ljd double bed 79 / 6 I 36in Gingham Ki H Sale Ptfice 1/- yard PILLOWS TO MATCH J/ 11 eacll i Extra hard wearing. Splendid wash- Fast , co | our in ail shades and assorted checked designs. Easily worth B R THE NEW SLEEPWELL. Coiled spring, air conditioned I ,ng ’ - ~ -ncHr 1/6 yard. . || B ——■ mattresses. I 10/o P air Sale . Price lid yard B Single Bed Doubleßed n « S 1 Tiie Famous English “Spun Joy” Silk REGENT /'///// 56 0 66 0 Qlv oo Cimor Onalitv ~ 8 § mystic 600 715 0 21x33 buper Quality 36m. p a st Colour Milorene B H An uncrushable material in a wonderful range of shades and designs SUPREME ’ 710 0 9 9 0 Bath Mats A heavv floral material. Ideal for smocks, frocks, aprons, coverings, ■ Easily worth 3/11 yard. lIM i .«ur -- r-m “ z . H co | our ings Worth 1/11 yard. H Exceptional Value —2/6 yard ART SILK BEDSPREADS. Heavy quality, hard wear- Thick and absorbant. Easily worth ec ’ ' ■Rv’rpntioinal Value 1/3 Yard H . ing. Brocaded pattern in Green. Single Bed 5/11. K — on, y- Worth 8 / 11 ' ■ Sale Price 3/11 » H 1 Special Price 4/11 — 45iih Cottage Weave | fi 36iu. Printed Azlm 54x5 4 Plain White Damask I N A heavy quality linen finish fabric in many attractive all-over and I 20 x4O 2/6 pair. Hard wearing. ~ ’ ’ . ,tt -i /o J M stripe floral effects. For frocks, smocks, apron, bedspreads and 20 x4O .. .. 2/11 pair. Splendid washing. Table GlOtllS Exceptional VaIUQ 2/3 yard K fi| ' many other finishing uses. Guaranteed fast colour. Worth 3/6 22 x 44 3/11 pair Fast colour. -j- ■ H yard. 22 x 44 4/11 pair. Good quality. We cannot repeat at this ridiculous ——— — ' S H Sale Price 2/3 yard 24 x4B 5/6 pair. Super quality. price. _ . „. . i « ■ eI 26 x 50 .. 6/11 pair, super quality embossed. 3/11 each 46in. Striped Cottage V eave 9 I Cannot repeat at these prices. Get yours while stocks last Full range "of tonings. Fast' colour. Suitable for drapings, cushions, ■ ’ __. „ w-j • i j _., coverings, etc. Worth 2/11 and 3/11 yard. Big Savings OH Eiderdowns KABE CREPES. Wonderful washings. Guaranteed un- Plain White . - 1 rt in J Sg shrinkable. All fast colours. Ideal for Under- I Sale Price 1/11 and 2/6 yard 9 IK.. We have a wonderful range of single and double bed, genuine Fairy wear, Blouses, etc. Get yours while stocks last. berViebueS — jau g Down Eiderdowns, at prices that will save you pounds. 30in. Plain 1/9; Floral 1/11. < Ljnen Fjni£ , hi Assorted designs . . R B Single Bed from 32/6 travelling rugs. Pur e n.z. wool rugs. Large i«ylR fid parti 1 Piece Only 29in. Striped Shadow Tissue 9 B Dnnhlp "Rpd frnm 32/6 to 84/- size - Made from s P ecial| y selected wools. Extra IOXXO uu. cctvi Brown tonjngs W H UOUlJie .tSeCI liom OZ/O LU iyi/ heavy quality. Assorted designs and colourings. B . , Sale Price 1/- yard H ||i In Rose, Green, Gold and Blue. All at the old prices. g Sale Price From 14/6 | 21x21 1/- eacn | ■ ffMHRIW HI H 8 W 1 fJW OW- i.U l —^—lli^—l—MWP SEZZESWKSKQDK**CmBEZMSBHMBBRBE!9B^EHBBKBHHBHHBBIHMMHHfIMMWZS^*^****^^^^^^^*****^^***^^******** 1 Rfl I MEN'S pyjamas. TROUSERS TROUSERS TROUSERS _ ln - I Heavy Quality Flannelette Pyjamas . p , „ , , „ . „ • middleman’s profit, hence the How price. Worth 79/6. g IB Made in our own factory. Easiiy worth 6/11. Wonderful SSlCCtioil to ChOOSO frOIU at priCSS that Q6iy T>vino tn 57/C S H Sale Special 4/11 competition anywhere in New Zealand. baie n H —. • Men’s heavy quality all wool Grey Worsted Trousers. , Pnntq I B . , 95/ valiiP Our Price 17/11 Men’s Pure Wool Singlets and Pants K ft Boys’ English Interlock Singlets I An jdea| wjnter weight. Made in our own mill and factory. ■ If, Macf e from long staple Egyptian cotton Guaranteed to give excep- Men’s SUper quality all WOOl Saddle Tweed TrOUSerS. Pepper worth 8/11. OUR CUT PRICE— ■ tional wear and comfort. Sizes 24 to 32. i r -i. J nr , i ok / 7 /fi yipt OarmPUt ■ 0 Sleeveless 1/3 to 1/9 and salt design. 37/6 value. Our Price 25/- </o per uarmem- ■ H Short Sleeves 1/6 to 1/11 Men’s super fine Navy Serge Trousers. Fast dye. 35/- value. ——■ || Our Price 22/6 Men’s Red Drab Singlets | I Men’s Heavy Fleecy Lumber Jackets Men’s Brown Herringbone Serge Trousers. 29/6 value. Gua J a^ e p ed ce unshririkable ' Your last opportune to procure these at ■ Bril Zipp front. Two pockets. Sizes 34 and 36. Our Price 21/- I Men’s 4/11; O.S. 5/6 ■ sizes 38 and 40 Men’s heavy quality all wool Tweed Trousers. Grey only. 1 B g Sale Price 4/11 17/6 value. Our Price 11/6 Men’s Durable Cotton Whipcord Trousers ■ fi Men’s woollen Whipcord Trousers. 19/6 value. Our Price 12/6 specially constructed for aii classes of heavy work, worth 12/6. B i E °ys’ All Wool Flannel Shirts aIT wool Trousers. 29/6 value. 1 Our Price 2~ Sale Prlce 8/11 B s| “ usually 6/11. sizes z, a, s w only. Men’s all wool superfine English Worsted Trousers. Pleats _ . H Sale Price 4/11 and tunnels, 27/6 value. Our Price 19/11 Men’s Grey Cotton Work Shirts I Men’s all wool heavy Tweed Grey Trousers. 19/11 value. Guaranteed S Boys’ Strong Worsted School Shorts Our Price 15/6 Sale Brice 2-11 II Double seats. Sizes 3 to 14. General price 5/ 1 1. i —f 1 f Sale Price 2/11 Men’s strong wearing Nap Work Trousers. Every pair worts WEAR 1 guaranteed. Our Price 5/6 MEN’S SPORTS WEAK | Boys’ Navy Serge Shorts Men’s hard wearing blue Denim Trousers. Our Price 5/11 Pure Wool Tweed Sports Coats 1 Our Special 6/6 to 9/6 Men's Tufwear Work Trousers. Our Price 4/11 35 /_ each Men’s Khaki Work Trousers Our Price 5/11 — I Boys’ Heavy Quality Fleecy Lumber Jackets Men’s Khaki and Blue Bib Our Price 7/11 & 8 ’ll Boy’s Heavy Quality Flannelette Pyjamas | ® Zipp fastener front. Two pickets. ARo q VCTV large Selection Of SPORTS TROUSERS ill all Something we can thoroughly recommend for comfort and hard wear. || £ acgord l ?ng^to l sizE lUe 2/11 to 3/11 | the latest shades in flannel and fine worsteds from 11/6 to 22/6. Special Low Prices— 3/11 to 4/11 pair H g| I Bovs ’ Strong Leather™ Shoes Men’s Leather Lumber Jackets - S Made .^ New Zea | and , in streamline and other Fully lined. Zipp front with two zipp pockets. BOVS’ Superfine All Wool Worsted Singlets IS Men’s Heavv All Wool Work Jersevs sty’ 6s - Guaranteed to give good .service. Save Special 39/6 B a IVien Heavy All wool WUIK jerseys . yourself 7/6 in the £by making your purchase Sjzes 24 to 34— i Extra large size. Button fronL wo.<th 10/6. | at Mi “ e % ri - ppq from in/9 to 14/6 Pleated Back Lumbers 55/- Out They Go Prices—s/6 to 6/6 I Sale Price 7/11 s4e. Full length Leather Coats. 65/- y B —.ll- 36in. Smock Cloth single bed heavy quality grey blankets. ffl 1 REMNANTS 36in. Brocaded Satin. I Guaranteed fast colour. Splendid wearing. Ideal for | Made in our own mill from Specially Selected New » H ATT TTATT DPTOP , u . r Dl , c+ Annie Emerald smocks, frocks, aprons, cushions, etc. Easily worth 1/11 Zealand Wool. A few pair only— B ALL HALJ rKILE. Splendid wearing. In shades of Rust, Apple hmeraio, , 22/6 pair B Green and Blue. Ideal for bedspreads, cushions, drap- Pricp 1/3 Vard 7 H “Bo Peep” Prints 9 ’ _ . . /t} , cannot repeat at this price. - . fig A guaranteed fabric in dozens of all-over and striped Sale Price 1/3 yard I i 80 x 10Q Double Bed Art gnt Bedspread;. ■ floral deiicrnc.. Wonderful wearing. Ideal for maids I 3Uin. Heavy Quality btripCCl IkaOe vrepe Marvellous wearina and washing Blue and mauve shades B and ladies’ wear. Wortfs S/6 yard. i | A full range of shades and assorted stripes. Worth 1/11 WoVth IQ/6 washmg ’ | Exceptional Value--2/l yard y ard - ‘ * Cearance Price 6 6 E 36in. Unbleached Calico J Madras Curtain Muslin - cannot repeat at th is, -Price. Heavy Quality Linen Finish Pillow Cases B Good quality. Hard wearinq. Splendid washing. I Just opened. In tonings that will suit every om. gg x dan RugS I Hemstitched and taped ready for use. Worth 4/11 pair. B £ Worth 1/11 yard. I sorted designs. - . - vard Extra hard wearing. In all shades. Worth 14/11. Sale PriCC 3/11 Bail' J Sale Price 1/3 yard | Exceptional Value—l/6 and 1/11 yard Sale Price 9/6 P I Millers on the Quay - Phone 611 j

FREE TO PILE SUFFERERS. Send 9d stamps for generous trial treatment of ZANN, the proved remedy. Write now. Zann Pty., Box 952, H.J., Wellington. —2l

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Grey River Argus, 2 August 1940, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, 2 August 1940, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, 2 August 1940, Page 4